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25.01.2022 There is so much noise right now.... and when it gets too loud I keep coming back to this. Regardless of the reason we've learned how quickly our lives can change. And what should be or was suppose to be doesn't really matter anymore.... But it's also highlighted how much we really have.... And all that can't be taken away.

24.01.2022 L E A N W A S H I N G It's like greenwashing. But leanwashing specifically addresses making things look healthier then they really are. And its hurting our health.... Thank about labeling... "all natural" "low fat" "no added sugar" Or companies that made their fortune selling unhealthy foods or services now trying to rebrand as 'healthy' using marketing and misinformation tactics. What are your 'favourite ' examples of leanwashing? Have you found any that surprise you?

22.01.2022 As a nutritionist I'm constantly confronted with the issue of when sharing health and nutrition information is helpful and when it might accidently cross over into the harmful. Healthism - what so you think?

21.01.2022 What are your thoughts on meat substitutes? On one hand @quorn_au is high in protein and fiber, and low in saturated fat. While beef mince is also high in protein, it's high in saturated fat and doesn't contain fiber. ... So meat substitutes are healthier? Except meat-free products like Quorn are also created in a way that is considered to be ultra-processed. So pretty far away from the from the 'whole food plant' movement these products are often associated with. So what do you think? Healthier alternative to meat or leanwashing? Meat substitutes or

20.01.2022 There are ALWAYS great reasons to wait. But maybe those are the exact reasons why its time to get started? Truth is, if we wait for the perfect moment it will probably never come. Change is born of sudden inspiration. It's an intentional decision. Or really, making the same small decision over and over until it becomes a habit. ... Why a habit? Once something is a habit you do it automatically and it doesn't take much thought or effort. Which means its time to move onto the next habit

18.01.2022 My favourite quick meal! And when I say quick I mean ready in minutes. Have you tried the pre made salads from the grocery store? A variety of veggies and some even come with a few extras like seeds, cheese, or dressings. To make this a meal I like to add some pantry staples like mixed beans or tuna. Nuts and seeds. Cut up an apple or some grated cheese. Or left over cold meats from a previous meal. ... There was a time where I help myself to a standard I now see as pretty strange. I used to think I had to be a food 'purest' in order to eat healthy. Prepare it all from scratch or I was cheating. But that's total BS. I hear it now from other women. Apologising for 'just getting a salad from the supermarket'. As thought cutting the veggies themselves would make it a better salad. It's silly. If you are anything like me and some nights you just need a quick meal that still supports your body and the way you like to eat - bagged salads are where it's at What's your go to quick meal?

18.01.2022 ONE YEAR AND ONE DAY I wrote this for a private group, but I thought I'd share it here too Can you believe it? It was one year and one day ago (according to Wikipedia ) that the first known case of COVID 19 in Wuhan. November 17th, 2019. ... It was December before they knew what it was and most of us heard about it. Cases reported in Europe by the end of January. This was becoming bigger then anyone really thought it would be. For me, February and March 2020 will always be a reminder of how quickly life can change. The plans we had seemed to disappear - all the hope and excitement for the events of the coming months were gone. And they were replaced by fear. Were you afraid? For the future? For your kids? You family, friends, and neighbours? I was. I think that might have been more confronting that the pandemic itself - the fear caused not (just) by the virus but the feeling like everything was beyond my control. I'm not sure if things are 'better' now, but they are different. And while the future might be as uncertain as it was in March, I think collectively we have learned a perspective, and an increased resilience, that has enabled us to move forward dispite uncertainty. That being said, in addition to the physical health ramifications of the pandemic, the mental health impact is ongoing and there is not real way to assess the long term affects of this crisis. The impact of isolation, stress, fear for one's health, the health of loved ones, economic stress and uncertainty, and government imposed restrictions will continue to impact the mental health of our global community long after the virus is gone. This year has been hard, and we all need to look after our mental health. So here we are, one year and one day later. 2020 is not the year we get all the things we wanted. But it is most certainly the year to appreciate everything we have. And, it helps. Focusing on what we have. Practising gratitude. Every day. I'm not sure who to credit this quote to as its all over the internet. So to the unknown source who said it first - well said my friend, well said.

16.01.2022 KOMBUCHA DRAGON GUMMIES in Rainbow Unicorn Dragon fruit powder makes em pretty pink ... I love these because they are tasty, the kids LOVE them - and are super easy to make. Do you like gummies? What's your favourite?

