Energise Me in Caloundra, Queensland | Medical and health
Energise Me
Locality: Caloundra, Queensland
Phone: +61 418 170 736
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22.01.2022 Never give up! When we set our goals, start our business, go after something new it can be easy to get distracted by the everyday of getting where we want to be.... There are set backs, knock backs, you can head off in a different direction, it can be really tough going.........keep chipping away, look at the bigger picture, see how far you have come. Look at why you set that goal, had that dream.........take stock and keep going. You could be one day away from achieving everything you want. So in those times when you think it is all too hard, maybe wasn't meant to be, is what other people can achieve...........take that leap of faith, trust in yourself. Just keep going.........you are good enough, you are smart enough...........you do deserve it! Continue down the road you are creating for yourself, ask for help or a different perspective, look at different means to get there, do that extra training, find your mentor. Trust in your vision.............create the reality that you know is yours!
21.01.2022 Where does our Wisdom come from? When I was growing up The Serenity Prayer was part of the Tapestry of my life............It was what was preached to me each da...y as a way to move forward without forgetting the past. It wasn't for my recovery I was just a kid but there were a lot of people that I looked up to that lived through Addiction..........thankfully most came out the other side. One of the things that used to make me wonder was where did they find this Wisdom and why didn't they have it all along? What was it that either took that Wisdom away or prevented them from having it in the first place...............and did I have that Wisdom or was I missing it too. As I grew and started my journey as an adult I forgot about this Wisdom, got on with doing what I thought I should and wondered why people seemed to be offered different opportunities to me? Then one day it hit me, it wasn't the Wisdom I was missing it was the Courage to change the things I could...........I did have the same opportunities but the courage to step into them seemed to be what I was shunning. So much has changed since that first realisation............ Are you living your most courageous life? If not what are you doing about it? Remember there is always a way forward, a new piece of information or even a different perspective. Be Courageous! Be all you can be!
21.01.2022 WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU HIT THE SPEED BUMPS? I have just been on the Holiday of a lifetime, it was all I wanted and more. I felt so blessed.... So Abundant. My mind expanded. I was so happy! Then I came home.......... I hit that speed bump soooooooo hard. My holiday hangover has spilled into so many areas of my life. So much so that I pulled back. Opted out. Had to take some time to be in the emotions.........and not just my emotions, because my whole family is going through stuff. When I got home I got sick, fluey, lots of gunk, to add to that I went back to my 'job' straight away. My jetlag was off the scales, I was so out there. My family were going through their own post holiday blues/crises/unhappiness. We were all in a pretty bad state. No-one was grounded. So I did what I always do and because it is what I always do, I got the same outcome. I withdrew! Opted out! Stopped connecting! Became the Ostrich! Because it is what I always do the Universe decided to give me a kick in the rear! So today I am making the conscious decision to Opt Back In. I struggle with asking for help. I struggle with being emotionally available when I am feeling overwhelmed. I run away when I can't give my all. It doesn't work & the Universe really showed me.........I had the most abusive phone call I have ever had yesterday. It rocked me to my core. I asked myself why and the answer is so very clear. I am living in Fear and when we live in Fear that is what we manifest. So time to step out of my Fear, get the job done & manifest all I want. It is interesting to look at myself from a different perspective. It is hard to see when you have lost your way. So thank you Universe for the lessons of the past couple of weeks. I am back now, stronger & braver than before. I hope you all have strategies to navigate your speed bumps.
19.01.2022 CHANGE YOUR LIFE! For the past week I have been sick in bed (mostly). What I have done with my imposed rest is the FEM Exerience.... If you know that you want to change the way you earn. Want to know how to get started and how to keep going. Think that you have no idea how to use the Internet to make money Then this is the experience for you. 3 Female Entrepreneurs sharing their gifts. No waffle, just insights, step by step guides and best of all no hard sells. If you think this might be for you click below to check it out. https://www.thefemexperience.com/sales-page-32926106
18.01.2022 I DIDN'T FIND THE HOLY GRAIL! I went to the Louvre with so much anticipation. I thought I would be amazed & delighted.... So many had gone before me & found what they were looking for. I did & I didn't! Yes there are some amazing pieces at the Louvre...... but it is so hard to get a personal view, I couldn't even get a photo without other people in it......... What I did find was my Keystone. I honoured myself, saw the things that were important to me. Didn't follow the crowd.... They were way too hot & sweaty I followed my own path, which lead me out of the Museum into the open air and made me realise. The path I choose has to be the right one for me. I have found my way. I know my course and I have everything I need to succeed. I have the right tools, mentors, leaders and education. I am right where I am meant to be. If you would like to come along post an Emoji below and I will help you on your journey. #thedavincicode
16.01.2022 Take that chance. Believe in yourself!
16.01.2022 What is it that you want to achieve? We are the creators of our reality. To achieve the hinges that you really want takes time and commitment.... Never give up on your dreams!
