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His n Hers Automotive Solutions in Kilsyth, Victoria, Australia | Automotive repair centre

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His n Hers Automotive Solutions

Locality: Kilsyth, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 8761 6200

Address: 4/120 Canterbury Rd 3137 Kilsyth, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 We have had the third update in 3 days from the VACC and the government on whether we are allowed to trade or not. The latest update is that we can only do emergency repairs on vehicles for frontline or emergency workers, or if your car is unable to drive safely/at all. It has been confirmed that we are no longer able to do routine servicing. If your car breaks down, please message us through here or call 8761 6200 and leave us a voicemail. We will organise a time with you to... get you back on the road. We ARE taking bookings for when we re-open. After the last shut down ended we were flat out, so its a good idea to get in early with your name in the diary. We are pretty shattered that we cant be there trading and keeping our customers cars safe and healthy, but we will see you all in 6 weeks time. Thank you all for your love and support in these stressful times. Hopefully stage 4 means we can all resume life safely and without fear of getting sick.

25.01.2022 Comparable to my singing talent to be honest

24.01.2022 A good news story!!!

24.01.2022 *gasp* How did I not see this until now?!?!

23.01.2022 Weve had a cancellation for today if anyone wants to get their car in? Call us on 8761 6200 if you want to nab a spot!

23.01.2022 Fri-Yay funny!!!

23.01.2022 Today our apprentice Janine began the last year of her apprenticeship! We first met Janine when she approached us for work experience while doing her Certificate II in Light Vehicle Automotive (pre-apprenticeship course). It wasnt even a requirement of the course she just really wanted the experienceit was hard not to be super impressed by that kind of drive and initiative. At the time, Craig and I felt the business was on the cusp of needing another staff member, but we ...werent actively looking. We knew within the first day that Janine had a great attitude and work ethic, and when she went back to TAFE at the end of the two weeks, we decided to offer her an apprenticeship. We were not only quickly impressed with the fact that she loves to learn and asked tons of questions, but the quality of her questions from day one was impressive - they have always been well thought out and intelligent. Fast forward to now and nothing in her attitude has changed since that first week - she soaks up everything shes taught and takes pride in the quality of her work. Her enthusiasm has never faded; she always goes to every training night, is ahead in her TAFE schooling, and I cant think of the last sick day shes had. She locks up for us sometimes, is awesome with our customers, and regularly answers the phones for us if were on a road test or otherwise busy. When Janine started with us, we all thought she was so quiet and shyshe was like a little mouse! Once she got to know us all though, the razor-sharp wit came out, along with some cracker one-liners! Shes super reliable, totally honest, mentally tough as nails, and if you couldnt get along with Janine, there must be something wrong with you! We feel so lucky that she chose us to do work experience with, because shes such a great person to work with and such an asset to our business! Happy 4th year Janine!

22.01.2022 So true it hurts. Literally.

21.01.2022 Shout out to our long distance customers! We have people drive from Mansfield, Merrijig, Booroolite, Phillip Island, and a little closer, from Coburg, Geelong and Carrum Downs to get their car serviced! We appreciate the effort put in to come to us! You lot are deadset legends!! #longdistancelove #deadsetlegends #somucheffort #weloveyou #appreciationpost #hisnhers #mechanics #kilsyth #yarravalley

21.01.2022 We are adding Wednesday 23rd Sept to the available days! Have a light on your dash, are sketchy on the condition of your tyres, headlight or tail light globe out, or some other safety concern? If youre due for a service we can also do that while youre in (but cant book you for a service without having a safety related concern). Both loaners are booked out already but webcam take another 3 cars that day, so shoot us a message if that date suits you! #kilsyth #hisnhers #safetyconcern #roadworthyissue #mechanics #isolationshouldntmeananunsafecar #wearestillhere #contactless

20.01.2022 We are booking up fast for the first week back! Monday the 4th, and Tuesday the 5th are almost booked up, and the rest of the week is also filling up fast! We'll have a voicemail set up whilst we're on holidays, so you can leave a message for us and we'll call you back to make a booking, or you can shoot us a message on here!

