Healthy Bellies, Happy Kids in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Healthy Bellies, Happy Kids
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 420 549 025
Address: Queenscroft Street Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 As 2019 draws to a close I just wanted to take a moment to thank the families that continue to choose to work with me from afar now that weve moved to the other side of the world! Working remotely certainly has its challenges but what a blessing!
24.01.2022 Kids are back to school today in Queensland! I’m taking a peaceful moment and a few deep breaths and enjoying the serenity with a warming cup of broth. It’s been a crazy few months being pulled in many directions - work, study, homeschooling, and the day to day demands of life. With a bit of extra breathing room in my week now, self-care is going to take a higher priority in my day. Sometimes it’s easy to know what we should do for our well-being, but can be a bit trickier to actually implement it!!
24.01.2022 Humour is great for modulating the stress response and therefore great for the immune system. So in these trying times lets have a giggle where we can #catteningthecurve
24.01.2022 Below is a lovely testimonial I received at the end of last year and have been meaning to share as not only does it make my heart sing it also describes really nicely the process commonly involved when I work with clients. Life with our 10 year old son was a bit like a rollercoaster ride, he has always been such an affectionate, loving and cheeky chap but emotional. We always knew exactly how he was feeling! by year 5 at school we were finding the outbursts were increasin...g and he was getting more volatile! his dyslexic tutor noticed he was struggling with his concentration to during a 11+ mock test and started to question ADHD. Around this time a friend has invited me along to a chat about nutrition & gut health and their influence on mood, learning and behaviour. From the moment Kelly Allan started talking, I was hooked for the next hour and a half it was fascinating, B was ticking soo many boxes, in particular blood sugar imbalance and dairy intolerance. After chatting to Kelly, we paid for B to have a urine test and hair sample test so we could gather information about his vitamins, minerals, toxins, neurotransmitters, just to see what was happening. Once the results came through we booked a consultation with Kelly, it was pretty clear from the results that B was sensitive to his blood sugar and his calcium levels were off the chart. Sadly the results showed that Bs key vitamins had been gradually depleting and it was strongly suggesting B was intolerant to cow's milk. Kelly conducted a muscle test to further check the results and B gave a very strong clear response to cow's milk, it was incredible to see his responses! Kelly even got me to try it out! unbelievable. It really helped for our son to feel the difference in his body, he was then able to really understand. My husband & I couldn't believe it B has always had dairy for 10 years and never gave a strong reaction! we had no idea that he was intolerant! we cut out dairy from his diet for 3 months to see and gave him a selection of vitamins and minerals to get his levels back up! the combination of the 2 was not easy but the difference!! life is much calmer, he has more energy for longer periods of time, and B went on to complete his first triathalon at the end of the summer which he did with a smile on his face from beginning til end! we have tried to reintroduce dairy a few times but it is so noticeable when we do the next day! so he's still diary free and are awaiting results to see how his vitamin levels have responded. We highly recommend Kelly Allan, her enthusiasm, passion and knowledge are so inspiring and she is so friendly and incredibly helpful. #testmonialtuesday #nutrition #behaviour #learning #adhd
23.01.2022 My meditation practice has fallen by the wayside with life getting insanely busy. If this isnt enough motivation to start up again I dont know what is!!! (Off to dig out my Muse headset) Even just eight weeks of meditation changed people's brains for the better. There was thickening in several regions of the brain, including the left hippocampus (involved in learning, memory, and emotional regulation); the TPJ (involved in empathy and the ability to take multiple perspectives); and a part of the brainstem called the pons (where regulatory neurotransmitters are generated). Plus, the brains of the new meditators saw shrinkage of the amygdala, a region of the brain associated with fear, anxiety, and aggression. This reduction in size of the amygdala correlated to reduced stress levels in those participants.
23.01.2022 IMPORTANT FOR U.K. FOLLOWERS: For those in the UK, post-Brexit food standards are in jeopardy. Please read Jamie Oliver post below and sign the petition if you feel as strongly about this as I do.
