Heartfelt Journeys in Northcliffe, Western Australia | Health & wellness website
Heartfelt Journeys
Locality: Northcliffe, Western Australia
Phone: +61 447 162 076
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25.01.2022 Here is a super easy, quick check in with yourself before you get out of bed.... When you wake, just lay there for a moment....open your eyes then close them again. Put your hand on your heart and ask your higher wisdom what you need to know today? Give yourself at least 10 seconds for the answer to come. Trust in this message - it might be a vision, words in your head or a knowing from deep within.... This is your beautiful soul showing you the way. If you wish to do so a beautiful small but mighty way to be in the flow is to ask - Divine, play me like a finely tuned instrument in your orchestra. Allow yourself to allow flow to come into your life. xx Much love
25.01.2022 Today is a major milestone in my own Heartfelt Journey. My first day in my creative space - The Therapy Room at the Northcliffe Family & Community Centre. At this stage I am available for appointments on Friday mornings, and early Saturday mornings. Appointments can be made through my website or Facebook www.heartfeltjourneys.nat.au
23.01.2022 Are you willing to let others see your Heart & Soul?Are you willing to let others see your Heart & Soul?
23.01.2022 Are you constantly stuck in your head, going around and around trying to figure things out? I used to be like this - always stressed and never knowing what to do. Most of the time I was just left with angst and confusion. It wasnt until I finally slowed it all down by starting a regular mediation practice that I was able to work things out. You see when we slow down to the degree we do in meditation, the answers come. You allow yourself the freedom to let all of the thoughts..., questions, seeking and worry go. You surrender to your higher wisdom, settle into your heart space - thats where the the true authenticity comes from. Trust in your inner wisdom, it is there to serve your highest good. So next time you have something you want answers for, give meditation a go. Much love Cath
23.01.2022 Feeling overwhelmed and tired? Start looking at what you are doing and do the things that sustain you - not drain you xxFeeling overwhelmed and tired? Start looking at what you are doing and do the things that sustain you - not drain you xx
22.01.2022 SOULFUL SUNDAY MEDITATION TONIGHT IS ...'Imagining your tree of knowledge'. 7.30 over in Heartfelt Journeys Conversations. Search for the group and request to join if you would like to join us.
22.01.2022 Do you have a passion to share. Step over the abyss and share it to the world. I am
21.01.2022 A gentle reminder that booking is essential for Heartfelt Drumming. 5th December @ 11am www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au/book-online
20.01.2022 Heartfelt Drumming Circle is back on as of November 7th. Same time - 1pm-2.30pm. Dust off your drum or bring any percussion instrument until you get a drum. All welcome. Exchange is $25 Please book on my website - bookings essential xx... www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au
20.01.2022 For parents feeling totally burnt out over their childs emotional outbursts, what I do will teach them to self regulate, be calmer and be a much nicer person to be around. www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au
20.01.2022 Being frozen in fear based thinking is associated with an outmoded belief system. Who told you that you aren't good enough? Who told you that there is no point going for what your heart desires? Who told you to stay stuck where you are, because that's the way it is? Who told you that loving yourself is selfish? Living in fear holds you back from becoming your best. It stops you from taking risks to reach your goals. My love, I don't want you to live in fear. I want you to lov...e yourself and who you are no matter what. I want you to love your life, and live with excitement for all of the possibilities. I want for you to be free of belief systems that no longer serve you. What I do in my VIP therapy sessions is to guide you to see what your outmodes belief patterns are and where they come from. How they are still impacting on your life today, and how to change them. Living with joy is your right, loving yourself is your right, being Authentically you, is your right. I lived my life following the beliefs placed upon me by others, for many decades, until I took control and looked at what they where, were they come from, and how I lived by them. I made choices the choice to change the ones that didn't fit any more. I made the beliefs that I live by now, my own, not someone else's. If you want help with your beliefs and your life direction, PM me or call me 0447 162 076 for your free 30 minute consultation. Let's have a conversation, so you can decide if what I offer is what you are looking for in making your life the best it can possibly be. Much love Cath
19.01.2022 Heartfelt Drumming coming up on the 5th December. Final one for the year. Booking is essential please https://www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au/book-online