19.01.2022 Just to remind you that whilst the stage 3 shut down is happening, we are running a 4 day week, so Fridays we are closed! You can leave a voicemail for us on 8761 6200, or shoot us a message on here if you need to get hold of us.

19.01.2022 Fridays are lathey days! (See what i did there!). Nah, seriously, why send discs out for machining when you can do them in-house? #efficiencyatitsfinest #brakelathe #inhouse #wedoitall #brakes #discmachining #discs #allcars #allmodels #mechanics #mechanic #kilsyth #nobrakeshudderhere

19.01.2022 This is a poor little broken motor. It was in a 2010 Subaru Impreza and the timing belt tensioner let go....cue lots and lots of bent valves, and zero compression. The cheapest way out of this palava was to do a 2nd hand motor for the customer. The car is now back on the road and this motor will be on a 1 way trip to the wreckers. #motortransplant #subaru #impreza #mechanic #hisnhers #kilsyth #backontheroad #ontheroadagain #bentvalves #nocompression #cantgowontgo #wedoitall #mechanics #secondhandmotor

19.01.2022 So this sucks. It sucks for everyone....for parents who are dreading home schooling again, for those who are immune compromised and are really scared right now, for small businesses who have to shut and businesses who may never open again, for the older people who feel really isolated through all this, and for every person who is worried about job security. Our business was growing and expanding prior to this, and now were discussing reduced trading hours or a 3 or 4 day working week. Well keep you apprised of whatever changes to opening hours we make, and well do everything we can to be here on the other side of this. In the absence of a refund for 2020, all we can do is band together and do what we can to get through.

18.01.2022 Now could be a great time to book your car in for a service!

17.01.2022 Since were shut on Fridays at the moment, this is our Thursday-pretending-to-be-a-Friday Funny!!

17.01.2022 So stage 4 is finally here. Whilst we dont know what category of business we will definitely fall into, early bets are its the one that will shut us down for the 6 weeks. On the off chance thats correct, Id suggest if you want stuff done on your car asap, you need to be calling us 1st thing tomorrow and well try and smash out as much as we can in 3 days. 8761 6200.

17.01.2022 I'm a little lost for words! The research that brought about this article is so important for women like myself and Janine, and all the chicks I know in our industry. We LOVE our work and are stoked to be a part of changing attitudes towards chick in male dominated industries.

17.01.2022 Donkeystrength!! Bahahaha!! Llamathrust!*snort*

17.01.2022 IT'S a Christmas Movie and I won't hear anyone say otherwise.

16.01.2022 Are you: * planning on a road trip over the Chrissie period? * Over due for a service because of lockdown? * Due for service in December or January? * worried about a noisy/vibration/issue with your car?... We're trying our best to fit everyone in before Christmas but as per standard pre-xmas warnings, we would really love it if you book early to avoid missing out! Currently taking bookings for Monday 30th Nov. If you need a loan car it'll be Wednesday 2nd Dec onwards! See more

15.01.2022 Our awesome customers Faith and Darren started their own business in Healesville at the end of last year - what a baptism of fire 2020 has been but they've come through stronger than ever! They make AH-MAZ-ING cakes and bread and other goodies so if you're in Healesville, pop in and see them at Natures Cakes!

15.01.2022 Id be the pool chick for sure!

15.01.2022 The follow up article to this story is coming out this weekend, and guess who's in it?

15.01.2022 Well hasnt 2020 become a special little turd? Thanks to Lockdown version 2.0, weve decided to adjust our trading hours. We will now be open Monday - Thursday, and closed Friday. Hours will still be 7.30am-5pm, but this will enable us to have 4 good days of bookings and be financially cautious. We will still have our voicemail turned on for fridays, and we are always available to message through our facebook page! We are considered an essential service, and you cannot be fi...ned for bringing your car in, but we have noticed a decline in bookings since the lockdown began. Once bookings fire up again well go back to 5 days a week, and well let you know as soon as that happens. Thanks for your support everyone! As a small family owned business, we rely on word of mouth and customer loyalty every day, but especially now! #mechanic #kilsyth #lockdown #revisedtradinghours #hisnhers #mechanics #automotive #smallbusiness #corona2020 #2020 #urgh

