Infant Aquatics, Warners Bay, NSW, Aquastars in Warners Bay, New South Wales, Australia | Product/service
Infant Aquatics, Warners Bay, NSW, Aquastars
Locality: Warners Bay, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4954 9900
Address: 7/311 Hillsborough Rd 2285 Warners Bay, NSW, Australia
Likes: 514
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25.01.2022 Can you enjoy the water with your child without them wearing floaties? At 2 years old this child can swim and these parents can. #swimfloatswim #swimsurvival #takecontrolnotchances
25.01.2022 A message from Infant Aquatics Certifying Instructor and registered nurse Kyla Blum concerning the value of Infant Aquatics lessons. ***WARNING*** Use of the word excuse may offend! Please replace with reason, barrier, conundrum, or any other preferred term that you wont get hung-up on, so the true message of this post may be absorbed. EXCUSE* OF THE DAY:...Continue reading
24.01.2022 We've got some exciting news.. we are looking for a pool installer as. we have been approved for a second pool. This pool will house our swim survival classes during the week and our parent child classes on Saturday.. if you know one let us know
23.01.2022 To our Swim Survival Families In light of the recent Coronavirus outbreak, our team would like to reassure you that as a small, family run swim school, we are considered an extremely low risk environment. Our lessons are either one on one or small group, so we never have high numbers in or around the pool at any given time. We are doing everything we can to keep you and our instructors healthy, and will take all preventative measures to keep the pool germ-free. Your complianc...e to the guidelines below will greatly contribute to the safety of your children, our staff, our pool and those around you at our centre. If you or your children are unwell with a fever, extreme fatigue, infection or any gastro, please keep them home until those symptoms subside. As always, a simple text/email would be great and we will happily reschedule. (This is all the time.not just due to the recent recent situation) - please limit the amount of non-swimming people who attend the pool for lessons to 1 adult. We understand your child may have siblings and this is fine, but we are trying to limit the impact on the number of people within our facility, so whilst you may be extremely proud of your child achievements our instructor will give more opportunity for you to video your child so you can share it amongst family and friends. Please do NOT feed your child any food or milk 2 HOURS prior to their lesson. This is crucial to both the comfort and safety of your child and the cleanliness of the entire pool facility. Hand washing is the key to prevent the spread of germs. Please use soap, hand wipes or sanitiser prior to passing your children to their instructor as well as after their lesson. We will do the same. Practice measures that reduce the spread of germs by coughing or sneezing into your arm or tissue rather than your hand. Encourage your children to do the same. Please bin your tissues. Rest assured our pool water is closely monitored, regularly tested and balanced. We were proud germaphobes long before the Coronavirus outbreak, and will continue to ensure everyones health is at the forefront. After all, Survival Swimming is our name, and staying healthy and COVID virus free is our game...! Take care, The Aqua Stars Team
22.01.2022 Good news. We have secured a spot for the Swim Australia Swim Teachers course. Follow the link to register. Limited Spots. This is the only course available in Newcastle till the end of the year
22.01.2022 We are here to listen to your questions and answer them as best as we can. Have you got any questions about our program you would like answered?? Comment below #swimfloatswim #swimsurvival #survivalswimming #infantaquaticswarnersbay #infantaquatics
19.01.2022 .................ANNOUNCEMENT..... We are thrilled to announce that our Very own Jenna will be heading over to Colorado in May to train with Infant Aquatics to become a Swim Survival Instructor. Jenna has been one of Aqua Stars Instructors since it was purchased by Belynda and we are super excited to give her this Opportunity.
18.01.2022 As we are a Healthy Swim Australia Swim school, you can be in the running to win $1000 worth of swimming lessons. To enter just like the Healthy Swim facebook page, Tag US AquaStars Swim school and share away. Good Luck everyone.
18.01.2022 Enroll now for our next Swim Survival Course starting 28th September 2020. Spots are limited. To have your child independent in the water by Christmas give us a call on 0249549900 #Swimfloatswim #infantaquaticswarnersbay #saynotofloaties #supervisioniskey #floattosurvive
17.01.2022 Grateful parents for believing in their child, and teaching their child to survive and enjoy the water. There was no need for the mich appreciated gift, but thank you. It was our pleasure.
17.01.2022 Swim survival teaches kids through muscle memory how to survive in the water. What would your child do? Most come to us after having years of lessons with no results.. Swim Float swim takes around 6 weeks to teach these life saving skills. #infantaquatics #takecontrolnotchances
16.01.2022 Look how great our mural looks! All hand drawn by the great Lily amd painted by Lily and Jess. #infantaquaticsnewcastle #swimfloatswim #survivalswimming #takecontrolnotchances
16.01.2022 "It's been amazing for us and our family." Sarah Hodson
15.01.2022 Can your baby save themselves?? How young is too young? The babies in this video are about 8 months old. What wpuld your baby do if they fell into water?
