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25.01.2022 Such a gorgeous afternoon spent sharing our healing hearts and love in prayer yoga and meditation @totalfusionaustralia #chermside raising funds for the bushfire relief NSW.. thank you to everyone who came and donated.. all funds going to @wireswildliferescue ..
24.01.2022 A F F I R M A T I O N S - breath in through the nose breath out through the nose -... feeling relaxed and calm - programming the mind to feel happier and healthier almost tricking your mind to believe in them - i am calm relaxed and healthy I am calm relaxed and healthy I am calm relaxed and healthy - I feel my best I feel my best I feel my best - I love and accept who i am today I love and accept who i am today I love and accept who i am today - i am confident, calm and i care for myself I am confident, calm and i care for myself I am confident, calm and i care for myself - I know and feel amazing I know and feel amazing I know and feel amazing See more
23.01.2022 M E R R Y. C R I S T M A S Yogis have the best time with family, friends and loved ones .. hope it is filled with lots of JOY CUDDLES. KISSES. see you on the mat soon .. big love
22.01.2022 A W E S O M E. reminder keep sharing who you are lovelies mwah
22.01.2022 My beautiful girl @jamiikamusinski and her hubby showing that couples who practice together stays together.. love is in the air
21.01.2022 We all have convenient labels that the world attaches to us to describe how were primarily perceived: soccer mom, social activist, recovering alcoholic, vice president, assistant, and so on. The trouble starts when we believe that the label encompasses all that we are and dictates how we must be. We think that were supposed to have a certain set of interests, beliefs, and behaviors if were to be Dalai Lama; and we become confused, embarrassed, or frustrated when we find ou...rselves thinking, feeling, and operating in a completely different way. - In many spiritual traditions, in order to become a monk or a nun you have to shed your nice clothes, shave your head, and don a simple and cheap robe so that you wont be perceived by anyone as a person of any importance. Youre forced to find your reference point internally instead of externally. No one knows who your parents were, what youve accomplished, or what your childhood friends think of you. You get past the ego, or personality, and discover the self that cant be so easily defined. - You let go of your attachment to the material and the psychologicaland even the spiritual, if you were really devoted to dogmaand your reference point is no longer your ego but your divinity. See more
20.01.2022 A little handstand now and then is great for the soul.. well done @jeremy_mcniece
20.01.2022 To all the gorgeous LEO women out there!! Love you long time mwah
20.01.2022 Just as our inner landscape is constantly shifting and changing in response to the world around us, the dynamics of the families we belong to evolve over time. When we welcome an individual into our family--whether that individual is human or animal--a transformation takes place, a shift in the energy of your family unit. The birth or adoption of a child, the introduction of a spouse or stepparent, or the choice to bring a pet into your home can mark a new direction in the li...fe of the family as a whole. A simple welcoming ritual can serve as the platform upon which every member of the household, old and new, gathers together to joyfully mark this new phase of family life. Encouraging every member of the family to take part in the ritual will foster a sense of unity and help members come together to grow into the new family paradigm as a group. I found to honor the introduction of a child, when you meet them for the very first time you get to speak a blessing over the child.. here is my very first Grandbubby - Bubba Chase.. my blessing over him was that i bestowed with him the gift of always coming from a place of Love.. and that is stays with him for ever!