15.01.2022 Well, sort of. We cant do servicing until September 14th (and just quietly, were taking bookings for then, so if you need a service, get yourself in the diary asap, cos we may be busy when the stage 4 restrictions lift!) BUT, we CAN do emergency repairs. So if your car needs help, is being unreliable, has broken down, is your only transport to work/to get food/or for an emergency, then we can fix it. Because emergency work isnt the majority of our work, we are only opening... a day or 2 a week, and by appointment only. So call us and leave a voicemail, or shoot us a message on here, and if you need emergency repairs, we will organise a time to get you in and then back on the road. This is a tough time for everyone, but were not "closed", just not here full time at the moment, so dont feel weve abandoned you if you have car trouble! Were still your mechanics and still here to help! See more

15.01.2022 Credit to Riley Edwards for finding this one!

14.01.2022 Update #498!! We have received news from the VACC that the government has revised the permissable work we can do. "Routine maintenance is not permitted, but where urgent vehicle repairs are being undertaken, other maintenance and servicing can also be completed at this time to keep the vehicle roadworthy. Product recalls or repairs are permitted as this relates to ensuring safety."... So....if you have a problem with your car that is a safety item, or is a Roadworthy issue, or your car requires emergency work, and it happens to be due for a service at the time it comes in, we are now allowed to also service it while its here. Thankfully, logic has prevailed! Buzz us on 87616200 or shoot us a message through here! (and yes, Caz has fixed the call divert, so youll get us now! Sorry about the past few days!)

14.01.2022 Im not saying I hate jeeps, but this raises a good point....

13.01.2022 We have no power until 3.30 today and cannot even get the roller door up! The phones won't ring but are going to voicemail, so please leave a message and we'll call you back tomorrow. Unfortunately we've decided to close, as we can't even get cars in the shop to work with hand tools! Sorry for any inconvenience! #poweroutage #nopower # powersdown #kilsyth #mechanic #noworktoday

12.01.2022 So sad to see this today

12.01.2022 We hate to tell you this, but weve gotta put up the price of roadworthys. Vicroads have released a regulation update which requires us to take a much larger number of photos of each car inspected for a roadworthy (min 12). This increases the time it takes to inspect each car, and to log each photo, and unfortunately means we need to increase the cost of inspections. Passenger cars will now be $180.00, and 4wds will be $220.00, effective today, 6.7.20.... Further to this, second inspections done on vehicle that have NOT been repaired here will incur a $50.00 fee, as we now need to photograph and log each item reported on the first test (no more running out to the driveway and eyeballing things that have been repaired!) Sorry everyone!

12.01.2022 ooooh this is a folk lore car!

10.01.2022 Aawww so cute! #mechanic #hisnhers #kilsyth #nextgenmechanics

08.01.2022 And that's us done for 2020! We've serviced everything, repaired all we can repair, cleaned and shut the shop. Today we drank the wine, ate the breakup lunch and everyone is now on a well earned break for a week or so. We'll be available here on messenger to make bookings for the new year, or leave a voicemail and we'll call you back in 24-48 hours! Monday 4th of January we are back, and we anticipate being booked up already for that 1st week before we open the doors, so do...n't dilly dally with bookings! Thank you for your support this year....we know it's been a super hard year for everyone, and we appreciate your calls and messages to see how we're going, and to book in! We hope 2021 is an amazing year for everyone! Have an awesome festive week and a great new years eve, and let's keep fingers crossed that 2020 was a once off and its all up from here on in!

08.01.2022 Weve had quite a few calls this morning about whether were open and if people are allowed to get their cars serviced. To be clear, we are an essential service, and no, you wont be fined for driving to us for a booking! Having reliable transport is essential even if youre in lockdown!

