Inspire Direction in Perth, Western Australia | Mental health service
Inspire Direction
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 430 955 444
Address: Quinns Rocks 6030 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Never Let The Same Snake Bite You Twice Or Does it take many snake bites to learn from each life lesson? ... Who agrees with this ? Leave your thoughts below
25.01.2022 TRUST TUESDAY Dont you give up on yourself Follow your Hearts Intuition And, Trust in YOU ... Sometimes theres detours along the way to make you wiser, self aware and living with heightened consciousness You will always arrive right where youre supposed to be For your higher greater good - to teach you to prepare for the next level On your lifes journey Be Bold Be Brave Have Faith & Trust in Divine Wisdom Believe in yourself And Trust in a Mighty Powerful Source Thats far greater and more powerful, than you could ever imagine Today is TRUST TUESDAY Become all that youre Purposed To Be And, Remember that so much Love exists here for you Always x
23.01.2022 Remember How Brave You Truly Are And, Then Love Yourself the Way You Were Always Meant To ... x
22.01.2022 SOULFUL SATURDAY Youve always had the POWER my Dear, You just had to learn it for Yourself... #Harness #your #Super #Power
22.01.2022 Love Attachment
22.01.2022 For All Things Relationships Simply send me a email... I will arrange your free consultation call with me ... My deepest joy, is to see Revival in Relationships to reach one heart at a time and ignite the energy of Love & Connenection reach the sparkle in intimate relationships #Couples #Intimacy #ReturnLove #Sensuality #TraumaBonding #EmotionalWounds #InnerChildHealing #SexPositiveRespect #SelfLoveCare #PowerStruggles #Infidelity #Shame #Stressfree #Anxiety #Depression #CopingMechanisms #Creativity #Empowerment #MasculineFeminineEnergies Send me your email message to
22.01.2022 Types of Love The Ancient Greeks described five types of Love Type 4) EPITHUMIA - ... Which refers to the sexual aspect of Love Specifically sexual intercourse, also physical affection like touching and cuddling #Love #Couples
22.01.2022 Are you an Inconvenience?
21.01.2022 Navigating through your Alone Time is Self Mastery To Know Thyself is a gift for all seasons ... Keep growing to get closer to your inner knowing
21.01.2022 Today If You Have To Make A Decision ? Choose whats right for you After all no one else is walking in your shoes You Be You... #RelationsHipsREVIVAL #SElfLOVE #SElfExpreSSion #EmPaThY #SoulfulChoice
21.01.2022 Create Healthy Boundaries in your relationships ... Saying ‘no’ to others, & Yes to yourself, requires you to - Make Self Care a No 1 ... priority #SelfCare... #SelfLessSelfishNess #SayYEStoYourself #PrioritiseYOUfirst #relationshipsmatter See more
20.01.2022 RECOMMENDATION This is a great journal for building your relationship with yourself and to discover how to choose SELF LOVE The author is also a Perth Local!
20.01.2022 Your Attitude is your Altitude Be Yourself & Own It Nicola-B Happy SOULFUL SATURDAY ... #SelfLove #MyAttitude #IsThe #Altitude #Iholdmyself #WithHighSelfWorth x See more
20.01.2022 Soulful Saturday Be careful who & what you allow into your soul #Loveisfoodfor #theSOUL #HealthyBoundaries... #HealthyRelationships x
19.01.2022 SOULFUL SUNDAY Sitting in my special place Feeling the reassurance of the suns warmth upon my face A sweet soulful pause in my morning ritual ... I love to have a coffee & a cheeky chocolate digestive biscuit With an Inspiring magazine Its a way to rest into my soulful retreat morning #Turn #your #phone #off #Unplug yourself #ChooseSoulfulSweetness #Selfcare #Wellbeingness Sunday is a day to recharge and reconnect with all that is Within your inner Beingness What will you choose to rest into? So much Love is here for you
19.01.2022 Types of Love The Ancient Greeks described five types of Love Type 5) AGAPE- This is an aspect of Love that not many of us are familiar with- it refers to UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ... This type of Love means that you have the feeling that, your partner loves you and will continue to do so no matter what - no matter what happens to you, or what you do, (excluding the trauma of abuse) unless of course personal responsibility, accepting accountability and the willingness to do the inner work of the healing process ... Which is the path chosen to do the work that needs to be done!!! He or she will continue to love you in a safe secure relationship x #Love #Unconditional #HealthyBonds #EverythingRelationships #Couples #Individuals #Trauma #BetrayalTrauma #BreachofTrust #LossOfSelfWORTH #Sensuality #Sexuality #SacredLove #SafeSECUREBOnDS #Entrenchment #Hope #EmotionalFREEDOM #NLP #GuidedVisualHynotherapy #RelationshipsCoaching #CouplesTherapy #TRUST #Intimacy
19.01.2022 Are you struggling too understand, what is happening with your Relationship ? Why your not communicating? Whats happened with your intimate connection ? When did you both change?... Do you disagree about parenting styles? Is there constant conflicts? Do you feel lost, empty, confused and alone? Have you separated perhaps there is, Hope for repairing your Relationship? Whats happened with your self worth, you feel worthless and not good enough? Your mental health is suffering as a result of the emotional distress? You have experienced Trauma and notice that you are triggered easily? Confused if you want to stay in the Relationship? Trust has been broken can you ever forgive them? Do you truly want to understand yourself and your Relationship ? Connect with me for your Free Relationship Consultation Call Simply send me a message to my email It is my joy to connect with you one heart at a time All conversations are confidential Nicola X
