Jackie Crayford in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Business service
Jackie Crayford
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 416 736 609
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25.01.2022 Opening Ceremony of The New Earth Retreat. Such an amazing container for some quantum growth. The next 9 days will be huge!
24.01.2022 VUNERABILITY POST I usually refrain from social media on a Sunday as it is my digital detox day. However today I've been called to share something that's both overwhelmingly scary and exciting at the same time. I've just made a bold statement in a private facebook group with 1000 members. A statement that has been calling me loudly for the last two months.... Something that is going to turn the medical profession and the perception of women's health on its head. I know the push back when I roll out this program is going to be huge. I know because I've already had a taste of how polarised my specific niche is and how much pain and trauma these women are carrying. I know because I was once that woman in tears, curled up on the floor in agony and that's just the physical pain. The emotional pain runs much deeper. The response from the facebook group was huge. It was a loud resounding "YES" this is something that is much needed in the world this will be the work that shines the light of awareness into a deep dark place. Even if the knowledge that I have helps one woman to not be in pain anymore it will be worth putting myself out there, if it helps her conceive a much wanted child then I will leave this world better than I found it. If we all helped just one person with the knowledge we have, if we added value to just one person who we didn't know imagine what the world would be like! I'm in the arena, the stage is set, the pieces are moving and I can see the beasts in their cages ready to kick my ass. I choose courage over comfort. I choose to be brave. I choose to dare greatly. #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective #courageovercomfort
22.01.2022 WOMAN CAVE Because I live in a houseful of males I need somewhere to escape so I can sit in solitude and think. When my partner suggested I had too many b...ooks and maybe I should get rid of some I laughed and got a bigger bookcase Marie Kondo has not visited this room and never will ... When you hear me talk about values one of the questions I will ask you is What do you surround yourself with? Because learning is in my top three values I enjoy having knowledge at my fingertips in the form of books and I come back to these resources time and time again. This is only one wall in my Woman Cave ... I will share more with you when the rest is set up. If you have a Woman Cave drop a comment down below What do you have in your Woman Cave? If you don’t have one but would like one what would you choose to surround yourself with? What does your ideal Woman Cave look like? #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective #highestvalue
22.01.2022 WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY 2020 Today is World Mental Health Day I am very open about my experiences with Mental Health and most of you know parts of my story but today I will share again for those of you who don't. ...Continue reading
22.01.2022 FEAR I love a good acronym Here are the two most common ones for FEAR ...... Forget Everything And Run Or Face Everything And Rise However my new favourite right now is: Feeling Excited And Ready!!! Right now I believe the two biggest fears everyone is facing is the fear of the unknown and the fear of change. So let me break it down for you. There are healthy and unhealthy levels of fear. Just like we know that water is good for us but too much can kill us. A healthy level puts you in a position to make calm and rational decisions, mitigate risks and protect yourself and your family. An unhealthy level leads to anxiety, a suppressed immune system and irrational behavior. One level let's you expand with caution and the other makes you contract. The fear of the unknown will always be there as we just don't know how our lives will play out but if we put measures in place and prepare in advance then the fallout won't be so bad. I'm willing to bet that a lot of you are now kicking yourselves for not having a savings plan in place even though you know it's something you have been meaning to do! The fear of change will always be present if you don't understand that the one constant in life is that there will always be change. We don't live in a closed system. It is open and fluid and has so many variables that change can't help but happen. If things aren't growing and changing they are wilting and dying. Will you use this time as an opportunity to grow and expand or will you give into the fear? #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective
