HIPPY Australia Bunbury-Collie in Bunbury, Western Australia | Education
HIPPY Australia Bunbury-Collie
Locality: Bunbury, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9721 6951
Address: 51-55 Forrest Avenue 6230 Bunbury, WA, Australia
Website: http://investinginouryouth.com.au/hippy-australia/
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24.01.2022 PLAYGROUP!!!! We are so happy to let you all know that our playgroup will be running fortnightly again from next week. Wednesday 5th August from 11.30am til 1.30pm. At the Child and Parent Centre Carey Park. We will provide a range of activities relating to what we have been learning in HIPPY as well as a healthy and nutritious lunch for us all to share. Please let your tutor know of any dietary requirements you may have so that we can cater to everyone's needs.... We look forward to seeing you all then and catching up on everything that has happened over the last few months. See more
24.01.2022 AGE 4 Blue Pack 4 Thinking and Exploring COUNTING 1-5 Reading a number and knowing how many objects are needed to make that number is an important maths skill. This is called number correspondence. When you received your HIPPY pack at the start of the year, we included a number laminate which can be used to expand upon this activity. Family and Community MAKE YOUR OWN PLACEMAT When your child has finished making their placemat set it aside and give to your tutor next time you see them and we can laminate it for you ready to use at meal times.
22.01.2022 Thursday July 16 at 10am Lock the date in! - I'll be doing a full LIVE reading of Magnificent Mistakes for the School Holidays and talk about about being a ...writer, answer my 5 most commonly asked questions and get kids to do a fun creative exercise. Perfect for ages 4 to 12 (or any age really!) If your kids have a copy of the book, they can read along with me. All the details and how to book on the event page.. https://www.facebook.com/events/561383194553735/ I've teamed up with the awesome people at Loungeroom Livestreaming to bring you this event.
22.01.2022 We've been a little bit quiet on our Facebook page while we enjoy some much needed time with our own families..... We hope you are enjoying the school holidays with your children. We love this Book Bingo activity by the Bunbury Libraries....Have a go and get lost in the simple pleasure of sharing a book with your child/children
22.01.2022 Have you downloaded the Bright Tomorrows app? CoLab Collaborate for Kids (a partnership between the Minderoo Foundation and the Telethon Kids Institute) was ...formed to give parents, carers and others who care about or for children, some of the tools they need to give all children the best start to life. Underpinned by the latest child development science, CoLab developed the Bright Tomorrows initiative to build community understanding about the amazing potential of a baby’s developing brain and to provide expert advice and evidence-based tools to support children’s health, development and learning. A baby’s brain is a remarkable little creature forming more than a million neural connections every second when activated. Babies learn through spending time with their parents and other special people in their life. We’ve created Bobbie to show us all the emotions, thoughts and responses that happen in a child’s brain when a baby experiences meaningful moments. These meaningful moments, especially if they occur early in a child’s life and often, build strong brains, providing a strong foundation for their life. Download the Bright Tomorrows app today to receive access to over 1000 meaningful moments and tips to help build young brains. #brighttomorrows #investinginouryouthwa
21.01.2022 Oscar has taken the mysterious egg home and when he read it a bedtime story and sung it a lullaby, the egg glowed and grew! It's a lot like a baby's brain. Whe...n we read and sing to babies, their brains grow. Tune in every day to read about the adventures of the mysterious egg. #PaintBunburyREaD #InvestingInOurYouth #Lotterywest
21.01.2022 Today is Playgroup day!!! Looking forward to catching up with you all after such a long time.
21.01.2022 Playdough!! everyone loves playdough, so here are a few different recipes for you to make at home with your children. There are so many other recipes easily found on the internet, have fun!!!!
20.01.2022 last day of playgroup 2020
20.01.2022 Still have spots available for age 4 hippy enrolments for 2021 if anyone is interested in enrolling please contact sophia on 0459785699
18.01.2022 AGE 5 Yellow Pack 2 This is such a fun activity pack with lots of play based learning. Some of these activities you may also have done when you were a child.... Thinking and Exploring JOIN THE DOTS Dot to dot pictures are a great way to help your child learn number recognition. Remember to let them have a go, even if they make a mistake. If they really enjoy this activity, there are a lot of free dot to dot pictures on the internet that you can print out for them to do as well. Communication PLAYING WITH SOUNDS. There is bound to be lots of fun and laughter with this activity as you explore rhyming words together. What other rhymes and rhyming word games can you come up with?
18.01.2022 A young boy called Oscar has discovered a mysterious egg perched on the rocks at Yallingup beach. It is very unusual with strange colourful markings. He looked... around but could find no clues as to what it could be. What do you think could be inside the egg? #PaintBunburyREaD #Lotterywest #InvestingInOurYouth
18.01.2022 AGE 5 GREEN PACK 1 Children need to be physically active every day to stay healthy. Thinking and Exploring SHAPE TANGLE This activity is such a fun way to get your children active. Similar to a game of Twister, this activity encourages your child to develop their motor-coordination skills. Social and Emotional WHAT'S THE FEELING? In our 4 yr old Orange packs we learnt a lot about our emotions and feelings. This activity builds on your child's vocabulary for different and more complex feeling words like excited and confused. Being able to tune in to feelings will help them to regulate or manage their behaviour in an appropriate way.