15.01.2022 How do you show up? Do you show your true authentic self? Or do you show up how you think other people want you to be? ... Or is it a bit of both? Being our true authentic self isn't just about physically being there, it's about being present in each moment, each situation you are in. Being fully engaged and giving your your all no matter what is happening. Showing up needs you to leave behind your doubts, your fears.......... Allow yourself to bask in the flow of life, being a part of every second of every day. It takes practice and sometimes we need to fake it til we make it, but once we allow ourselves to be who we truely are we attract to us all that we really want. So show up today..........be all you can be and watch your life change.
14.01.2022 Anyone want to join us........the $100 is just between us but no sugar is a great challenge
14.01.2022 CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? Growing up this was a very important question in my home. My home was a closely guarded secret, no one was to know what was inside.... I look back now & I understand why I was told not to tell. But I also look back and realise they didn't mean not to share at all. You see my Mum was a friend of Bill and those of you that know, know that was a closely guarded secret.......not so much anymore, 12 step programs although Anonymous are much more out in the open with a lot more support within the Community, which is amazing. She was not the only one in our family and I am proud to say that those that needed help got it But for a little girl, I was always on guard. When people asked me what my family did on the weekend I didn't really answer. I would tell them about our sport but not much more. When friends asked why we had the Serenity Prayer framed in our lounge room I was super vague & told them my Great Uncle was a Priest(which he was). If someone rang up & asked for Mum my answer was just that she was out & I didn't know when she would be home. All of these things I did willingly, I knew this was so important to my Mums wellbeing. What I realised later was that is what I continued to do.......Everything became a secret. I kept it all to myself. I would go out in a group and almost pretend to be part of the conversation, just adding an agreement here or there....watching, making sure I didn't let anyone in. I didn't do this on purpose. It made me a great listener, people told me their secrets, so I had more to keep...... Interestingly when they did I could see a clear path for them, I also didn't understand that gift at the time I remember one day after having worked in one particular office one of the people I worked with said to me that I was really hard to get to know. It hit me. I wasn't giving of myself for fear that I would let something slip. But what exactly would I let slip? I realised that although I was managing Teams, I wasn't really leading them because I wasn't sharing my knowledge. It is something that I am still working on. Remember we are all here to lift each other up. Share our knowledge and our skills. Be each other's Cheerleaders. Don't hold yourself back for fear of judgement. Let people in..........you never know where that might lead. Have a wonderful weekend & be all you can be
13.01.2022 USE WHATEVER YOU ARE GOING THROUGH AS YOUR MOTIVATION! I posted the other day about the path I have been on recently. I didn't post it to garner sympathy.... I posted it because most of the people I see in everyday life had no idea. I posted it because I wanted to show you that everyone is going through their own 'stuff'. I posted it because I watch highly successful people.........that I know have big 'stuff' going on SUCCEEDING! I posted it because I realised I wasn't seeing the bigger picture. Yes all of those things and more are happening or have happened and they have all affected me in different ways. But if we don't share our struggles together with our successes we are not helping anyone, least of all ourselves. One of the big things I have noticed is that I give up! I have an amazing online business that I step out of when I get overwhelmed with 'family stuff'. Instead of telling people what is going on and how I am working through it, around it or just plain wallowing in it! Looking for the lessons or more importantly how what is going on in my world may be able to help you in yours. Life, Business, Careers, Family, Friendships, Relationships.........they all have ups and downs! Using what is happening to help you grow, learn, not go there again.......... That was the reason for my post. I hope it helped you in some way. I hope it allowed you to step back and not be so hard on yourself. I hope it motivated you to share something you have experienced or are going through. I also hope it gave you a little more insight into me. Be every part of you, because every part of you is perfect. We are the Creators of our own Reality........make yours all you want it to be PS. If you would like to share some of your successes or challenges, pop a comment below xx
