Hope and Healing Social Work and Counselling in Nambour, Queensland | Mental health service
Hope and Healing Social Work and Counselling
Locality: Nambour, Queensland
Phone: +61 490 134 669
Address: 1A/14 Bury Street 4560 Nambour, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.hopeandhealing.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Parents of teenagers... Please read these words... As you are navigating life, day in, day out, with everyone home, remember these words... Tensions will rise, fights will inevitably happen, but remember these words... Rupture and repair... In every relationship we have ruptures, that is normal, it is the repair that is so essential.... Dont expect your teenager to be the one to do the repair after the fight. They are just as overwhelmed by all this as you are, they might just be showing it a little differently. Once you have both calmed down, seek them out, find your own way to make amends, and start fresh. We got this. #hopeandhealingswc
25.01.2022 I have to apologise, I am terrible at updating this page! I am much better at keeping the Take Your Pineapples Out page updated... Anyway today is the last day of mental health week so I just thought I would jump on and share a post from the series of mental health week posts I have been doing on the Take Your Pineapples Out page. When I was away for a few days the other week, this is what I was busy doing... A beautiful friend of mine once told me two words that I always remember when it comes to self care - Rest or Restoration... Today, for the last day of mental health week, I hope you are able to do something that allows you to rest, or restore...
25.01.2022 New business hours start from the 25th January 2021. Hope and Healing will be closed on Fridays and open 9:00am - 4:30pm Monday to Thursday.
24.01.2022 I have been so blessed in my career to work with some amazing Veterans, I hold them all in my heart and mind today along with all other serving and ex-serving members of the ADF and their families. Having had many conversations over the last week, I know that today can be quite overwhelming and emotional for many Veterans and their families, with this year having the extra pressure of the COVID-19 restrictions. With this in mind, I have compiled a list of support options for Australian Veterans, that Veterans I have worked with over the years have told me about as being a beneficial support. #ANZACday #ANZACday2020 #lestweforget #hopeandhealingswc
24.01.2022 When people hear "Grief and Loss Support Group" they can be quite unsure of what to expect. They might not want to come because they dont want to hear stories of other peoples loss when they are struggling with their own. One of my big aims in establishing this group is that it will be a place where people leave feeling a little brighter than when they walked in. It might sound weird for a grief and loss group but its not a place where people come and talk about all the lo...ss they have experienced, this can be too overwhelming for everyone else in the group. My aim is that each month there will be a different theme that explores life after loss. At the next group on the 25th of February the theme will be "Strength" - What strengths have you used to survive your loss, or what strengths have you gained, what strength do you need to get you through the next chapter... We will be using clay to make representations of our strengths, something we can look at when the waves of grief hit to show us that we can ride the wave, we can get through, we have the strength within us. If you would like to attend, no need to register, just rock up at: The Sunshine Brass Band Hall 3 Daniel Street, Nambour Parking access via Jose Street Access to the hall via the ramp on Daniel Street. 3:30 - 4:30 Tuesday the 25th of February Support people, family or friends are welcome
22.01.2022 Hope and Healing Social work and Counselling will remain open and operating as Australia continues to monitor how the Coronavirus situation is unfolding. This post will give you some information on how things will be managed in the coming days, weeks and months. WILL THERE BE DISRUPTION TO SERVICE? Disruption to the service will only occur should Gabbey be required to self-isolate. If this occurs, in the event that she is sick and unable to provide sessions, appointments wi...ll be rescheduled with as much notice as possible to minimise disruption. If Gabbey is required to self-isolate and is not sick, she will still be providing therapy via tele-health consultations. These will be offered via phone, Skype or Zoom, whichever is your preferred method. In the event that Gabbey becomes sick, a notification will be put on social media pages as well as an out of office on both email and voicemail. Communication may not be responded to during that time. Whilst Gabbey remains well and out of isolation, office appointments will continue as usual. MINIMISING SPREAD OF INFECTION: You may notice some changes around the office such as disposable cups and spoons; the sensory items, badges and some other bits and pieces have been packed away; the chairs have been moved around, etc. this is all just to minimise any risk of spreading infection. There is hand sanitiser on the bench, please use this upon entering the office. APPOINTMENTS & CANCELLATIONS If you access your sessions via Medicare through a Mental Health Care Plan or if you are a Veteran funded through DVA and if are required to self-isolate, or you are in one of the vulnerable or at-risk categories, you have the ability to access your sessions via tele-health. If you receive your sessions via NDIS funding or if you are privately funded you have the option to do this regardless of whether you are self-isolating, or in one of the vulnerable or at-risk categories. If you would like to know more about tele-health sessions just ask Gabbey. Cancellation fees will be waived in the event that you had minimal notice that you have been impacted by Coronavirus and did not have time to cancel your appointment. As you can imagine, this pandemic is causing great distress for many people and as such there is still a long waitlist for people needing appointments. Cancelling your session with adequate notice allows your appointment to be offered to someone else in need, failing to provide adequate notice without evidence that your failure to cancel is due to Coronavirus will still attract the cancellation fee as set out in the cancellation policy. GROUPS Whilst the groups that are run through Hope and Healing Social Work and Counselling are small, a decision has been made to cancel all groups until further notice whilst we wait and see what this virus is doing. This includes the free Grief and Loss Support Group.
