Iwantja Arts | Community organisation
Iwantja Arts
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25.01.2022 It’s Desert Mob Market Week - Jump online and treat yourself to a beautiful painting to celebrate Desert Mob art week! - Tap on the link in our bio to see the Iwantja Arts Catalogue! ... - You can find yourself a beauty like this powerful and elegant work by young artist and Art Worker Bernard Kenny - Bernard paints the rugged country surrounding Indulkana, on the APY Lands. - #bernardkenny #desertmob #apylands #apyartcentres See more
25.01.2022 - KAYLENE WHISKEY As part of the @52artists52actions initiative from @artspacesydney Kaylene Whiskey is presenting new video work! - ‘Kaylene TV (3)’... 2020 Single channel video with sound 01:00 - @iwantja_arts @52artists52actions @artspacesydney #KayleneWhiskey - Artwork, storyboard, and voice overs by Kaylene Whiskey Animation and editing: Jackson Lee @meltedcreative - This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australian Council, it’s arts funding and advisory body - @auscouncilarts - #apylands #apyartcentres See more
24.01.2022 . I started Iwantja Arts many years ago with my sister Mrs Singer. I’ve been working here ever since. I paint the emus’s, rock holes and tracks of my country. My country holds all the Tjukurpa and history. Alec Baker . Senior artist Alec Baker has had a cracking start to 2021! Stay tuned for some incredible projects that Alec has planned for 2021! .... Alec boasts a prolific painting practice alongside his important role as a respected Elder and community leader . #AlecBaker #apylands #yankunytjatjara See more
24.01.2022 Rene Sundown will be showing new works this May with Short St Gallery in Broome as apart of Tjatu (Doing Things Together) a special exhibition of artworks by the women artists of Mimili Maku and Iwantja Arts! Rene paints her homeland Amarouna where she lives. A beautiful and majestic country, Amarouna is nestled amongst a backdrop of large boulders, and is home to many Yankunytjatjara cultural sites @shortstgallery @mimili_maku_arts #ReneSundown #Tjatu #apylands
22.01.2022 It’s Desert Mob time! - Visit Desert Mob online @araluenartscentre to see this special exhibition by artists from across the central desert. You can also make purchases through their online box office. - The brilliant Emily Cullinan is incredibly pleased to present her new work in Desert Mob 2020 ... - #emilycullinan #desertmob #araluen #apylands See more
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Vincent Namatjira! First Indigenous Australian to win the Archibald Prize - @adelaidemediacreators @meghansenphotography @this_is_no_fantasy #vincentnamatjira @artgalleryofnsw #archibald #winner #apylands
21.01.2022 . Titutjara Pukulpa is a stunning exhibition of painted works from @iwantja_arts and the first exhibition @apy_ac_collective Adelaide for 2021! # . This powerful show includes work by Yatjiki Cullinan, Emily Cullinan and Rene Sundown. Please join Emily and Yatjiki to celebrate the opening this Wednesday from 6pm at 9 Light Square Adelaide .... View this exhibition online at www.apygallery.com . #EmilyCullinan #YatjikiCullinan #ReneSundown See more
21.01.2022 Bettys mates in Adelaide have got their copy @apy_ac_collective have you got your September Vogue? - #vogue #bettymuffler #september cover
19.01.2022 - NELLIE COULTHARD IN SYDNEY CONTEMPORARY 2020 - Australia’s International art fair Sydney Contemporary moves online this year -... Nellie paints the acacia wattle found near her homeland close to Oodnadatta. At 73 Nellie is a powerhouse painter and studio boss! - Click on link in link-tree above to see more about Nellies artwork, available through the brilliant APY Collective! - @sydneycontemporary @apy_ac_collective #nelliecoulthard #iwantja_arts #apylands See more
19.01.2022 Iwantja’s Anangu-Wonder-Woman Kaylene Whiskey is a finalist in the 2020 Archibald Prize!!! - Kaylene Whiskey was the winner of the Sulman Prize in 2018 and this year is the first time she has entered the Archibald Prize. Kaylene has painted a self-portrait with one of her heroes, Dolly Parton, and says ‘It’s one of my dreams for Dolly to come and visit me in Indulkana. I love to listen to her music while I paint and I often think: if Dolly came to visit, what would she do?... What would she say? And what would she be wearing?’ - Kaylene Whiskey ‘Dolly Visits Indulkana’ 198 x 167, Acrylic on Linen with plastic jewels - 1 - Portrait photographer: Iwantja Arts 2 - Artwork image: the artist and Iwantja Arts - #KayleneWhiskey #DollyParton @apy_ac_collective @artgalleryofnsw #ArchibaldPrize See more
