Hossaini Society of Victoria | Community organisation
Hossaini Society of Victoria
Phone: +61 413 496 620
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25.01.2022 Ayam-e-Shahadat: Imam Sajjad (AS) Kids & Youth Majalis will broadcast live on following YouTube channel and facebook page. 12th Sep - 14th Sep @ 7pm... LIVE KAHOOT QUIZ - 15th Sep @7pm https://www.facebook.com/kazschoolonline/ https://www.youtube.com/c/kazschool If you have any question, please get in touch on: +61 469 822 658 Give your Kids a Chance to Learn about these great personalities & to experience the essence of Azadari in an inspiring way
25.01.2022 Jash e Wiladath e Rasool Allah s.a.w.w & Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s
24.01.2022 Important announcement regarding #Ramadhan 2021 crescent moon sighting
24.01.2022 *Hossaini Society of Victoria* in collaboration with *KAZ School* arranging a 4 weeks personality building program in Ramadan : *GOAL OF LIFE* @Bunjil Place, Narre Warren library ... It is a workshop tailored to bring essence of Islamic wisdom and practical steps to have spectacular life in this world and hereafter. *Instructors* : Khanum Amber Zehra & Shoaib Mansoor (Qualified from Hawza (Seminary) Qom, Iran). Every Saturday starting from 17th April from 4 pm to Maghrebain with Iftar arrangements. * Age: 16+ * * Male and Female * * Free of Cost * Please fill the following registration form to book your seat. We have limited seats due to Covid restrictions so it will be on first come and first serve basis. Contact us at +61492981288 or [email protected] or +61413496620 Please fill and submit the form to confirm registration https://forms.gle/SHtv1F2ms8qVJUTG8
23.01.2022 #Breaking 1st Ramadhan ul Mubarak will be on Wednesday 14 April 2021 Insha'Allah
22.01.2022 Join us #live tonight
22.01.2022 ... See more
21.01.2022 Ziyarat Ameen Allah inshallah live az Haram Imam Reza a,s waqti 11am Melbourne timeZiyarat Ameen Allah inshallah live az Haram Imam Reza a,s waqti 11am Melbourne time
21.01.2022 Sewom E Imam Hussain AS Moulana Idrees Ul Hassan
20.01.2022 Lesson 10 | Attributes of God | #Aqaid e #Islami | #Theology | Maulana Khaliqdad Jaffary
20.01.2022 Hossaini Society of Victoria's annual income/expenses and activities report for the period 03 September 2019 to 03 September 2020. #Hossaini_Society_of_Victoria
19.01.2022 Majlis Shahadat Bibi Sakina binte Hussain (as) - Allama Muhammad Kazim Behjati
18.01.2022 If you missed out, here is YouTube link of series of 4 lectures delivered by Allama Liaquat Ali Murtazavi. Topic: Factors of Divorce https://www.youtube.com/playlist
17.01.2022 Wafat Hazrat Abu Talib LIVE @ 6PM Let's all gather today to give Pursa to Prophet Mohammad and Imam Ali on the Wafat of Hazrat Abu Talib, the Mohsin of Islam, the Protector and Defender of Prophet Mohammad.... Please encourage your children to sit for the majlis, learn & get inspired. https://youtu.be/7P-t72WFrpM
15.01.2022 A complete, comprehensive and simple tutorial on the 5 daily prayers (salah) in Islam. This video will help reverts to learn the outline of daily prayers and will also help others to correct any mistakes they may be making in the steps of the prayers. This tutorial applies to anyone following the Shia school of thought, regardless of which Marja you follow. For any additional details, please do refer to your Marja. Niyyah - go to: 0:30 Takbiratul Ihram - go to: 0:50 Qiyam - ...go to: 1:23 Qirah (Recitation) - go to: 1:39 Ruku (Bowing) - go to: 2:40 + Dhikr for Ruku - go to: 2:49 Sujood (or Sajdah) - go to: 3:18 + Dhikr for Sujood - go to: 3:32 Qunoot - go to: 4:07 Tashahhud - go to: 4:28 Salaam - go to: 5:20 Courtesy: Islamic Pulse