22.01.2022 Just over two weeks until I close for Christmas. I am taking a nice long break to recharge after the year that was 2020. Look forward to returning back in 2021 with renewed energy and vision. Wishing you all a safe and gentle festive season. And sorry I am terrible at updating this Facebook page! I probably won't be any better next year
21.01.2022 COVID-19 is impacting on almost every aspect of our life. Anxiety is increasing, relationships are struggling, loneliness is escalating, depression is sinking in, grief is all around us in so many forms Medicare have announced that they will open up telehealth sessions to all Australians, this means that people can access telehealth therapy sessions via mental health care plans but I still feel that this leaves a gap. There is a huge amount of people who dont want to or can...t access a mental health care plan for a variety of reasons. For these people, accessing quality therapy can be unaffordable especially if they have been financially impacted as a result of COVID-19. So I decided that I would further open up my practice to offer some brief therapeutic interventions to people who would like to access some therapy at the moment. Here is the fine print: - Sessions are for people who are not accessing therapy via other funding types such as Medicare or NDIS. - Sessions are $25.00 per 50min session. - They are not designed to be long term therapy, they are 1 to 3 sessions just to help you deal with things that have come up in your life as a result of COVID-19. - They are open to anyone who lives in Australia. - Payment options are: direct deposit prior to session (proof of payment required) or credit/debit card. - I am a single worker service so will only be able to offer a limited number of these sessions per week. - These sessions will only be from the 14th of April to the 31st of May (at this stage). - These sessions are only available via phone, Skype or Zoom. I am on holidays from 1:00pm Friday the 3rd of April returning at 8:30am Tuesday the 14th of April. To ask any questions or to make an appointment please contact me via [email protected] I will respond to any inquiries and book in sessions upon my return. Please be aware that I am a single worker service and my hours are reduced as a result of COVID-19 so it may take me a few days to respond to your request and I will not be monitoring my emails whilst I am on holidays. I do not have capacity to provide a crisis or emergency response service. For immediate support please call Lifeline, 13 11 14, or 000. #hopeandhealingswc
21.01.2022 Sometimes we can be very aware when people violate our boundaries but it is more subtle when we are the ones violating them. Sometimes we know we are doing it but can feel like we dont have the strength, courage, experience or maybe words to change the situation. Boundaries are something we developed in our early childhood, we have been replicating them over and over again. Awareness is the first step in making change, start to think about your boundaries, what they are, wha...t you want them to be. Once you know, it can help you identify situations where your boundaries are being violated, either by yourself or someone else. That gives you opportunities to start to work on what you need to strengthen your boundaries. #hopeandhealingswc
20.01.2022 You dont need to be absolutely struggling to go to therapy and it doesnt mean there is anything wrong with you if you decide to go to therapy. Life can be tough, sometimes we dont want to burden others with our stuff and it can just be awesome, once a fortnight or month, to know that you have someone to go and see who is just there to listen to you, support you, encourage you, guide you, to be what you need. If you try therapy and you dont feel like you get that, or wha...t you need, from your therapist, please find a new one! Therapy can be amazing when you have the right person to meet your needs at that time. #hopeandhealingswc
