Indian Myna Eradication Program | Pest control service
Indian Myna Eradication Program
Phone: +61 438 198 460
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25.01.2022 Check your messages if you make a comment or inquiry on this page. I try hard to respond to all questions but due to the volume we receive sometimes I can miss one particularly if it is made as a comment on a post. If you get no response from us then call on 0438198460. These people did which is why we are currently out of stock on "MynaStar" traps and down to the last two "Myna X" traps. More of both will be available soon.
25.01.2022 "MYNA X" TRAPS ARE ON THE JOB. There are hundreds of "Myna X" Indian Myna and Starling traps spread across Queensland, NSW and Victoria. They have all contributed to stopping the spread and dominance of Indian Mynas where they are located.... Hundreds of properties are Indian Myna free because of this very effective trap. Each has been carefully crafted to enable any number of birds in but none out. They are strong and so long lasting that we get no repeat business from their owners. Breeding Season is fast approaching , every two Indian Mynas caught now means up to twenty fewer after the breeding season. Every pair caught means less pressure on our native birds seeking a breeding hollow. There are a few traps in stock so if you have been thinking about joining the war against these pests now is a great time. A SPECIAL OFFER will be available to those who call Garry on 0438198460
25.01.2022 INDIAN MYNAS IN ROOF OR GUTTERS? By now you should be aware of the problems you can have with Indian Mynas in your roof or gutters. Bird mites are a major one but blocked gutters can be disastrous during heavy rain with water being diverted into the roof and damaging ceilings. Simply removing the nest does not work as it will be promptly rebuilt. Removal of the Indian Mynas is the only solution. Fortunately this can be done in most cases at ground level with a "Myna X" trap. ...The birds have to eat and are ground feeders. I am also considering a special roof cavity trap to be installed in the roof cavity. Let me know if you have an interest in this trap. Enjoy your weekend. One of my favourite birds is pictured below. See more
23.01.2022 I find it distressing when I quote people on a "Myna X" trap, they buy a cheaper, trap, have problems (no birds in or as many out as in) and then contact me to complain. At the end of the day you get what you pay for. Complaints about other traps should be directed to the person you purchased it from Some have told me they tried that and got hung up on with the words "Not my problem." The "Myna X" costs more than most ($270 was $330) because they take longer to make and are... a quality build. They are not a 20 minute all wire job by someone who does not know what they are doing or care if they work or not. They come with instructions and are strongly built to last and catch hundreds of Indian Mynas . Their engineering is spot on, everything from ease of setup to disposal of the catch has been carefully planned to make the "Myna X" easy to use and to ensure it lasts for many years. If you are serious about helping our native birds by catching Indian Mynas then get the right tool for the job the first time. See more
22.01.2022 WET and TIRED young Indian Mynas take a rest after heavy rain. It is happening now ,young Indian Mynas are leaving the nests and forming into new flocks to find fresh territory. The parents are busy with their second breeding round producing even more Indian Mynas. It is a critical time in the cycle, it is important for our native birds that these young and the parents are trapped and removed from the breeding/ territory expansion equation. Removing them now will have huge be...nefits for our native birds future. When the young locate a new territory they will take the food and water resources currently utilised by native birds. In twelve months they too will be breeding and the cycle will continue. The good news is that with a "Myna X" trap you can be an active participant in slowing the spread of these pests. Hundreds have been caught over the past month by current trappers across NSW, QLD and Victoria. If you have been thinking about obtaining a "Myna X" then now is a great time to do so. You will need to check with Garry on 0438198460 regarding availability. See more
22.01.2022 "MYNA X" production slows. Currently unable to source welded steel,hot dip Galvanised Wire needed for the "MynaX" traps. (It is the longest lasting galvanised finish) Enough in stock for a few more but after that production will cease until product becomes available. I will not use an inferior substitute. If you are thinking about obtaining a "Myna X" don't delay.
