Hendrix’s Heroes | Brand
Hendrix’s Heroes
Phone: +61 413 030 812
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24.01.2022 Hendrix just went through to surgery, but not before having a big laugh at my ugly pink theatre hat and side eyeing the nurses and doctors to make sure they behaving
21.01.2022 Thank you Aunty Anna & Uncle Weepz for sponsoring last weeks goals!! #hendrixsheroes #TeamHendrix #helphendrixhome...
20.01.2022 Our boy has had a rough couple of weeks in the last month or so. Two weeks ago Hendrix was admitted to PICU, sedated and intubated because his body was failing him. At the time it was our only option to save his life, we were told by medical staff to get our family up to spend time with him as they didn’t think he would make it. ... Little did they know our boy is a warrior and he fought his way back to us, today he is having yet another brain surgery as the doctors still aren’t sure why he hasn’t returned his heart rate to normal ranges. This Monday is Hendrix’s 1 year anniversary since admission to hospital, 1 year since his fight for his life began and 1 year since our heart were broken into pieces. As a parent my heart breaks to see my baby go through so much, nobody should have to fight the way he has but he keeps trying and he keeps smiling. It is so unfair that a child should suffer so much and have his world changed in an instance but he doesn’t let any of that stop him. Our little Hero amazes me with what he has been through and what he has achieved. Hendrix gives me the strength to be strong for him, his smiles make me feel worthy to be his mum and his laughs let me know that I am enough - Mummy’s Handsome Little Boy So today and everyday we will continue to fight, continue to smile & laugh together but most of all we will continue to surround Hendrix and his siblings with the love that they deserve. #hendrixsheroes #helphendrixhome #teamhendrix
18.01.2022 So Yesterday our boy decided he wanted to talk After everything this kid has endured after doctors telling us he may never talk again after the amount of damage the tumour had done. I didn’t want to believe it! I didn’t believe it! This kid is the strongest kid and I told him I wish to be as strong as him one day. He laughed like yeah right! I was so overwhelmed with emotion I have never been so proud. He just turned 9 and he gifted us a gift. He is still trying everyday to be as happy as he can be. He has built so many friendships with doctors and nurses. They call him the Miracle Boy . I love all my babies very much and we will always do our best by them. We thank you all for your continuous support. HendrixHeroes
16.01.2022 There really are no words to describe the emotions and accomplishments of this event. The fact Robbie, Jayden & Janelle have the hearts to dream this up and then they absolutely smashed it out of the park. The support of our community near & far, the coming together of people across countries all for Our Hendrix. My heart is overwhelmed with love and pride of the people we have in our lives. ... We could never say or do enough to thank each and every person who was involved but from the bottom of our hearts we are grateful beyond words. Hendrix was had one of the most heart breaking things happen to him But through it all he manages to smile and he is still as cheeky as ever!
15.01.2022 What a week of ups and downs it has been for our family! Hendrix was doing extremely well over the weekend until his feeding peg came out and yesterday doctors discovered his shunt isn’t working again. So today he has surgery to fix his shunt and then the hard work starts again for our boy. On Monday Charlotte’s finger was jammed in the door at school and we found out the top of her middle finger is fractured. ... Josaiah Hurt his knee at footy a couple of weeks ago, his knee cap dislocated and went back into place but he has an 11mm piece of bone floating in his knee cartilage- he is awaiting surgery to have this removed. It’s been a rough one but we are trying to keep moving forward. Even through all of the trials our kids are still happy, smiling and cheeky as ever. #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix
15.01.2022 Today my precious boy marks one year since the fight of your life began. One year ago doctors told us you may not make the ambulance trip from Prince Charles Hospital to Queensland Children’s Hospital. One year ago that we prepared to say goodbye to the most handsome, curly haired, cheeky, loving boy I ever knew. ... One year ago that you defied all the odds and beat them, as you continue to do today over and over again!! One year ago today that you were dealt a card that no child deserves! Through it all, my boy, you have amazed us all with your strength and resilience. You have fought to be here with us and we will never be able to show you just how much we love you and how proud we are of you. Not once have you given up or lost your light, you just keep shining! Our Hendrix’s Heroes family have laughed together, cried together, fought together and stood together as a family and you are the reason. My Hendrix, you truly are the definition of a superhero! You mean the world to us all and we are so blessed that you are still here, that you continue to fight to be here with us. We love you with all of our hearts, always and forever #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix #helphendrixhome
15.01.2022 Our handsome warrior is awaiting another surgery tonight to change the shunt valve as it is not draining enough fluid. He has been very sleepy the last two to three days and had an emergency call last night when his vitals all dropped and he wasn’t doing very well at all. Hopefully this is the lucky last surgery for our boy and his shunt and we can get back to our rehab journey. ... #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix
15.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to our old man! Thanks for teaching us all some of the most important things in life - see last 2 pics Thanks for all that you do for us and for always having Mums back when we answer back to her ... We hope you had a good day today and know how much we appreciate you. Thanks for snoring louder than me at the hospital and sneaking me lollipops when no one is looking. Happy Farters Day Dad!!