08.01.2022 We had a MASSIVE week and after the phone endlessly ringing, more customers in for service this week alone than all of August, and a grand total of FOUR bookings left available for the year, I'm pretty sure this is how our staff felt about Friday clock off.....

07.01.2022 We didnt want Betty to feel left out after JLo got a mention! Betty is an oldie but a goodie! We serviced her for years and then her owner bought a new car...and we knew she was too good to pass up! Betty is great for those with kids (plenty of room for prams etc, and 2 child seat bolts), or for tradies cos the boot is huge and can fit lots of tools. Today she had a service, and now shes feeling all loved and special! #hisnhers #mechanic #kilsyth #mechanics #bettytheloancar #commodore #holden #loancar #sedan #reliable #stillgoingstrong #service

07.01.2022 Holy Dooley!! We are so busy that I took 3 bookings by 7.40am this morning. We are so busy that each night we can only just get the roller door down! We are so busy that our next available booking is a week away and the next available loan car is a week and a half away! So book ahead. Check your diary, pick a day in advance and then call asap! Lockdown is over and all the normal cars we would do in a month are booking in, PLUS the cars that missed out on work whilst lockdown was happening! 8761 6200

06.01.2022 Credit to Cydnee-maree Boulton for this friyay funny gem!

06.01.2022 Front end manager at work, but crazy cat lady at home! This post is for all you kitteh slaves!!

05.01.2022 This is a really great visual!

04.01.2022 Need some work done on your car? We are taking limited bookings for this Thursday. We are allowed to do essential repairs (anything to keep your car in road worthy condition) and if youre due for a service at the same time, we can do that while youre in! Next day of bookings is Monday next week so shoot us a message with your preferred day! #hisnhers #carrepairs #isorepairs #mechanics #mechanic #kilsyth #stillopen

04.01.2022 We are staying open! We have sanitised loan cars, regularly wiped down door handles and reception desk, masks and hand santiser! This week we will be open today, tomorrow and Thursday, shut Friday. Next week we will be open Wednesday and Thursday but if we get enough bookings we will open extra days! So if your car needs work, needs a service, needs LOVE, book it in!

04.01.2022 Hahahaha thats poetic justice isnt it?!

04.01.2022 EDIT: booking filled! Weve had a customer swap his booking to another day, so can fit in 1 more car today! If you want the spot, buzz us on 8761 6200!

03.01.2022 And just like that, the diary is closed for 2020! We are fully booked, chockablock, full as a gug, jammed to the roller door and playing car tetris every night to fit them all in. Our goal is to have every car out by next Tuesday at 5pm, with nothing left to carry over to the New Year. Bookings are now being taken for 2021, January 4th onwards. We already have bookings for that week, and suspect we may be already booked up for the 1st week before we even come back! So if you want a booking, we encourage you to get in now!

03.01.2022 Only SEVEN service bookings left for 2020!!!!! That's YOU and 6 other people. Next week is chockablock full (overfull if we're honest), so that leaves the last 2 days of trading for the year, which is Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd. #Christmasrush #mechanic #hisnhers #holydooleywerebusy #7morebookings

03.01.2022 There's Christmas decorations in the shops, half my mates have their trees up, and now, to really confirm that Christmas is just around the corner, here's my first post of 2020 warning of our busyness and urging you to book ahead! There's 28 days of bookings left before Christmas, but 6 of those days are already booked up!!! We are still catching up on cars that were due for service during the lockdown, and now that people can go away for Chrissie, we are anticipating a bum...per month of bookings. So....check your diary, pick a date and then call or message us asap!! The next available day we have is Tuesday 24th. If you want a loan car it's Wednesday 25th! #Christmasisalmosthere #mechanic #hisnhers #kilsyth #outereastmechanic #chickmechanics #automotive #booknow #noseriouslybooknow #countdowntochristmas #thecountdownison

03.01.2022 It's all I can see!

01.01.2022 The tiger slippers really make this special

01.01.2022 This will be Jack in another year or 2! lol! #whatdotwomechanicscalltheirson #jack #accidentalpun #hisnhers #mechanics #kilsyth #automotive #futureapprentice

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