22.01.2022 HOW TO STOP INDIAN MYNAS GETTING INTO YOUR ROOF CAVITY. More calls from residents with Indian Mynas in roof cavoties. Yet another has paid someone to remove the nest and put foam under their tiles to stop them gaining access only to find they simply pull it out and rebuild the nest. Money wasted on a non-effective solution. There is only one way to stop them and that is to catch and euthanise them. Buying your "Myna X" trap is the solution not only for this year but future... years as the trap is made to last for many years. New Indian Myna arrivals can be dealt with promptly and efficiently. Remember to contact Garry 0438198460 to check on availability. See more
22.01.2022 COVID 19 SCAM ALERT! This is not related to Indian Mynas but I do not want any of my 6000+ followers to be conned. Please read and share to alert your friends. Stay safe! As per usual vulnerability brings out the scammers and heads... Just to let you know these phone calls are going round. Good morning, According to our system, you are likely to have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This means that you now need to self-isolate for 7 days and take a COVID-19 test.' 'OK. Can you tell me who that person was?' 'I'm not able to tell you that. That is confidential information.' 'Right. Um... so ....' 'But you do need to be tested within the next 72 hours. So can I just get the best mailing address so that we can send a kit to you?' 'Ok (gives address)' 'Thank you - and I just need to take a payment card so that we can finalize this and send the kit to you.' 'Sorry - a payment card? I thought this was all free?' 'No - I'm afraid not. There is a one-off fee of $50 for the kit and test results. Could you read off the long card number for me, please, when you're ready.' 'No - that's not right. 'I'm afraid it is. Can you give me the card number please - this is very important, and there are penalties for not complying.' Puts the phone down. This is how scammers work. And vulnerable people will fall for it. Don't fall for it...! COPY and PASTE watch out Tis such a sad weird time, but be safe from scammers and the peeps who don't think they can get sick.
22.01.2022 The hard work continues, meeting demand for "Myna X" and "MynaStar" traps to stop nesting Indian Mynas in their tracks. At 74 this may be the last full year of production. It is demanding work and I am fortunate that I have been able to sustain it for so many years. The traps are made to keep functioning long after I will be unable to. We will see. In the meantime keep your traps in action our native birds need your help.
21.01.2022 WHY AND WHEN WERE INDIAN MYNAS INTRODUCED TO AUSTRALIA AND WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE? Victoria's most hated weed, the blackberry, was introduced on purpose. In 1858, von Mueller began cultivating blackberries at the Melbourne Botanic Gardens, and scattered their seeds in the bush, not knowing how wildly they would grow. The blackberry's thick, prickly growth has since been almost impossible to stop, and provides a haven for introduced animals, such as rabbits. von Mueller wanted bi...rds to eat the insects on his blackberry bushes and so introduced Indian Mynas to Australia, his second negative contribution to our ecology. 60 Indian Mynas were released in Sydney, 60 in Melbourne and 60 in Cairns. Within five years around 10,000 were on the wing in each area competing with our native birds for food, territory and nesting hollows. This continues today. They have proved to be a real threat to our native birds and marsupial while the blackberry bushes continue to be a menace in our bush lands The fight back continues but should never have been necessary. Have we learnt from von Muellers mistakes? Cane Toads for example seem to say no. Have we learnt how to reduce their impact? Trapping programs are a positive step. Deployment of the "Myna X" trap in hundreds of backyards has proven that territory can be reclaimed for our native birds. Want to help? Call Garry on 0438198460 and join the program with your own "Myna X" trap See more
20.01.2022 TEN WEEK COUNTDOWN. Ten weeks before Indian Mynas start nesting in hollows and roof cavities. Ten weeks before they start turfing native birds out of hollows, any who fight will die as will the young native birds in their nest. Ten weeks to catch as many as possible before the carnage begins. Ten weeks to make a difference.... This is why I am working hard to make as many "Myna X' traps available as I can. "Myna X" traps are shipping again today.. See more
