Heavenly Bakes | Food & drink
Heavenly Bakes
Phone: +61 472 688 462
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25.01.2022 Cupcakes for a baby reveal party. Is it a boy or a girl? You’ll be surprised!!!!! White chocolate mud cupcakes with a vanilla flavoured, pink and white ombré effect buttercream, and, vanilla sponge cupcakes with blue and pink Italian meringue frosting.
25.01.2022 Happy Birthday Karlene. A beautiful gift from Sandy sending her friend a box of lemon and vanilla cupcakes, and a rocky road bar to enjoy on her birthday. #birthdaygirl #sweetboxes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #buttercreamflowers #buttercream #hydrangea #roses #sunflowers #crysamthemum #buttercreamfrosting #buttercreamsunflowers #buttercreamcrysanthemums #buttercreamroses #buttercream hydrangeas #lemoncupcakes #vanillacupcake #contactless #contactlessdelivery
25.01.2022 A lemon cake with lemon buttercream layers covered in white fondant to celebrate Kyle’s Confirmation.
25.01.2022 Savoiardi Biscuits available in 150g bags, 300g box or request a combination cupcake and biscuit box. #madeinmelbourne #italianbiscuits #italianbiscotti #biscuits #instabiscuit #instabiscuits #sweets
25.01.2022 Vegan shortbread biscuits and milk chocolate almond clusters are running out the door. Still taking orders...Great Christmas gift ideas. #veganfood #veganbiscuits #almondclusters #chocolate #chocolatealmondclusters #instabiscuits
24.01.2022 Another box of biscuits available at Heavenly Bakes. Choose from the range of biscuits for any sweet box. This sweet box of Savoiardi and almond clusters delivered this week. Any combination of biscuits now available. #biscuits #sweetboxes #biscotti #biscottifattiincasa #biscuitsinsta #sweets #italianbiscuits #melbourne_insta #melbournemade #homemade #freshlybaked #ordernow
24.01.2022 Wolahh...The finished Product...Vanilla biscuits covered in an marble effect fondant disc and hand painted words for Mothers Day. Pickup or free delivery available within Hobson’s Bay & Wyndham Areas. Mother’s Day packs available with 4 or 6 biscuits per box. Contact via dm or Facebook. #mums #vanillabiscuits #heavenlybakes #ordernow #mothersdaypacks #bakedgoods #bakedfromscratch
24.01.2022 Boxes of biscuits for Christmas are out the door...combination of various biscuits. This box has almond bread, pistachio and cranberry biscotti, white chocolate almond clusters and dark chocolate almond clusters. Great pack for a gift or to have on hand as family and friends drop in over Christmas. #almondbread #almondcluster #whitechocolate #darkchocolate #biscottini #biscottifattiincasa #pistachio #pistachioandcranberrybiscotti #italianfood #italianbiscotti #biscuitsofinstagram #instabiscotti #heavenlybakesaltona
24.01.2022 Bridal Shower Cake White chocolate mud cake with raspberry buttercream layers Flowers from wilberryflowers #cakes #cakesofinstagram #bridalshower #bridal #bridalcakes #whitechocolatemudcake #weddingcakes #cakesofinstagram #caketagram #cakedecorating #flowersandcake #madeinmelbourne #nstacakes #bridalcakes #cakestagram #cakestyles #cakesdesign #cakedesigners
24.01.2022 ‘Thinking of you’ & ‘Sending some love’ gift sweet boxes are on the way to the winners. Yah...Delivery time
23.01.2022 A vegan semi naked lemon cake with vegan raspberry buttercream topped with raspberries, strawberries and blueberries . Simple but elegant engagement cake. Jack proposed and Atea said ...’yes’. Congratulations to the happy couple and Merry Christmas as it all happened on Christmas Day. #vegan #veganfood #vegandessert #vegancake #veganengagementcake #veganinsta #lemonvegancake #raspberrybuttercream #raspberryveganbutter #veganseminakedcake #freshfruitcakes #veganfriendly #vegansofig #veganfood #vegansofinstagram #vegancake #cake #weddingcakeinspiration #engagementcakes #engagementcakesmelbourne #seminakedcakes #seminakedweddingcake #seminakedveganweddingcake
23.01.2022 So jump on board and nominate someone who’s doing it especially tough and let’s brighten their day. Don't forget ....2 days to go before submissions close. Nominate someone to be in the running for a 'thinking of you' or sending some kindness' pack. Nominations close on the 9th so dm who your nominating and why. Free delivery included but nominees must live within 10 km RADIUS from Altona. Entries will be selected and you will be notified for nominees delivery details on 10th Oct. Delivery to occur on 16th or 17th Oct.
