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Heidi Clark in Toowoomba, Queensland | Mental health service

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Heidi Clark

Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland

Phone: +61 400 196 791


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25.01.2022 I would say that most mothers and fathers are also leaders. It's been a journey for myself to realise that motherhood / fatherhood and leadership / mentorship are inextricably connected. And this has taken me to literature and resources that I never would have connected or even thought to read or study at the start of my journey into parenthood. The more we learn about how to lead and how to mentor the greater our capacity to be effective mothers and fathers. Parenthood is ...not a job for the faint of heart. Its is demanding and exacting but there are skills and strategies that can make the undertaking a little easier. My top three reads for anyone starting out would be: Mentoring Matters Crucial Conversations The Phases of Learning Do you have any other wonderful resources that support your leadership or mentor capacity as a parent? Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below. Repost: #brenébrown #MentoringMatters #LeadershipEducation #familiesmatter

25.01.2022 M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S May we take the moments we need to care for self enough to show up centred, gracious, loving and kind. We can’t always determine the result, outcome or reactions of others or situations but we can focus on how we show up. ... May we be deliberate and intentional about bringing our best.

24.01.2022 Too many times we separate and isolate from others by putting them or ourself in a category or group or class. What if we just showed up. As ourself and allowed others the same benefit? Maybe we could bring back some of the connective and restorative aspects of life and create a small piece of welcome in our own hearts and homes.

23.01.2022 In some parts of the world patients are being prescribed time in nature as one of a number of factors that can benefit healing, health and wellbeing.

23.01.2022 For anyone living a life they never chose and facing challenges they never asked for. My friend Chad Hymas is an inspiration of living your best life not despite of difficulties but perhaps because of the difficulty. Let me know what you think.

22.01.2022 I’m sure many of us can relate to this graphic.

21.01.2022 Punishment vs Boundaries

20.01.2022 I really enjoy working with people who are healing. Its such an amazing process of which to be a part.

19.01.2022 I notice this in myself at times. Stress does not discriminate. After practise Im getting better at noticing when the stress is affecting my body. Im getting more adept at implementing some of the diaphragmatic breathing and grounding techniques which really help to tap into the calming parasympathetic nervous system.

19.01.2022 Parenting is a journey that teaches you a whole lot more about who you are as a person than you ever teach your child.

19.01.2022 #Truth #MentalHealthTruth #ymhc

18.01.2022 Sometimes the solutions are simple. Do you worry about meeting people and having a conversation? Not sure what to say or how to say it? ... Start with being curious.

18.01.2022 Repost #sketchesinstillness

17.01.2022 Repost #thedailyparentcollective

17.01.2022 This! Its not always an easy exercise but stopping to pause and really get curious about what is and isnt yours to carry can be time well spent. Yes, there are stewardships that we all carry and not all of those things are pleasant, easy or comfortable. However, its often the weight of carrying others stewardships or responsibilities that really knocks us for a six and drains us of our calm and peace.

16.01.2022 What habit or pattern do you use to make sure your phone is away when you are with your loved ones?

16.01.2022 Addiction is not a choice anybody makes. It’s a response to emotional pain. Do we need to rethink addiction?

16.01.2022 The start of anything signals a new beginning. A New Day. A New Week.... A New Month. A New Year. These new beginnings allow us to deliberately, intentionally and consistently create the kind of life we’d like or the person we'd like to become. One new beginning at a time. The gift of a new start each day, each hour if necessary, allows us to learn from rather than being condemned by our past. Who we want to be or how we want to live is brought into life one behaviour at a time. And we get to keep learning, keep applying and keep at it as long as it takes - and that is the beauty of the new beginning. Happy New Year to all in our tribe who are individually and collectively putting one foot in front of the other each day. Mastering our challenges and learning from our own mistakes and failings which usually teach us more about what we want and who we want to be so we can get up and have another go tomorrow. Take care and Happy 2021!

16.01.2022 In our home we have a couple of children with high sensory issues. This makes food, meals and eating complex. Not only taste but textures and smells all contribute to the overall ability to eat. What weve had to work through was that on one hand children naturally gravitate to sweets, processed and non-nutritious options. On the other hand we were the parents and had a responsibility to facilitate good food and eating habits. I cant say we were successful all the time but... one thing that worked for us was to place the food on the table at family meal time. The food options on the table were healthy and served in separate bowls allowing each person to choose from the range of heathy options available. What have you done that has been successful in offering nutritious foods to reluctant eaters?

15.01.2022 Repost #Lifeline

13.01.2022 Relationships are complex. There are many factors that go in to creating sustainable growth and strengthening of the relationship. Relationships do not thrive long term without attention and care to self and attention and care from others outside the immediate relationship. Which one of these would you choose as your next step to work on in your relationship?