12.01.2022 I FELL INTO A BIG HOLE! For the past year I have been trying so hard to keep it all together. Trying to get through each day..........and feel like I can face t...he next one. I realise that keeping what is going on all to myself doesn't help me & it doesn't help anyone else going through a tough time. I was watching a video today when I had one of those light bulb moments.........yes I know I seem to have a lot of them & then fall back into my hole. In the video the speaker said he was a firm believer in living to your goals........not your circumstances. Wow! I have been living in my hole (circumstances) for way too long, not living to my goals. A bit of background, it has been a challenging few years, 4 years ago my son was burnt from his belly button to his knees, 5 skin grafts & so many 6 hour trips to the hospital in Westmead that I can't even count later, he is healed...........well as healed as he can be physically. He was 13. Through this time my Mum got Cancer, twice, the second time taking her through the Rainbow Bridge. Through this time I lived about 1200k'ms away from her, so through my son's treatment I was also travelling interstate to see her & try to give her support whilst letting her go. After my Mum passed my hubby was offered what we thought was the opportunity of a lifetime, a job he had always wanted working overseas. I realise now I was still in such grief over both my Mum & Son that I made the rash decision to move back to the Sunny Coast.........because life would be better there and it was for a while, sort of. We came back to a different place than we had left 2 years earlier. Hubby had his great job overseas for a while and then it was gone.............no warning just don't come back. Those of you that know him know that not much gets to him so he went back to his old job............only thing is that is about 1000k's from where we live. Our move has brought about great changes, my son got a great part-time job which turned into a traineeship, I got a job in a Call Centre and my daughter got a job one week after she turned 13.........so things on the Coast are looking brighter than things 1000k's away. We made the hard, but not too hard decision to stay on the Coast & hubby comes back when he can..........this is something I really struggle with. Fast forward one year and I make a trip down to see hubby, we are having a lovely walk & I decide to step out onto a rock wall to better see the boats coming in. Well that was the plan anyway. What actually happened was I slipped on the rock wall & fell. That is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me. Why? Well by falling I twisted a huge Teratoma in my abdomen making it bleed, which then made me really sick. Without that fall who knows when it would of been found because I had no symptoms. So a huge surgery to remove the Teratoma & Hysterectomy. The Doctor predicted a 2 week recovery time.........thankfully it wasn't cancerous but the fall had also created a prolapse so a much bigger surgery. 2 weeks, try 3 months before I could function on any 1/2 normal level. I am so grateful to my family, friends & employer for supporting me through this. But it took just over 12 months to recover really. Then the wheels fell off for my boy! It breaks my heart to think of the wonderful place he was in compared to where he is now. He is about to turn 17, but 16 has been a huge challenge that doesn't seem to be getting any better. You see he doesn't have his job or Traineeship anymore, he has been expelled from school, which also means he can't go to trade school. He has received a formal caution from the Police (yes we were in a Police interview room 2 dats before Christmas) and he is so lost! He is so angry and aggressive, some days are so hard, but I love him so much and he has so much potential, I just wish he would step out of the crap he us creating So each day I have been hiding, trying to figure out how to get through the next one. I have a wonderful hubby who is as frustrated and scared as I am for our son & some great friends that all I seem to do lately is dump my crap on. So there it is I have been hiding in my hole living to my circumstances. I can't promise that I can step out all of the time, but I can promise that I am going to keep going.........use all of the wonderful tools and knowledge that I have. And if anyone else is going through a hard time let them know that they are not alone. I will continue to be the little engine that could and just keep going. As my grandmother always told me.....this too will pass and I am going to reach for my goals, not keep living in my circumstances. If you have made it all the way through, thanks for listening........I just really needed to have a little release xx
07.01.2022 Are you really all in? We are just over 1/2 way through our trip, currently in Deauville France. The time here has been amazing and has made me re-evaluate what... I want and what I am prepared to do to get it. For so long I have considered myself grateful, positive and working hard toward the things I want. This trip is mostly from my husbands hard work in his Business, I am behind the scenes doing the admin and organisation. That is great and I am positive and extraordinary grateful for how hard he works. I have a vision for what I want my life to be and seeing the is very high on my list. I realise that to achieve that goal I really need to be more in........I take time out of each day for my business, I just need to make that more of a priority. I have been kidding myself in the past when I look at how much I have been prepared to do, I have made all of the excuses.....I'm a mum, my hubby works away, I have a job that drains my energy, I had surgery that has taken a long time to recover from........and the list goes on. I wonder if you have been kidding yourself too, what have you thought you were all in with but really were just waiting for an excuse to derail you? Let me know in the comments and let's see what we can do to change together?