16.01.2022 DRAGON BALLS & KALE PURPLE SMOOTHIE I swore I would never 'hide' healthy ingredients in my kids food. Yet... here we are!... Now when I say hide I don't mean I lie about what's in it. They know and often help me made it. What I'm talking about is caving into my 3 year olds demands that she wants her food to be pink At first - I thought it was ridiculous. But then I started thinking. She loves her food when it's pink. I don't really understand that. But I don't need to - it's her thing not mine. If she loved it, eats it, enjoys it - then she is having the kind of relationship with food that's working for her. Don't get me wrong - all our food isn't pink (that would be CRAZY!). But smoothies, raw balls and other snacks - absolutely! Pink can be harder then you might think! But I was saved by Aldi of all places - Pomegranate and Dragon Fruit powder on special! Dragon Fruit powder is very PINK and makes an amazing colour - I think I'll keep it in mind for the next uniform cake demand DRAGON BALLS Oats Coconut oil Dragon fruit powder Flax seeds Sunflower seeds Dates Raisons Blend until fine and it can be formed into balls. Let set in fridge and enjoy!

16.01.2022 Dragon Root Pancakes I'm a little bit disappointed that this picture is not capturing the true pink-ness of my pancakes I do believe that food marketing can be important. In example, how I 'market' the food I'm making to my target audience... my children So while I could have said 'hey kids go sit at the table we're having buckwheat and beetroot pancakes with LSA and some dragon fruit powder to give it a bit of extra pinkness' But that's not what I said. 'Hey kids... who want's to try some DRAGON ROOT PANCKAES!! ' To which they responded WHAT?! DRAGON PANCAKES???! 'Yes you better get em' quick! See, pink list like dragons like! ' NO WAY! PINK PANCKAES! (I truly don't know how they are still surprised by my food experiments) 'Don't forget the add the maple syrup! ' That was me. Because seriously what is the point of pancakes without REAL maple syrup They were a hit all round and the kids were excited and happy. For the recipe head on over to @gatherandfeast insta for the details plus much better photography I swapped out half the buckwheat powder for LSA and just did some fruit nut and seed topping, with of course maple syrup.

15.01.2022 What were these called when you were a kids???

14.01.2022 What a beautiful place that we are fortunate to be able to visit! Are you able to stavel in you region, state, or community? Where are you going? ... #wonderoutyonder #justanotherdayinwa #schoolholidays #travelwa #perthisok #perthnutrition

12.01.2022 Yesterday was RUOK Day. What I loved about this year's campaign was that it focused on what to say next, what to do past saying 'are you OK?' And not just one day of the year. But I think most of us can agree on that It can feel somedays like no one is talking about mental health.... But they are. There are lots of mental wellness warriors out there talking about it every day. Are we listening? Or is it getting drowned out by the noise?

12.01.2022 How do you feel - saying no? Do you feel you need to include an apology? Or do you feel empowered by maintaining your boundaries?... And by extension protecting your wellbeing?

11.01.2022 Hey! So it's winter here in the southern hemisphere. For those of you here with me - how are going with vitamin D? Ok, that's a silly question! Because while vitamin D is essential for our health and the best place to get it is from the sun - we don't go outside to get vitamin D. We go outside to be outside, enjoy the sunshine, get some fresh air and exercise, spend some time with your 3 year old on an slightly chilly empty back... That's why we go outside. ... And while you're there, don't forget to spend a bit of time with the hat and sunnies off - get some direct sunlight on you face! It's the best way to get your vitamin D

08.01.2022 What are you doing to recharge this weekend? Thrive Global on IG

08.01.2022 To all of my American friends. It's going to be a long few days. And while the origins of this image undeniably have political undertones, I think the message surpasses politics. We cannot live in both hope and fear. We must all chose. Regardless of the results of an election, this choice will still exist. Everyone, everywhere, makes the choice every day to live in hope of live in fear. ... Some things are beyond our control. But that isn't. No election results can take away your decision to live in hope or live in fear. Be well. Be safe. Have hope Thrive Global

07.01.2022 @lucialitman I was listening to a podcast today that brought up an interesting point - sometimes in the search of 'wellness' we can find ourselves chasing solutions to problems that might not exist. Or not exist for you. Or me. Or universally for everyone. What this got me thinking about was food and food choices. We are inundated with information about what foods are 'good' and what foods are 'bad'.... Have you ever felt like a dietary trend is telling you not to eat something that has always felt like a healthy part of your diet?