20.01.2022 I am expanding the Hope and Healing office space (not moving, just expanding into the room next door) and have been moving things around the last few days in any spare moment I get. I have my own separate office now so Ive been able to declutter the counselling room and I love how fresh and cosy it feels Im just waiting for a wall to be built in the new, adjoining room and then I get to decorate my group therapy room and my new waiting room... So excited, I love decorating, will post updates as they happen though it wont be for another few weeks #hopeandhealingswc #therapy #socialworker #socialwork #mentalhealth #nambour #sunshinecoast #counsellingroom #localbusiness #thankgoodnessforkmart
18.01.2022 Unfortunately I am still at capacity for my individual counselling clients so I am still unable to accept new referrals. Due to this I have put up information about the group therapy options that will be available over the next six months. This information is either on the website or under the events section of the Facebook page. Most sessions go for 90mins and are $30 so they are longer than an individual therapy session and only $5 more than the gap fee would be for indiv...idual therapy. So that is an affordable option for anyone who would like support from Hope and Healing but is unable to be accepted into individual counselling at this point in time. If you would like to attend any of the groups or would like further information please dont hesitate to touch base. #hopeandhealingswc
17.01.2022 If you are interested in learning to manage difficult emotions and want to have some fun building your own sensory intervention kit, come along to this therapeutic group next week! Or the following week, explore your identity and what it means to you, or help uncover your identity if you dont feel like you know who you are. Tickets can be purchased though EventBrite or by contacting me to discuss further
17.01.2022 Next week I will be facilitating a group on assertiveness and boundaries at the Strong Women group. Its a free group facilitated by Thriving Families who are part of the Nambour Community Centre. It is from 9:30am - 11:30am at Quota Park in Nambour on Thursday. Details are on the flyer for anyone who is interested.
14.01.2022 I think this is such a beautiful analogy of the experience of grief. It doesnt go away, our loved one is always there in our heart, we just learn nurture the grief and to grow around it Also, remember that grief isnt only associated with death. Grief is associated with the loss of something. Many people all around the world right now are experiencing significant grief due to COVID-19. It is huge at the moment, it is all consuming, but in time your world will grow around i...t. Be gentle on yourself at the moment. It is all so fresh and life can be consumed with grief at this time. And also remember that due to COVID-19 the grief and loss support group that was due to be held today has been cancelled indefinitely. Virtual hugs and love to all. #hopeandhealingswc
14.01.2022 I shared this on my Take Your Pineapples Out page yesterday but sharing it here as well in case it helps anyone!
14.01.2022 I was reminded of this letter today so I am sharing it again for all the amazing teenagers that I work with and all the beautiful parents of teenagers that I work with. I share it for teenage Gabbey who can relate 100% to this letter and I share it for adult Gabbey, the mother of a teenager, to remind her to keep holding onto the rope as her not-so-little human survives grade 12... I hope this helps you as it has helped me time and time again over the years.