23.01.2022 Letter shaped 40th birthday cake Vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream covered with 2 toned roses, gold macarons, white chocolate squares and the birthday girls favourite chocolate, Kit Kat’s. #lettercake #lettershapedcake #vanillacake #vanillabuttercream #vanilla #vanillacakes #freshroses #kitkatcake #kitkat #cakesofinstagram #cakes #cakestagram #cakesofinsta #melbournemade #madeinmelbourne #heavenlybakesaltona
23.01.2022 Happy birthday party to Sofia....A belated birthday party celebration today given the easing of restrictions.... Lol surprise doll topper on a chocolate drip cake with raspberry buttercream layers #dripcakesofinstagram #dripcakes #chocolatecake #lolsurprise #lolcake #loltoppers #cakesofinstagram #cakes #cakestagram #birthdaygirl #birthdaycake #madeinmelbourne #cakebusiness #instacakes #lolsurprisecake
21.01.2022 Happy 18th birthday Keisha. Chocolate cake with textured buttercream with buttercream rosettes #chocolate #chocolatecake #choc #birthdaygirl #birthdaycake #18thbirthday #cakeofinstagram #buttercreamfrosting #buttercreamtosettes #melbournecakes #texturedbuttercream #texturedbuttercreamcake #heavenlybakesaltona #makingyourspecialoccasionsweeter
21.01.2022 So excited about decorating cookies for Mother’s Day...stay tuned for the finished product. Taking orders now. #cookies #ombreeffect #biscuits#mothersdaypacks#ordernow #heavenlybakes #vanillabiscuits #mums
20.01.2022 Happy 7th birthday Zachary..such a sweet kind boy. I hope you had a lovely day. An orange cake with chocolate ganache layers, decorated with a mine craft theme. #birthdaycake #birthdayboy #birthdaycakes #minecraft #minecraftcake #instacaker #nstacakes #cakesofinstagram #cakes #cakesofmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #kidscakes #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter
19.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all mums near and far. Hoping you have had an amazing day even in isolation. Thank you for all you do. Never underestimate what you do, it’s simply amazing. #mums #mothersday #mothersdaygift #mothersdaycookies #vanillabiscuits #marblefondant #marblefondantcookies #individualcookies #weddingcookies #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter
19.01.2022 You really need to try these almond clusters....they are delicious and are flying out the door. Available in milk, white or dark chocolate. Still time to place your order. #almond #almondclusters #chocolate #chocolatedessert #instadessert #instasweet #ordernow #madeinmelbourne
19.01.2022 Hand made lol surprise doll topper....So cute it was hard to let her go!!! Lollipops, freckle lollipops and musk sticks adorn the pink drip cake #drip #dripcakesofinstagram #dripcakes #dripcake #lolsurprise #lolsurprisedolls #loldollcake #chocolatecake #birthdaycake #birthdaygirl #instacaker #instacakeart #instacakedecorating
19.01.2022 Vanilla sponge cupcakes with blue and pink ombré Italian meringue frosting #cupcakes #vanillaspongecupcakes #italianmeringuebuttercream #italianmeringue #babyshower #babyreveal #babyrevealparty #babygenderreveal #ombre #pinkandbluecakes #instacakes #instacupcake #instacupcakes
19.01.2022 A custom designed lemon cake decorated in a textured buttercream finish for Paul and Karen celebrating 12 years of marriage, always full of love and laughter. Also included the much loved, 2 dogs and the cat. Loved including them as part of your celebration. #cake #cakes #cakedecorating #cakedecoration #customcakes #lemoncakes #lemoncake #instacakes #instacakers #buttercreamcakes #buttercreamflowers #buttercream #buttercreamcake #makingitalittlesweeter #makingitalittlebitsweeter #cakesofinstagram #cakesofinsta #cakes #cutecakes #fondantdog #fondantcat
18.01.2022 For those that love diggers and earth moving trucks.... Red velvet cake with ganache layer covered in fondant complete with scaled earth mover topper on a worksite. Happy 18th birthday Lachlan. A great night and a hilarious and heart warming speech. Still laughing!!!! .... #birthdaycake #birthdays #instacakes #instacakers #instacakedesign #cakesofinsta #cakesofinstagram #cakesofinstagram #redvelvet #ganache #fondantcake #18thbirthdaycake #toppers #earthmovingtopper See more