20.01.2022 NO MORE NEED TO CLEAN PATIO OF INDIAN MYNA DROPPINGS EACH WEEK. This was a report from a relatively new trapper who has quickly removed the Indian Mynas polluting his patio with their droppings using his "Myna X" trap. He is now working on attracting more birds in the neighbourhood to his home so he can remove them as well. The "Myna X" is the right tool for the job where removing Indian Mynas and Starlings is the objective. Production continues however you will need to check... with Garry on 0438198460 regarding availability. With so much time spent in the workshop just messaging rather than calling is not the best option as I do not always spot your messages for some time after they are sent. See more
20.01.2022 ONE PERSON MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Individual trappers have found that deploying a "Myna X" has made a huge difference to the abundance of native birds in their area. I have had calls from time to time from neighbours of trappers who did not know their neighbour was trapping commenting on the disappearance of Indian Mynas and the reappearance of native birds. My congratulations to all my trappers with "Myna X" traps. You know you are making a difference but so do others. More " X" traps shipping on Monday. Enjoy your weekend! See more
19.01.2022 NEW REPORT in from JW at North Richmond .NSW. When he started trapping he thought he had six Indian Mynas visiting his property. He has now caught 96 Indian Mynas in his "Myna X" trap. The average flock size is 30 birds so he is now starting on removing a fourth flock! These 96 birds represent 48 breeding pairs which would have duplicated to 480+ birds next year and that is if they only produced 8 young per pair. They are capable of producing 16 young per season. Well done JW I am sure you will be well past 100 birds before September when breeding commences. You are a hero to the local native birds.
18.01.2022 REPORT IN: "Caught 22 Indian Mynas in 6 days. Thank you for my "Myna X" . More native birds already appearing. Wish I had obtained this trap sooner rather than wasting my money on cheaper traps". I.G Victoria.
18.01.2022 SOLAR PANELS LOVED BY INDIAN MYNAS IN NESTING SEASON. Indian Mynas are adaptable and last nesting season showed a liking for Solar Panels. They found there was plenty of space underneath to build their nest of leaves,twigs,plastic and paper......a nice combustible mix! They are not however careful of the wiring and are capable of causing damage which requires an electrician to fix. The possibility of a roof fire comes into play with an electrical short in which case it is th...e Fire Brigade that is needed. It is highly recommended that if you have Solar Panels and Indian Mynas on your property that you remove the Indian Mynas before they go into nesting mode in around nine weeks. If they are not able to nest then they will not be causing problems on the roof. Purchasing a "Myna X" trap is a cheaper option than an Electrician call out/panel repair. To operate a "Myna X' trap takes ten minutes of your time each day and is a proven way of removing these pests. The "Myna X" comes fully assembled with clear instructions. Message this program or call Garry on 0438198460 to obtain your "Myna X" trap. See more
17.01.2022 "MYNA X" traps are in stock again and ready for action. Each trap takes a day to make and is strong ,weather resistant and highly engineered to ensure any number of birds can enter but none can leave, It is light weight ,easy to handle and comes with instructions for use as well as after sales support if required. It was priced at $330 but is currently $270 + delivery. Trappers who use a "Myna X" know it's value.... "The right tool for the job." Worth it's weight in Gold!" "At last a real Indian Myna trap." "I tried two other cheaper traps until I got my "Myna X" .Now I have caught over 400 Indian Mynas,thank you." Stocks won't last so get your order in quickly and stop the Indian Mynas at your place before they breed. Every two caught now is at least 12 fewer in six months time. To order message your address and phone number or call Garry on 0438198460. See more
17.01.2022 STOP INDIAN MYNAS NOW! If you have had Indian Mynas in your roof during nesting season be aware of the effect the bird mites they bring can have. The following is part of a message received this week. "I got up on the roof, moved some tiles and scared them away. In the process of removing the nests, I got attacked by lice or mites or something and ended up with infected welts all over my body needing medical attention.... The birds of course resettled in my roof immediately." The time to stop them in their tracks is now. Nesting Season is not far away. Obtain a "Myna X" and start trapping.