19.01.2022 Wonderful feedback from Wonderful clients!
19.01.2022 Good Morning Its Monday! Yesterday, My family and I went out on our New!!!boat - her first test drive in the Ocean ... It was energising and so much fun How will you choose to ignite your energies within today ? Monday Mantra I Am a conduit for the flow of infinite energy Zap your life wake up its Monday You get to choose how you want to play this game called Life ? And, remember that theres so much Love here for you
18.01.2022 *FREE DRUMBEAT GROUP FOR ANXIETY / DEPRESSION* The power of rhythmic music for has been known for centuries, with indigenous cultures throughout the world having a traditional role for music in their healing ceremonies. The drum more than any other instrument brings people together, assists with communication, transports people to a spiritual dimension, and heals the restless spirit. DRUMBEAT is the worlds first structured learning program using music, psychology and neurob...iology to reconnect with ourselves and others. The name DRUMBEAT is an acronym for Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes, and Thoughts. Learn, play, and grow with FremantleMind Inc. and DRUMBEAT. DRUMBEAT has been demonstrated to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance self-esteem. If you suffer from anxiety or depression your General Practitioner can provide you with a referral to the DRUMBEAT group under a Medicare Mental Health Care Plan. Join the team at FremantleMind Inc. for a full 10 session DRUMBEAT(R) program. HOW TO GET INVOLVED Seek a Mental Health Care Plan and referral from your GP WHEN? Thursdays 630pm to 8pm commencing July 23rd WHERE? FremantleMind Inc. Hub @ 3 Beach Street Fremantle WHAT TO BRING? Open mind, heart, and good attitude essential HOW MUCH? FREE with a Mental Health Care Plan Contact [email protected] for more information.
17.01.2022 We all have a past life That may have shaped our beliefs about ourselves and the world We all have the ability to change through CHOICE ... What will you choose for yourself?
17.01.2022 LETTING GO Of Expectations Be That Person, You Deserve To Be And Be with the person who Deserves You x
16.01.2022 Be Still Be Present Be Soft Be Gentle ... And Be Love
16.01.2022 When we Give to others from our Hearts - Without Expectation We never know how Those little gifts of Love ... Can Open the door for deepening intimate Connections BE the one that gifts someone In a Act of Kindness today Hearts will Open
15.01.2022 Boundaries allow us to Love Our Intimate Other from Afar Keep yourself safe Putting Personal Boundaries ... in place #Boundaries #IntimateOthers #RelationshipsMatter
15.01.2022 Your Heart knows things That youre mind cannot explain TRUST your Hearts inner Knowing
15.01.2022 SOULFUL SATURDAY My baby Gurlll Faith !!! Taking a Soulful Moment in the sunshine What are you doing today for your Soulful Saturday? ... #HappySaturdayYall #poochiebaby
14.01.2022 Dont hate the experiences That shaped you To Love Who You Are Own your Self Worth All the way ... x See more
13.01.2022 SOULFUL Sunday Not Playing Small AnyMore #AreUplayingYourSelfSmall
11.01.2022 SOULFUL SUNDAY It’s Never Too Late Too Start Over My Loves
11.01.2022 Creating healthier relationships means increasing your tolerance for feeling seen, accepted and loved for who you are.