11.01.2022 Wonderful quote from the book Mentoring Matters by Orrin Woodward "At an even better level, we can be the kind of parents who wisely and consciously raise our grand-kids - even when our own kids are just little. This means thinking through what were really doing as parents". I totally get that most parents with small children are just getting through the day on less sleep than anyone can function on. I get that the daily discipline issues with our own self and our own behav...iour when raising children can be exacting. I get that often the end of the day is the reprise to quiet and calm for even 5 precious minutes everyone has been hanging out for. However, if we take a step out of our current position and really see what we are doing. We are in fact, raising our grandchildren by the way we mentor and guide and show up for our own children. It puts a depth and a far-reaching view on what we do in small moments. It puts a generational view on daily habits we create and maintain. And, it sends a clear message that the culture we create in our home and in our relationships is vital. #familymatters #familytime #familyfirst #Mentoringmatters

11.01.2022 Wholeness instead of perfection. This resonates with me. I see a lot of people clinging to the idea or perfection or the end goal without realising the journey (whatever that entails) is where the joy is created.

10.01.2022 Do you know the difference between struggling with a thought and unhooking from a thought? Sometimes we spend time struggling (or running along the corridor in the opposite direction of a fast moving train) with the thought, wasting precious energy, mental capacity and connection with others, when it may be better to unhook from the thought (get off the train) and regain and refocus that energy and time and connection for things and relationships that really matter.

10.01.2022 A small moment in mindfulness for you.

09.01.2022 N E W Y E A R S E V E I didn’t feel I needed or wanted to set any huge or elaborate or detailed goals for 2021. However one word kept coming to mind as I was thinking on where I’ve been and where I want to go or who I’ve been and what my next step is in my own personal development - consistency. ... I value being intentional and deliberate in my life and adding a measure of consistency in the things I already know are good and healthy and beneficial for me will be the best next step for me. It’s simple daily practices consistently repeated that really allow me to create the life and nature I want. How about you? Are you setting any goals for the new year?

08.01.2022 H A P P Y S U M M E R I’ve been relaxing into the slow days and unhurried schedules of our summer holidays. Enjoying good books that I’ve been adding to the to read pile throughout the year. ... I’m jogging (or more walk/jogging) in the early morning sunshine and I’m progressively getting better at it. It’s a slow but rewarding challenge. I’m especially greatful for the pleasure of delicious summer fruit which quite literally seems to mark the start of summer for me and my family. Creating an environment and culture of finding pleasure in the simple things truely does make for a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Happy summer to you all. I’ll be back in the office Jan 15.

08.01.2022 Thursday Evening Sessions Now Available (Very limited spaces!) With a desire to offer more flexibility to those who work or have other commitments through the day, I have opened up a very limited number of Thursday evening sessions. Head over to to book online, or give me a text or a call for more information or to book a session.

08.01.2022 Ive also learned pearls of wisdom from the most unlikely places.

07.01.2022 The Survive / Thrive Spiral. This graphic shows a biological system on the right and parallels a psychological system centre and left. Very interesting. Lots of information in this graphic.

07.01.2022 Our society appears to be obsessed with getting results. Yet, when it comes to growth and healing its important to remember that the journey and progress its...elf is the result. There is no ultimate perfection to be reached. To be human means to be flawed, and all we can do is spend our time learning and practicing (progress will look different for everyone and its important to acknowledge and validate our own experience) #loveyourself #selfawareness #awareness #now #feelings #mentalhealthtips #selfesteem #mentalhealth #psychology #learn #lovelife #strength #selfdiscovery #selfcare #selflove #human #identity #authenticity #worthit #intentionalliving #onlinetherapy #need #millennialtherapist #lovewins #mentalhealthmatters #relationships # #worthit #grow See more

07.01.2022 We hear so often that trauma changes the brain. And yes, research is clear on this. However, what we hear less of is that healthy relationships, healthy boundaries and healthy lifestyle can also change the brain - for the positive. Take a look at the list below and find one thing you could work on this month.

07.01.2022 For those in my tribe who, like me, are learning to give up the strangle hold of control and allow life and love and learning to happen around us - I thought this might resonate.

06.01.2022 During adolescence, our teens need our love, support and influence more than ever. What they dont need is our control. By adolescence, we dont have any anyway.... We might have the illusion of control, but the harder we push to control them, the more we risk losing them. Our teens are resourceful, creative and brave and if they want something enough they will do it anyway. . When we attempt to control them, we are pushing against thousands of years of evolution and their drive to explore their independence. They cant make the transition from childhood to adulthood without establishing some sort of separation from us. . They might push against us, and sometimes this will feel fierce. This is not to push us away, but to loosen themselves from under our wing. Sometimes the closer they are, the harder they have to push. And sometimes, in the quest for separation and independence, its our connection with them that gets lost. They have important work to do, so its up to us as their parents to hold on to that connection tightly enough for them and for us, for whenever they need it. They will come back, but first they have work to do and its okay if this takes time and tears and outside voices inside. Its a learning adventure for all of us. . . Whenever we can, we need to nurture the fire in them that is looking to discover who they are. We can do this by asking their opinions, listening more than talking, valuing their insight, and letting them to teach us what its like to be in their world. . The more we try to control them, the more we squander our precious opportunities to influence them. They are less likely to come to us if they expect lectures, preaching, shame, judgement or harsh consequences. When the connection with them is there, hopefully, sometimes, they will let us take the precious and privileged place beside them as they explore, learn and grow. So often, our greatest parenting moments and connection with them will happen in the middle of the mess, but first we need for them to offer us a seat at the table. See more