13.01.2022 Dating in 2020 is hard. More and more I am starting to realise the complexity that social media has added to our dating lives. Recently I was reading one of my many diaries from when I was a teenager. I was born in 1985 and I didnt get my first mobile phone until I was 15, by which time I had left school, so all throughout my schooling, my peak dating years (or so I thought) I had to rely on the good old home phone to interact with boys So many diary entries start with ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Hope and Healing Social Work and Counselling will be closed from COB this Friday the 26th of June and will reopen at 8:00am Thursday the 16th of July. Gabbey will not be able to be contacted during this time. To leave a message for Gabbey upon her return please email her or call and leave a voicemail. Please dont send a text as text messages are not always retrieved upon turning the work phone on again. #hopeandhealingswc
12.01.2022 All moved in to the new office space Such a beautiful vibe, in the perfect location, with no more creepy stairwells or hallways Wheelchair access is via the Sweet and Flour bakery entrance. Looking forward to welcoming everyone into my space when I move from telehealth back to face to face appointments on the 25th of May ... #hopeandhealingswc #socialworker #socialwork #counsellor #counselling #therapy #therapist #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #hope #healing #recovery #sunshinecoast #australia #localbusiness #sunshinecoastbusiness #thewellnessmill #nambour @ Hope and Healing Social Work and Counselling
11.01.2022 Whilst I kind of don’t want to write about this I also feel compelled to Today I received an email from my son’s school giving parents the heads up that someon...e had livestreamed their suicide on social media. The school was letting us know they were not going to discuss it with the children incase it encouraged them to go and view it but wanted to alert parents to monitor social media usage and to check in with kids. I felt like I was going to throw up when I read that email and ever since then, my stomach feels like there are snakes inside it, it is just squirming and I don’t know what to do about it. I have so many thoughts racing through my head I can’t even put them into words. But I will say, please DO NOT watch the video. That is something you can never unsee. A human being ended their own life while others watched on helpless to do anything. Fuck. Like what the actual fuck!? The impact of this suicide is going to be felt far and wide. My heart aches for the human who was at a place in their life where they felt they had to do that. My heart fucking breaks for any friends and family who watched it unfold. The snakes in my stomach are going crazy thinking about the amount of kids, adolescent, and adults who have watch that video, most probably by accident, who can now never unsee that. Please, if there has ever been a time to talk about suicide it is now. Check in with your kids, even if you don’t directly ask them if they have seen it, ask if they have seen or heard of anything on social media lately that has upset them. Tell them that if they don’t want to talk to you they can call Kids Helpine or talk to the support staff at their school. Try to open the conversation. When I was a child and teenager I never spoke about anything because I was worried I would get in trouble. If I saw something I shouldn’t have seen, I would have kept that to myself and not said a word and let it eat me alive. I wouldn’t have reached out for help. So please, check in with the people around you, ask them if they are ok. You can contact the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Mensline on 1300 78 99 78. Don’t keep this to yourself.
11.01.2022 The Strong Women group will be held at Nambour Community Centre this Thursday due to potential wet weather. Its free and everyone is welcome. Ill be talking about developing boundaries and communicating assertively! Looking forward to it and hope to see you there
10.01.2022 I am just sending out an update on Hope and Healing Social Work and Counselling. I will be closed from 1:00pm Friday the 3rd of April, reopening at 8:30am Tuesday the 14th of April. This was pre-planned holidays and I will be unable to be contacted during this time. Upon returning the following changes will occur:... The office will be closed to visitors/appointments. All appointments will occur via telehealth. Medicare sessions via telehealth will be bulkbilled. Fees will resume as normal upon face to face appointments being offered again. Office hours will vary. To ensure privacy and confidentiality is maintained, I will still be coming into the office to do my telehealth appointments. I will respond to messages and emails during this time. Outside of this I will be at home so I may not respond to you as quickly as I have prior to this situation. If you would like to put your appointments on hold until face to face sessions are available again that is absolutely ok. Please let me know as soon as possible. All groups have been cancelled indefinitely. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones during this time #hopeandhealingswc
09.01.2022 In this busy world we can forget to stop and let the important people in our world know how we appreciate them. I tried this the other day, sent it to my partner with a list of three things I appreciate about him and examples of that. It felt nice to stop, think and share. What I wasnt prepared for was when he sent it back to me with three things he appreciated about me. So many of us have this internal inner critic that likes to point out all the things we dont do well and... it can be hard for that inner critic to see, right there, in black and white, what you are appreciated for, what you do do well and how you are getting things right. It left me speechless for a moment, and then another moment... It was beautiful. Try it out today with someone important in your life. #hopeandhealingswc
06.01.2022 Last Thursday, for the first time ever, someone actually managed to get this "stress reliever" back into a cube!! I dont think I want to touch it now... It has been a snake for the last two years... #sensoryinterventions #stressrelief #hopeandhealingswc
06.01.2022 Hands up who is low on dopamine right now... Do a quick Google search of "How to boost dopamine" and you will find a shitload of ideas but here are a few quick, easy things you can start doing right now... Listen to stimulating (not depressing) music.... Eat more protein. Soak in some Vitamin D. Hug your pet. Try a guided meditation app. Do something creative (even just some colouring in). 5min dance party. Find 5 things you are grateful for once a week. #hopeandhealingswc
05.01.2022 The Grief and Loss Support Group starts next week. This is just an informal get together for people who have experienced any form of grief or loss at any point in their life. Anyone is welcome, support people are welcome, there is no cost. Just turn up. I will be there to connect and facilitate some discussions.