15.01.2022 #BREAKING: The State Labor Government has moved the next step out of lockdown a week forward to the 19th of October. Tonight will be the last night of the curfew. Metropolitan Melbourne will enter the second step of the COVID-19 roadmap Changes to restrictions from 11:59pm tonight, September 27th ... Curfew lifted (from tomorrow morning, 5am September 28) No limit on number of people from one household for purposes of shopping Childcare open to all children (no permit required and 5km limit does not apply) One childminder allowed for in-home childcare if pre-existing arrangement A household or limit of five people from two households allowed to gather in an outdoor space, not including a home Exercise allowed within 5km of your workplace for permitted workers (as well as your home) Cemetery visits allowed on milestone dates subject to conditions Care facilities/hospitals to allow one visitor per day for maximum of two hours. If patient is under 18, they can have two parents/carers visit with no time limit Residential inspections allowed (subject to conditions) Gardening, landscaping and garden maintenance businesses who have an ABN added to permitted worker list (conditions apply) Outdoor personal training allowed with a limit of two people plus trainer The trigger dates to move to the third and fourth step have now been removed and case number trigger points will instead determine when we move to the next step. The third step will require Metropolitan Melbourne to record a daily average of less than 5 cases for a 14 days AND record less than 5 cases with an unknown sources over a rolling 14-day average. For more information on the changes to step 2 visit https://www.vic.gov.au/second-step-coronavirus-road-to-reco
14.01.2022 Things to DO and NOT to do during Ramadan, Things NOT to do Do not listen to Music. ... Do not listen to backbiting, Nor backbite anyone. Do not make fun of anyone. Do not waste your time on useless activities. Do not lie or swear. Do not Look at Non-Mahram, e.g. Lower your gaze. Do not fight with anyone. Things to DO Pray on Time. Fast the whole month. Study and Learn your Religion and know why you are fasting. Spend more time worshipping and reciting dhikr. Sleep-less. Eat - less. Pray Salatul Layl/ Namaz Shab. Pray you Qadha/Missed Prayers. Recite Quran Daily. Recite Dua Iftetah Daily. Make a lot of Dua. Feed the poor. Talk - less. Give Sadaqah/Charity. Constantly remember the Imam of your time.
14.01.2022 Night of 12 Muharram Moulana Idrees Ul Hassan
13.01.2022 #Announcement. Today is 1st day of Safar 2020
12.01.2022 A simple and comprehensive guide to the Wudhu. If you follow this video precisely, you will be performing correct wudhu. Sayyid Samir Al-Hakim explains all the basics of how to perform correct Wudhu (ablution), which is wajib to perform before various religious duties, such as Salah (prayers) and touching the words of the Holy Quran. [Please consult your Marja for details]. This video is suitable for followers of Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Sayyid Sistani. It ...can be used to help those who are new to the religion to learn how to perform this necessary ritual, and can also help those who have been practising Muslims to correct any mistakes they may have been making in the past. You can skip to any section: 00:30 - Verse of the Holy Quran detailing Wudhu 1:16 - Washing the face 1:53 - a point about beards 2:22 - Watch face being washed 2:29 - Washing the arms 3:12 - How many times should you wash (face & arms)? 3:25 - what constitutes a single wash? 3:52 - How to wipe the head and feet 4:14 - Which part of the head must be wiped? 5:00 - Wiping the feet correctly 5:17 - Socks and shoes must be removed 5:26 - Additional points Duration: 05:55 Courtesy: #IslamicPulse
11.01.2022 17th Rabiulawal Birth of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws) & 17 Rabilawal 82 A.H./702 AD Birth of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq(a.s.) The world was blessed with the arrival of the best and greatest man who would ever walk the earth, the last Prophet of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (saws), about whom Allah (swt) has said in the Quran, "And we have not sent you, [O Muhammad] except as a mercy to the worlds." [21:107] .... Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Mohammad (saws) is a very good deed and all Muslims practice it for the sake of Allah (swt) and in love and respect of the Prophet (Saws).