19.01.2022 No words to explain my emotions of all of this. Here is a small window of my weekend with these incredible souls. Feeling deeply grateful and blessed Exhausted but peaceful xx
19.01.2022 An invitation for closure for the year that was.....Gratitude With only a few weeks of the year left, I invite you to think about your year, and all that you are grateful for within it. You will be surprised what you will find. It's not a practice that can happen in a few minutes. I invite you to spend this week really feeling into it. Not just the good you may be grateful for, but also your lessons, your challenges, your learning, your pain, your growth. All of it.... Everything has come to you for exactly what you had to experience of them. Even the hardest things, they are there for your highest good my love. As hard as that sounds, really feel into them, and you might just be able to understand what it was all about. It is a time also, to let go of all that no longer serves you, things you don't want to take into 2021. I don't mean material stuff, but that is also good - clear it out if it no longer brings you joy. I'm talking the hurts, the dreams that haven't come into fruition (the time may not have been right for you just now). Any thing that you feel in your system still, that really doesn't need to be within you any longer. The more you can clear now and in the next month, the easier you can bring in what is more in alignment with who you are and what your heart desires. Be gentle and kind to yourself, spend some time in quiet contemplation, let it go my love, let it go. You will feel so much better for giving yourself this gift. As always, should you struggle with any of it, this is what I do. I help women in particular to let go of anything heavy, so they may live a life on purpose, with joy and with total love for who she is. Feel free to phone for you free 30 minute consult 0447 162 076 Much love Cathy
18.01.2022 Learn how to overcome lifes challenges. Many of you have said you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Some of you are struggling with making decisions, for others motivation and procrastination is a challenge. If any of these are impacting your life, I am here for you. The creative process of Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy, is an incredibly powerful way to connect with your inner Wisdom, and find direction once again. Feel less out of balance, and more at peace..., loving the life you live. Appointments available either in person, or if leaving home is hard we can meet via the Zoom platform. Bookings available now at - www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au
16.01.2022 What an awesome day Saturday will be. Dance Your Qi 9.30. Authentic Movement 11.00. Drumming Circle 2.00. See my website for details. www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au
16.01.2022 Looking for a bit of 'you' time today? I've got you covered. Whether it be gaining vitality, strength, and energy in Dance Your Qi, Going deeply within to unblock stuck emotions in Authentic Movement or Relieving stress in Drumming Circle, your self care practices are happening today.
16.01.2022 SOULFUL SUNDAY.....Autumn Leaves has visited us again xxx I hope you have a beautiful day
16.01.2022 My darling, if you are in the orange or red, please reach out. If not to me, then to someone you trust and know that will hear you. You are not alone
14.01.2022 Heartfelt Creatives is cancelled for today.Heartfelt Creatives is cancelled for today.
14.01.2022 Have you got your ticket?
14.01.2022 Creativity.....The creative power you hold is far greater than you realise - as great as any artist that has ever walked this earth. Creativity is pure spiritual energy. Creativity is the essence of God-Goddess, expressing itself through you. By unlocking the creative power you hold, you will create greater joy and wonder for your life. Creativity comes in endless forms; it can be expressed through you work, recreation and relationships. All these things will grow and transfo...rm in ways you never thought possible. Let go of any fear or apprehension you have regarding creativity. Set aside all critical judgment and express exactly how you feel. Do not worry about what others will think. Let go of preconceived ideas and allow your full expression to flow through. Keep a journal in which you can start to express everything that you think and feel. write down everything that comes to mind. Include all your dreams and wishes....allow your imagination to run wild! It is important that you feel safe to write anything that you wish, without having to worry about whether anyone else will read it, so keep your journal private. You may also choose to paint or draw how you feel. Once again, do no think about what you will paint or draw. Just have fun al=nd allow your intuition and feelings to express themselves however they wish. Every mark you make, even if you think it is just a scribble, is expressing and releasing something. If you choose to work with colour, simply choose the colours you are drawn to, without thinking too much. Try not to judge the outcomes of these creative processes. Simply allow yourself to express your inner feelings freely. Creativity is the life force within you. Creativity is your inner child which yearns for freedom of expression.
