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Phone: +61 3 9988 1832

Address: Waterman Business Centre, Level 2 UL40/1341 Dandenong Road 3148


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Stage 4 is in full swing for Metro Melbourne, time to really make sure everything is in order. For starters, what's your back up solution? Do you have one for your phone, tablet, or computer(s)? Having a backup solution in place is vital for any device you use because well, accidents can happen at any time. Having a hard drive in your boot as your solution is not something we recommend. The potential damage from being thrown around the boot as well as the possibility of being... dropped or stolen makes it risky. So here is our top tip to make sure you have a great back-up solution in place. The 3-2-1 rule... You should always aim to have the following for each device: - 3 copies of your data on - 2 different media types with - 1 of those stored off-site What's your back up solution? #backupsolution #beautifullysimpletech #workingfromhome

24.01.2022 Working from home can seem like a blissful situation at first but the transition can be hard. Staying productive can be harder with all the distractions like home projects and chores. As a remote team, we've got some tried and tested tips available for you in our newest blog post! Read about it here: What do you do to stay productive?

23.01.2022 What is holding you back from moving to the cloud? Have a read of our latest blog post and maybe it can answer some of the questions or quell your concerns. Working from home is here to stay, but for some "The Cloud" is still a daunting option. The cloud is not less secure than having an on-premise server. In fact, the opposite is true. There is a difference between security and control. Ready to rumble? There are a number of trial subscriptions being offered by Microsoft, which could give you free cloud base computing (including a hosted server) for up to 6 months. Still have questions ? Get in touch with the Infinite Edge team! #cloud #onpremise #workingfromhome #migration #microsoft

22.01.2022 Last Minute Price Drop across our #onlinestore for some #EOFYdeals ! Head on over to our store at to grab a great deal! Hurry! Ends 30/06/2020 23:59 AEST #EOFY #sale #technology #laptops #tablets #desktops #cables #hardware

21.01.2022 You've made it to Friday! Don't let it be ruined by a wrong password... That's what Password Managers like Last Pass are for!... Credit: Hedge Humor #beautifullysimpletech #fridayfunny #passwordmanager

20.01.2022 With restrictions lifting across the country, many businesses that had been working from home are returning to their premises and with so many people leaving their homes once again, contact tracing is the hot topic right now. There are already apps released that can do this, with more flooding the market I’ve the next few weeks. Australia has the COVIDSafe app with many other countries and international governments releasing their own versions for contact tracing to address ...the rapid cross contamination rate of the COVID-19 virus. Cyprus had an app released as early as February for COVID-19 contact tracing. There’s one thing about contact tracing apps though that is causing divided opinions, the data collection. Where is the data stored? How secure is my data? What will my data be used for? With the release of these apps and some governments making the code open source to build trust with those installing it, it opens the way for more contact tracing apps to be made for other uses, like marketing purposes. There have been discussions around whether businesses should be allowed to use these apps to collect data for marketing and promotion purposes. Considering many businesses have been hit hard over the last few months, should their customers accept and allow being traced and targeted for marketing through these types of apps? With anything like this, transparency is key. If you explain to your clients what they are signing up for, what happens to their data, and if you intend to use their data for marketing, explain what kind of marketing you’re intending to do, and how they can opt out at any stage. What are your thoughts about contact tracing? Let us know in the comments! #contacttracing #privacy #dataprotection #marketing #security #data

19.01.2022 When you bring a new application into the fold of your teams day to day tools, what criteria do you use to pick that tool? Got your list in your head? Great! Now add another one - Can it integrate with my existing products or tools App Integrations can really smooth out your processes and help new tools ease smoothly into existing processes and routines. It also means that you can reduce the amount of manual data entry you may need to do between tools or even allow for collaboration between the team. We've found our biggest asset is the Microsoft 365 tools and platforms integrating amongst each other. Now we understand that not all integrations are great, they can sometimes break things but we've found that to be only a small few. What's your favourite app integration at the moment? Do you think they help or hinder your team's productivity? #integration #apps #productivity #microsoft365 #beautifullysimpletech

17.01.2022 Excited to kick off with The Unfair Advantage! Nice to meet you Warwick! #Sunwiz #makemagichappen #theunfairadvantage

16.01.2022 Has Coronavirus accelerated us to the inevitable future we all knew was coming? AI, robots, automation, and more! Automation and well-documented systems within the business was already a key aspect of getting some time back in our routines. But these current changes to how we work, with more to come and many here to stay mean that the big companies are prioritising projects related to AI and robots to reduce human interaction. Experts say we can expect to see further adopt...ion of AI technology. Soon we may be seeing robots cleaning our schools or offices. Automation in the business can free up your time, your staff's time and can help everything run just that little bit smoother. What changes are you seeing, or have you made to your business to be more automated? Video Credit: Relay on YouTube #workingfromhome #beautifullysimpletech #ai #robots