19.01.2022 I am Betty Muffler and my painting is great! Palyo. - When your on the cover of Vogue - #bettymuffler @vogueaustralia @nationalgalleryaus #signedcopy #vogueseptember
19.01.2022 - Vincent Namatjira is thrilled to announce the release of ‘The Royal Tour’ an artist book produced in collaboration with Perimeter Editions @perimeterbooks - ‘The Royal Tour’ showcases innovative new work produced by Namatjira in 2020 when COVID-19 regulations halted his normal studio practice, Namatjira made a body of small but powerful works painted directly onto pages torn from commemorative royal family souvenir photo books. The resulting works are stunningly present...ed in this book, alongside an essay by the legendary Tony Albert @tonyalbert - The book can be purchased via: www.perimeterbooks.com #VincentNamatjira #@this_is_no_fantasy #theroyaltour - This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body @auscouncilarts This project has been supported by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund See more
19.01.2022 KAYLENE WHISKEY - As part of the 52 Actions initiative from@artspacesydney Kaylene Whiskey is presenting new video work! - ‘Kaylene Whiskey TV (1)’... 2020 Single channel video with sound 01:00 - @iwantja_arts @52artists52actions @artspacesydney #KayleneWhiskey - Artwork, storyboards, and voices: Kaylene Whiskey Animation and editing: Jackson Lee @meltedcreative - This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australian Council, it’s arts funding and advisory body - @auscouncilarts - #apylands #apyartcentres See more
18.01.2022 #Repost @52artists52actions Hello! Kaylene Whiskey from Indulkana here. I’m really proud to be showing 3 brand new videos for 52 ACTIONS. I hope you love watching them and they make you laugh and smile with your friends and family!... I always say my paintings are ‘from the comic to the canvas’ and now these videos are like ‘from the canvas to the Saturday morning cartoons’. I had a really good time making these videos, thinking of all the different ways to bring the strong ladies from my paintings to life! I want my videos to send a strong message of fun and family, and to say I’m proud of my Anangu culture. I want to thank all these famous kungkas for being in my movies: Cathy Freeman, Dolly Parton, Cher, Tina Turner, Princess Diana, Beyonce. To all my sisters here on the APY Lands and all over the world, I love you! Let’s party! Kaylene x @iwantja_arts @artspacesydney
18.01.2022 HUGE Congratulations to Tiger Yaltangki, who is a finalist in the 2020 Archibald. - Tiger shakes up conventional notions of portraiture, offering a window into his whimsical visual universe in a joyous celebration of paint on canvas plus imagination. - Tiger Yaltangki... ‘Self Portrait’ Acrylic on Linen, 167 x 198cm - Portrait photographer: Meg Hansen Artwork image: the artist and Iwantja Arts - #TigerYaltangki @alcaston_gallery @apy_ac_collective @artgalleryofnsw #archibaldprize See more
18.01.2022 #Repost @artgalleryofnsw JUST ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to Vincent Namatjira on winning this year’s #ArchibaldPrize with his portrait of Adam Goodes, 'Stand strong for who you are'! - ‘We share some similar stories and experiences of disconnection from culture, language and Country, and the constant pressures of being an Aboriginal man in this country. When I was younger and growing up in the foster system in Perth, Indigenous footballers were like heroes to me. Good...esy is much more than a great footballer though, he took a strong stand against racism and said, enough is enough. I stand strong with you too, brother.’ - Vincent Namatjira - The portrait is on display in the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prize exhibition, opening tomorrow, Saturday 26 September at 10am. Due to popular demand, opening weekend tickets are sold out. Pre-booking is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment see the link in our bio to plan your visit and purchase tickets. - Artwork: Winner Archibald Prize 2020 Vincent Namatjira 'Stand strong for who you are' the artist - With thanks to Presenting Partner @anz_au - #ArtGalleryofNSW #VincentNamatjira #iwantjaarts @adamroy37 See more