15.01.2022 "Never let your guard down around water with children. NEVER. Teach them to self-rescue and survival swimming skills. The most dangerous thing you can teach your child is a love for the water, without teaching them any respect." Sarah Watkins submitted her story, when she rescued a child who was under water at her local swimming pool. The 8 life guards on duty that day did not see this child drown. #swimfloatswim #takecontrolnotchances #survivalswim #infantaqaticsnewcastle #warnersbay #suvivingisnumberone
15.01.2022 We are currently taking enrollments for the next round of Swim Survival which is starting on March 2nd. #Takecontrolnotchances #swimfloatswim #survivalswimming #infantaquaticsnewcastle #floattosurvive
14.01.2022 The perfect explanation about what we do.. #swimfloatswim #survivalswim #weeksnotyears
13.01.2022 Have you seen this warning before? It is actually placed on every floatation device you can buy. Why is that?? Well its because your child is not swimming if they are wearing one. This device gives both you and your child a false sense of security. We teach survival skills before we teach a child to swim because they need to be able to save themselves. #saynotofloaties #falsesenseofsecurity #promotedrowningposition #swimfloatswim #survivalswimming #swimfloatswim #infantaquaticswarnersbay.
13.01.2022 We are still open to lessons..following the advice of our governing body who is in touch with health departments . #endthehysteria #survivalswim #swimfloatswim
12.01.2022 When can you ever be sure your child is safe in the water?? Supervision is key but what happens when it breaks down?? Can your child save themselves?
12.01.2022 Weve had some time off and now we are back into it. Looking forward to getting back in pool on Monday 22nd June
11.01.2022 National Water Safety Month: DID YOU KNOW? Drowning is preventable, yet it is the leading cause of accidental death for children ages 4 & under, and the 2nd lea...ding cause of accidental death for children ages 14 & under. #donateyoursocialmedia #sharethispost #savealife #swimitforward #watersafetymonth
11.01.2022 Pictures of our Graduates
11.01.2022 We love what we do with our program and are continuing to save childrens lives. Our next intake is late September 2020. Book your childs spot before its too late
11.01.2022 When is a swimming lesson not a swimming lesson? Water familiarisation lessons are not swimming lessons they are there to get your baby /child familiar with water to then progress into swimming lessons. At Infant aquatics we teach your child how to survive in the water. We get told our course is too expensive. But what is your childs life worth to you? It may seem like a large cost but you will spend more on traditional lessons over the long term to get the same skills. Afte...r the program our parents tell us that it is 100% worth it. We get told by people that they dont have the time. Can you give up 4 hours, over a 6 week period? We make time for what is important to us. Our kids should be at the top of that list. We see so many children with floaties on and cringe, a child who doesnt have survival skills and who is not within arms reach of a parent because they have their floaties on, is not safe and ... that is not swimming that is teaching confidence without knowing danger. Take that floatie off and you kid will drown if they jump in Without you there or worse fall in. #someonehastosayit #swimfloatswim #infantaquatics #takecontrolnotchances #survivalswim See more
10.01.2022 We are closed .. keep an eye out on our page for some great videos coming your way.
10.01.2022 Swim survival lessons deemed essential in California.. as we can teach a child to save themselves in a matter of weeks you can see why, with drownings increasing all over America
09.01.2022 We are now preparing for a possible resumption of lessons. Please fill out the below survey to assist us in getting back into it .
09.01.2022 Here is Aria swimming in her clothes as a part of her final assessments.
08.01.2022 We cant get enough of our wonderful kids and cant wait to continue to get more babies saving themselves.
08.01.2022 We love sharing the message of our fellow infant aquatics instructors.
06.01.2022 Cases of drowning are increasing worldwide and there is a fear this could happen in Australia with most Swim Schools being closed for 3 months plus. Swim Survival can get your child safer around water in a matter of weeks not the years traditional lessons can take.
05.01.2022 We have done it. At Aquastars Swim School we are passionate about drowning prevention. We are a finalist in the Hunter Local Business Awards
04.01.2022 If your child was to fall into water could they survive? These kids can and so can yours. Our next Swim Survival course begins on the 28th of September. Give your child, the best chance of survival. #Swimsurvival #Swimfloatswim #infantaquaticswarnersbay #takecontrolnotchances #floattosurvive #aquastarswarnersbay
04.01.2022 We want to see your Easter Hat Creations!!!. We are having a Virtual Easter hat Parade.. Post a picture of your child wearing their awesome hat below... Lets keep the parade going until easter :)
03.01.2022 Still love the amazing video of Quinn.
01.01.2022 "Its been amazing for us and our family." Sarah Hodson
01.01.2022 Say No to Floaties - Why? 3 reasons... 1."Floaties" teach ineffective floating and swimming postures. 2. "Floaties" provide a false sense of security to parents. 3. Children who wear "floaties" think they can swim, when they cant. Read more information here: #survivalswimning #infantaquaticswarnersbay #takecontrolnotchances #swimfloatswim #saynotofloatationdevices
01.01.2022 This is what floaties do to your child. They create a muscle memory that is really hard for them to get out of. It also pops the head above water, yet the natural swimming position is face down. Reposted from @dallasinfantaquatics - #regrann
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