13.01.2022 So proud of you Jayden Nikorima, you are a man who walks the walk and talks the talk. You stood up for our family without a second thought and we are behind you all the way and we celebrate you and your success all the way
13.01.2022 Massive shout out to Jodie Corn for sponsoring our goals for Week Nine!! Please jump on board if you can, the girls still need a few more sponsors to see them through to the end of the season!! ... Kristina Rewha Saiah Lo
13.01.2022 Shout Out to Hollie from Hollie's Beauty Escape for sponsoring this weeks goals. For all your beauty needs hit her up
13.01.2022 Surgery has been postponed until tomorrow morning so tonight we sleep ...... hopefully
12.01.2022 Shout out to the sis Nga FT Corey for hooking our boy up with the goods!! Hendrix has had his Iron Man warmer on all day with the Avengers Nine Realms wax and Mickey Mouse has been by his side For all your scentsy needs and desires, hit our girl up. She has some awesome promos running and the mystery bags are ... https://ngarongo.scentsy.com.au
11.01.2022 Surgery went well and our boy is out of recovery and already full of smiles and giving the nurses a hard time being cheeky as ever This kid blows me away with what he has been through, he has every right to be mad and upset but he’s still trying his best to smile every day! My super hero ... #hendrixsheroes #helphendrixhome #teamhendrix
11.01.2022 My precious baby boy, as we sit here in PICU and I reminisce on all you have been through in the last year my heart breaks for you. The doctors are trying to get to the bottom of what is going on with you. They don’t know why your heart rate & respiratory rate have remained low, they are unsure why your iron levels are low, but you are where you need to be for that to be figured out and they will figure it out. There are a lot of very clever people thinking about you and try...ing to help you get better. The last few months have been rough to say the least but you just keep on pushing through when you have every right to give up. I look at you and your beautiful smile, your loving heart and I wish I could take this away, I wish I could fix it and that it never happened to you. I am sorry with all I have that you have been dealt this cruel situation! I try my best to be there for your siblings at every step of the way, so that they know that they are loved and how strong they are. They have been by your side since this all happened and they are so proud of you and love you so much. I know it hurts them to see you cry or hurt and they always look forward to your visits home. Mummy tries so hard to be strong for you all and my only goal everyday is to make you smile and ensure you know how loved you are, how brave and strong you are. My PhatBoii - You are a warrior, a real life super hero! Keep trying my son, your best will always be enough, you and your siblings will always be enough and I will continue to fight for each of you and try my best to be the Mum that you all deserve, even though most days I fall short. I love you all with all I am and all I have, no matter what comes our way I got you my babies, always & forever! Mummy #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix #helphendrixhome
11.01.2022 Hendrix has been working hard trying to get some words back the last few weeks and over the weekend a few came back. We are super duper proud of him, even if he was lying Oh my son, we love your fight, through all of this you have never given up and you just keep trying and as usual you are still as bloody cheeky as ever with the cutest laugh. ... #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix #helphendrixhome
11.01.2022 On behalf of Hendrix, his family & all of the Hendrix’s Heroes, we would like to pledge half of all funds raised tomorrow at the Pine Rivers Association wear RED day to Kate & her family. It is times like these when we come together and love each other through. Kate, we hope that your treatments are going well and we hope to see you back on the netball court some day soon, who knows we may even see you around the hospital. ... ACE Netball Club United Starz Netball Club Inc Pine Rivers Netball Association Inc #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix #helphendrixhome #teamkate
10.01.2022 Thank you to Team Scorpio for their support this season. This is my sister Tailah’s netball team at United Starz Netball Club Inc. Mrs Big Z Beard Co. is our team manager and has spearheaded this fundraiser. Thanks to Kristy Smith for sponsoring Week One! ... Jump on board if you can! Thank you Hendrix’s Heroes Fam
10.01.2022 Thank you Bayside Cleaning Solutions
08.01.2022 The Call has been made & a Challenge has been set! Will your team jump on board? #HowManyGoalsCanYourTeamGet #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix ... #helphendrixhome See more
05.01.2022 Tomorrow is wear Red fundraiser day at Pine Rivers Netball Association, please wear red in support of Hendrix Make sure to tag us in your photos & videos!! #hendrixsheroes ... #teamhendrix #helphendrixhome See more
05.01.2022 Today was the first day Hendrix got up and out of bed since last weekend. Hendrix received a remote control car for his birthday - lucky boy! We built a makeshift ramp and tunnel using cardboard boxes. He’s a bit fast and furious on the controls though so watch your toes ... #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix #helphendrixhome
05.01.2022 Shout Out to Glues N Tools for sponsoring week Two
04.01.2022 What a massive effort from our netball community! An awesome achievement that will help not only our family but Kate’s as well, we are so grateful to everyone who helped out be it big or small. Together we are always stronger, thank you for being a part of our community that has become our family! ... #hendrixsheroes #TeamHendrix #helphendrixhome #TeamKate
04.01.2022 If you are down Pine Rivers Netball Association Inc this Saturday make sure you wear RED. My Mum is hoping to be there with a hair braiding tent if COVID restrictions allow - $5/braid #HelpHendrixHome ... #HendrixsHeroes #TeamHendrix See more
01.01.2022 Today Josaiah & Arianna took to the footy field for 2020, Hendrix was able to watch them play from the hospital which was awesome. It is NahNah’s first year and both these kids took to the field for their brother today and we couldn’t be more proud. We are beyond blessed with our footy family and the people who have surrounded us with love and support.... This season the Under 12 Harriss boys are becoming Hendrix’s Heroes -$2 per try in every game this season will be donated to Hendrix's Heroes at the end of the season to help Hendrix home. The Under 11 Spletter team have retired the # 15 jersey for Hendrix which will be at every game. Hendrix’s contract is still under negotiation with Charlie, our boy drives a hard bargain. Hendrix is a well loved kid, where ever he goes and that is shown in the massive amount of love he receives from all who know him. Each of these teams and their players are carrying Hendrix onto that field with them, on their mind and in their hearts as shown on the wrist bands. #helphendrixhome #hendrixsheroes #teamhendrix