15.01.2022 . Titutjara Pukulpa - Always Happy . This powerful show of new works by Yankunytjatjara women Emily Cullinan, Vicki Cullinan and Rene Sundown opens next Wednesday Feb 3rd at 6pm .... Get along to the fantastic APY Gallery on Light Square in Adelaide to meet the artists and see the show . @apy_ac_collective #EmilyCullinan #VickiCullinan #ReneSundown . Photo by the talented @meghansenphotography See more
14.01.2022 As ever, it’s wonderful to host the Honourable Premier Steven Marshall at the Iwantja Art Centre - Incredibly this is his 11th consecutive year visiting Iwantja Arts and catching up with Artists and Directors here! - Premier Marshall, We love having you here and hope to see you again soon. ... - Pictured with Vincent Namatjira, Kaylene Whiskey, and Betty Muffler. @apy_ac_collective @steven_marshallmp #apylands See more
13.01.2022 A message from Vincent Namatjira, winner of the 2020 Archibald Prize - Acknowledgement and respect to all the Indigenous finalists and sitters for this year's Archibald and in previous years - I share this moment with you all - Vincent would like to thank; Family and friends - I couldn't have done this without you. To everyone for their messages of support, there's too many to name but thank you, it means a lot to me. To Adam Goodes - a living legend and a true leader for ...our people, to the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the trustees, to my art centre and studio Iwantja Arts, my gallery This is No Fantasy, and to the incredible APY Collective. - Videography and editing by Adelaide media creators and Meg Hansen Photography See more
12.01.2022 Iwantja Artists Betty Muffler and Maringka Burton are excited to present new works in The National 2021 at the Art Gallery of NSW . Staged concurrently at three of Sydney’s premiere cultural institutions the Art Gallery of NSW, Carriageworks and the Museum of Contemporary Art The National 2021: New Australian Art presents 39 Australian artists, collectives and collaboratives working in a diverse range of media across the country and overseas . The exhibition at the Art G...allery of NSW co-curated by Matt Cox and Erin Vink, presents 14 artist projects that explore the potential of art to heal and care for fragile natural and social ecosystems. . The National 2021: New Australian Art opens 26 March showing until 5 September 2021 at AGNSW . We’re all very excited for this special exhibition! . @artgalleryofnsw @erin.vink #bettymuffler #maringkaburton #thenational #apylands #ngangkari #painting . Photo by @meghansenphotography See more
11.01.2022 It’s a big week for KAYLENE WHISKEY! - 52 ACTIONS - The artist is launching NEW video artworks via the @artspacesydney 52 ACTIONS platform stay tuned to @52artists52actions or https://www.artspace.org.au/program/52-actions/ - ARCHIBALD PRIZE 2020 Kaylene Whiskey is a finalist in the Archibald Prize at @artgalleryofnsw with her sensational painting ‘Dolly Visits Indulkana’ ... - BODYWORK - Group exhibition featuring Kaylene Whiskey, opens this Friday 25th of September at @fremantleartscentre - Portrait of Kaylene Whiskey by Meg Hansen @meghansenphotography #KayleneWhiskey See more
11.01.2022 . Nellie Ngampa Coulthard on show now with Alcaston Gallery . Nellie paints Tjuntala Ngurangka (Country with Acacia Wattle) .... @alcaston_gallery #nelliecoulthard #painting #apylands #apyartcentres #yankunytjatjara See more
10.01.2022 I am a Yankunytjatjara woman from Indulkana Community on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in South Australia. I’m an artist at Iwantja Arts, where I started painting over 20 years ago. My paintings are of Tjukurpa (ancestral stories) and ngura (Country) that have cultural significance for me and my family. They are a combination of specific locations and landmarks. For Anangu Country holds Tjukurpa (Ancestral cultural stories) just like the country - the... rockholes, hills and creeks have Tjukurpa. One main one is the Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters) Tjukurpa where a specific constellation represents the sisters and the cheeky man chasing after them. I’m proud to be an artist and a leader in my community, working to keep our culture strong and passing on important knowledge to the next generations. Yatjiki Vicki Cullinan is currently showing new works at the APY Gallery in Adelaide with her mother Emily Cullinan and close friend Rene Sundown. In 2020 Vicki was awarded the prestigious Ravenswood Women’s Art Prize. For all enquiries about Yatjiki’s current exhibition please contact the APY Gallery. @apy_ac_collective #YatjikiCullinan