05.01.2022 Whilst I kind of dont want to write about this I also feel compelled to Today I received an email from my sons school giving parents the heads up that someon...e had livestreamed their suicide on social media. The school was letting us know they were not going to discuss it with the children incase it encouraged them to go and view it but wanted to alert parents to monitor social media usage and to check in with kids. I felt like I was going to throw up when I read that email and ever since then, my stomach feels like there are snakes inside it, it is just squirming and I dont know what to do about it. I have so many thoughts racing through my head I cant even put them into words. But I will say, please DO NOT watch the video. That is something you can never unsee. A human being ended their own life while others watched on helpless to do anything. Fuck. Like what the actual fuck!? The impact of this suicide is going to be felt far and wide. My heart aches for the human who was at a place in their life where they felt they had to do that. My heart fucking breaks for any friends and family who watched it unfold. The snakes in my stomach are going crazy thinking about the amount of kids, adolescent, and adults who have watch that video, most probably by accident, who can now never unsee that. Please, if there has ever been a time to talk about suicide it is now. Check in with your kids, even if you dont directly ask them if they have seen it, ask if they have seen or heard of anything on social media lately that has upset them. Tell them that if they dont want to talk to you they can call Kids Helpine or talk to the support staff at their school. Try to open the conversation. When I was a child and teenager I never spoke about anything because I was worried I would get in trouble. If I saw something I shouldnt have seen, I would have kept that to myself and not said a word and let it eat me alive. I wouldnt have reached out for help. So please, check in with the people around you, ask them if they are ok. You can contact the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Mensline on 1300 78 99 78. Dont keep this to yourself.
05.01.2022 I took last week off work to celebrate my son graduating high school and so I could attend all the festivities that came along with that. It was a wonderful week. Onto the next chapter!
04.01.2022 I have had a few conversations lately that made me think all of us need to be aware of this right now... Without going full on into explaining the window of tolerance (cause I feel like the diagram does a good job) I want people to understand that when things are "normal" and going well, we all have a bigger window of tolerance, when we are stressed, or experiencing trauma (e.g. every single person on the planet right now), our window of tolerance shrinks. When our window of ...tolerance shrinks our capacity to regulate our emotions goes out the "window", we become dysregulated which leads to hyper or hypo arousal... Hyperarousal is the activating emotions - the anxiety, anger, the pacing, the shouting, the need to run away... Hypoarousal is the numbing emotions - the depression, the sadness, the fatigue, the hopelessness... As of today everyone in Australia is able to access mental health care via telehealth. This means that if you are self-isolating you can get a mental health care plan via your gp over phone or video call, and you can see a therapist over a phone or video call. At this stage all telehealth mental health sessions must be bulk billed which means there will be no cost to you. So if you are struggling reach out, you are not alone. #hopeandhealingswc
03.01.2022 In light of recent events I have made the decision to cancel the Grief and Loss support group indefinitely. I will reassess in the later half of the year as to whether I will start this up again. If you would like to be kept updated if I do start this again please send me through your details and I will notify you.