05.01.2022 What challenges you? I am in a challenge at the moment to post on different subjects each day for 30 days...........today is about challenges. When I first look...ed at this word it really triggered me, I really felt like life is one big challenge at the moment........there is so much going on in my world. Then when I looked at my challenges I realised what was really happening was that I am looking at my challenges being my whole reality, they are not. I have had some really big health issues resulting in major surgery last year.......guess what I survived, I am here and my health is improving all of the time. I had great support in my journey back to health, I am so blessed to have people to care and support me, I was provided for financially, I had great medical care, my job was held open for me while I recovered, all I had to do was get better and I am. I have the wonderful Kangen Water and some amazing supplements( thank you Kylie Wilson). My hubby works away, this has thrown many challenges our way and also opportunities, we are going on an amazing holiday in a couple of weeks and when we are together we make the most of our time. My 16 year old is the biggest challenge, skipping school, taking drugs, disappearing for days on end............but he has come home every night for the last 2 weeks, he is hugging me again, he handed in his assignments.........things are improving and I know my anger at him is actually feeling helpless, I love him so much and just want to help him to be all he can be. I know there are always going to be challenges and I know I up to the them. There is so much good that I am so grateful for so I am looking forward in Business, in Life, in Love and most importantly in myself.
04.01.2022 Expansion! Why do we wait until there is a pain point before looking at our options and finding the way to expand. When everything stays the same we stagnate, b...ecome dissatisfied, become restless., our gratitude for everything we have starts to decline. Our fear of stepping into the void, the in between of what we have known and what we are yet to know can be paralysing. There comes a point where we can't stay the same any longer. We need to take that leap. Take that leap and expand your Knowledge Skills Processes Mentors Peers Self Belief Step forward and be all you can be!
03.01.2022 WHEN YOU WISH UPON A When I was a little girl every Sunday night we got to watch Disneyland. It was a pretty big deal for me because living in my household wa...sn't easy. Every week I got to escape into the world of Disney. I didn't think it was a place I could ever go, but here I am! I feel like a kid, I am so excited. I wish I could of told that little girl that anything is possible, you just have to want it enough and work towards it. If you're interested in finding out more about how to make your wishes come true then write 'Yes Please' in the comments Wishing all of your dreams come true xx
01.01.2022 DID YOU LOSE YOUR JOB? I DID! For the past 3 years I have been holding on, doing a job that really was zapping all of my energy. I felt so drained and so physi...cally exhausted at the end of the day that I had not time or energy for anything else. So a few weeks ago I made a huge decision and quit my 'job' to step back into a world where I knew I made a difference. I stepped back into the world of Massage...........well I tried to and then we hit a bit of a snag. So as of Yesterday I lost my job. But then I remembered, I still have so many other options! I have been watching a friend, a trusted woman in the spiritual field, who had traded her time for income change her life. Debbie went from being burnt out seeing clients one on one and 70K in debt to now in 12 months, clearing her business debt, making 4 times her previous income, travelling to Vegas, Bali twice and numerous resort holidays and living a life of freedom and abundance! I thought why am I entering into a fear based way of being. I know what she is doing is ethical, I have been watching and almost stepping in over and over.........never finding enough time or energy (ooh now I have time). I am so excited about the future! For the first time in a long time, I can see an abundant future, the sky is brighter, and I feel the stress leave my body! I am excited to be involved! The business unlike anything I have ever come across So if you are reading this on Facebook (and I know you are then asking yourself why are you not making money while doing it! If you want any information on what it is, that is lighting my fire, giving me hope, and allowing me FREEDOM for the first time in a long time! Comment YES PLEASE in the comments or private message me and I will send you a link to watch a quick 30min webinar to see what it's all about. Here’s to FREEDOM!!!
01.01.2022 What are you doing to honour your Physical Being today?What are you doing to honour your Physical Being today?
01.01.2022 So often we talk about forgiving and forgetting..........I think this is the wrong statement. Forgiving and learning from the experience is what I aim for and I... hope you do too. We are all trying to do the best we can but sometimes we hurt others and often we are very hard on ourselves. Forgiveness sets us free. Forgiveness allows us to move forward, wiser, with a new perspective. It allow us to see ourselves, our situations and the people around us from a new perspective. It allows us to grow. It is not just our situations or others that we need to forgive, the one most in need of my forgiveness is myself............ I hope you start each day with forgiveness and with the ability to not repeat. xx
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