17.01.2022 A cute and simple birthday cake. A lemon and poppy seed cake with lemon buttercream layers, covered in buttercream and rosette buttercream flowers. Happy birthday Steph. #birthdaycake #beautifulcakes #cake #cakes #cakedecorating #cakedecoration #rosettecake #cakedesign #cakedesigner #cakestagram #instacakes #instacakers #instacakedesign #instacake #buttercreamcake #lemoncakes #lemonandpoppyseed #lemonandpoppyseedcake #lemonbuttercream #rosettecake #rosettecakes #alittlesweeter #alittlebitsweeter #heavenlybakesaltona
17.01.2022 Still in time to place your order for Mother’s Day cookie packs. Orders open until tomorrow evening. Don’t miss out Individually wrapped and presented on a box. 4 and 6 Mother’s Day packs available. #Mother’s #mothersdsy#biscuits#cookies
16.01.2022 Chocolate Barks Which one do you like? 1. White chocolate, Pistachios and berry bark ... 2. Chocolate, fruit and nut mix 3. White chocolate, Peppita and berry bar 4. Chocolate and fruit mix #christmashomemade #chocolate #chocolategifts #chocolatebark #chocolateofinstagram #chocolateofinsta #christmaspresents #thankyougifts #thankyousweets #christmassweets Now available as a thank you or Christmas gift.
16.01.2022 Got to try the fault line cake design which is so popular at the moment. Vanilla cake, blueberry buttercream layers with Oreo fault line design Great for birthdays. #cake #cakes #prettycake #faultlinecake #instacakes #instacakers #cakesofinstagram #cakesofinstagram #cakedesign #buttercream #bakedfromscratch #vanillabuttercake #makingitalittlesweeter #makingitalittlesweeter #birthdaycake #beautifulcakes
16.01.2022 Happy 21st birthday Dana. I was thrilled to make your cake. Enjoy your night. Enjoy your iso birthday. An orange naked number cake with a chocolate ganache layer and orange buttercream on top, covered with meringues, Macarons, fondant daisies and cranberry yoghurt balls. #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter #numbercakes #orangecake #cakesofinstagram #cakes #cakestagram #instacakes #instacakedesign #macarons #meringues #flowers #birthdaycake #cakestagram #heavenlybakesaltona
15.01.2022 Sometimes simple is best....A light and fluffy sponge with fresh cream and jam topped with blueberries and raspberries. #sweets #spongecakes #spongecake #freshcreamcake #jamandcream #jamandcreamsponge #cake #cakes #instacakes #instacakers #birthdaycake #simplecakes #simplecake #makingitalittlesweeter #makingitalittlebitsweeter
15.01.2022 Another selection of biscuits in a box. A combination of various biscuits and quantities available. This box has almond bread, pistachio and cranberry biscotti, white chocolate and dark chocolate almond clusters and savoiardi biscuits. Great pack for a gift or to have on hand as family and friends drop in over Christmas. #almondbread #almondcluster #whitechocolate #darkchocolate #biscottini #biscottifattiincasa #pistachio #pistachioandcranberrybiscotti #italianfood #italianbiscotti #biscuitsofinstagram #instabiscotti #saviordi #biscuitgift #heavenlybakesaltona
15.01.2022 Vegan shortbread biscuit box. A great Christmas gift idea. #giftbox #shortbreadbiscuits #vegan #veganbiscuits #veganbiscuitbox #instabiscuit #biscuitsofinstagram #biscuits #christmasfoodideas #christmasfoodgift
15.01.2022 Happy birthday Denise. A beautiful day and cupcakes to celebrate your birthday. #cupcake #cupcakestagram #birthdaycupcakes #isobirthday #madefromscratch #instacupcake #pastelcolour #pastelcupcakes #vanillacupcake #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter
14.01.2022 Baby reveal party celebrated with white chocolate mud cupcakes with white and pink ombré Buttercream. #cupcakes #whitechocolatemudcupcakes #vanillabuttercream #pinkandwhiteombre #babyshower #babyreveal #babyrevealparty #babygenderreveal #ombre #pinkandbluecakes #instacakes #instacupcake #instacupcakes
