Heidi Morse | Aromatherapy service
Heidi Morse
Phone: +61 439 722 076
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25.01.2022 Some essential oils, known as hot oils or warming oils, should always be diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil before putting them on your skin. These oils incl...ude Cassia, Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, and Thyme. When trying these for the first time, you might consider diluting one drop of essential oil in 10 drops of Fractionated Coconut Oil. Be sure to share with your friends and family so they can follow along as well! Learn more about hot oils here: http://bit.ly/2JYLPHX
23.01.2022 This list will cover just about everyone. Share this with the first person that comes to mind!
20.01.2022 3 drops Lime, 3 drops Lavender, 1 drop Ylang Ylang topped up with 200-250mL water for a DIY room spray
18.01.2022 Please contact me if you are interested to know more.
17.01.2022 When it comes to the power of essential oils, we sometimes hear concerns about the type of containers to use with liquids and DIY products containing essential ...oils. While it is true that oil will dissolve some plastics, there are other container options that are completely safe. Learn more about safe containers to use with essential oils. https://www.doterra.com//healthy-living-safe-containers-to See more
17.01.2022 First and foremost I use doTERRA because of my own personal experience with these incredible oils. To be honest I thought aromatherapy was a bit of a crock. How... could smelling anything have any REAL effect on your mind or body. I simply was not educated on the science and research behind how quality essential oils actually work. Because of the purity of our essential oils they have incredible therapeutic value. Essential oils are active at the cellular level of our bodies. Better said, essential oils affect the biochemistry of our cells. They can actual enter the cell membrane! This is why I love diluting oils with fractionated coconut oil and applying them topically. But seriously how can SMELLING something have such a powerful effect on our mood and emotions? Well think about how smell can trigger a specific memory or strong emotion. For example when I smell mango juice I am taken back to the streets of India as I lived there for six months as a child and my dad used to buy me mango juice poppers! The effect is instant. This is because the volatile aromatic compounds that you inhale when you smell an essential oil interact with the olfactory (smell) receptors in the nose. Our sense of smell can have a profound effect on our emotions and simply inhaling the aroma can elicit an emotional response. The smell receptors on the upper surface of our nasal cavity make direct links with the limbic system (emotional centre) of the brain, where the the scent is perceived and processed. But before I had any understanding of any of this I had my own experiences. When my oldest son was not feeling well in his stomach and seeing the instant change in him, colour back in his face and it stopped coming out both ends. I saw my six month old go from experiencing skin challenges all over his body, nappy rash and cradle cap, to clear beautiful skin in 48 hours and no more crying! And I saw my gut health, immune system and anxious feelings PROFOUNDLY and very quickly supported through the use of these incredible essential oils and felt called to share them as I knew people were extremely keen for natural solutions that actually worked without a list a mile long of side effects. But there are many other reasons I use doTERRA specifically of all the brands out there.. 1. The number 1 reason for me is the co-impact sourcing model. Here is a fantastic little video https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=13&v=Q70EFAddZdI about what this means. Essentially doTERRA work with farmers from all around the world, including Australia where the Tea Tree and Eucalyptus are sourced from. Over 20 of the 40 countries that we source from are considered developing countries and doTERRA ensures people are paid fairly and on time. They work with the farmers to develop cooperatives and put a lot of science and research to find where best to source the oil so that it has the highest therapeutic value possible with the correct ratio of chemical constituents for what they want to achieve (eg the Cardamom is excellent for both digestion and respiratory function because of where it is sourced in Guatemala and the ratios of chemical constituents). 2. On top of the co-impact sourcing model, what I love is doTERRA's amazing philanthropic generosity, the work they do with the Healing Hands foundation is incredible, building schools and getting fresh running water where previously people had to walk three hours each way for dirty water, I cry every time I watch the vetiver video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFYFgNSxYxk but then in November I had the extremely profound experience of attending my first co-impact sourcing trip in Kenya. We cut the ribbon on a water station funded by Healing Hands (ps you can add a donation every time you place a loyalty order if you want or order Rose lotion or Hope oil when doing US orders). This water station meant these people had CLEAN fresh running water, previously they had been walking 2-3km per day to collect DIRTY water from a crocodile infested creek (the week before a young girl lost her arm doing so) and the highest instances of rape were also on this journey to collect water. This hit me and as the beautiful women sang, danced and balanced jerry cans on their heads I had to take a moment to have a quiet sob in the bush.. you can watch the video of my experience in Africa here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRR5BskBD8o 3. Their purity and efficacy will stun you. There are no fillers, synthetics, fragrances, perfumes, pesticides etc, just 100% pure Essential Oil. My friend paid good money for an Australian Certified Organic oil in a health food store, only to get home and read the label, it read 1ml pure essential oil, 11ml multipurpose liquid. With doTERRA you are paying for 100% pure essential oil!! Absolutely no fillers. 