23.01.2022 "The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C," said Dr. Andrew Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist in New York.
22.01.2022 As we all move to ADAPT to these unprecedented times. My sister is offering a FREE video series to help us do exactly that. Strategies to help us adapt. Swiftly and creatively with positivity. I think I could do with a bit of that myself!
21.01.2022 Medical grade mnuka honey is being used to treat burns and prevent infections
20.01.2022 A new Australian study has identified specific genus of gut bacteria that that may predict a child's risk of future anxiety.
20.01.2022 What an inspiring young lady.
19.01.2022 #3 son is MAD for sugar. Hes been begging for Jam on Toast for breakfast for weeks!!! Yesterday for our free choice homeschooling lesson we made raspberry chia seed jam. So quick, so easy and yes, son you can have some with breakfast! Ingredients are simply 3 cups berries (fresh or frozen) 3 tablespoons chia seeds... 1 tablespoon lemon juice (we only had limes today and its just as good) plus a dash or two of honey or maple syrup to taste. Heat the berries until mushy, add the rest, stir well, leave to stand/cool. Refrigerate. Voila! Lower in sugar than store bought jam and the chia seeds add fibre, protein and healthy fats as well as some additional antioxidant punch. Combined with the goodness of the berries its a big win! And yummy!!!! #covid19 #homeschooling #homeeconomics #lifeskills #lifeskillsforkids #chiaseeds #chiajam #healthykids
18.01.2022 This looks like a valuable webinar for useful tips for parents of children with ADHD who are moving to homeschooling due to COVID19. If you are unable to attend the live event, recordings will also be available for those who register.
18.01.2022 Do you have a TEEN or TWEEN? Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, Dr. Dan Seigel explores the adolescent brain and offers insight to dispel common, dis-empowering myths about teen development. I highly recommend watching this short video and have your teens/tweens watch it too
18.01.2022 Kids are back to school today in Queensland! Im taking a peaceful moment and a few deep breaths and enjoying the serenity with a warming cup of broth. Its been a crazy few months being pulled in many directions - work, study, homeschooling, and the day to day demands of life. With a bit of extra breathing room in my week now, self-care is going to take a higher priority in my day. Sometimes its easy to know what we should do for our well-being, but can be a bit trickier to actually implement it!!
17.01.2022 "The more severe the symptoms, the more likely a patient was to be not just low but deficient in Vitamin D."
17.01.2022 NEW STUDY: China is conducting a clinical trial of 24,000 mg/day of intravenous vitamin C for coronavirus patients. They will receive it for 7 days straight at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. Honor and thanks to Zhiyong Peng, MD, for making this happen. He is chief physician and professor at the hospital, pretty much at ground zero for coronavirus. Cant wait to watch the progress and see results!
16.01.2022 #3 son is MAD for sugar. He’s been begging for Jam on Toast for breakfast for weeks!!! Yesterday for our free choice homeschooling lesson we made raspberry chia seed jam. So quick, so easy and yes, son you can have some with breakfast! Ingredients are simply 3 cups berries (fresh or frozen) 3 tablespoons chia seeds... 1 tablespoon lemon juice (we only had limes today and it’s just as good) plus a dash or two of honey or maple syrup to taste. Heat the berries until mushy, add the rest, stir well, leave to stand/cool. Refrigerate. Voila! Lower in sugar than store bought jam and the chia seeds add fibre, protein and healthy fats as well as some additional antioxidant punch. Combined with the goodness of the berries it’s a big win! And yummy!!!! #covid19 #homeschooling #homeeconomics #lifeskills #lifeskillsforkids #chiaseeds #chiajam #healthykids