13.01.2022 Don’t forget your cake for Father’s Day. Still taking orders until Thursday so don’t miss out. SPECIAL OFFER: Free delivery up to 10 kms radius from Altona, otherwise half price delivery fee. You need cake, so don’t miss out. Dm me for details. ... #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter #fathersdaycake #fathersdaygiveaway #makingyouroccasionalittlemoresweeter #heavenlybakesaltona #heavenlybakes See more
13.01.2022 Happy New Year to family, friends and customers. I hope this year is filled with much joy and peace to you all. Thanks for your support and I look forward to creating something new this year. Here’s the New Years dessert....vanilla panna cotta in easy travel containers with lids. #altonacakes #heavenlybakesaltona #desserts #dessertsofinstagram #instadesserts #dessertshop #dessertstation #dessertstationmelbourne #desserttable #cakes @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
13.01.2022 Another box of savoiardi went out the door this morning along with a bag of almond clusters. Savoiardi or (lady fingers) are great with a cuppa. A box of sweets are a great gift idea or just have them all to yourself. #biscuit #biscotti #biscottifattiincasa #savoiardi #savoiardibiscuits #homemade #sweetgiftbox #sweetboxes #dessertsofinstagram #dessertboxes #dessertbox #dessertboxmelbourne #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter
13.01.2022 Close up of the Oreo fault line cake... #oreocake #cake #cakes #instacakes #instacakers #cakedecorating
11.01.2022 An Italian Christmas tradition .....Homemade Crostoli. #crostoli #italian #italiansweets #heavenlybakesaltona #traditionalsweets #italiantraditionalsweets #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter #deliciousdesserts
11.01.2022 A sneak peak of Heavenly Bakes Christmas table decorations used for our Christmas celebrations. Italian doughnuts, panna cotta and pavlova for dessert this year. Hope you all had an amazing day. #christmas #christmasstar #christmasangel #celebration #heavenlybakesaltona #makingyourspecialoccasionsweeter #cakes #ordernow #customdesigned #custommade #customdesserts #customsweets #cupcakestagram #pannacotta #italiandoughnuts #pavlovacake
10.01.2022 What’s new at Heavenly Bakes? Chocolate coated pretzels. Absolutely delicious and available in 150g bag in white, milk or dark chocolate. Choice available in plain chocolate or with sprinkles. Great sweet gift or can be combined with other sweets or cupcakes for a gift sweet box #sweetboxes #chocolate #pretzels #chocolatepretzels #chocolatepretzel #sweets #sweetgifts #sweetgiftbox #sweetgift #madeinmelbourne #homemadesweets #sweetsofinstagram #sweetgiftboxes #heavenlybakes #heavenlybakesaltona
09.01.2022 Crostoli with coffee anyone? The finished product. They are so addictive and you’ll keep coming back for more. Crostoli now available at Heavenly Bakes. A traditional italian recipe used to produce these crunchy sweets. Msg me to place your orders.. #crostoli #sweets #italianfood #italiansweets #heavenlybakesaltona #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter #instadesserts #desserts #instasweets
08.01.2022 Thinking of a gift idea for Christmas or just want to say Thank you. Perhaps even just wanting to have a range of sweets with your family and friends over Christmas. Well..look no further. Try any combination or individually packaged sweet treats. These are a great tasting homemade treat for any occasion. Packs can include any combination of cupcakes, cake love heart pops, biscuits and sweets. Available in gift boxes or in a gift bag. Dm me to place you order. #biscuits #sweetboxes #giftbox #giftboxes #sweets #cupcakes #italianbiscuits #almondclusters #heartcakepops #thankyougiftbox #christmasgiftbox #instacaker #instacupcakes #instabiscuits #almondbread #bruttimabuoni #savoiardi #amaretti #ladyfingers