09.01.2022 Congratulations to Betty Muffler Wynne Prize finalist for 2020! - Hot on the heels of her appearance on the cover of @vogueaustralia Betty Muffler has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Wynne Prize for the first time! Betty says My paintings are about ngangkari (traditional heaing) and sites related to healing. I’ve painted rockholes and the water flowing through the landscape, just like the energy that flows through people and places it’s invisible to most people ...but ngangkari can see spirits and feel a lot of different energy. - Betty Muffler ‘Ngangkari Ngura (Healing Place)’ 198 x 152cm, Acrylic on Linen - Portrait photographer: Meg Hansen @meghansenphotography Artwork image: the artist and Iwantja Arts - #BettyMuffler @apy_ac_collective @artgalleryofnsw #wynneprize #ngangkari #art #agnsw See more
09.01.2022 . The amazing Dharma Ducasse Singer has been visiting her brilliant nanna, artist Maringka Burton at Iwantja Arts, since she was a baby. But today was an extra special visit, Dharma has just received her confirmation letter of acceptance to study Law, Policies and Politics at Uni SA in 2021! . Huge congratulations to Dharma from everyone at Iwantja Arts! We wish you all the best with your studies! .... Amazing family (L- R) Dharma Singer, Maringka Burton, Nickisha Singer See more
08.01.2022 We’re thrilled to announce that Alec Baker and Peter Mungkuri are finalists in the 2020 Wynne Prize with their collaborative painting ‘Nganampa Ngura (Our Country)’ - The painting is an epic collaboration from Iwantja’s culture-bosses 2-time Wynne finalist Peter Mungkuri says We’ve painted our country it’s beautiful country, with a lot of Tjukurpa (cultural heritage). We protect our country, we look after it. The tjilpis (senior men) like us teach the younger people ev...erything about looking after country, how to protect culture. - Iwantja Senior Men’s Collaborative: Alec Baker and Peter MungkurI ‘Nganampa Ngura (Our Country)’ 244 x 198cm, Acrylic and Ink on Linen - 1- Portrait of Alec Baker, photographer: Meg Hansen @meghansenphotography 2- Artwork image: the artist and Iwantja Arts - #AlecBaker #PeterMungkuri @apy_ac_collective @artgalleryofnsw #wynneprize See more
06.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who came down for the opening of Titujara Pukulpa at the APY Gallery in Adelaide last night! . Yankunytjatjara artists Yatjiki, Emily, and Rene’s beautiful exhibition is on show now! . Special thank you to the @apy_ac_collective for their immense and ongoing support of APY artists and art centres. The Collectives contribution to supporting art making on the APY Lands continues to make fundamental changes to individuals lives. The hard work and drive o...f this organisation is unmatched! . Thank you also to the dynamic @sallscales @nicicumpston and Rose Lester for your endless commitment to the advancement of APY artists and their artistic pursuits - these women are endlessly inspiring. . Finally thank you to @steven_marshallmp for your immense generosity, genuine support and long term vision for the incredible APY region. SA is certainly lucky to have you!! . #APYLands #APYartcentres #yatjikicullinan #emilycullinan #renesundown #apyartcentrecollective #titutjarapukulpa #yankunytjatjara #southaustralia See more
05.01.2022 . Nellie Ngampa Coulthard at Alcaston Gallery . Iwantja Arts is pleased to announce Nellie Ngampa Coulthard’s first feature show with Alcaston Gallery is on now! .... Nellie was born in the far eastern desert near Oodnadatta. Her dynamic paintings depict Tjuntala (Acacia Wattle), with the vibrant yellow flowers that surrounds her country. Nellie says; When the flowers come out, it is my favourite time of year, they are so special. My parents taught me how to grind the Tjuntala flowers with a little sand and ashes, we would grind them together into a paste to eat, it’s very sweet and delicious!" . Nellie has been shortlisted for the Wynne Prize in 2018 and 2019, this is her first feature show with Alcaston Gallery. Please contact the gallery for further information . #nelliecoulthard @alcaston_gallery #apy #apyartcentres #apylands #yankunytjatjara See more