20.01.2022 TEACHINGS FROM CORONA What has the Corona Virus come to teach us? The Corona Virus will be our greatest teacher in this time!... Corona from Latin origin means "crown" Which got me thinking about the Crown Chakra The Crown Chakra is where consciousness, universal knowledge and truth enter our body. It is our connection to higher consciousness/source and being able to access understanding and wisdom. This is the chakra of humanity where we realize we are all in this together and our souls are here to learn. It gets blocked by an obsession/illusion over attachment to the 3D reality, doubt or denial of spiritual reality, close-mindedness and superiority. The Corona Virus is here to show us: How to be present How to be still How to appreciate How to get back to basics How to do less and BE more (we are human beings not human doings) How to be kind How to breathe How to slow down How to think outside of the box Yes it is a scary and uncertain time, yes people are dying and losing their jobs and there will be ongoing disruptions to your outer life I'm absolutely not denying that. But it is also a time to take care of your inner reality. To control what you can like your thoughts, actions, reactions and emotions. As Nat one of my amazing mentors stated yesterday this is an opportunity for a free PhD in personal development. It's an opportunity to take stock and to actually examine your life because as Socrates stated "The unexamined life is not worth living" Take precautions and stay safe and as always if you are struggling reach out for some perspective I'm only a DM away. #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective #raisingvibrations
18.01.2022 Never a truer word has been spoken. I love Brené Brown and follow her work closely. You trade in your authenticity from a young age and many of us don't realise this. We are a tribal species and in order to be loved, accepted and feel safe we take on a false identity and put on a mask for the outside world while all the while we are seething with emotions that we don't know how to deal with.... The more you suppress the more you express and not always in a good way. Only by doing the deep inner work and asking yourself "Who am I really" can the healing begin. Remove the masks and the layers of inherited conditioning, the labels and identities that you cling to as if your life depended on it and start to reveal who you really are. And until you do, fear, shame, guilt and grief will be your constant companion throughout your life and the pattern will repeat. #heartcenteredawareness #shadowwork #findyourauthentic
13.01.2022 Beliefs Thoughts Words Actions Habits... Values If you want to make a permanent change it starts with your beliefs #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective
13.01.2022 I trust that you all had an amazing Xmas and New Years and now that we are in the first week of 2020 the new year is well under way. So without further ado I would like to talk resolutions and why they DON'T work. We all have things in our lives that we want to change or improve but the majority of us wait for the ball to drop on New Years before making these changes and then because we haven't taken the time to really dig deep to discover why we want to make these changes ...we flip back into self sabotage patterns within 6-8 weeks. A classic example being wanting to lose weight and to start being more active. The biggest influx of gym memberships happen in January right after the binge of Xmas. By March the number of people still going to the gym has almost halved. And it's not their fault... It's not laziness or any other factor. It's about not being clear on your values. We all live by a hierarchy of priorities from most important to least important, these are what are called your values. The most important value is the one you will unconsciously play out in your life every single day. This value will take priority over anything else. For example if your highest value is family and you feel guilty taking time out to work on yourself by going to the gym eventually you will give up going to the gym to be present for your family. And there is no right or wrong here... It just is... The good news is once you are aware of your values and the order of them you will be able to achieve more of what you want. A good resource that I use is this https://drdemartini.com/values/ I review my values every three months to track where I am and what is currently holding me back. Today is that day so I thought I would share with you all the processes I have done for the past year to get me out of procrastination and into action. If you would like to know more or if you find this process confusing then send me a message and we can have a chat. One thing that I love to help people with is finding their purpose and this is a great place to start. #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective
12.01.2022 Hanging with high achievers after the completion of #thrivetime I highly recommend getting along to any of @mojo_master workshops especially this one!
12.01.2022 DON’T MISS THIS.. The world is in a state of CHAOS and for many businesses it’s HITTING HARD! Everything that you’ve worked hard for the time, the energy, the resources that you’ve invested is being heavily challenged.... This is why I have put together this HARD HITTING, fast paced Super Class to help business owners see through the chaos, stay focused and learn some of the fundamental growth levers that most business owners are unaware of. Click here to register: https://covid.themojomaster.com.au/victim-or-victor This is a No BS, No fluff and hype Just IMPLEMENTABLE STRATEGIES and actions that you can take IMMEDIATELY that will help you gain greater clarity, direction and make strategic decisions to help you navigate these tough times. This is not to be missed. Click here to register: https://covid.themojomaster.com.au/victim-or-victor This webinar is ONLY for the SERIOUS BUSINESS OWNERS who are invested and committed to doing what it takes to DOMINATE in tough times. Click here to REGISTER: https://covid.themojomaster.com.au/victim-or-victor 10 Key Steps To Recession-proof Your Business