07.01.2022 Another menu item available which takes me back to my italian sweet journey. Almond bread now available at Heavenly Bakes. Can be eaten on its own or dipped in a small glass of liquor. You definitely can not stop at one. Available in 150g bags or in a box. Great as a gift or as an after dinner treat. #italianbiscuits #biscuits #almondbread #italiansweets #homemade #heavenlybakesaltona #makingyourspecialoccasionsweeter #makingyourspecialoccassionalittlebitsweeter #melbournecafe #instadesserts #instabiscuit #instabiscotti
06.01.2022 Slivered almond clusters bag of delicious almonds coated in white chocolate. Also available in milk or dark chocolate. Great gift ideas or can be included in a sweet gift box. #sweetboxes #madewithlove #madeinmelbourne #madefromscratch #whitechocolate #almond #sliveredalmonds #giftideas #gift #sweets #giftbag #giftbags
05.01.2022 A lemon cake with lemon buttercream covered in white fondant for Kyle’s Confirmation. #cake #cakes #fondantcake #lemoncakes #lemonbuttercream #instacakes #instacakers #instacakeart #instacakedesign #confirmationcake #confirmationcakesforboys #makingitalittlebitsweeter #makingitalittlesweeter
05.01.2022 How exciting, a baby shower. Celebrating the impending arrival of a baby boy with a white chocolate and raspberry mud cake with raspberry buttercream layers, blue ombré effect with an elephant topper. Congratulations. #baby #babyshower #babyboy #ombrecake #whitechocolatecake #raspberrybuttercream #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #cakes #nstacakes #cakesofmelbourne #celebrationcakes @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
05.01.2022 ‘Ugly but good’ biscuits (Buoni ma Brutti) available in 150g or in a 300g box. Also available in combination boxes with cupcakes and other biscuits. Mix and match your favourites to create a great gift or for any celebration. #biscuits #italianbiscotti #dessertsofinstagram #dessertstagram #biscuitsofinstagram #italianbiscotti
05.01.2022 Inside the ‘Thinking of you’ and ‘Sending some love’ gift sweet boxes. Vanilla cupcakes, rocky road and slivered almond clusters in white chocolate. #nominations #giftbox #sweetgiftbox #cupcakes #rockyroad #almondclusters #sweetgiftboxes #sweetboxes #sweetboxesdelivered #cupcakesofinstagram
05.01.2022 Bridal Shower Cake A simple but elegant designed semi naked lemon cake with layers of raspberry buttercream layers with gold drip and fondant peony for Jess’s bridal shower. All the very best .....loved making your cake for this special occasion ... #seminakedcakes #lemoncake #raspberrybuttercream #dripcake #dripcakesofinstagram #peony #peonyflower #bridalshower #bridalshowercakes #instacakes #instacakers #cakes #cake #cakeofinsta #makingitalittlesweeter #makingitalittlebitsweeter
04.01.2022 Heavenly Bakes (Heavenly Bakes Altona) now offering Italian biscuits called ‘Brutti ma Buoni’ which mean ‘ugly but good’. They have a lumpy & irregular appearance (ugly) but they taste so good (buoni). Also known as almond meringues. A traditional family recipe originated from Italy. They are delicious so don’t let the look deter you from trying them. A type of meringue, filled with slivered almonds that are light and crumbly and will melt in your mouth. A great addition to... any dessert table or a great gift idea. Sold in 150g bag or by box. Enquires at [email protected] or via messenger via insta or Facebook. Biscuits #italianbiscuits #biscuits #almondbiscuits #meringueitalienne #meringue #sliveredalmonds #heavenlybakes #heavenlybakesaltona #sweets #desserttable @ Altona, Victoria, Australia
04.01.2022 Happy 60th birthday Darren. Sounds like you had an amazing day. #christmas #christmas2020 #christmastree #redtruckchristmas #lemoncake #lemonbuttercream #cakesofinstagram #cakes #cakestagram #melbournecakes #instacakes
04.01.2022 Time for a give away!!! So I am seeking nominations. It’s been tough during lockdown for many people so I would like you to nominate someone that needs a little extra love and kindness. I have 5 ‘sending some love’ or thinking of you’ packs which include 3 vanilla cupcakes, a bar of rocky road and almond clusters to brighten someone’s day. ... Just dm me by 9th October with who your nominating and why. Free delivery included but nominees must live within 10 km radius of Altona. Entries will be selected and you will be notified for nominees delivery details on 10th Oct. Delivery to occur on 16th or 17th Oct. So jump on board and nominate someone who’s doing it especially tough and let’s brighten their day. and