4. The doTERRA Standards. Are the oils Organic? No they are not, they are a 'step above'- yes I thought this was wankery at first too, but bare with me and read on.. Words of wisdom from Penelope Sherwood (one of the women involved in introducing me to these oils and someone I personally and professional hold a great deal of respect for). "Having worked in & having very close & very relevant relationships in the "organic " industry (including being blessed enough to have as one of my best friends , the founder of the WORLDS FIRST certified organic skin care company) I can assure you that there can be a standard "better" than certified organic. Also the criteria for "certified organic" is extremely loose in a lot of instances. The standard in Australia ACO is probably the best in the world but can still leaves gaps in ultimate quality of product or food. These issues are the very reason the owners of doTerra went down the path they did re CTPG . They wanted assurance of the individual batches of oils BECAUSE "certified organic" standards vary enormously globally & I know what I'm talking about because I have been in the thick of this for over 30 years . The testing processes that these oils go through are bar none across the planet & I have been in the US watching & listening to INDEPENDENT EXPERTS backing up the efficacy & the purity of these amazing oils . The information Jessie has is based on years & years of research & commitment to being able to provide the absolute purest & most efficacious oils possible on the planet." dTERRA‘s quality standard for essential oils, CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade , exceeds industry standards. Because organic certification varies from country to country, province to province, and in the US, from state to state, it is not currently possible to acquire all oils under certified organic status. However, through the GC/MS analysis process, we are able to determine if any chemical residue exists in the essential oil, such as pesticides, herbicides, extenders, and solvents. With this rigorous analysis process, we are able to ensure that all CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils offered by dTERRA are a step above organic. CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils mean something very different. It means we protect the chemical compound of the plant just as it was produced from the earth. We don’t need to improve upon that. If we have the care, the scientific knowledge, the commitment and the integrity, we can preserve that. -Dr. David K. Hill, dTERRA’s Chief Medical Officer. We source our essential oils from a number of growers and distillers from around the world. Each location has its own specific laws and rules governing agriculture and collecting wild crafted botanicals. We look for plant materials that are grown in specific environments, but we cannot say that our oils are all organic as that requires specific certification that we simply cannot produce for some of our oils. Our CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade testing standard requires that our oil extracts be both free of other foreign materials, which is one of the main reasons for people seeking organic botanicals, and it tests for certain compounds at certain levels so that our oils meet the performance criteria for each lot of oil. If an oil fails the test, specifically pesticides, there is no secondary process for removing the pesticides or foreign matter. The oils failing the test would simply be rejected. Other than the careful distillation of the oils from the plant material, there is no other processing that takes place. They are aromatic extracts, nothing added, and nothing removedthey either meet our standard or they don’t. We partner with experts that have a lot of experience in this field, and their long history is part of the art of producing such beautiful oils. They are farmers, collectors, and chemists, but they are committed to distilling essential oils as artisans; and we believe are mindful of their environments and are committed to sustainable practices. Our network is vast and our suppliers’ methods are diverse. If we were to learn of any actions of a supplier causing harm to either the environment or to the local people of their community, we would certainly seek other and more appropriate sources. Our long-term hope is as we grow the demand for essential oils, we can help develop clean industry for local economies around the production of plants and extracts. Steam distillation is a very clean process. No solvents are used in the process, the left over plant material can make good compost, and the waterwaste stream is clean but for a hint of beautiful-smelling aromatics. EVERY BATCH IS THIRD PARTY INDEPENDENTLY TESTED 5. The integrity of the people involved. Right from the top and down to the Wellness Advocates. Everyone I have dealt with has been amazingly supportive, fostering team work, and actually CARE about peoples health and welfare, it's amazing and a really wonderful community to be a part of. The Customer support is also second to none. 6. I normally hate things that have a smell, this stems from my many, severe chemical sensitivities, Ambi Pur, Cologne, Perfume and Cosmetics give me migraines and effect my asthma, with doTERRA I can actually wear my own homemade perfume again (simply fractionated coconut oil and 100% pure essential oil). I can make my own safe, natural and effective household cleaning products, I can make my partner cologne, I can make my own air freshener, all with health BENEFITS rather than DETRIMENTS. It is truly awesome. And that's just