15.01.2022 A great find by one of the team! Something to make you laugh this Friday morning #beautifullysimpletech #fridayfunny #technology #medical

14.01.2022 What are some of the strangest IT Myths you have heard? I know we've heard plenty! Let us know what you've heard and we'll let you know if it's a Myth or True! Follow us on Instagram to see the myths we debunk over the coming weeks! @infiniteedge24 #itmyths #myths #trueormyth

14.01.2022 We’ve all been working from home for a while now and it's made us here at Infinite Edge appreciate the small things like the tech gadgets we have around us while working! Martin, Joh and Joe have taken time to reflect on what they find they can't live without as they work form home. What gadget can you not live without? Let us know in the comment! Have a read of each of their Top 3 Gadgets over on our blog! #top3 #gadgets #workingformhome

14.01.2022 First, there were 2, 3, and 4G, with 5G on the way. But did you know there is also WiFi 1 to 6? What are they? How do they affect your connection to the internet? Let's find out. For starters, Wifi 1 - 3 aren't versions you'll be running into much these days dating back to 1999 (both 1 and 2) and 2003 releases. The technology you will be interacting with is likely to be 4 and 5, with WiFi 6 rolling out since last year.... The biggest difference between the technology is the ability to offer faster data transfer speed as the version number goes up. For example, the jump from WiFi 5 to WiFi 6 technology will give you a 40% boost in potential speed. Some more bonuses with the newer WiFi 6 technology include: - it using less power leading to longer battery life for your device - it can better handle lots of devices connected simultaneously So what do you look out for when buying a new device or upgrading components of your current set up? Some laptops allow you to replace the WiFi card or you can purchase an adapter to plug in. 'WiFi X' is not widely used yet so here are the technical names below so you know the lingo. Wi-Fi 3 is 802.11g Wi-Fi 4 is 802.11n Wi-Fi 5 is 802.11ac Wi-Fi 6 (the newest) is 802.11ax #wifi6 #technology #beautifullysimpletech #internet

14.01.2022 School holidays are upon us! As some of you head off on your time away from the office, many workers are setting up their ‘Out of Office’ replies, but you could be unintentionally giving away information to scammers that you wouldn’t normally give. Do you include your normal signature in your out of office? Do you also include a personal mobile for emergencies or another colleagues details? How much do you include about where you are going and for how long?... Each of these things are giving cyber criminals snippets of information allowing them to piece together ways to extract further information that could harm you or the company you work for. Less is more Instead of saying the exact dates you will be away, use broader phrases such as ‘returning in a few weeks’ or ‘mid/late July’. Only mention that they can contact you on your mobile but don’t give out the actual number. Provided all these details are in previous email signatures and/or the office number is available through Google or your website, no one maliciously phishing for information is going to get it easily. Stay safe this school holiday season! #cybersecurity #business #hackers #juststartwithonething #jswot

14.01.2022 This morning the Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison called an emergency conference to raise awareness and inform the public of a cyber-attack currently targeting Australian businesses and organisations. "This activity is targeting Australian organisations across a range of sectors, including all levels of government, industry, political organisations, education, health, essential service providers and operators of other critical infrastructure," he said. No business too small to be targeted by this attack so there are some steps you should take immediately to ensure your business is protected: - Make sure all web-facing devices and software are patched and up-to-date. This includes you mobile device, tablet, desktop and laptop and the applications or programs installed on it as well as their operating systems. - Ensure you and your employees have activated and are using multi-factor authentication where possible. We released a handy checklist earlier in the week that goes through commonly used cloud services and has links to instruction for how to activate MFA. - If you believe you have been breached, change all passwords where possible to something unique and complex for each account. Use a password manager like LastPass if you struggle to remember passwords. We've released our Password Behaviours Blog Post early if you'd like to read more into common password behaviours. Unfortunately, cyber attacks are not uncommon in the world we live in today and they are unlikely to disappear any time soon. Cyber Security can seem daunting but if you just start with one thing today, you're business will be more secure tomorrow. !! Some Handy Tools For You !! - Hope on over to our Free Resources page to check out our checklists and guides for activating Multi-Factor Authentication, being Cyber Fit at home and Securing you Personal Device - Check out this mornings Blog Post about Password Behaviours and what you can do tot minimise your risk - Check out our 15 Types of Cyber Attacks Series so you and your team can known what to look out for! - Add a UTM Firewall Not sure what a UTM Firewall is? The term UTM firewall or simply UTM (Unified Threat management) is the title given to a hardware or software device capable of assembling various security functions, such as packet filtering, proxy, intrusion detection and prevention systems, protection against malware, application control, among others. Our firewall partners have just recently started offering monthly subscriptions for UTM firewalls. Previously the cost of these UTM firewalls has meant they were not within budget for many small businesses. Now any small business can have access to the enterprise-grade security these UTM firewalls to secure their business. If you're interested in knowing more, send us a message here and we'll send you some more information.

