Integra Wealth Solutions in Southport, Queensland | Accountant
Integra Wealth Solutions
Locality: Southport, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5528 0998
Address: 30811/ 9 Lawson St 4215 Southport, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 GOOD DEBT, BAD DEBT Since the global financial crisis, debt has fallen out of favour in Australia. Weve taken advantage of lower interest rates to pay off our debts at record rates. In March 2013, Australias three million home loan customers were 14% in front on their home loans, according to the Reserve Bank, giving the average home owner a buffer of around 20 months repayments.[1] Yet, many Australians still have substantial borrowings, included those approaching retirem...Continue reading
24.01.2022 NOVEMBER MARKET UPDATE: Overview: Global equity markets staged a sharp recovery through October China cut interest rates for the sixth time in 12 months... US economic data remains positive US Federal Reserve provides clarity on interest rate increases The ECB considering further quantitative easing Australian business credit growth shows positive recovery RBA maintains the cash rate at 2.0% at its November meeting and remains on an accommodative policy Global economies Following the August and September global equity market correction, a sharp recovery has been experienced in October. US In the US, economic data remains resilient with the economy growing at 1.5% (seasonally adjusted) in Quarter 3, 2015. US corporate earnings growth remains steady at 0.7% and job creation is at its strongest since July. Europe The October composite PMI came in at 53.6 in September, down from 54.3 in August. Although the rate of growth has eased to a four month low, the Eurozone continues to have solid gains in output and new orders and growth continues to support job creation. China The China economy has experienced stabilisation over recent months. Manufacturing PMI remained at 49.8 in October, the same as September. The impact of infrastructure investment is expected to continue to be a stabiliser on the China economy over coming months. Key announcements were centred on a further reduction in interest rates and the removal of the one child policy that was established in 1980. Asia Region In Japan, manufacturing activity in October expanded at the fastest pace in 12 months, whilst the World Bank has forecast that India would be the worlds fastest growing economy and is relatively well positioned to weather the global volatility. Australia Australias CPI rose 0.5% in the September quarter with the most significant price rises in international travel and accommodation, fresh fruit and property rates and charges. The RBA has once again kept the cash rate on hold at 2% at its November meeting.
23.01.2022 YOU TALK - BABY BONUS Christie asks: My partner and I are planning on starting a family soon and have heard the baby bonus will be abolished. How will this impact us? Hi Christie,... Theres a lot going on in this space and many things to consider. Importantly: the Government has announced the Baby Bonus, which currently provides a tax-free payment of $5,000, will not be abolished until 1 March 2014 eligible parents will continue to have the choice of receiving the Baby Bonus or Paid Parental Leave (PPL) until that date, and the Government estimates more than 85% of families are better off claiming PPL because, even though its taxable, the pre-tax benefit is over $10,000. If you think your child will be born before 1 March 2014, you may want to use the Governments on-line estimator to see which of these two benefits would provide the best outcome. If the PPL scheme continues in its current form after 1 March 2014 and you are one of the estimated 85% of Australians who are better off claiming it, then the removal of the Baby Bonus will have no impact on you. Finally, the Government has proposed that the Baby Bonus will be replaced by an increase in Family Tax Benefit Part A of $2,000 for the first child born after 1 January 2014 and $1,000 for each subsequent child. At this stage, the Government has only provided limited information on the proposed changes and the detailed rules will not be known until legislation is introduced and passed.