17.01.2022 Withers wander land day was a really good day more photos to coming
17.01.2022 AGE 4 Blue Pack 3 comes with a lovely new story book to share with your child. As with all our story books, ask your child first what they think the story might be about. Flick through the pages of the book and talk about the things that you see in the pictures and let your child make up their own story as they go. Then after reading the story together, you might like to have a go at making a salad for lunch or dinner to share.
16.01.2022 AGE 5 Yellow Pack 1 This pack comes with a new story book, Where I Live. After reading this book together, you might like to talk to your child about your childhood home and where you grew up. Thinking and Exploring Activity FINISH THE PICTURE. After completing this activity you might like to do a "mystery creature" picture, where one person draws the head, folds the page over, the next person draws the body, folds the page and then the last person draws the feet. Unfold the page at the end to reveal your mystery creature. Creativity Activity MAKING A LANTERN. This is such a fun activity to do together. You could make several of these and use as decorations around the house.
16.01.2022 AGE 4 Blue Pack 2 Communication SEQUENCING STORIES After your child has done the activity with the story from their HIPPY Pack, have them make up their own story to go with the pictures. Family and Community SIGNS EVERYWHERE There are so many different road signs to see! Next time you're out and about in the car why not play a game of road sign bingo. Below are some different signs to look for.
16.01.2022 What a great start to Term 4 we've had with so many families coming to Playgroup today!!! For those of you who enjoyed our chocolate playdough, the recipe is as follows; 1 cup fine salt 1.5 cups of plain flour .5 cup of cocoa... 3 Teaspoons cream of tartar 2 Tablespoons of oil - vegetable, olive, sunflower or coconut 2 cups of boiling water. Measure all ingredients into a bowl and mix with a spoon until it forms a dough. Roll out onto a floured benchtop and knead until soft. Enjoy See more
15.01.2022 Next week is our last week of hippy we finish on the 18/12/20 and start up again when school goes back :-) Hope you all have a great Christmas and a happy new year
14.01.2022 What a day! Thank you to all the wonderful families who joined the HIPPY team at the Big Swamp today to celebrate HIPPY's birthday week. It was a fantastic day..., sun was shining and the kids were smiling! HIPPY week this year is all about Children's voices. Coinciding with Children's Week celebrations the HIPPY Australia Bunbury-Collie team did a fantastic job marking this special occasion. For those who don't know, HIPPY stands for Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters - a transformative two year, home based early childhood learning and parenting program that empowers parents and carers as their child's first teacher. HIPPY is provided for children in the year before school (Age 4) and then in the first year of school (Age 5). For more information, contact our amazing HIPPY Coordinator - Sophia [email protected]
13.01.2022 Don't forget it's playgroup week again this week
12.01.2022 PLAYGROUP TERM 3 2020 Wed 5th August Wed 19th August Wed 2nd September Wed 16th September
12.01.2022 All set up and ready to go at the Children's Day Event being hosted by the Collie Valley Child and Parent Centre. Come and see us at Roche Park on Coombes Street Collie between 10am and 12pm today.
12.01.2022 AGE 5 Yellow Pack 3 Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths are known as STEM subjects at school. Creativity Activity STICK CONSTRUCTION is an example of a STEM activity. Let your children use their imagination and freely create their own masterpiece for this activity. This pack also comes with a new story book "Sometimes". ... Social and Emotional activity SHARING STORIES. Reading this story together and completing the activity connects to what your child is learning in the Health and Physical Education curriculum at school. See more
11.01.2022 Who is following the story of the egg that Oscar found? Things sure are getting interesting....I wonder what's in the egg
11.01.2022 AGE 4 BLUE PACK 6 Thinking and Exploring SORTING FACES GAME This activity assists your child in learning about similarities and differences. Sorting and classifying are maths concepts. This is a great activity to get your children thinking about the different people we know and see in our community. Communication MEMORY GAME. Playing a memory game helps develop language skills, encourages problem solving and helps build on memory. Games are also a great way to learn about ru...les and taking turns. We have included ten pairs of cards, however, when you first start try with either a few cards turned up first as in our photo or with less sets of cards to make finding a match a little easier. Creativity PAPER WEAVING. Weaving together loose strips of paper is really difficult! Either tape the tops of the strips down or make sure your child doesn't cut the paper all the way to the top as in our photo. We also punched holes in a paper plate and numbered them 1-10 for a little extra practice at number recognition. Weaving the ribbon through the holes is great for fine motor skill practice. See more
09.01.2022 Playgroup next Wednesday 3/03/2021 at 11:30
09.01.2022 Withers wander land
06.01.2022 Reading is so much more fun when you read with a friend.
05.01.2022 AGE 4 BLUE PACK 5 Thinking and Exploring COUNTING 1-10 Reading a number and knowing how many objects are needed to make that number is an important maths skill. In previous packs we practiced counting to 5, now we will expand on that and start counting up to 10. In the photos below are a number of other fun ways to expand on this activity. Family and Community FAMILY ROUTINES Talking about family routines helps your child learn about the different ways they contribute to and participate in family life. If you haven't already done so, now would be a great time to introduce the chore chart we gave your child in their HIPPY bag at the start of the year. It's best to pick just 2 or 3 jobs to start with and let your child mark them off each day when done.
05.01.2022 Our NEW playgroup starts on Monday, please book as spaces are limited. :)
03.01.2022 Have you visited the Magical Reading Egg at Bunbury Library? Read it a book, sing it a song, tell it a story to help it grow..... #PaintBunburyREaD #CityofBunburyLibrary #InvestingInOurYouth #Lotterywest
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