03.01.2022 I really liked the little line at the bottom of this image: Bereavement is what happens to you, Grief is what you feel, Mourning is what you do.... I work with a lot of grief and I think its really important to know that grief, bereavement and mourning are all normal human processes. There is actually no specified therapeutic intervention for grief because it is not a disorder, it is an act of love for the person we have lost. In saying that, it can become a disorder, Complex Bereavement Disorder, when you havent processed through grief for a variety of reasons, and there is a therapeutic process for managing it if it gets to that point but is only experienced in a minority of the bereaved population. Tomorrow at 3:30pm is the next Grief and Loss Support Group in Nambour. For more information have a look on the events page Facebook. Anyone is welcome, even support people. #hopeandhealingswc
02.01.2022 So I have committed to participating in the @wesleymissionqueensland Cycle for Mental Health, during mental health week. This event is inspired by the @vitalcyc...le_tri event called "Chapter 10" which was started in honour of Ky after she lost her life to suicide. It's a long story & I've been trying to find the right words all week to put a post up about it but the words just aren't coming. But here goes... Ky was always full of grand ideas. Around 2012 she decided to ride her cruiser bike to Tasmania to raise money and awareness for mental health. She started planning but being the impulsive gem that she was, she ended up just taking off one day cause she couldn't wait any longer. She barely told anyone she was going, no funds or awareness were raised at that time. She made it to Brunswick Heads & camped in the bush for a week before deciding to return home. After she died I shared this story on social media. High school friend, Dylan, contacted me saying he felt really touched by the story, that he felt her ride was unfinished & he wanted to do something with it & so he created Chapter 10. The initial ride was in 2016 & riders cycled from the Gold Coast to Coolum, in one day, in honour of Kyeema. The 2nd ride then occured in 2018 from the Gold Coast to Mooloolaba. The 3rd ride was set for this year however COVID got in the way. So @wesleymissionqueensland have set up a virtual ride that anyone can participate in. You can too! You can register as a team, an individual, or join us in the Chapter 10 team. The link to join the Chapter 10 team is in my bio (Insta) or comments (FB). If you don't want to ride please consider sharing or donating, even just $2. Every little bit goes a long way. So because I'm incredibly unfit, & I've just committed myself to riding 100 of the 220km event, I went to the gym tonight to start training. I need to ride 14-15km each day during MH Week to meet my goal. Tonight it took me 35mins & then I nearly died. My legs are still jelly. But I'm excited & motivated & looking forward to it #takeyourpineapplesout #wesleymissionqueensland #chapter10 #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #suicideawareness #mentalhealthmatters
01.01.2022 Good Morning Everyone, This is just a post to update you that I am still following the same plan as advised last Thursday. At this stage office appointments are still available. Where possible Zoom/Skype/Phone is the preferred method of offering therapy at this time however I do know that this isnt an option for everyone for a range of reasons and, at this stage, face to face appointments will still be available over the next two weeks until I go on holidays at close of busi...ness Friday the 3rd of April. Though please note, at the direction of authorities, this could change at any time. I know other states are moving to closing down non-essential services. I do not know whether they would include therapy as a non-essential service. My assumption would be that this is an essential service at this time, but I am continuing to monitor this information and we are not there yet in Queensland. Social distancing is practiced within the office environment. The waiting room and therapy room are set up to account for this. Hand sanitizer is available for you to use upon entering the office and there is a bathroom onsite for you to wash your hands before and after sessions. If you have any cold symptoms, please, out of respect for other clients, do not come to the office. Where possible I am working extended hours to provide extra sessions to current clients who are experiencing distress as a result of this situation. If you are a current client and need extra assistance during this time, please do not hesitate to contact me to see how we can arrange extra support. If you have any questions or need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. We will get through this together! Gabbey
01.01.2022 Wow! What an amazing first week back after holidays Has been wonderful to connect with so many regular clients, to meet some wonderful new ones and reconnect with some past clients. However, due to a wonderful influx of new and reengaged clients at the end of last year and over the last week, as well as the continued engagement of regular clients, I have had to make the decision to "close my books" as they say which means I am not currently accepting any new referrals for i...ndividual therapy. I cant offer any time frame on this unfortunately but will advise on social media and my website when I am accepting referrals again. This allows me to ensure that all active clients are able to get the support that they need and that people are not waiting months to get an appointment. I am starting to run therapeutic groups this year so for anyone who does need support, this is an alternative to accessing individual therapy. If finances are a struggle, I can offer a concessional discount, please contact me to discuss further. I know groups can sound daunting but I assure you I wont put you on the spot, make you do silly activities or role plays - I hate all those things myself so you can participate as much or as little as you need to get what you want out of the group. Thank you everyone for your amazing support! You are all so wonderful #hopeandhealingswc
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