20.01.2022 B E. Y O U. happy Monday peeps create what you want in life mwah
20.01.2022 Yoga offers us ways to not only maintain our temple-bodies, but to create an optimal setting for life force (prana) to awaken. Prana allows us to navigate our lives with clarity, enlivens devotion, and creates a powerful space for recognizing our true nature. See you in the mat yogis
19.01.2022 L O V E. K I N D N E S S. C O M P A S S I O N is the path.. yoga is a practice of freedom from thought behaviour patterns and the poses are simply a gateway ... blessings to you @seanphelpsyoga for your always inspiring messages mwah
18.01.2022 S U N D A Y. F U N. D A Y .. inspire and create the life you want
17.01.2022 When you come to a point where you longer need to impress anyone.. freedom will happen May the serenity of the morning stay with you all day !! Thank you @tiny.kirsty for the pose mwah
17.01.2022 H A P P Y. W E D N E S D A Y .. wet day time for reflection mwah
16.01.2022 Its important to not become intimated or overwhelmed by what you feel Our goal is to reveal the depth of what we hold inside of us its not like puppy pose creates these sensations or feelings rather it reveals them so i always say this i find its vey true in my experience... the sensations that are often revealed in practice have been there.. its just that they were slumbering.. and here we knock on the door and we get to meet them and a lot of times once we acknowledge them they leave and just go then we find another layer to meet and acknowledge and speak to, but we find that the more we meet these feelings and sensations the more we realise first of all its not who i am 2nd of all - i have compassion for the sensations and feelings and funnily enough they dissipate this way thanks @tiny.kirsty for the awesome pic .. mwah See more
16.01.2022 When we step on to the mat we practice letting go / non attachment - To practice nonattachment, - we let go of the roles weve bought into and the labels weve stuck to ourselves. While our new stories can be far more interesting and productive for us than the old ones, our goal is to stop identifying with any story whatsoever. We then become self-referencingthat is, we no longer need a fable to define or discover who we are. Even the archetypal tales of the gods and godde...sses of old no longer apply to us, for in the end, their legends are tragic, too. When we shed all of our stories, with their limiting roles and confining identities, and become a mystery unto ourselves, were practicing nonattachment. - Nonattachment requires you not only to let go of your roles and your stories, but to also let go of the part of yourself that identifies with these dramas. - When you stop attaching your ego to the small identity of a spouse, child, student, teacher, and the like, you let go of your preconceived notions about who you are, you stop fretting about whether youre pleasing or displeasing others. You stop needing validation from people and becoming upset or sad when you dont receive it. Youre free to simply be whoever you want to be. See you on the mat See more
15.01.2022 L O V E Respect trust space .. yes we all need it !! Happy Tuesday lovers
14.01.2022 L I F E. G O A L S.
14.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone My very special friends Candace and Earl are inviting us all to unite together for a FREE global Meditate for World Peace Challenge Event Everyone really needs this right now and it would be awesome to extend this peace to as many parts of the globe as possible and for that we all need your help.... Please lock it in your diary ill really look forward to meditating with you then
14.01.2022 M E D I T A T I O N .. learning the art of how powerful it is to just be .. see you on the mat.. all yoga really doesnt matter which discipline is teaching us the art of happiness
13.01.2022 Young Patricia finally finished her Teacher Training level 1 - super proud of her .. enjoy every moment gorgeous mwah
13.01.2022 Restorative yoga, a practice that leads the yogi toward a more healing and recuperative experience, ushers in a host of wonderful benefits that are often overshadowed by the popularity and visibility of more dynamic yoga styles. A restorative practice frequently relies on the use of props and the prolonged holding of a few simple poses to achieve a deep level of relaxation. - Slows Down the Pace of Life Restorative yoga is an excellent opportunity to disconnect from the fren...etic activity of daily life and let your speedometer return to 0 mph. It offers a welcome respite among all the turbulence of life and helps to prepare the mind and body for the inward stroke of meditation and deepened awareness. Moving slowly through the poses allows you to explore your mind and body at a steady and natural tempo. - Soothing to the Nervous System The slower pace and deep breathing that you get in a restorative yoga class triggers the parasympathetic nervous system from the very first pose. This activation helps to mitigate the effects of the regular fight-or-flight stress response that can be damaging to your physiology and well-being. The overall calming effect on the nervous system sets a deeply relaxing tone for the class that comforts your mind and body down to the cellular level. - Encourages Mindfulness Restorative yoga could just as easily be called mindful yoga due to the expanded awareness of self and body that comes through the practice. Slower movements cultivate space for a deeper experience of the poses and the breath. Awareness of the physical sensations, the thoughts or emotions that arise, or sounds in the environment, can all take on a much more profound significance in the depth of the restorative practice. Simply put, youre able to notice and feel more of the world through your yoga experience. - plus many more benefits See you in the mat today @fernwoodpetrie 3pm
13.01.2022 Y O G A Teacher training round 2.. looking forward to seeing you all @totalfusionaustralia trainees!! Loving all your vibes mwah