09.01.2022 Give yourself permission to Slow Down
09.01.2022 Types of Love The Ancient Greeks described five types of Love 3) The COMRADESHIP or FRIENDSHIP aspect of Love... Called PHILEO is about sharing & communication- that you can talk to each other about your interest that you can share activities together, and be vulnerable with each other In essence that you can be each others Best Friend #CouplesFRIENDS #TalkingTogether #SharedInterests #FunTines #VulnerableTogether #EachOthersBesties Relationships Revival Couples Therapist #Blogger #Writer #TranslatorofStory #Psychotherapy #Counselling #NLP #GuidedHypnotherapy #Spirituality #WombHealing #PsychoSomaticBodyHealing #Sensuality #Sexuality #SexPositive #Intimacy #LoveLanguage #LoveRevival #EmotionalFreedom #MindBodyHeartConnect
09.01.2022 Good Morning Everyone We are more than our thoughts We must heal the whole ‘self’ Mind, Body, Emotions, Soul ... In my Therapy work I often see clients wanting to dissolve the ruminating negativity in their thinking patterns Whilst this is a very important part of the healing process It’s certainly not the only part of the healing process My work goes deeper than that And... is more about Psycho-Spirituality Treating the Whole Person Whole-istically #WholisticHealing
08.01.2022 Good Soulful Sunday Morning Be sure too take time for rest And have inner peace ... x
08.01.2022 Heal Your Past Be Present For You Know how Amazing You Are You are Smart, Awesome, Wonderful, A great person And You Are Secure In Yourself ... Believe in You You are Loved You are Loveable Relationships Therapy Healing all that hurts #AllthingsRelationships #EveryoneMatters #Hope #Restore #Revival #Sensuality #HealthyBoundaries #SecureLove #EmotionalFreeDom
08.01.2022 Breaking Up is hard to do Separation, breaking up, divorce Is deeply wounding and painful ... And can be very traumatic Sometimes we have to choose to walk away, if respect is not there when abuse is happening Perhaps the early Love for each other you first experienced, for no explainable reason isnt there for either of you - and that can be confusing Maybe betrayal has happened and has pushed you to your threshold for you and theres no Trust left to salvage ? Its confusing when one of you - still wants the relationship to work and your partner doesnt ? That feeling of rejection when your inner self talk is ... telling you, that youre unlovable And that youre not enough for him or her is a kick in the guts it hurts & aches beyond understanding Then theres the friends with benefits sex thing happening This is a complicated game It messes with your self esteem and self worth - Theres no commitment And often is a one sided relationship- it is enmeshed and leaves you emotionally wounded With little to no self respect left inside of you Its unhealthy with very blurry boundaries, eventually hurts your heart and soul I have seen many of these experiences in my counselling sessions And, I have journeyed through this heartbreak with couples and individuals Sometimes to revive the relationship or to walk away ? I have a unique holistic approach That integrates a whole range of different approaches blended together in my Relationships Therapy Model I heal hearts one person at a time I offer a free consultation call with you Together we design your Personal Journey My hearts hope for you - is to empower you to become the Authentic Self Director Of your Life Healing Hearts wounded from love is my uniqueness As you heal yourself, as a Whole innermost balanced individual Restoring your Self Worth So, Much Love is here for you Nicola Relationships Therapist x #heartbroken #relationshipsrevival #Selfexpression #soulfulchoice #relationshipgoals #relationshipsmatter #HealingHearts #psychotherapy #HolisticApproach #CouplesCounselling #AllthingsRelationships #betrayaltrauma #griefsupport #intimacycoach #SexPositive #Sensuality #IntuitiveHealing #FosterLove #HealthyBoundaries #innerchildwork #powerstruggle #SelfWorth
07.01.2022 The Mundane & The Sacred are One and The Same ( Alan watts) My sacred mundane Sunday Looking at my screen Time 11:11... Date: 11th Magical moments my Angels support me always Sitting here on my balcony with a coffee caramel egg... journal and My spiritual deck of empowerment cards Enjoying the sacred bliss in watching sailing yacht Loving how my fur babies Just love to snooze and snuggle #Sundays #are #made #for #this #sacred #magical #mundane #moments
07.01.2022 SOULFUL SATURDAY Simply breathe
07.01.2022 When you really matter to someone They will make you a priority #Respect #Priority ... #Couples #RelationshipsMatter See more
06.01.2022 You Have ... The Right Kind Of... Love Inside Of YOU #iamworthyofLove
04.01.2022 Are You ready to have an Epic Relationship ? Relationships Revival Program ...
04.01.2022 Advice from María Sabina, Mexican healer and poet - Heal yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself with mint, neem, and eucalyptus. Sweeten with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a hint of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar and drink it looking at the stars. Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. Stand strong with your bare feet on the ground and with everything that comes from it. Be smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember ... you are the medicine.
01.01.2022 WISDOMS WEDNESDAY What words of Wisdom would you tell - your younger Self ? ... Nicola Act with Integrity, have a spirit of gratitude & generosity and treat others, as you would like to be treated #WordsOfWisdomWednesday
01.01.2022 The Relationship we have with ourselves Is the most important one We need to Nourish & Nurture Be Kind To Yourself ... Wrap yourself up In Unconventional Love See more
01.01.2022 Its a Feel not a Deal True absolutely
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