Herb-Tek in Newcastle, New South Wales | Botanical garden
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 4339 8956
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25.01.2022 PLEASEAE STOCK UP ON MULLEIN (Verbascum)!!! "Mullein is used for cough, whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, hoarseness, pneumonia, earaches, colds, chills, flu, swine flu, fever, allergies, tonsillitis, and sore throat. Other uses include asthma, diarrhea, colic, gastrointestinal bleeding, migraines, joint pain, and gout. Sep 17, 2019"
24.01.2022 Home grown Mucuna Pruriens coming soon!
22.01.2022 https://youtu.be/XfWay2fWqbg
21.01.2022 Sonchus, edible. The leaves can be eaten raw in salads or cooked like spinach and used in soups and casseroles. The flowers can be eaten raw or cooked. The stem can be cooked like asparagus although it is best to peel first. This is one species that is used in Chinese cuisine kci which means bitter vegetable.
20.01.2022 Thankyou Healthy Heart Hemp Seeds
19.01.2022 Last minute, but I'm thinking of spending 7 days cruising around in my 4WD, living entirely off wild food and promoting mental health/suicide prevention... It's... not really convenient for me to do so at the moment as I've got a fair bit on, but I need to challenge myself and I NEED to make noise about those who are struggling with mental health or are at risk of suicide. If you'd like me to share my experiences (as much as possible) with live feeds and photos, like this post, leave a comment or tag friends. If I get over 100 likes for this post that will indicate to me that people are interested in following my journey, and I will start first thing tomorrow morning. Photo - Wombat Berries (Eustrephus latifolius) - edible roots, shoots and fruits
17.01.2022 Youll find these are surprisingly effective! And for all levels of harm potentially caused.
15.01.2022 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sida_rhombifolia
14.01.2022 PLEASE STOCK UP ON MULLEIN! (Verbascum) This guy will convince you why!! Will post another video on how to indentify it in the wild, it grows everywhere!!
13.01.2022 Homework! Know these off by heart
13.01.2022 NEW CONCEPT DESIGN Love Law, Love Lore Law / Lore... LOARWE A common concept among the herbalists and healers of this world; "Pant LORE not Plant LAW!" Going to be making these into T-Shirts, hoodies etc. This is a prototype, personally Id like to see BLACK text on WHITE, Let me know you think? And would you like to buy one? Big things from herb-tek coming up, so stay tuned!
11.01.2022 Nope, my services will remain exactly as they are. Actually, now is a good time to get in touch.
10.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/groups/centralcoastbushtucker/permalink/3265388710184488/?sfnsn=mo&d=n&vh=e
08.01.2022 Legs are broken over this one.
07.01.2022 New logo coming.
07.01.2022 Last minute, but Im thinking of spending 7 days cruising around in my 4WD, living entirely off wild food and promoting mental health/suicide prevention... Its... not really convenient for me to do so at the moment as Ive got a fair bit on, but I need to challenge myself and I NEED to make noise about those who are struggling with mental health or are at risk of suicide. If youd like me to share my experiences (as much as possible) with live feeds and photos, like this post, leave a comment or tag friends. If I get over 100 likes for this post that will indicate to me that people are interested in following my journey, and I will start first thing tomorrow morning. Photo - Wombat Berries (Eustrephus latifolius) - edible roots, shoots and fruits
07.01.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feH44HQM6Ck
06.01.2022 Great read!!! https://selfhealschool.com/herbs-for-alcohol-recovery/
05.01.2022 Coming very soon!
05.01.2022 Does not require chemistry.
05.01.2022 Try not to let any "law", keep you in an immoral brainwashing, causing discrimination between some plants in particular withheld by authorities, and all plants on this earth, you will lose touch to a general source pool of "lore".
05.01.2022 Quitting tobacco and using lung herbs to ward off the disastrous effects of COVID 19 on the lungs - which we all know is what kills! Smoking potentiates the ris...k of complications and death from Covid-19 by a multiple of 14 times! I agree with Professor Marc Nelson that tobacco should be banned now. But also the actions of herbs to act as addiction interrupters, cleanse the lungs and expel mucus should be broadcast worldwide. The problem is after being in the business of offering natural alternatives and interrupters, helping people get off not only nicotine, but all sorts of drugs really; I never have heard of people successfully quitting their habits by using the quit line or through allopathy. I myself got off nicotine by smoking alternatives like passionflower. For a while I was a cannabis smoker and weaned myself of cannabis by using Damiana (which by the way is also a lung cleanser and known to be of benefit for emphysema). But more importantly in this day and age of Covid-19 we must protect our lungs at all costs. Unfortunately there are no allopathic methods or magic pills to enable you to cleanse your lungs. But there are indeed many herbs that do. It is not the virus itself that kills - it is the inflammation and congestion on the lungs i.e. mucus. The hospitals have to use invasive techniques like ventilators etc to enable breathing but it seems there are not enough ventilators to handle this pandemic! However there are herbs that are known to protect and clean the lungs as well as expelling mucus. Below is a list of some of these lung herbs which sadly are not generally available, but fortunately are from Happy Herb shops: COLTSFOOT - it strengthens the lungs and eliminates mucus and assists with coughs etc. ELECAMPANE - eliminates mucus and treats infections. LOBELIA INFLATA - breaks up congestion and relaxes the airways. LIQUORICE - softens mucus membranes, reduces inflammation and has an expectorant effect. MULLEIN - loosens mucus and is valuable for all lung problems because it nourishes as well as strengthens. So please get them for you and your loved ones now while you can. The flu virus attacks at the throat first and from there it gets into your lungs. I recommend PROPOLIS, DRAGONS BLOOD or COLTSFOOT to help kill that virus in your throat and stop it getting into your lungs. Please do your own google research because I have stuck my neck out enough by making these claims but now is the time for the herbal truth to be out and not to be have this information suppressed any more. I have made these truthful claims because in these Covid-19 times this information could be a life or death matter. Everybody must know this information, so please share it. The survival of your loved ones cannot be sacrificed by Big Pharma with their lobbying for oppression of herbs and herb information. It is back to the future now. Herb lore not Herb law! The time for nature and natural herbs has returned! See more
03.01.2022 7 Day Wild Food Challenge for Lifeline
03.01.2022 Bidens Pilosa. (Farmers friends, Black jacks, those annoying spikey things that stick to your clothes.) I am fairly certain this plant has "ANTIVIRAL" properties, some things Ive read during research have stated so. EDIT: Update... The leaves are 100% anti viral! There has been great success in treating herpes virus 1 & 2 , in vitro (test tubes) How useful could that be at the moment, I wonder? The bigger ones have plenty of leaves and are edible with medicinal properties. Please just be careful of any weed killer possibly sprayed on. A list of some uses; "Bidens pilosa is used as a medicinal plant in many regions of Africa, Asia and tropical America. Roots, leaves and seed have been reported to possess antibacterial, antidysenteric, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimalarial, diuretic, hepato-protective and hypotensive activities.May 5, 2018 https://uses.plantnet-project.org" I recommend eating about a half dozen leaves a day. If the plant looks dead or unhealthy, its possibly had weed killer on it so please be careful. Anyway, Change your views about one Australias most hated weeds ? It sure changed mine when I found out about it. (Thanks, you know who you are )
02.01.2022 For YOUR Knowledge
01.01.2022 Educational purposes only.
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