16.01.2022 WHEN PEOPLE with large acreage return to buy more "Myna X" traps you just know they are working well. Another production run was completed over the past few days however the rapid take up of traps has left only a single trap on the shelf. More are in production now and should be available mid week next week. If you want one you will really need to get in touch like others did and book a trap in production to ensure you can join the war against Indian Mynas with the best weapon available. Call Garry to check on availability. 0438198460
16.01.2022 "MYNA X" MORE THAN JUST A TRAP. When you purchase a "Myna X" you are getting more than just a trap. What you get is a trapping system that covers the placement of the trap.....the operation of the trap.....the disposal of the catch, plus the advantage of having over 20 years trapping experience just a phone call away if you need help. The centre of the system the "Myna X" is built to last and meet all legal requirements for trapping pest birds, it even has a quick release feature for the very rare occasion a non-target bird gains admission, unless this is operated the trap is escape proof thanks to it's careful engineering. It is also in demand so if you are considering obtaining a "Myna X" system remember to check with Garry regarding availability. Contact number is 0438198460.
15.01.2022 A trapper who has caught over 90 Indian Mynas with his "Myna X" and is now Indian Myna free has shared these photo's of what his yard looks like now it is Indian Myna free. He has also sent the following message. " Thank YOU for making a great trap mate.... Nesting boxes are going in mulberry tree for the doves this year.
14.01.2022 The first detailed survey on the impact of the Indian myna shows it is causing declines in nine species of Australian birds. By Jenna Hanson September 4, 2012 from Australian Geographic THE SPREAD OF THE Indian myna, an invasive bird common in cities in the east of Australia, is causing significant declines in species ranging from the crimson rosella and superb fairy-wren, to the willie wagtail and the silvereye, according to a new study. ...Continue reading
13.01.2022 STARLINGS are being targeted by the "Myna X" trap heading out to a new home today. The Common Starling was introduced into Australia in the late 1850s through to 1870. It has become well established and is expanding its range after each breeding season. During breeding season, the large winter flocks of Common Starlings break up into pairs or small groups. The nest is an untidy cup of grasses, leaves, twigs and items of human rubbish. Nest sites are any type of hollow, such tree hollows and house roof voids. The birds are aggressive when competing for nesting sites and readily drive out native species. The pale blue eggs are incubated by both sexes which also raise the young birds. Often two broods are raised in a season. Breeding season: Mainly August to January; can be anytime Clutch size: 4 to 8 Incubation: 12 days The Starling is a well known pest around orchards as well as a threat to our native birds during breeding season. They will also provide a plentiful supply of bird mites into homes where they nest. Interested in obtaining your own "Myna X" trapping system? Contact Garry on 0438198460 to check on availability.
12.01.2022 REPORTS IN ALREADY OF NEW TRAPPERS FIRST CATCHES. These are nesting birds who will not get to hatch their eggs or return to the roof cavity to lay more. Several have already visited the vacated nest to remove it and the eggs. Keep up the good work. An experienced trapper has reported that after catching over 90 Indian Mynas he has no more on his property. "I will put the "Myna X" away for now and wait until more arrive, probably young ones after nesting season."... More "Myna X" traps are being delivered to their new homes today to commence clearing new properties of Indian Mynas. Hard work over the weekend means that there are a few "Myna X" traps in stock and ready to go. However it is still wise to call Garry 0438198460 to check on availability as traps do not last long on the shelf. Pick ups are also available from Berkshire Park by arrangement. See more
12.01.2022 HOW TO PREVENT INDIAN MYNAS NESTING IN YOUR ROOF CAVITY! Callers who have experienced itches and irritations caused by bird mites from Indian Mynas nesting in their roof cavity are desperate to keep them out this year. In past years they have tried bird wire,bird spikes and anything they can think of to block these birds access....and failed. Once Indian Mynas have nested in a roof cavity they will come back. Their ability to slide under tiles and metal roof tops and then che...w through sisal craft roof linings is second to none. The only proven way to stop them is to catch them at ground level. This is best done before they start building their nests but can also be done after they get into nesting mode. Don't look to your roof to stop them, invite them to have a feed in a "Myna X" trap at ground level. See more