04.01.2022 The National is open! Come and see new monumental works by artists and Nangkaris Betty Muffler and Maringka Burton on show now at the Art Gallery of New South Wales Curated by Erin Vink and Matt Cox, this is a truly beautiful exhibition... @artgalleryofnsw #BettyMuffler #MaringkaBurton #apylands Photo by @meghansenphotography
03.01.2022 The Desert Mob Markets are on until this Friday - Check out the Iwantja Arts Catalogue in our link in bio! - Beautiful pieces like this work by Rene Sundown are still available.... - #renesundown #painting #apyartcentres See more
03.01.2022 #Repost @erin.vink THE NATIONAL 2021: NEW AUSTRALIAN ART opens tomorrow to the public. Thanks to all the fantastic crew who have helped install the past four weeks. I’m excited for all of our wonderful artists, but this commission will hold a special place in my heart. I am so excited for everyone to see these two MONUMENTAL new paintings by Betty Muffler and Maringka Burton, titled ‘Ngangkari Ngura (Healing Country)’. Just what we need for the times we find ourselves in. Thanks to Aus Council and @atelieragnsw for supporting the production of this work. Image: Meg Hansen @meghansenphotography, artworks and image courtesy Betty and Maringka and @iwantja_arts #bettymuffler #maringkaburton #iwantjaarts #aboriginalart #nationalau #werestillhere
03.01.2022 Betty Muffler in ‘Greenworld’ now showing at Bayside Gallery, Melbourne - Curated by Joanna Bosse, this group exhibition invites artists to share their connection to the earth, the sky, nature’s lush foliage, its crystallised minerals and its medicinal provisions; celebrating the natural world’s capacity to nurture both physically and spiritually. This exhibition reflects on the power of nature to offer relief, sustenance and inspiration during these times of intense interi...ority. - After a lengthy closure due to Victoria’s covid-19 restrictions, Betty Muffler and Iwantja Arts are delighted that this wonderful exhibition is now open to the public! - Pictured: Greenworld install shots (courtesy of Bayside Gallery) including Betty Muffler’s paintings alongside sculptural installation by Wona Bae and Charlie Lawler - #BettyMuffler #greenworld @alcaston_gallery See more
02.01.2022 #Repost @nationalgalleryaus The September issue of @VogueAustralia is on sale today with the specially commissioned cover by Betty Muffler (Anangu / Pitjantjatjara people), ‘Ngangkari Ngura (Healing Country)' for #VogueHope and Know My Name. Link to story in bio. #iwantja_arts - See the painting today, at the National Gallery, on Level 1.... . #KnowMyName #5WomenArtists #MuseumFromHome #NationalGalleryAus #BowDown #VogueHope #VogueAustralia @Vogue @iwantjaarts See more
02.01.2022 Happy studio days with the lovely Julie Yatjitja, Kaylene Whiskey and Beverly Brumby. Have a great day!
02.01.2022 #Repost @vogueaustralia #VogueAustralia’s September ‘Hope’ issue, out today - September’s issue features an artwork by Anangu/Aboriginal Pitjantjatjara woman and spiritual healer #BettyMuffler, titled Ngangkari Ngura (Healing Country) (2020). ... - Muffler is pictured here standing on Iwantja, Yankunytjatjara Land in front of her artwork, which was commissioned by #Vogue and has been gifted to the @NationalGalleryAus. - Through my paintings you can see my Ngangkari work: watching over people and also looking after Country. My Country, Muffler told National Gallery Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander curators, Kelli Cole and Aidan Hartshorn. - This place is very important we all need to look after each other and respect our home. Read more about the project and about Muffler and her work in the bio link. #IwantjaArts @Iwantja_arts #KnowMyName #bettymuffler See more
01.01.2022 Congratulations to Vincent Namatjira, who has been announced as a finalist in the 2020 Archibald Prize! This is Vincent’s fourth consecutive year as an Archibald Prize finalist. - This year he has painted Adam Goodes, who he describes as a proud Aboriginal man who stands strong for his people. Goodesy makes a strong stand against racism. I stand strong with you too, brother. -... Vincent Namatjira ‘Stand Strong for Who You Are’ 198 x 152cm, Acrylic on Linen - 1 - Portrait photographer: Iwantja Arts 2 - Artwork image: the artist and Iwantja Arts - #VincentNamatjira #AdamGoodes #ArchibaldPrize @adamroy37 @this_is_no_fantasy @apy_ac_collective @artgalleryofnsw See more
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