13.01.2022 S U N D A Y. G O O D N E S S ..
12.01.2022 Keep being you see your on the mat soon
10.01.2022 OMG how I have missed practicing with everyone in this time that feels like a mandatory vipassana while I have been loving the isolation I am definitely missing the connection.. @totalfusionaustralia is changing their virtual and zoom classes to an amazing an affordable price in this time! Get your yoga or your kind of movement on now as we may be opening soon.. simply cannot wait to connect with you all soon!! Namaste yogis
10.01.2022 The universe is always offering us signs to help us, we just need to slow down and pay attention. The universe can often relay messages to us through signs. Often, we are too busy to stop and consider what may or may not be a sign. We may ask the universe for guidance, yet fail to recognize the sign it sends us in response. Learning the subtle language of signs can help you interpret the guidance the universe sends your way. We all have been blessed with a connection that allows the universe to communicate directly with us. To be able to understand the information relayed over that connection, however, it is necessary that we learn to pay attention and know what to look for... love to see you on the mat taking time to slow down!! Namaste
09.01.2022 A C C E P T A N C E .. very powerful tool to let go of stuff!! Otherwise just get on the mat and let the power of Asana do its job
09.01.2022 H A P P Y. N E W. Y E A R. Wow its going so fast already.. see you on the mat soon yogis practicing ASATOMA SAT GAMAYA .. moving from the darkness the fear into the light .. love to all mwah
08.01.2022 H A P P Y. S U N D A Y Yogis .. create your dream day
08.01.2022 Super Excited to be apart of this .. Ive been practicing and putting together my prayer for the event.. love to see you all there ! Please book in with Total Fusion Chermside to register! Why not make a mini retreat for yourself and come to a yoga class in the morning have a light breakfast with so many choices and then another 3 hours of YOGA ahhh - complete BLISS
07.01.2022 How blessed we were to have been able to provide a space for you to share you love of meditation, Kirtan, Harmonian lesson.. I think about our first meeting often Candace Earl and I stamped to the world I must keep this woman close.. Candace we are so lucky to receive your gifts I hope you receive ours as well.. please know you are loved by so many
06.01.2022 Couldnt agree more love is definitely the answer
05.01.2022 Hello everyone!! Happy Tuesday.. our beloved Zoe and Chloe are doing this again.. please bring your picnic rug, a happy vibe and hope to see you there! For an awesome cause.. please click on link!! If your wondering what you can do for the community this Christmas this is the event!! Big love
04.01.2022 The very first moments off the day are the most powerful.. you get to create your life.. now what is it that you would like to create
03.01.2022 If you're feeling the need to transform your body and soul, you should consider trying out Yoga. At Home of Yoga Newfarm, we can guide you through your journey no matter your age, skill level or goal. We have over 20 different classes a week to choose from and welcome beginners to long-term practitioners. Namaste.
02.01.2022 S A T U R D A Y R A I N Y. V I B E S thanks @lalahdelia for you always inspiring words mwah
01.01.2022 This little beauty @catwoman_samstagram was sadly taken from us.. I know for me not only has 1 friend gone away but so many friends all in one .. now there was - Baby monkey - which showed her divine cuteness as shown in this pic - Indian princess - which came out while doing yoga poses where her ego wanted to get into where she couldnt breathe - tears of joy welling up - Sammoi Power - when she HAD to do business ... - Blondie - when she would pay me out for being brunette and being too serene - Naughty monkey for ditching yoga to go to @harveysbistro for breakfast (this was daily) - My own private comedian - when she would bring in friends to do yoga with her aka @mikegoldmanlive so she wouldnt have to do it properly - Rare Diamond when she effortlessly rose above shitty moments giving her entire self up to someone in need Now I know millions of people are obviously reminiscing about all the divine moments shared with this true beauty.. I know I loved every moment spent with her Let her spirit live on inside of you See more