22.01.2022 AVOID A RETIREMENT LIFESTYLE CRASH While youre working, with money coming in, you can probably afford to live life the way you choose. But what will happen to your lifestyle when you retire? When youre used to a certain standard of living, it can be a shock if you can no longer afford to live that way. You would hate to have to cut back on lifes day-to-day pleasures, like a restaurant meal or weekend away. But thats what can happen if you dont prepare properly for retir...ement so its important to plan ahead. Here are three easy things you can do before you retire to help you keep the standard of living you enjoy today: 1. Work out how much youll need Its estimated that a couple needs about $57,665 a year in todays dollars to retire comfortably,1 . But everyones situation is different. If you want to take regular overseas trips, buy a new car, renovate your home, or protect your health with private health insurance, youll need to factor in even more. Then youll need to estimate how long your super needs to last, remembering that Australians, on average, are living longer than ever before. 2. Work out how much youll have Once youve worked out how much youll need for retirement, its time to work out whether youre likely to have enough. Consider your assets, including your super, home, shares or investment properties, as well as your liabilities, such as a mortgage or other debts. Try MLCs retirement tool to find out how much your dream retirement might cost, and how much youre on track to save. 3. Close the gap If youre on track well done! But, if youre like most Australians, you may find that theres a gap between the retirement you want and the one you can afford. Luckily, there are some simple strategies to help you close it. And the sooner you start putting them in place, the better your retirement lifestyle can be. Ask your employer to put extra, regular contributions from your pre-tax salary into your super. Known as salary sacrificing, this can also have favourable consequences for your tax today, especially if youre in a high tax bracket. Or contribute a lump sum, such as a tax refund or bonus, to give an extra boost to your super when you can. Once you turn 55, you might want to consider a Transition to Retirement strategy. This involves drawing a pension from your super while youre still working and salary sacrificing a larger slice of your income. Youll pay a tax rate of just 15% on your contributions and boost your retirement savings inside super at the same time. Ask the experts To find out more ways to avoid a lifestyle crash in retirement, call today on 07 5528 0998
20.01.2022 WHAT IS FINANCIAL PLANNING ? Financial Planning defined as A Process to achieve your financial goals with high returns by minimizing risk. But what exactly the Financial Planning Process means? Does it means savings & investment or choosing product/ services for investment? Or asset allocation & diversification? How and where to start? I can go on and on. Further, if it is a process then what are the main components of the process? Lets try to understand this process in s...Continue reading
20.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE AUGUST 2015 The Greece debt crisis has diminished as a concern for investors Chinas Shanghai Composite Index remains volatile US economic data continues a positive trend...Continue reading
19.01.2022 2014 - THE YEAR IN REVIEW In this article, Brian Parker reviews Australian and international investment markets during 2014. The review includes:... how the main asset classes performed in 2014 why quantitative easing has remained a key influence on markets how the lower iron ore price has affected the Australian economy why the outlook for investment markets remains uncertain, and how MLC deals with the unpredictable investment environment. Download the 2014 YEAR IN REVIEW:
18.01.2022 NOW IS TIME TO START PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT Transition to retirement (TTR) strategies are a great way to boost your super savings while youre still working. Theres never been a better time to start planning for the retirement you want...Continue reading
18.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE JUNE 2015 Global growth continues a slow recovery US Federal Reserve remains data dependent on the road to interest rate normalisation Eurozone economic recovery continues on the back of the ECBs quantitative easing...Continue reading
17.01.2022 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR SUPER CAPS The more you can contribute to your super now, the better off you could be when its time to retire... Even with the proposed law change to raise the retirement age, more than half of Australians think they wont have enough super by the time they retire.[1] Adding extra to your super nest egg will not only benefit your future, but may offer you some attractive tax benefits now....Continue reading
16.01.2022 My Thoughts and Opinion, Greece, China and Us Bad news sells. Newspapers and financial intermediaries profit from fear and volatility, so of course they will foster it. Given the amount of negative press and doom and gloom, I wanted to take this opportunity to share my thoughts. I must express that these comments are my personal thoughts and should not be construed as personal advice. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me to discuss....Continue reading
15.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2015 Highlights: Global equity markets in sharp correction - Chinas weaker economic data unsettles investors - US economic data continues to improve - Focus on timing of the US Federal Reserves commencement of normalising interest rates - Eurozone data maintains improving growth momentum from a low base - RBA maintains the cash rate at 2.0% at its September meeting and remains on an accommodative policy The Pulse...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Investment insight - Falling share markets While market downturns are generally unpleasant for investors, they are to be expected as uncertainty will never disappear from any financial market. And it certainly helps to be prepared. While market downturns are generally unpleasant for investors, they are to be expected as uncertainty will never disappear from any financial market. And it certainly helps to be prepared....Continue reading
14.01.2022 YOU TALK - Superannuation pension minimum increase Kim asks: Im 62 and receive the minimum income from a superannuation pension investment. Ive heard the minimum has increased. Do I need to do anything and what options do I have if I dont need the extra income? Hi Kim.... The minimum income that must be received from a superannuation pension at different ages has returned (from 1 July this year) to levels applying before the Global Financial Crisis. Based on your age, the minimum amount is now 4% of your account balance on 1 July. Many pension providers, including MLC, have automatically increased the income payments for investors who have elected to receive the minimum, or have specified a dollar amount thats less than 4% of their current account balance. If you dont need the extra money to meet your living expenses, you could invest it outside super, where earnings would be taxable at your marginal rate. Or, you could consider contributing the income back into super, where tax concessions may be available. To make super contributions, you must be under 65, or if you are aged 65 or over, you must meet a work test. The best option will depend on your needs and circumstances and we recommend you review your situation. Feel free to contact us on |PHONE| to discuss your options before making your decision.