12.01.2022 Sneak peek of something I've been working on while we've been in lockdown New coaching program coming soon!
12.01.2022 How is everyone going with the impact of the virus? Personally I’ve had things I’ve been looking forward to cancelled - my mum and sister were coming for a holiday and I haven’t seen them in a year, a concert I bought tickets to six months ago was cancelled and so has my weekly basketball matches. But this is not a post to whinge it’s one of excitement!!!... We are shifting into unknown territory and yes it’s scary but it’s also the catalyst for a mass awakening globally. I have known for years that something has been brewing and while I didn’t know the what, when, where or how I definitely knew the why. It’s time to shift from the old constructs that have kept us living in mediocrity and the day to day grind. It’s time to uplevel and raise your personal vibration. It’s time to come from a place of love not fear. It’s time to stand up and speak from your heart. It’s time to activate that which has being lying dormant just waiting for an opportunity. It’s time to step into that which your soul has been craving when you signed that contract. If you are struggling please reach out and I can help you get some perspective! This is not a bad thing, it is an event in your lifetime that is occurring because the collective needs to wake the fuck up! #soulvibecollective #massawakening #heartcenteredawareness
09.01.2022 We are healing together. The told and retold stories, tender wounds, ancient scars, fragmented parts of our being; these can all be loved back into wholeness. L...ike the Japanese pottery technique of Kintsugi, when we not only accept the broken pieces of ourselves and each other we can turn them to gold. It can actually be stronger where we have been repaired, and something new and beautiful created by our care and honoring. All of the experiences, the loves, losses, hurts, hopes, betrayals, grief, faith, have taught us and brought us to where we are now. It has all shaped our uniqueness and flawed perfection. Most often it is our vulnerable open hearted relationships that hurt us, and likewise it is most often there where we find our healing. We are called on now and in every moment to honor our path and our past with gratitude and reflection. Every relationship, every connection, every heartbreak, every new layer of healing and hurt and healing again. Even the deepest wounds can be loved, the most tender places in us held in care for our selves and each other, and in time repaired and made beautiful by our compassion. This is the transmutation into gold. Pain into love. This is the ebb and flow of love and loss and our inevitable return to love again. This is the Alchemy of Us.~ ~Autumn Skye art: Autumn Skye
06.01.2022 I AM STATEMENTS #wednesdaywisdom I've just finished reading this book today and it's by far one of the most powerful personal development books I've read t...his year. One of the exercises in the book is to write 8 "I AM" statements (the last 2 are given later on in the book) I don't know about you but personally I used to think that I AM statements were a little bit silly, that was until I started understanding the meaning behind them. Our brain is a wonderful marvel of being human and nothing comes close to it not even the fastest computer processors. However our brain does work in a similar fashion to a computer. You have the hardware (brain) and the software (thoughts) and as with a computer the thing doesn't work properly without either the hardware or the software same goes for our brains. Computers malfunction when they get a virus and it can destroy your hardware. Just like negative thoughts (virus) can destroy your brain (and life). I AM statements help you to re-program your software (thoughts) but here is the thing that you're not told about using them properly. Just simply writing down an "I AM" statement isn't enough. You still have to get past the gatekeeper in your head which will look at the statement and call bullshit on it because you don't have any evidence of this in your life (that's why writing down I AM a millionaire when you have zero dollars in the bank will never work) How do you get past the gatekeeper? By adding the word "BECAUSE" and following up with another statement that is TRUE. And by getting into a heightened state using your physiology and emotions, essentially raising your vibration and speaking them out loud with enthusiasm. What this does is it lowers your resistance to the statement and lets it flow into your SUBCONSCIOUS much easier. The last thing is that this is something you do EVERY SINGLE DAY. Not just once, or once in a while when you feel like it. It MUST become a daily practice. Sounds like hard work right? What you believe you will achieve! If you are interested in using I AM statements and want to know more drop a comment below and I'll be in touch #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective
06.01.2022 My newest tribe and what a bunch of legends they all are!!! 4 days of learning some of the most powerful mindset tools on the planet. So powerful in fact I fell asleep on the train today and missed my stop lucky I only had to go back two stations ... When you get clear on your values, purpose, mission and vision and set goals that are congruent you have a recipe for lifetime fulfilment. 90% of people will never take the time to invest in themselves and will be left living a life of mediocrity. Excuse will follow excuse until their time on this Earth is up and when they are on their deathbed will be full of regrets of a life half lived. The youngest participant was 16 and he's already smashed it out of the park on day one post-event! Can't wait to see what he's going to achieve How long before you get sick of your excuses? #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective #thrivetime
05.01.2022 WHAT IS HAPPENING TRIGGER WARNING *... * * * * It boggles my mind how many people have put their lives "ON HOLD" until this pandemic passes. The jokes and memes are coming thick and fast about "day drinking" and how much weight people are going to have to lose before they can venture out into the world again once restrictions have been lifted. It's clearly revealing the MECHANISMS (that up until now have been mostly done in secret) people use to SOOTHE themselves when faced with CHALLENGES. WAKE UP! Yes there may be a whole host of things that are totally out of your control right now, but choosing what to put in your mouth isn't one of them Choosing how you spend your TIME is also in your control. Are you wasting away this time binge watching Netflix? Gone on a massive online shopping spree? What is the void that you are so desperately trying to fill? Don't let your life fall apart in these times of uncertainty as you will have so much further to climb when this is all over. Create a routine, Get out of your PJs and go for a damn walk. Don't let life close in on you If anyone is struggling reach out as I am only a message or phonecall away and I'm more than happy to share my "toolkit" with anyone who chooses to listen. #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective #isolationtoolkit
05.01.2022 Have you noticed an unsavory trait that runs through your family? Do you know where your beliefs and thoughts around money come from? Are there health problems that crop up in generation after generation?... Do you find yourself doing things because that's the way they have always been done? Did you know you can break the cycle of negativity? Expand your awareness, raise your vibration and active your heart ... you can be the change, it's up to you! #heartcenteredawareness #healthyself #shadowwork
01.01.2022 "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" ~ Winston S. Churchill"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" ~ Winston S. Churchill
01.01.2022 So yesterday I did a thing Part of my self care/love practice is discovering who I really am and what I am capable of. This has been on my list of "things t...o do" to prove to myself that I can do anything that I put my mind to. The exercise was to draw pictures of your goals and dreams on one side and on the other side write all the things that have been holding you back and the negative chatter that runs through your head and then to "break through" by breaking the board. P.S because my drawing looks like a two year old done it for those of you playing along at home the picture in the middle is supposed to be a happy healed uterus because #fuckendometriosis Feel free to share below what is one thing you didn't think you could achieve but you ended up doing it anyway #heartcenteredawareness #soulvibecollective #thrivetime
01.01.2022 I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH How many times has this thought run through your head? It's one of the most damaging negative thought patterns that we can have. ... It's also one of the most common, especially for women and I see it a lot in the clients that I coach. I see it because it was also one of my patterns. Encompassed in those four words is a whole story you have built to PROTECT yourself from the world. It's a story of low self-worth, FEAR of being a failure, GUILT because you know better and SHAME because you don't know who you really are. You spend your life comparing yourself to others and bending over backwards to accommodate everyone else because that's what gives you a sense of CONNECTION. But it's an ILLUSION created by your perception of the reality you live in and it leaves you feeling HOLLOW and EMPTY. Then you beat yourself up over and over because you catch yourself in your own BS and the cycle repeats again. What you suppress you eventually express and not always in a healthy way. Mine came in the form of ADDICTIONS and self harm. Abusing my body and mind because in the moment it stopped me THINKING and FEELING. It closed me down and shut me off, built my walls and lead me into the SHADOWS. Which is where a lot of woman find themselves by the time they come to me for help in the dark and just surviving. I throw them a LIFELINE but it's their RESPONSIBILITY to take it and find the way back to themselves and who they really are. We strip back the layers and EXPLORE them together so they can appreciate just how far they have come and then we work on a ROADMAP to get them to where they really want to go. It's definitely not an easy journey finding yourself again but it's one that I am GRATEFUL for because now I can help other women on their journey. I'm opening up my calendar for a limited time so if any of this resonates with you, and you are ready to do the work, book in a time for a chat to see if we can work together. https://calendly.com/heartcenteredawareness/30min
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