11.01.2022 Fatiha khwani program Qalu ina lilahay wa ina ilaihay rajaon, Mominin wa mominat sallam wa baad az sallam ag zaroori elan,... Zouja e Akabar Ali Rahimi (Haji Gappo), Farzand e Baboo Muhammad Ali fawt karda, Az jumla Mominin iltamas asta ke fatiha ba roz Sunday 3pm ta 5pm Address: 125 Brady Road Dandenong North Vic 3175 shirkat kada sawab darayn hasil numayed
10.01.2022 #Breaking: Condemnation statement against biased and racist news report of #7NEWS about Melbourne's #Afghani community. Kindly share forward and express your disapproval against this obvious violation of Australia's Journalist Code of Ethics. #Hossaini_Society_of_Victoria... #7NEWS #COVID19 See more
09.01.2022 Fitrah rate for Ramadhan 2021 is $15 per person Fidyah (Kaffarah) rate for qaza fasts is $5 per day Send your fitrah, fidyah and other donation to Hossaini Society's bank account so they are delivered to poor and needy families in advance for their Ramadhan and Eid expenses. ... For more details on fitrah and fidyah refer to below laws by Ayatollah Sistani (May Allah prolong his life) Laws of Fitrah Zakat: https://www.sistani.org/english/book/48/2291/ Laws of Qaza fast: https://www.sistani.org/english/book/48/2269/
08.01.2022 In this world, success means being successful in the divine tests. Other successes in life are the tools for us to be tested. When the central factor for our destinies, for the prophets being sent, and for the religious laws are for us to be tested, this means that the main thing in this world is neither suffering nor being comfortable. Therefore, people’s goals should not be success, comfort and blessings, and of course, no one’s goal should be to be in pain, suffering, both...ering oneself or giving hardships to oneself. We are not supposed to search for #success in this world. This means that we should not be after reaching that optimal point that we have in mind. The optimal point is to pass tests correctly. Our only success is to be successful in divine #tests. When we say that the central factor for divine destinies is tests, this means that whether you are given hardship or comfort, this is for you to be tested. [Qur’an 89:1516] When we see some differences between others and ourselves, we should not say that this is #discrimination and this is in contradiction with God’s justice! The Commander of the Faithful, Ali (as), said, Do not count wealth and children to be the criteria of God’s anger or pleasure. This stems from your ignorance about divine tests and trials for testing [people’s] abilities and powers. [Nahj al-Balaghah, sermon no. 192] We can say that the #primary, practical goal of the creation of human beings is to be #tested. The Qur’an says, It is He who has created death and life to put you to the test. [67:2] The #intermediary goal of creation is #worshiping and servitude. The Qur’an says, We have created jinn and human beings only that they might worship Me. [51:56] The #ultimate aim and goal of creation is #meeting_God. The Qur’an states, you are working hard toward your Lord and you will meet Him. [84:6] It also states, We are the servants of God and to Him we shall all return. [2:156]
08.01.2022 Join us #live for two nights majaalis on the occasion of Arbaeen Imam Hussain (A.S).
05.01.2022 sorry about the lecture tonight due to technical issues. May Allah swt accept our imperfect and faulty actions for the sake of Hussain a,s
04.01.2022 Allama Muhammad Kazim Behjati beautifully explains some moon sighting issues that are raised among the community. Is moon sighting testimony of a Sunni recog...nised as per Shia faith and maraje? Can we follow the moon sighting testimony and announcement of local resident Shia Ulema committee of Australia? What are the proofs and evidences that the crescent moon has been sighted? Cities sharing same and different horizon (uffuq) Please share the video so the misunderstandings among the community are removed. Jazak'Allah.
02.01.2022 Join us for #live majlis shahadat of Imam Zain ul Abideen (a.s).
02.01.2022 #Breaking: Following strong reactions by the community, Prof. Dr. Brett Sutton (Victorian Chief Health Officer) has issued a formal apology today to the Afghan community for his remarks that were then used by #7NEWS to target the Afghans in a biased manner. We welcome his apology and assure him of our cooperation in following the health guidelines and stage 4 lockdown rules. By playing our part together we can defeat the pandemic.
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