14.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE JANUARY 2016 Highlights: - Global equity markets correct in December although Australia was a strong performer - Oil prices continue to weaken ...Continue reading
13.01.2022 World Economy 2016 - Some interesting global observations and data World growth is expected to be better in 2016 than it has been in 2015 in line with long term averages. World growth of approximately 3.4% to 3.8% in 2016 versus 3.1% in 2015 The Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement could be approved by the 12 member nations including Australia which should enhance trade... The Panama canal is being expanded to handle ships two and half times larger than at present which will enhance trade and transport More international trade means more jobs globally Federal elections in Australia and USA A new five year plan out of China The Summer Olympics in Brazil UK referendum to see if they remain part of the European Union China will continue to decelerate, Chinas growth is expected to fall to 6.3% (a level which would be envious to any developed nation) as the worlds appetite for Chinese products is waning. China does not have the need to build infrastructure as it has in recent times US will continue to outperform rich nation peers Price of oil to remain low Central bank influence will continue with the US trying to raise rates, Europe and Japan providing stimulus activities India will lead global growth with 7.5% growth expected El Nino weather patterns will continue to cause havoc with droughts and floods Limited risk of inflation being a global concern in 2016 Global economies remain in recovery mode, not expansion yet, therefore limited risk of recession in developed nations Strength in consumer demand and spending should drive companies to invest and upgrade which has been lacking in recent times Consumers have saved in recent years and are not as highly leveraged as pre GFC, meaning greater purchasing power exists, even if wage growth is insignificant The Greek financial crisis could rear its ugly head again if the Prime Minister cannot get approval for spending cuts, tax hikes and labour reforms Europes refugee crisis rather than being a burden could generate economic activity and growth as they spend the welfare payments they receive, this is expected to assist growth in Germany in the short term Russias and Brazils economics are expected to shrink and will continue to suffer from recessions * Source: the International Monetary Fund and World Banks 2016 reports
13.01.2022 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY'S FINANCIAL SECURITY IN 2015 Youve worked hard to build wealth for your family. Now make sure you protect it with the right insurance. Most of us dont like thinking about the reasons we need insurance like having an accident, getting a debilitating or life threatening illness, or worst of all, passing away suddenly. So we often avoid thinking about insurance altogether. ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 APRIL ECONOMIC UPDATE In the latest update, Brian reviews events in markets during March. He discusses:... how world share prices fell back a little in March, after some very sound gains in February how the good performance of share markets in Europe and Japan comes at a time when the financial woes in Greece havent been resolved, and the Japanese economy isnt faring terribly well why its unclear whether business investment in Australias non-mining economy can take up the slack from declining mining investment, and how MLCs multi-asset portfolios are positioned. To find out more: Download the 2 page - April economic update. See more
12.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE JANUARY 2015 Oil prices continue their sharp decline through December. Global bond yields continue to fall on the back of deflationary forces. The Shanghai Composite Index rises 20% in December on the back of interest rate cuts by the PBoC....Continue reading
11.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE - FEB 2014 Global economies continued to improve, with the International Monetary Fund revising its 2014 global growth forecast up to 3.7%. ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 THE 3 STAGES OF RETIREMENT Australians are living longer than ever before. So its important to be financially ready for retirement and the changes to your lifestyle along the way. |READMORE|...Continue reading
10.01.2022 MINIMUM SUPER PENSION INCOME INCREASE The minimum income that must be received from a superannuation pension at different ages has returned (on 1 July this year) to levels that applied before the Global Financial Crisis. For someone aged 64, the minimum pension payment is now 4% of your account balance on 1 July. For other age groups, consult the table below titled: Current minimums for pension income payments....Continue reading
10.01.2022 FINANCIAL ORGANISATION AHEAD OF RETIREMENT Today is the day to: stop, take stock and tackle your finances head on. Is it always tomorrow, next week, next month or next year that youre going to get your finances in order? Its important to get on track as soon as possible. Here are some important things to take into consideration.... Today is the day to: stop, take stock and tackle your finances head on. Is it always tomorrow, next week, next month or next year that youre going to get your finances in order? Its important to get on track as soon as possible. Here are some important things to take into consideration. 1. Prepare for the unexpected. Imagine feeling like youre in control of your finances, but suddenly something happens - a medical diagnosis, a serious accident, an adult child moves back home when their marriage breaks down, you lose your job. What do you do? Its essential that you have a plan and funds in place in preparation for such a setback. If you dont need to use it, its a nice bonus down the track when it comes to your retirement! 2. Have a budget in place and your debt under control. It doesnt matter how much you earn or what stage of life youre at, your budget must keep track of income and outgoings, focus on reducing or paying off debt and allow for an emergency fund. 3. Superannuation. Is your super looking healthy? Have you consolidated your super accounts? Have you made the right investment choices? Do you need to reassess your super? Do you need to start topping it up? 4. Your will. Do you have one? If you do, is it up to date? Have you considered the welfare of your dependents? 5. Insurance. Are appropriate insurances in place to get you by if you are incapacitated for a period of time and to protect the future of your spouse and dependants should anything untoward happen to you? 6. Prioritising. So what happens if you want to reduce debt, make an impact on your savings and go on that dream holiday, but you only have $100 left at the end of each month? Firstly, you are not alone and secondly, you need to prioritise a financial adviser can help you with this. You need to accept that: a) most people experience that sense of never having enough money and b) youll never really know anyone elses financial position. Fact one: even the super wealthy feel they dont have enough money everyone needs to learn to live within their means. Fact two: despite appearances, the family with everything might be in severe financial stress so dont compare yourself to them. 7. Know how to effectively negotiate a better salary. Make sure youre earning what youre worth. 8. Above all, dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today. In other words, get your finances in order now and youll reap the benefits down the track. For advice on getting your finances in order, speak with us today on 07 5528 0998.