12.01.2022 COMING SOON TO A BREEDING HOLLOW NEAR YOU. Many of our native birds are in to their breeding cycle where they have laid their eggs. Around the same time they have young this is what they are likely to see checking out their hollow as Indian Mynas start their breeding cycle. If a desirable hollow is already occupied they will take it anyway driving off or killing the parents while either killing fledglings in the nest or worse still building over them and using them as a sourc...e of live food. Indian Mynas caught before this time will not pose a problem to our native birds. Once trapped in a "Myna X" they stay trapped, there is no escape,there is no looking for a nesting hollow! Contact Garry on 0438198460 to obtain your own "Myna X" trap. Delivered fully assembled with instructions for use. Was $330 now $270 + delivery. See more
12.01.2022 KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INDIAN MYNAS AND AUSTRALIAN NOISY MINERS. Indian Mynas are shown in the first photo and are easily identified by their black head, brown body and white flashes on their wings. They are not a native bird but have adapted to Australia much to the detriment of our native birds. They take over territories and deny native birds food and water resources. During nesting season they take over nesting hollows , driving native birds out and killing them and ...their young. They don't stop with the hollow but attack any birds nesting in trees within a 50 metre radius of the nest. This includes Kookaburras. In the absence of hollows they nest in suburban roof cavities, sheds,under solar panels and in barns. They create large nests in the roof comprised of leaves,grass,bark,sticks and plastic. When leaving the nest the bird mites in the nest migrate into the house where they are able to survive for three weeks. The inhabitants get quite itchy from their bites with many having an allergic reaction which requires medical attention and sometimes hospitalisation. This program manufactures and supplies two Indian Myna traps both of which have a long record of success,they are the "Myna X" and the "MynaStar". Message or call 0438198460 for more information or to check availability. The Australian Noisy Miner (second picture) is primarily grey in colour. They build their nest in trees and shrubs and if left alone will ignore their human neighbours. If their nests are interfered with they will attack and inflict wounds to the head and faces of any people they see. The Noisy Miner is protected and harming them will be rewarded with large fines. They are to be left alone.
12.01.2022 DONATION RECEIVED which will be used to provide a $20 freight subsidy for the next five "Myna X" trap orders. The traps are delivered fully assembled which means freight costs are a consideration. Don't miss out if you are planning on obtaining one of these traps.
11.01.2022 ALL "Myna X" traps have now been shipped with no stock on the shelf. Production run under way with more available later in the week. If you have been thinking about obtaining one let us know sooner than later. The "Myna X" traps are hand made to exacting standards and take a day each to complete. No pickups available until Thursday or Friday.... Please call 0438198460 before coming to avoid a wasted trip. See more
11.01.2022 FREE DELIVERY ON "MYNA X" TRAPS. Orders received over the next 5 days will qualify for free delivery. Australian deliveries only. Some restrictions apply. Indian Mynas have commenced nesting. Stop them in their tracks with your own "Myna X" trap. Traps are delivered fully assembled and ready for instant use.
11.01.2022 OUTSIDE DINING AND INDIAN MYNAS. If you are thinking about dining outside a café this weekend keep an eye out for Indian Mynas, they like to join the diners. They not only go after any leftovers on plates but have been known to snatch food off forks travelling between the plate and the mouth! There are currently only two "Myna X " traps left in stock. Call Garry on 048198460 if you want one of them. May get one more production run in before Christmas however my carrier has a...dvised a cut off date of December 15th for pre Christmas deliveries. This will be subject to stock availability in any case. Enjoy your weekend! See more
11.01.2022 NATIVE BIRD RESTORATION CONTINUES. In the last week "Myna X" traps have continued to cross the borders between NSW, Queensland and Victoria to land on the doorsteps of people determined to claim back their properties for native birds by removing the Indian Mynas who have taken available food and water resources as well as nesting locations. These traps will stop Indian Mynas from nesting and creating an even bigger challenge to the survival of our native birds. Only a single... "Myna X" remains in stock for immediate shipment. It will be another week before more are ready to join the fight. NSW residents have not been slack either with traps now deployed in both suburban and rural areas over the past two weeks. Congratulations to the new trappers, your efforts will be rewarded with the return of your precious native birds. See more
08.01.2022 The "Myna X" Indian Myna trap is made to be easy to use,and to withstand Australian conditions for many years. A full day is spent in it's manufacture when it is precisely engineered to ensure no birds escape from it. Any number in but none out! It is strong but also easy to handle with a solid timber frame carefully painted to ensure it can withstand our often extreme weather conditions. It has a record of success stretching over 20 years and has been used to restore native birds to thousands of backyards. It also catches Starlings. A variation on the trap known as the "Sparrowmaster" is also available for use where Sparrows are a problem.
