ICPA QLD INC | Non-profit organisation
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25.01.2022 Register now. Perfect if you have a child heading off to boarding school or already there. #iamICPA
25.01.2022 Thank you Richard for your wonderful, sincere and unwavering support for ICPA #iamICPA
25.01.2022 Expression of interest now open for Kids to Farms There is an increasing disconnect between rural and urban populations, and with this brings a lack of knowl...edge of how Australia's food and fibre is produced - how it makes it from the paddock to the plate, farm to fibre or crop to cup. The Educating Kids about Agriculture: Kids to Farms project, funded by the Australian Government aims to address this disconnect and will be based on the successful AgForce School to Industry Partnership Program (SIPP) through targeted activities for primary school students in Queensland. Primary students will visit farms, agricultural businesses and primary production worksites to learn about the agricultural industry using curriculum aligned learning modules bringing together the classroom and the farm, the students and the producer. Kids to Farms will provide students and teachers with a suite of activities and experiences including on-farm or primary production worksite visits, curriculum aligned hands-on activities and pre and post visit engagement in the classroom to impart a deeper understanding of where their food and fibre comes from. The AgForce SIPP Kids to Farms model includes food and fibre ‘mini classrooms’ at major events for groups of students (including BEEF Australia and Brisbane RNA); ‘AgConnect’ days for primary students to learn about a broad range of agricultural industries and careers in one place and satellite and virtual technology or other ‘in-class’ experiences including ‘Farmer in the Classroom’. If your primary school is interested in participating in Kids to Farms, please complete the EOI in the following link: http://web.agforceqld.org.au/cn/apjnk/kids2farm-eoi
25.01.2022 Get your email's flowing in now - Don't delay. #iamICPA
24.01.2022 With Qld State Conference fast approaching today is the day for branches to email motions in to be included on the main agenda. Don't delay, pop them on an email to Kelly, Qld ICPA State Secretary. We look forward to getting the motions and getting them out to members soon. #iamICPA
23.01.2022 Who shall we meet today..... It's Louise Winten the Tertiary, Trade and Training Portfolio Leader. #iamICPA
22.01.2022 Year 12 students and families. Here is an opportunity for TODAY to grab some information if you are considering University. Click https://zoom.us/webin/register/WN_9SfQQT5hT0St8Ph3tzKOCAthe link to register. #iamICPA
22.01.2022 Today we hear from a student who lives in Qld but is at a NSW boarding school. We continue to work on getting students home to families these holidays. #iamICPA
20.01.2022 ATARs will be released to students at 9am on Saturday 19 December via QTAC’s purpose built ATAR Portal. The ATAR is an online release only, therefore the only way a student can access their ATAR is by signing up HERE. Before signing up, students will need to have the below information ready:... Name (as shown on their QCAA learning account) Date of Birth LUI Email address (personal, not school) QTAC will use this data to match against students QCAA Learning Accounts. Students who are applying interstate also need to sign up to the QTAC ATAR Portal. This provides us with consent to share their ATAR with interstate TACs. A "how to" video is also available on our website or via this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZt7Zot0gZc&t=30s Students Privacy As the ATAR is owned by the student, they have control over whether they share their ATAR with the school they attended. This is covered in the Terms of Service on the ATAR Portal. Frequently Asked Questions For access to QTAC’s ATAR resources, including factsheets and a FAQ section, please visit our website. https://www.qtac.edu.au/atar/ ATAR Hotline QTAC has set up a dedicated ATAR hotline for students and parents to call if they have any ATAR specific questions ph: 1300 193 173. QTAC Application Those students applying to tertiary study in 2021 will need to sign up to the ATAR Portal AND complete a QTAC Application.