08.01.2022 DEALING WITH THE WORST CASE SCENARIO Theres no point in worrying about the future. But that doesnt mean you shouldnt be prepared. Having a plan means you can relax and enjoy the present, knowing that whatever happens, you and your loved ones will be taken care of. Nobody likes to dwell on the worst, especially when life is going smoothly. But this is actually the time when you should think about what plans you have in place if you were to get seriously or even fatally ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE OCTOBER 2014 Continuing geopolitical tensions in Ukraine and the Middle East and concerns over the Ebola virus dominate global events. Stronger US dollar due to global currency realignments in September. Further expansion of US economic growth provides a source of stability in 2015....Continue reading
07.01.2022 YOU TALK - New superannuation caps Warwick asks: Ive heard we can make larger super contributions next year. Should I wait until then? Hi Warwick.... The Government recently introduced legislation into Parliament that could have a positive impact on the caps and the retirement plans of many Australians. Currently, there is a cap of $25,000 pa on concessional super contributions. These include superannuation guarantee, salary sacrifice and personal deductible contributions, as well as certain other amounts. If the legislation is passed, the cap will increase to $35,000 pa from: 1 July 2013 for people aged 59 and over on 30 June 2013, and 1 July 2014 for people aged 49 and over on 30 June of the previous year. This is great news as it will allow people who are approaching retirement to contribute more to super and benefit from some attractive tax concessions. Concessional super contributions are made with pre-tax dollars and are generally taxed in the fund at a maximum rate of 15%, not the marginal tax rate you normally pay on your income of up to 46.5%. However, higher income earners may pay 30% tax on their concessional contributions if other legislation is passed. But I wouldnt suggest that a higher cap next year would be enough on its own to justify putting off contributing more this year. The cap is an annual limit and if you dont contribute the full amount each financial year, the remainder cannot be carried forward to the following financial year. So it really is a case of use it or lose it. If cashflow allows, you may want to make the most of the $25,000 cap this financial year and the higher cap in future financial years. But make sure you dont overdo it this financial year, as contributions exceeding the cap will be taxed at a penalty rate of 31.5%. That said, from 1 July 2013, its proposed that excess contributions can be withdrawn from super and will be taxed at marginal rates plus interest to compensate the tax office for receiving the income tax later than usual. We suggest you speak to us to find out the best way to make the most of the caps without incurring a tax penalty.
05.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE APRIL 2014 Growth is set to continue, despite weather impacting activity in the northern hemisphere. Europe continues to show tentative signs of recovery, albeit from a rather low base. Chinas 7.5% growth target is unchanged, though reform remains the top priority....Continue reading
05.01.2022 PROTECT YOUR FAMILYS FINANCIAL SECURITY IN 2015 Youve worked hard to build wealth for your family. Now make sure you protect it with the right insurance. Most of us dont like thinking about the reasons we need insurance like having an accident, getting a debilitating or life threatening illness, or worst of all, passing away suddenly. So we often avoid thinking about insurance altogether. ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE OCTOBER 2015 Highlights: - Global equity markets continued their sharp correction - China economic data stabilised in September...Continue reading
03.01.2022 MARKET UPDATE AUGUST The Greece debt crisis has diminished as a concern for investors - Chinas Shanghai Composite Index remains volatile - US economic data continues a positive trend - Further positive growth signs in the Eurozone - Chinas PBoC remains on a continued stimulus strategy in order to meet growth targets - RBA maintains the cash rate at 2.0% at its August meeting and remains on an accommodative policy The Pulse...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Shares hitting bear market territory the fear of fear itself or something more fundamental? 11 February 2016 The malaise in financial markets is continuing with Australian shares now joining Europe, Japan and emerging markets in a bear market. Global growth worries could drive more short term weakness. But in the absence of a US/global recession its hard to see a deep and long bear market....Continue reading
01.01.2022 SAVVY SHARE MARKET INVESTING With markets up one day and down the next, it can be difficult to feel comfortable about investing in shares. Here are five savvy strategies to help you manage your portfolio: 1. Dont miss the rebound...Continue reading
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