08.01.2022 BUDGET TRAP PRODUCTION RUN. "MynaStar" Indian Myna traps are our budget trap and are made to order. The "MynaStar" is an efficient single unit trap. Priced at $195.00 + delivery the trap is capable of accommodating twelve Indian Mynas or Starlings at a time. It is made to the same high standard as the "Myna X" and is just as easy to handle. It is supplied with instructions for use and after sales support if needed.... Get in touch if you would like one to do your bit in preserving our beautiful native birds . See more
07.01.2022 WELL DONE to those Victorians who have realised that although they are in lock-down Indian Mynas are not. The "Myna X" traps you ordered this week will be with you in time to start your own Indian Myna lock-down inside your "Myna X" traps by the weekend. To my established trappers keep those traps baited and continue catching as many as you can, it is a critical time in the fight for our beautiful native birds.
07.01.2022 Ever wondered how well "Myna X" traps are constructed? In November 2019 a trap was stolen and dumped in the Narara Creek (Central Coast) Over the weekend the top was found floating in Brisbane waters, the finders thought it was a hatch cover from a yacht. It was in excellent condition due to the careful way it was painted. My phone number and the words "Myna X" were still legible after seven months afloat. The rest of the trap is probably still in the creek and if found wou...ld still be in usable condition apart from needing a new top as I told the finders to dispose of the original. There used to be a popular motto. "Do it once,do it well and build a better Australia." "Myna X" traps are built to withstand the heat, cold and heavy rain we experience in Australia and to do it year after year. They are also engineered to ensure that caught Indian Mynas stay escapees. The day spent making each one pays off. Perhaps I should start making hatch covers for yachts as well? See more
06.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS to a number of brand new trappers who took delivery of their "Myna X" traps this week. HAPPY TRAPPING. If you have been thinking about obtaining a "Myna X" now is a good time as we work to stop Indian Mynas breeding and adding to their numbers.
06.01.2022 "Myna X" traps quietly slipped off the stock shelves to new destinations throughout NSW and Victoria last week. Flocks of Indian Mynas who thought they would be breeding this year won't be doing so after they drop into a "Myna X Diner" (eat in,no fly away.) for a quick bite. Once in a "Myna X" there is no escape! Congratulations to those new trappers who have commenced their "Yard Clearance" of Indian Mynas ahead of breeding season. Every pair you catch is at least twelve fewer next year!
06.01.2022 IMAGINE MOVING TO YOUR NEW RURAL PROPERTY to discover that it is a haven for nesting Indian Mynas. Multiple pairs are in the roof cavity but you fight back by installing gutter guard and using foam sealer to block their access points. You then remove some tiles and take the equivalent of a bale of hay from inside your roof. Next thing you know they are all back again sliding under tiles and removing insulation material to regain access. VERY FRUSTRATING particularly since you... are having a similar problem with others high up in your shed and inside a car which has a window that won't quite close. Probably should also mention the ones nesting in the vehicle engine bay as well. So far the Indian Mynas are winning as their determination is intense. What is the solution? Call Garry on 0438198460 and arrange for a "Myna X" trap to be shipped directly to you. The good news is that it is on it's way and within a few days you will be removing these birds permanently and ending their nesting dreams. You will probably have to remove another hay bale of material afterwards but that will be the end of it. See more
06.01.2022 "MYNA X" traps will be available for shipment tomorrow. Apologies to those who have had to wait a few days. Your Indian Myna solution will be on it's way. HAPPY TRAPPING!.