04.01.2022 Announcing the winners of the ‘sending some love’/‘thinking of you’ sweet box. Thank you everyone for your nominations. Truly beautiful and I was to touched to hear that your looking out for people. I was so blessed to hear how amazing people are and how they still think of others even when they are going through times. Kindness is alive and well. I’ll be in touch to confirm delivery details over the weekend. ... #thinkingofyou #sendingsomelove #sweetgiftboxes
03.01.2022 A Merry and blessed Christmas to all my customers, friends and family. May you have peace and joy on this special day as you celebrate Christmas. Thank you for your support during the year. God bless. Tanti auguri per in Buon Natalie e felice Anno Nuovo a tutti in Italia e Europa. Grazie per il vostro sostengno. Auguri. #christmas #blessings #instacakeart #instacaker #makingyourspecialoccasionsweeter #cakeart #melbournecake #melbournecakedecorator #instacake #sweets #instacupcakes #dessertstagram #newlife #
03.01.2022 Great Christmas idea or thank you gifts still available. These almond breads are a great crispy delight. Still taking orders for Christmas. Other biscuits gift boxes or bags available. #biscotti #biscottifattiincasa #biscotto #almondbread #instabiscuit #instabiscotti #christmasfoodgifts #christmasbiscuitgifts #madeinmelbourne
02.01.2022 I finally got round to adding photos sent to me from the bride to be...Thanks Jess for the photos from you bridal shower with cake and desserts #bridalshower #bridetobe #nakedcake #lemoncakes #seminakedcakes #seminakeddripcake #desserttable #dessert #instacake #heavenlybakesaltona #makingyouroccasionasweeter @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
02.01.2022 Gabrielle’s favourite. Do you eat it or use it? What do you think? A Chanel Gabrielle perfume bottle cake for Gabrielle’s 21st birthday. Hope you had an amazing day. Happy birthday. Lemon cake with vanilla buttercream covered in fondant designed as a Chanel perfume bottle. ... #cake #cakeofinstagram #cakesofinstagram #cakes #chanelcake #chanelperfumebottlecake #melbournecakedecorator #melbournecakemaker #lemoncakes #fondantcake #birthdaycakes #21stbirthday #instacake #instacakedesigner #heavenlybakesaltona #heavenlybakes
02.01.2022 Happy 60th ISO Birthday Sylvia An Orange & Poppyseed cake with chocolate ganache layers covered in a floral design. Thanks to #wildberryflowersandgifts in Altona for the beautiful orange roses which finished off the cake beautifully ... #cake #cakedecorating #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #cakes #birthdaycake #orangesndpoppyseedcake #roses #chocolateganache #instacakeart #instacakedesigner #instacakedecorating #makingyourspecialoccasionsweeter #wildberryflowersandgifts
01.01.2022 Happy 53rd iso Birthday to a golf enthusiast. A lemon cake with lemon buttercream layers covered in fondant. #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter #makingyouroccasionssweeter #makingyouroccasionalittlemoresweeter #cakedecorating #cakesofinstagram #cakes #melbounecakes #nstacakes #cakesofinstagram #cakesofmelbourne #heavenlybakesmelbourne #heavenlybakes
01.01.2022 I am still open to cater for your ISO parties so don’t miss out on enjoying a beautiful cake, desserts or sweets during these tough times. After all, everything looks better after cake. Just dm me or email [email protected] #makingyouroccasionalittlesweeter #iso #isocake #fathersday #cakesofinstagram #cakes #cakes
01.01.2022 Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Thank you to all family, friends and customers for your support throughout this year. May you all have a blessed and happy time celebrating this special day.
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