16.01.2022 All about perspective. Powerful thought. Quote by Dr. Jody Carrington.
15.01.2022 Some wise words from my little sister #stayhuman #lockdown #COVID19
15.01.2022 Australian clinical trial opportunity.
14.01.2022 One last email to send to a client and then Healthy Bellies, Happy Kids is officially closed for the holidays! HUGE thanks again to those families who have continued to choose to work with me from afar. We have had an amazing year! I’m inching closer to opening a real life clinic in Australia. See you all in 2021! #nutritionaltherapypractitioner #nutritionaltherapist #familynutrition #guthealth #mentalhealth #foodasmedicine #naturopathy #herbalmedicine #christmasholidays2020
12.01.2022 EnFlow, which is made by the US company Vyaire Medical, is used in thousands of such procedures each day in UK hospitals and has been approved for clinical use in the US and the EU for more than a decade. ......The German team investigated and found that when an electrolyte solution (typically used to replace lost fluids during surgery) was passed through the enFlow and heated, unusually high levels of aluminium were detected. The concentration reached about 7,000 micrograms per litre, hundreds of times above the US Food and Drug Administrations recommended safe limit of 25 micrograms per litre.
12.01.2022 The art of Mindfulness is such an important tool to give our kids (and ourselves!). Im adding this book to my reading list. Thank you Regenerus Labs
11.01.2022 Some simple but important tips for minimising effects of Australian bushfire smoke #staysafe
10.01.2022 For our FB followers who live outside Australia and wondering how you can help, please consider donating via the link below. For those in Australia, direct bank transfers to RFS, Red Cross or one of the many other charities collecting for firefighters, victims, and wildlife should result in funds accessed more quickly. Im in awe of how much Celeste Barber has raised so far!
10.01.2022 Too often, I see children reprimanded when they're not able to control their behaviours and emotions. They’re expected to remain calm and happy, not get upset, ...not display anger, and quickly calm themselves down if they do get angry or upset. If they can’t do this, they may be referred to me for "self-regulation difficulties". Here's the thing. Self-regulation is a developmental process. Just as we wouldn’t expect a child to run before they can walk, we cannot expect children to self-regulate until they’ve experienced co-regulation time and time again. And unless a child has had it modelled enough, and their brain has developed enough, they will not achieve regulation on their own. Have a think - when was the last time you heard a 3 year old say I’m so angry my sister hit me! I need to calm down. I’m just going to take myself to the kitchen for a drink of water and do some deep breaths. Co-regulation begins from birth. When babies are unsettled and we cuddle them, rock them, feed them - we are helping them to regulate. When toddlers are angry that they can't have the toy they want, and we empathise with them, sit with them, get them a drink - we are helping them to regulate. When preschoolers are upset because they're not ready to leave their playdate, and we listen and help them take deep breaths - we are helping them to regulate. Self-regulation only BEGINS to emerge around 4-5 years. And whilst some 4-5 year olds may be able to regulate themselves, others may not be able to. Both are within the typical range of development. True self-regulation is not fully established until our mid-twenties. Even then, we often turn to others to help us feel better when we are feeling low. And we are often quite happy to help other adults feel better when they're feeling low, however when children need our help, we may be reluctant to give it, perhaps in fear that we will stunt their emotional resilience (amongst many other understandable but unfounded fears). When we ask a child to regulate themselves before they're ready, we risk shaming them, affecting their self-esteem, and affecting their relationship with us. Co-regulation needs to come first. You may not be able to help your child regulate 100% of the time, and that’s okay. Just know that they may not be ready to do it themselves.
10.01.2022 YES! This post really nails it. True self-care is not salt baths & chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you dont need to regularly escape from.
07.01.2022 APRIL 2019 - Scientists are celebrating a world-first discovery which shows the highest improvement in child autism patients, using fecal transplants to massively curtail symptoms and greatly reduce suffering. We are finding a very strong connection between the microbes that live in our intestines and signals that travel to the brain, Dr. Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, a microbiologist at Arizona State University who jointly led the study, said, adding that, Two years later, the children are doing even better, which is amazing.
07.01.2022 Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing in these uncertain times. I’ve had an influx of queries from U.K. clients In the past week or so needing alternative ways to source supplements with regular channels impacted by COVID19. Please do get in touch if this also affects you.