06.01.2022 NINE WEEKS TO INDIAN MYNA NESTING SEASON. This story applies to Rosella's,Corella's in fact to all of our hollow nesting birds. Lorina the Lorikeet her story by Garry Cunich Lori and I were absolutely delighted when we found a hollow in a gum tree which towered high over the local park. We worked hard on making it home and there I laid my eggs, there were three and they were beautiful.... After 40 days we knew there was not long to go, already their feathers were making them look so pretty, they were the spitting image of their dad although he said they looked like me. We came back to the nest after a food sortie to hear our babies crying out in panic, a brown bird was on the edge of the hollow. Lorie did not hesitate; he dropped the food and with a loud cry flew straight at the invader. The Indian Myna flew away and we breathed a sigh of relief when we found our babies were safe. The Indian Myna returned uttering a loud call. Lori stood at the entrance to our home and screamed back at it, he puffed himself up and looked as big as he could , he then realised the attacker was not alone nine more were coming behind.. He screamed at me to stay with the children and launched himself at the invaders. After a few minutes I knew he needed help, he was bleeding from wounds to his head and taking multiple hits all the time, they would not stop. I left the children and tried to help him. Four Indian Mynas peeled away from Lorie and came after me, they went for my eyes, I twisted away and took two pecks to the head. I accelerated as hard as I could to get away and as I did I saw Lorie fall to the ground. Six of them followed him down and ripped his chest apart. I kept flying away; there was nothing I could do. Lori was braver than me and he was gone. I crept back a few hours later to find my mutilated babies dead on the ground near their father. Indian Mynas had moved into our home and were filling it with rubbish for their own nest. I cant go on, there is nothing more to say except please help. These Indian Mynas are killing my race. Authors note: This is why I have devoted 25 years of my life to preserving our native birds and why I designed and manufacture the "Myna X" trap. Any questions? Call me on 0438198460
05.01.2022 NAUTICAL MYSTERY SOLVED! Well almost solved. Had a call from a yacht owner advising me that they had found my hatch cover floating in Brisbane Waters! They assured me it was mine because my phone number was on it. I asked did it also say "Myna X" the response was yes. Mystery partially solved, what is unsolved is how did the "Myna X" top end up floating in Brisbane Waters? Has someone lost their trap in a flood?... If you have lost a "Myna X" through flooding then please let me know. Thanks. See more
04.01.2022 NESTING SEASON FIGHTBACK. From the seaside to remote rural properties...throughout NSW, Qld and Victoria. Older farm properties, New housing estates, Established residential areas, none are being spared the invasive nesting determination of Indian Mynas right now. From roof cavities to sheds and garages they have moved in to build their nests and often entered homes in search of food. The good news is that residents are fighting back in all these locations with "Myna X" traps... to reclaim their properties . Expect to see reports from a swag of new trappers as they deploy their traps. Production of the "Myna X" continues as I strive to maintain supply of this now well known and proven trap. Australian made for Australian conditions to give our native birds a greater chance of survival and unmolested nesting. If you are considering joining this fight with your own "Myna X" remember to call Garry 0438198460 to check on availability. See more
03.01.2022 How quickly can you get a "Myna X" trap? If in stock usually it will be delivered within 2-3 business days. If we are out of stock 7- 10 business days. Two in stock now.
03.01.2022 Message received from M.T. in Victoria. "Wow! Thank you for my "Myna X" and your advice. I have caught over 40 Indian Mynas in four weeks. This trap is incredible and has not allowed a single bird to escape unlike another trap I previously purchased. At last I have a real Indian Myna trap which is built to last. Thank you."