13.01.2022 We’re hoping that at some point recently you would have heard about Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), otherwise, known as Two Factor Authentication (2FA). Most of you would likely already be using some cloud service(s) which force you to enable this or have already set it up for many of your accounts. Originally when companies were rolling out two factor Authentication, you would get a code sent to your phone which you would enter after entering your password. This is to as SMS authentication and is not considered as safe or as secure as using the now prominently available Authentication Apps. These text messages could be intercepted by those trying to gain access to your account whereas an Authentication app has a 6-digit code that changes every 30 seconds that you need to be able to access. Always check if any cloud service offers MFA, and if it does, turning it on is a must! It's your first line of defence, regardless of whether you have a strong password. Already have SMS Authentication activated? Maybe it’s time to go back into those security settings to see if the cloud service provider now offers MFA using an Authentication App. Authenticator apps like Microsoft and Google are both popular choices but don’t offer a backup to all your codes. Technically the Microsoft one does, but only if you link it to a personal MS account. Google also does offer transferring of codes when you receive a new phone. However, with both apps, if you lose the first phone, it will be a pain to recover the codes. Two solutions that do backup your codes are Authy and LastPass. Links below. LastPass Authenticator Authy Authenticator Have you checked if you have Multi-factor authentication turned on in as many places as possible? Those extra few seconds to login could save your data down the track. Have a look at our handy checklist to see what common services have MFA and how to enable it for your account. Find it here on our FREE resources page! #mfa #2fa #jswot #lastpass #authy #microsoftauthenticator #googleauthenticator

13.01.2022 What sensitive client data are you keeping on your computers or devices? During one of our complimentary security health checks on a new client we found that 40 credit card details were being kept in a spreadsheet on the reception computer. The potential liability cost listed is probably too modest. The computer was also missing critical software updates and didn't have a current anti-virus/security software installed.... This is a common scenario for many businesses. People just don't know what they don't know. What sensitive data are you keeping, that you don't need to, or that exposes you to risk? It's never too late to start. Don't be ashamed if you have no idea about your security. Cybersecurity is easier than you think. Just start with one thing. Still not sure? Reach out to the team at Infinite Edge and we'll help you start your cyber security journey. #cybersecurity #business #databreach #riskmanagment #juststartwithonething #jswot

11.01.2022 If you or your team want to be more efficient, productive, and profitable now and in 2021, you might be interested in what we've got bubbling in the background... Look out for more info coming out next week or comment I'M INTERESTED below to receive a message when it's all ready for launch! We can't wait to show you!... #beautifullysimpletech #technology #comingsoon

10.01.2022 Do you use easy to remember passwords because, let's face it, there are so many to remember! How are you supposed to remember them all? Stick to your monitor on a post-it note? Kid's names, birthdates, anniversaries, pet's names etc. Each site you sign up to, you may as well use the same password, or at last variations of that password, because maybe you do worry about security after all. Does any of this sound familiar? ... We've all done this at times. Yes, even us here at Infinite Edge. Many are still doing this now. We’re not here to judge you. Most of you may just not understand what you're risking. This is not about shaming you, or making you feel guilty, or scaremongering, it's about educating. Changing just one thing can make a massive difference to your online security. LastPass, a popular password manager on the market does research each year into the behaviours around passwords and last month they released the data from 2019. 69% of Australians mostly or always use the same password (or a slight variation) despite 80% of the same research pool also believing they are well versed in password best practices. Why do we do this? We know what’s the right thing to do, yet we do the opposite Well you aren’t alone. 41% of the global respondents in LastPass’ research believed that their accounts weren’t valuable enough to be worth a hacker’s time. Don’t be fooled! Any personal data is valuable to the right person. What is our recommendation? Get yourself a password manager. It doesn’t have to be LastPass (though we do use and recommend them!) as there are many out there in the market. This will let you create random unique and strong passwords for every account that you can store with them. And the good news is, you only need to remember one password to rule them all. Think of all the headspace you'll free up! Maybe you can even pick up a new skill to fill that void in your head... Check out LastPass here or have a read of their full research #lastpass #security #passwords #passwordbehaviours #jswot #passwordmanager Images by LastPass