13.01.2022 Do you kneecap your sentences? Stop it. Step into your truth and stand in your power and never feel the need to be small again. You are enough just as you are xx
12.01.2022 For those of you that find it difficult to leave home, or live a distance from me - a new feature on my website is that bookings for online Zoom sessions may now be made. www.hearfetljourneys.net.au
12.01.2022 Hello Beloveds, Im hoping you are all well, and finding some moments of peace and moments just for you to find balance and the ability to recharge and reconnect with you. Im super excited for my first Heartfelt Creatives group this Saturday morning. This group will be very heart centred and is all about you. Im sure you have a picture in your head about group therapy and I can hear you say arrrggghhh, couldnt think of anything worse.... I know they can be challenging, scary, uncertain, and downright tricky. Heartfelt Creatives is nothing like a group you have attended before. It will be fun, creative, informative, expressive, compassionate, supportive and most of all a space where you gain a sense of joy, excitement for life and many, many argh ha moments. It will also be absolutely confidential. We meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month @ 11.30 @ Northcliffe Family & Community Centre. Duration is 2 hours. Cost is $50 and ALL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED. We will have lots of chatting, connecting, meditations, creating art, movement, sculpture, and more. AND NO YOU DONT HAVE TO BE ARTISTIC IN ANY WAY. Its not about creating a master piece, it is about the processes going on whilst you create your piece, and the insights you gain from it. Themes will change depending on the group dynamics, and what you all want. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL Limited of 10 spaces If you want to know more feel free to phone me, or please go to https://www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au/heartfelt-creatives to read more. OR If you are as excited as I am, and want to reserve your place, go straight to my bookings page https://www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au/book-online I would love to share this beautiful space with you. For now much love and take care
11.01.2022 It's coming to one of the most stressful times of the year for some. If this is you, I invite you to try some of these
11.01.2022 SOULFUL SUNDAY.
11.01.2022 Sometimes we just have to let some things go. Today this is me. I have a 2 hour live group to join, a catch up module for one of my latest training programs, self love email to get out, and usual domestic stuff....... Feeling a tad over loaded, so something has to give. I first thought to let the self love email wait - can't do that, as it will put me behind for next weeks, and women are waiting for it. Can't let the domestic stuff go, got a new doona cover and sheets yesterd...ay, and part of my self love is to sleep in them tonight. Yay. The two groups are on replay, so it looks like it will be them. They can wait. Once upon a time I would have squeezed them all in. Today though I have decided not to. I need some me time bad. Will the world end? NO! Will it really matter? NO! Is this what self-care looks like? HELL YES! So my love, if this is also you, please decide what you can let go of, so that you don't become overloaded. We as women tend to take on too much, and forget about us. Before it gets to the stage of overwhelm, take a breath, look at all there is to do, and just let go
11.01.2022 We invite you to join us for a day of pure joy, a day to reset, recharge and let the outside world go. A day designed just for you so you may Indulge Your Spirit. When you click on the ticket link, it will take you to the website, where you can read more about who we are and what we are offering you.
11.01.2022 Looking for a bit of you time today? Ive got you covered. Whether it be gaining vitality, strength, and energy in Dance Your Qi, Going deeply within to unblock stuck emotions in Authentic Movement or Relieving stress in Drumming Circle, your self care practices are happening today.