06.01.2022 This explains one of the mechanisms by which food sensitivities can influence focus, attention and motivation. Growing evidence shows that the brain's dopamine system, which drives motivation, is directly affected by chronic, low-grade inflammation.
06.01.2022 CALL TO ACTION - Proposed Australian Medical Board Guidelines for Integrative Medicine - The AIMA is calling on ALL NATURAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS IN AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND to make their voices heard on the proposed guidelines The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) has commenced a public consultation on new guidelines for 'complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments'. In the rationale to these guidelines int...egrative medicine (IM), and AIMA, are specifically mentioned. As they stand the guidelines could impact doctors, complementary practitioners, allied health professionals, pharmacists, compounding pharmacists and functional testing labs who work alongside integrative medicine. Submissions can be made by email marked 'Consultation on complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments' should be sent to [email protected] by close of business 12 April 2019. The concern is that, if adopted, these guidelines and the associated discussion paper/rationale would create a 2 tiered system which could threaten the practice of IM and lead to integrative medicine doctors being unfairly and unreasonably targeted. (read the guidelines - The AIMA needs you, your community, to let the MBA know how these guidelines could affect your practice and impact your patients' freedom of choice.
05.01.2022 NEW STUDY: POPULAR SPICE RIVALS STIMULANT FOR ADHD The popular and expensive spice saffron (Crocus sativus L), appears to be as effective as the stimulant methylphenidate (MPH) in treating symptoms in youngsters with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), new research suggests. Saffron and its active constituents appear to increase the reuptake inhibition of dopamine and norepinephrine and are N-methyl D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonists and GABA- agonists.... MPH, which is commonly used to treat ADHD, has many side effects, including loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, and nausea,
05.01.2022 Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing in these uncertain times. Ive had an influx of queries from U.K. clients In the past week or so needing alternative ways to source supplements with regular channels impacted by COVID19. Please do get in touch if this also affects you.
05.01.2022 Does anyone else see any problems with exposing your newborn babys genitals to WiFi??? Aside from the obvious concerns that parents require notification on their smart phone that their baby needs a nappy change! (Research pointing to at least one potential issue in comments)
04.01.2022 New mindfulness classes for kids starting April 29th in Sevenoaks (UK)
03.01.2022 Just in case you are in the U.K and watched Trust Me Im a Doctor and trusted it!!
03.01.2022 THRESHOLDS- the biggest difference between ALLERGIES and FOOD INTOLERANCES. Do you sometimes have a food that seems ok but other times causes issues? If you are salicylate or amine or glutamate sensitive then what you are seeing is the dose/threshold coming into play.
03.01.2022 Inspiring article about the power of diet. Well done to this gorgeous family xx
01.01.2022 This is a great tool to teach many of our kiddos who are in constant fight or flight stress response. Great to us parents too of course! Anytime you want to hack your vagus nerve to reduce stress or improve decision-making, a simple self-talk script could be: "I'm stressing out. In order to calm down so I can perform better on this decision-making task, I'm going to take two minutes (right now!) to do ten rounds of vagus nerve breathing based on a 4:8 inhalation-to-exhalation ratio." During the four-second inhalation phase, I'd recommend breathing in through your noseas you relax the back of your eyes and visualize filling up your lower diaphragm with oxygenand slowly count to four. Then, I'd recommend exhaling through pursed lips (as if you're blowing out lots of candles on a birthday cake) as you slowly count to eight.
01.01.2022 From Harvard School of Public Health on Zinc, Vitamin C , vitamin D and the importance of diet: We have known for a long time that nutrition is intricately linked to immunity and to the risk and severity of infections. Poorly nourished individuals are at a greater risk of various bacterial, viral, and other infections. Conversely, chronic or severe infections lead to nutritional disorders or worsen the nutritional status of affected people. Therefore, it is imperative for all of us to pay attention to our diet and nutritional status during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
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