19.01.2022 This will be a great experience - to register head to http://www.cvent.com//event-summary-d1e189e466ab432eac9fa3 You can modify your registration to include this event if you have already registered. Julie is set to provide a great experience and we look forward to joining you online for this part of conference. #iamicpa
19.01.2022 Proud to be a peak rural education lobby organisation respected and valued at so many levels. #iamicpa
17.01.2022 #iamicpa A new, on council, role for ICPA Qld. Can you contribute and volunteer your time to support ICPA Qld? Are you tech savvy? Check the job description via this link and contact us today. https://icpa.us1.list-manage.com/track/click
16.01.2022 What ever the next steps are Congratulations and good luck. #iamICPA
15.01.2022 #iamicpa http://www.cvent.com//event-summary-d1e189e466ab432eac9fa3
15.01.2022 Who shall we meet today..... It's Schools Portfolio Leader, Jessie Persse. #iamICPA
14.01.2022 Who shall we meet today? Its the Travel Portfolio Leader, Kylie Camp. #iamICPA
13.01.2022 ICPA (Aust) has declared Tuesday 1 December as Geographically Isolated Distance Education Day! We invite all ICPA members and friends to try our temporary prof...ile picture frame to promote the day. You can use it from today! www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=180306170132220 ICPA NT ICPA WA ICPA - SA ICPA TAS ICPA NSW Access to Education ICPA QLD INC - Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association Queensland Inc See more
12.01.2022 TEAMWORK! ICPA Qld feel incredibly proud of the team effort of so many of our fellow organisations and supporters to be able to have the exemptions below granted for the school holidays for our boarding families. This has been such a tumultuous journey for so many and this achievement can only be credited to so many working together to provide a united voice for our kids! Well done to everyone involved in this achievement! If you would like to see the full letter and all the detail please click this link https://www.dropbox.com//4dijtr/AADqTuBEoFV54KJRz8aGT7WRa #iamicpa
12.01.2022 ICPA Qld is very excited at the news of further exemptions allowing our Qld kids in NSW boarding schools to come home for holidays! Thanks to all involved to get this through! #iamicpa
09.01.2022 #iamicpa Talk to your branch and get together. Register your attendance via the below link. http://www.cvent.com//event-summary-d1e189e466ab432eac9fa3
08.01.2022 Qld members and friends - have you got a moment to take a survey? #iamicpa
08.01.2022 Who shall we meet today? It's the Qld State Publicity Officer, Melissa Iland. If you have any questions about media or social presence for your branch get in contact. #iamICPA
07.01.2022 Don't delay - send your emails/contributions in now. We want the final 2020 edition to be awesome - full of photos, stories and fun. Send in your contributions big or small we will take them all #iamICPA PS: Contributions don't just have to come from your branch Publicity Officer - members/individuals are welcome to send something in too.
05.01.2022 For any families with a senior this year - you may have questions - here's the number to call. #iamicpa
03.01.2022 Mark the calendar and rush right on down to Toowoomba- while you are there don’t forget to purchase your raffle tickets to support ICPA Qld too. #iamICPA
02.01.2022 Have you registered for conference yet?? It will be a great conference this year just like any other but from the comfort of your home or community. Send an email around your branch today and ask who is attending, put your hand up to be the representative for your branch. Don't delay... Simply click on the below link to register delegates and observers for your branch. #iamicpa... This year's conference will be online delivered via Zoom. http://www.cvent.com//event-summary-d1e189e466ab432eac9fa3
01.01.2022 A little calendar change for you today... We have extended the closing date on Supplementary motions, so you can relax a little on the holidays. New date to get your supplementary motions in - we look forward to hearing from you. Remember if you have any questions or are not sure about a motion either contact your branch mentor or the portfolio leader. #iamICPA
01.01.2022 Qld ICPA members. Today we present you with some important conference information, we need you to run an engaging and successful conference, and Qld State Council are working hard to bring to you a great few days of debate, entertainment and connection. Don't delay and get your registrations sorted. You can register for one day, two days, the guest speaker, a workshop or any combination you can think of. We look forward to seeing you all online on October 20th & 21st. #iamicpa
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