06.01.2022 Have you been involved in a breach? Here are two large and well-known data breaches that happened in the last ten years. Zynga Sep 2019... Do you or have you played Words with Friends, Farmville, Draw Something? Then you might be caught up in the information accessed due to an unpatched vulnerability in discovered in September of 2019. Information gained for the 173 million accounts included Dates of birth, emails, IP Addresses, Passwords and Usernames. MyFitnessPal Feb 2018 The popular fitness, diet and exercise tracking app MyFitnessPal suffered a data breach back in February 2018. 144 million accounts were compromised with information such as emails addresses, IP addresses, passwords, and usernames collected. Data Breaches are unfortunately fairly common. Change your password for the impacted service immediately If you are using that password for any other service change the password for that account as well. Don’t use the same password across the accounts or even slight variations. Use a trusted password manager for your passwords. Check here at haveibeenpwned - or have a look at further websites that have been breached here - #cybersecurity #databreach #cybercrime #privacy #HaveIBeenPwned #passwordmanager #technology

02.01.2022 Your home is now also your office, your kitchen table doubles as your desk and the lines separating work life and home life are starting to blur. Working from Home has meant that work and home life are now occurring in the same place and it can be hard to switch off. In this new post, we outline some good practices to adopt to ensure that you can sustain this new way of working and not burn out from the extra stress and distractions. What are you doing to help reduce burnout... and manage working from home? Read it here -

02.01.2022 After Scott Morrison's recent "emergency" press conference during which he revealed that "Australia is under attack" by state-based Cybercriminals, the government has announced $1.35 billion Cybersecurity funding It's also rumoured that the government may mandate Cybersecurity standards which could lead to SMEs being punished and difficulties around enforcement. Co-founder of @cynchsec, Susie Jones stated in an interview by @innovationauscom:... Micro and small businesses have little time, money or expertise, so expecting them to invest significant amounts of any of these things into cybersecurity is not just unrealistic, it’s not reasonable." Susie goes on to talk about the need for more funding, which I agree with. Unfortunately, the current reality is that most SMEs don't care about Cybersecurity until it's too late. It's unfair to blame them. More awareness and education is what's required so that SMEs understand what they're risking. We must come up with more creative ways to deliver the message. For Cybersecurity to be effective it must be driven from within an organisation. It must become ingrained in the culture. #cybersecurity #business #sme #smb #acsc #asd

01.01.2022 A common IT myth that we like busting, is that "Macs can't get viruses." Now the term "virus" is not used as often these days. Malware is the preferred umbrella term, simply because there are more threats than just viruses. Adware, ransomware, spyware, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), to name a few. In 2019 Macs saw an average of 11 threats per endpoint, to 5.8 threats for Windows machines, meaning threats for Macs per endpoint outnumbered Windows computers by 2 to 1. is up 400 per cent from 2018. The majority of Mac threats reported are Adware or PUPs, which are less harmful than say a ransomware attack, however, they are threats nonetheless, and adware is also the biggest threat to Windows computers. With the increase of Mac users, it's no surprise that there is an increase in the number of threats. So, Mac users, if you don't already have an antivirus, or better still, a complete security suite, please get one! Here are some we recommend: Webroot Endpoint Protection - TotalAV - Intego - P.S. Your iPhone can be targeted too! Never hurts to have an extra layer of protection on all devices. #macos #ios #malware #cybersecurity #adware #business

01.01.2022 Are you typing on a keyboard that is loud with the keys wearing away? Is your screen not as bright or crisp as it used to be? Is it time to update your equipment? The shift to working at home has meant we are realising how old, clunky and out of date some of our equipment is and rushing to update them. In fact, the team here has done the same! Before you start shopping, stop and take a look at your budget and how often you use that piece of equipment you are about to replace.... Why? Because investing in your equipment is going to give you a better return. When it comes to equipment, cheaper can often mean poorly made with weaker material. For example, a keyboard. Prices can range from $40 to $400. The $400 keyboard is not necessarily 10x better (some of the price is due to add-ons like RGB backlighting and extra keys) but commonly it will mean stronger materials, a better ergonomic design, and well-constructed keys. The lifespan of keyboards measured in keystrokes and if you are a heavy typist, they will rack up fast. Once you get your new equipment, make sure you take care of it! Having some extra cans of compressed air is a great way to get dust and crumbs out of those hard to reach places. Not sure what to get? We've got a great range of suppliers and are more than happy to have a chat about what will suit you best. Check out our online store - #shopsmart #workingfromhome #invest #equipment #beautifullysimpletech

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