02.01.2022 WHY DOES THE "MYNA X" COST WHAT IT DOES? The "Myna X" Indian Myna trap is not the cheapest trap you can buy,in fact the price you pay for most cheaper traps would not even cover the cost of the components needed to create a "Myna X" . The time it takes to make a "Myna X" is much longer than simply cutting up $10 worth of wire and whacking it together. Fifteen pieces of the high quality timber used in the frame are cut and assembled with each joint glued, sealed and screwed place with galvanised screws.. The frame is then carefully painted with several coats of outdoor paint. The trap top also needs to be cut to size and painted. Eight different wire components then need to be cut from high quality galvanised wire , four of which need to be further cut to fulfil their function. Two of these components ( for the foyer) then have to be wired together in such a way that this all wire part has greater strength than it possesses naturally. Once this done wire is stapled to the frame giving it even greater strength. The entrance to the foyer is added. This in itself is some clever engineering because it allows any number of birds in but none out. The holding cage funnel is then assembled and installed. Holes are then drilled to accommodate the heavy duty bolts that secure the top in place. The final operation is the drilling of the guide holes for the hooks that hold the foyer in place. Underneath the top of the "Myna X" you will find the name "Myna X" and my phone number. That is there in the event a trapper requires assistance although very clear instructions are provided with the trap. This is why trappers who have obtained a "Myna X" after trying up to three cheaper traps comment "At last, a real Indian Myna Trap!" The "Myna X" will give many years of service and continue making a major contribution to the preservation of our native birds long after many other traps are gracing the tip. This trap meets all requirements for the trapping of pest birds and even includes an easy release feature should a non target bird get in the trap. This happens rarely but it is nice to have the ability to do a quick release.
02.01.2022 More reports in of increased Indian Myna nesting activity. "A great time to catch them" reports one trapper. "They are really going after the food in my "Myna X, I have caught 32 in the last two weeks." "My trap looks good in the garden." said another "particularly when it continues to catch these pests." Combined reports received total over 700 birds caught in the last month, that can easily be trebled as the majority of trappers do not report in, they just keep trapping. Reported catches equate to over 3,500 fewer Indian Mynas next year. A few traps shipped are not in action yet as they have been purchased as Fathers Day gifts. Free delivery ends in three days.
02.01.2022 "MYNA X" TRAPS SHIPPING DAILY. Traps are on the move out to critical areas to trap resident Indian Myna flocks before nesting season. Despite constantly working on more traps stock is down to the last two traps that can be shipped this week. The public response to the need to remove these birds urgently has been gratifying. I have some health issues but will continue production as long as I can.... Thank you to all the supporters of this program,your dedication to the future of our native birds will be appreciated by future generations who will be able to see our native birds because of your efforts. PICTURED ARE A FEW OF THE BIRDS BENEFITING FROM YOUR WORK. See more
01.01.2022 REDUCING THE SPREAD AND IMPACT OF INDIAN MYNAS ON OUR NATIVE BIRDS AND MARSUPIALS. Many trappers do not realise just how important their trapping is, to not only the native birds at their place but in reducing the spread of these birds. Every time you reduce the numbers by just six birds (three breeding pairs) you are stopping them from producing 30+ birds next breeding season. 30 birds is the average flock size and these new flocks will range far and wide looking for vacant... territory. Vacant as far as Indian Mynas are concerned but not empty of our native birds. These flocks will initially clear their new territory of native birds denying them essential food and water resources and then take their hollows the following breeding season. Once in the hollows they will then attack any birds nesting in trees in their vicinity such as Kookaburras, Willy Wagtails and any other branch nesting native birds. Every six birds caught represent a chance at life for hundreds of native birds. That is why I continue to manufacture and supply the "Myna X" trap. It is warfare and this is my weapon of choice. Fresh stock available soon. See more
01.01.2022 ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND. If it is not Indian Myna free there are two "Myna X" traps with subsidised freight left. Message for details.ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND. If it is not Indian Myna free there are two "Myna X" traps with subsidised freight left. Message for details.
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