a few of the things I use these oils for!! 7. The owners of doTERRA have never taken outside investment, they literally put everything they had into this company to maintain the integrity of it, they didn't pay themselves for over a year and after that took a considerably lower wage than they were accustomed to so they could keep corruption and investment out of it and stay true to what they wanted to create, it was and always will be about the products, the purity, potency and co-impact sourcing of these amazing oils. You can read more about the facts, milestones and company here https://www.doterra.com/US/en/about-fact-sheet 8. We don't bad mouth other companies to better our own position. There are many wonderful essential oil companies out there, they are not to be sneezed at. We simply stand behind our amazing, ethical, sustainable, co-impact sourced, magical little bottles of alchemy and light and share our experiences and why these resonate so well for us. If you love a different brand that's totally ok! As long as you are using and benefiting from essential oils I am happy. I encourage people to simply open the bottle and give these a go. 9. There are so, so many uses, you will hear oil obsessed people like me say There's An Oil For That!!! There literally is! I love that they are cents per drop and there are 250 drops in a 15ml bottle, 85 in a 5ml bottle, you literally only ever need a drop to maybe 3 at a time. They are so powerful and potent! I always dilute with a safe carrier oil when using topically for this reason. Check out this post for 150 uses for the Essential Oil Collection/Home Essentials Kit.. http://www.getafreshstart.com.au/100-uses-essential-oils/ 10. Seriously I would be embarrassed to align my name with anything that didn't have outstanding integrity, I research things deeply. I can't very well be an activist against corruption in the food industry and fight things like the Heart Foundation Tick and Health Star Rating system and then put my name next to something that doesn't have absolutely outstanding integrity. I have spent so much time diving into essential oil quality, purity and the integrity of this company and I have also been lucky enough to spend time in person with the owners of doTERRA, I know their hearts and their mission. The name doTERRA is a Latin derivative meaning gift of the Earth. In the spring of 2008, a group of health-care and business professionals who shared profound personal experiences with the life-enhancing benefits of essential oils came together with a common vision of bringing a new standard of therapeutic-grade essential oils to the world. They wanted something different that would appeal to all peoplefrom those who knew nothing of essential oils, to those who were considered experts in the field. Though doTERRA has experienced phenomenal growth, these same individuals work to maintain the culture of a small company where everyone has a voice and a place. As part of their vision to bring a new standard of therapeutic-grade essential oils to the world, doTERRA is invested in moving the science of essential oils forward. This is accomplished in many different ways and is managed by a strong Research and Development team within doTERRA. I love that doTERRA have an extremely strong vision of bringing mainstream and original plant based medicine together for the absolute best possible outcomes for all concerned. To get your own account please send me a message or contact the person that introduced you or visit http://www.getafreshstart.com.au/join-the-oily-tribe/
16.01.2022 Lemongrass has a pungent, smoky aroma and provides many aromatic benefits including heightened awareness and a boosted positive outlook.
15.01.2022 Chemicals could be swapped for essential oils.
13.01.2022 Ever wondered how much raw material goes into your essential oil?
12.01.2022 Leave your breath (and toothbrush!) fresh and clean throughout the day. Our On Guard Toothpaste is fluoride-free and provides the benefits of On Guard Protective Blend essential oils while cleansing teeth with gentle polishing agents
11.01.2022 Ask me about getting these DTERRA oils or other DTERRA oils and products.
09.01.2022 While children can enjoy essential oils in many of the same ways as adults (with proper dilution and dosage), there are many essential oil usage methods that are unique to children. Here are some of the top essential oil uses for kids and families!
05.01.2022 IT'S HERE!!! Our Essential Skin Care kit containing the Facial Cleanser, Facial Toner, Essential Serum and Hydrating Cream is now available to order from the A...ustralian Warehouse and Will Call! This Skin Care system contains a combination of essential oils to create the moisture necessary for youthful looking skin! Purchase it today through your back office! SKU: 60202008 Wholesale: $176 112PV
04.01.2022 Pepermint ulje, "smrt krpeljima" !!
02.01.2022 Sleep peacefully tonight with the help of any of these essential oils.
01.01.2022 I remember getting constant headaches, sneezing 200 times before breakfast, having chronic asthma and ongoing skin problems before I overhauled my home and we...nt low tox. If you've been growing increasingly concerned about synthetic fragrances, endocrine disrupting chemicals, SLS (known carcinogen and skin irritant) and the thousands of other chemicals in your household and personal care products check out my latest post for alternatives that are super simple and actually WAY more cost effective and importantly really work. I've got recipes and products in here for everything from perfume and deodorant, cleaning products, body wash, toothpaste, fabric softener and laundry liquid, dishwashing tabs, skincare, insect repellant and air fresheners! http://www.getafreshstart.com.au/why-household-products-se/
01.01.2022 Water wise with oils.. I love grapefruit in my water, I use 1-2 drops.
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