07.01.2022 Is this you? Do you wait until you absolutely cannot take on another thing until you say no? I was talking to a friend today about food, nutrition, and mental health. The thing is, eating well is only a small part of the picture of being healthy and feeling your best. ... Food is important. So is getting enough sleep, making time for physical activity, and reducing unnecessary or unmanageable stress. Do you do this? Do you wait until you are exhausted before you say no? Me, I'll call myself a work in progress

07.01.2022 Diet culture - it's not just dangerous and harmful, it's also not making anyone healthier. This is the culture that convinced us skinny = healthy. And the path to healthy therefore = rules and restrictions. And when we broke those rules, which eventually happens for everyone, we experience the guilt and shame of failing our diet and therefore failing ourselves.... It's total BS and it's got to stop. Let's get a if you think it's time to stop buying what the diet culture is selling. Big shout out to @evelyntribole for the amazing work she does educating people about #intuitiveeating and @whatdoieat.thepodcast for introducing me to her work - totally check them both out

06.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day! Which get's me thinking - should we be separating the 'mental' from health?

06.01.2022 This. Food is not good or bad it's just food. And it's not reflective of us being good or bad. How about this weekend goal is to take minute and enjoy some food @thegirlsgonestrong

06.01.2022 I love bagles. Like, really really And I get people saying things to like... But what about the gluten!?! What about the grains!?!... You shouldn't put butter on that!?! My response is this: Food isn't good or bad. It's just food. What's good for some is not great for other (wheat, dairy, excellent examples). Something not working for one person does not mean it's bad for everyone. (again, wheat and dairy are excellent examples). And what's been shown over and over in the research is that the QUALITY of the food is more important then the TRIBE of the food. And by quality I don't mean organic. What I mean is that I'll take a whole wheat preservative free bagel over an alternative made from gluten free fillers and non-food ingredients. I don't mean this as an attack on folks who can't eat gluten containing food - coeliac disease is an extremely challenging condition to live with. But the existence of coeliac disease does not mean that the foods those experiencing it cannot eat are 'bad'. In the absence of allergy, intolerance, or medical condition, it's more important to look at the label and avoid unnecessary additives and other non-food items. This matter a lot more then the nutrient value of a specific veggie over another. Or the grams of carbs you consume in a day. Eating a diet of real food is more important then the 'tribe' the particular food fits into. I love bagled. I don't est them every day. But when I do, they are delicious. They remind me of home. And I enjoy sharing them with my family. What food do you love ? #justeatrealfood

05.01.2022 GOALS, HABITS, AND MAKING CHANGES THAT STICK @lucialitman on Insta There are so many different ways to spin this, explain this, address this.... What it comes down to is this - when trying to make a change we tend to focus on the end result. Because that's what 'success' looks like. But its overwhelming. And it can feel unattainable. Progress can seem like a tiny drop in the bucket which represents our goal. Some of our most well used and well intentioned words of support unfortunately reinforce this issue. 'Keep your eye on the prize.' 'Remember your goal.' And while we absolutely all need a direction to be travelling in, focusing on the end result or the full staircase often does not lead to success. What does? One step. One habit. A small micro change. It doesn't seem like a lot, but a small change that becomes a habit, not longer requires the energy and attention larger changes do. So if you create small habits and build upon them, not only will you reach you goal, you will stay there with a lot less effort. So focus on one small step, not the full staircase. What's your one small step you are working on today? Come join us in @lucialitman on Instagram

05.01.2022 Some days the list of all the things I don't have time for feels overwhelming. And I won't say those things aren't important - because they are. To me.... But - not so important I let them get in the way of what's right in front of me

02.01.2022 Every BODY has mental health. And just like physical health we do not need to wait until we are unwell to focus on supporting our mental health. So why do you think mental health is so often associated with illness where physical health is associated with 'healthy lifestyle'? #mentalhealthnutrition

02.01.2022 Food is important. But the truth is, you can eat all the kale and broccoli. But if the rest your life is out of balance (I know, I don't like using the word balance or assuming it's a goal). If you are experiencing prolonged and unmanageable stress. If you're not getting enough sleep. If you are not able to be physically active regularly. And the list goes on.... If you are not getting those things there is a very good chance you are not feeling your best. Sometimes it's about the food. And sometimes it's about the other things. For me, it's usually physical activity. If I don't get enough, I feel it. In my mood and how I feel. So today I got out on the water with my daughter. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. I can only paint a partially rosy picture - my 3 year old didn't make it easy and there were moments where it could have fallen into the 'too hard' basket. But I'm glad we went

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