10.01.2022 Just have to share my exciting news. I have been successful in receiving $1,000 to support my business in it's growth stage from the Bannister Dowsns Hand in Hand Project funding. Part of the funds will be going toward a sign to put out at the NFCC when I am in the building. A way to let people who may not know what I do. The rest will be towards a bit of cash flow or marketing for a project I am working towards. Watch this space..... Feeling very grateful and supported
10.01.2022 https://www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au/heartfelt-drumming-cir There are incredible benefits to be gained from taking part in a drumming circle. People with the following conditions are of great benefit - Autism and other developmental delays...Continue reading
10.01.2022 SOULFUL SUNDAY MEDITATION TONIGHT IS ...Imagining your tree of knowledge. 7.30 over in Heartfelt Journeys Conversations. Search for the group and request to join if you would like to join us.
10.01.2022 Learn how to overcome life's challenges. Many of you have said you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Some of you are struggling with making decisions, for others motivation and procrastination is a challenge. If any of these are impacting your life, I am here for you. The creative process of Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy, is an incredibly powerful way to connect with your inner Wisdom, and find direction once again. Feel less out of balance, and more at peace..., loving the life you live. Appointments available either in person, or if leaving home is hard we can meet via the Zoom platform. Bookings available now at - www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au
08.01.2022 How powerful is this. Music is amazing for memory recall. Well amazing for lots of things.
08.01.2022 What was the highlight of your day today?What was the highlight of your day today?
06.01.2022 Stop my darling, just stop come back to your breath and come back to your self xx
06.01.2022 Welcome to SOULFUL SUNDAY
06.01.2022 Hows your Mojo? For many of us, motivation represents a state of mind that indicates a level of interest in achieving our needs, wants, goals, and desires. However, we spend a lot of energy thinking about our lack of motivation. There is a lot to actually consider around how motivation works - Sources of Motivation, Influences on Motivation, Obstacles to Motivation, Improving Motivation and a Plan for Motivation.... Creative Arts Therapy is how you can explore your relationship with motivation or lack of it. I invite you to come on your own Heartfelt Journey with me. https://www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au/individual-therapy
05.01.2022 Are you ready to Celebrate Yourself? I believe each of us has unique gifts and strengths to share with the world. I assist you to see these in yourself and celebrate who you are. If you need a little help to recognise these gifts in yourself, your art pieces will help you to see just how amazing you are. Absolutely no art skill is required....just a sense of curiosity, and an open heart.... Booking essential
05.01.2022 Your Inner Wisdom wants you to get quiet and ask her what she wants you to knowYour Inner Wisdom wants you to get quiet and ask her what she wants you to know
05.01.2022 10 ways to be madly in love with you - Who would have thought there are 10 branches to Self Love? I certainly had no idea. We are taught growing up that loving yourself is taboo. This generates in us feelings of not good enough, body image issues, eating disorders, tolerating toxic or abusive relationships, not putting self first and the list goes on and on. Here are the 10 branches of Self Love for you to contemplate. I invite you to cultivate them, tend them with compass...Continue reading
05.01.2022 I want you to live an inspired life. How do you do that?, I hear you say Look at ALL 11 areas of your life....name 3 things that are working and 3 things that are not working. What are you going to do about the ones not working? If you are feeling stuck and want to know what the 11 areas are, how to assess them for your life and work towards a more inspired life...I am taking appointments now on my website. ... Living an inspired life and living on purpose is possible. Meet your true Authentic Beautiful Self. x www.heartfeltjourneys.net.au
03.01.2022 Thoughts and intentions are living energies that influence that which will manifest in your lifeThoughts and intentions are living energies that influence that which will manifest in your life
03.01.2022 Do you feel sustained or drained?Do you feel sustained or drained?
02.01.2022 Have you had a moment of bliss today?
02.01.2022 Feeling truly blessed. Authentic Movement was so heart centred and beautiful. . Drumming didnt go ahead, and thats ok.
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