06.01.2022 Executive function remains one of the most reliable predictors of success in academicsand in life. Heres the research on what it is, and how to cultivate it.

05.01.2022 Now change the word trauma to healing. Repost #relentlessindigenouswomen

05.01.2022 Susan David shares her research and perspective on having a meta view (kind of like a birds eye view of life and self), letting go and goals based in values.

03.01.2022 We talk often about what is important and what people feel they "should" be doing and how we often do all these "important" things in a kind of anxiety driven panic. Its a foreign concept to some, to think for a moment about what is vital. And how often those vital things are calm, slow and measured - like sleep. When we short change our selves on the vital things in life (like good quality and quantity of sleep) - we almost always see a reduction in mental health and well...-being. According to sleep expert, Dr Matthew Walker, our sleep cycle is dominated by two phases. NREM which is predominant in the early part of the nights sleep and REM which is predominant in the second half of the night. When we lack at either end we short change our brain and are robbing it of the needed time to refresh, restore and rejuvenate both our mind and our body. While it is only one part of the whole, one of the first issues to tackle if you find yourself not coping with life mentally or emotionally - is sleep.

02.01.2022 What else would you add to this list? Do any of these reasons resonate with you? (The Nurture Foundation)

02.01.2022 Repost #BrenéBrown

02.01.2022 I’ve been reading The E-myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber, coupled with some other study on patterns used by successful organisations. I thought at first that this doesn’t have much to do with psychology or personal growth and development but then it dawned on me... Whatever we do. Whatever we read. However we choose to spend the time and energy we have all contributes to our personal growth and development. ... Transferable skills and ideas and patterns are all around us. In the movies we watch, the literature we study, the relationships we have that so often test us, the mentors we seek. The things we learn from diverse corners of life add to whole of our own personal growth. This 4 step pattern below resonated with me not only as a startup business owner but personally as a wife & a homeschooling Mum. Often we start with Whatever it takes. We bumble along feeling like we are just surviving. Then we have the challenge of self mastery and self discipline. Testing out and finding rhythms and patterns that work for us in this season and sticking to them to create a consistent experience for ourself and those in our care. Then we get to brand and culture. What I love about this is a saying I heard a while back culture eats strategy for breakfast. If we are only ‘doing’ the outward work of strategy and not the inward work of culture then we will always wonder what is missing. The culture. OUR culture. How we conduct ourself and what we stand for and how we function will always win out against any strategy we try to implement. So, if like me you are on a journey of growth and development, take a look at these 4 steps and see where you are today. Is there one that resonates with you? And what one step in particular could you take to develop in that area today?

01.01.2022 Can you relate to these feelings? (Alyssa Marie Wellness)

01.01.2022 Thank you to all the wonderful family I have, to supporters near and far who encourage me to keep going and to all the beautiful people I get to work with. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to own and grow my own business. I am fully booked this Friday and have now opened up a couple of appointments of a Thursday evening to accomodate more clients. If you are after some mental / emotional support or even just a gentle non-judgmental space to unpack your stuff and sort through a few issues, please send me a message, an email to [email protected] or book online at

01.01.2022 Gabor Mats work on trauma, addiction and connection is really worth looking in to.

01.01.2022 Struggling to know how to deal with uncertain and difficult thoughts around COVID?

01.01.2022 The journey of life can tough. It can be rough. It can hold for us experiences we never wanted or feel are too big or too raw for us to handle. Often our first instinct is to try and avoid the darkness or difficult feelings. We try to numb or escape using any means possible. It can be scary to show up in the pain and uncertainty - we are creatures that like control and certainty. However, when we can be present in our pain we slowly gain a deeper understanding of self and of ...those around us. We are taught what is important to us and what we hold dear. Often we come through the darkness and difficulties with gifts and awareness we never could have imagined previously. If you are looking for a someone to work with and support you through a difficulty, send me a PM, an email to [email protected] or book online at

01.01.2022 Interesting that two people can share the same situation but experience it in completely different ways. Being aware that our realities are different even when walking side-by-side on the same journey can create the space for curiosity, understanding and humility. This concept plays out in the minute details of family life and also on a larger societal level. ... Same situation - different experience for each person involved.

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