Inner Wheel Club of Clarence in Lindisfarne | Non-profit organisation
Inner Wheel Club of Clarence
Locality: Lindisfarne
Phone: +61 458 231 931
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25.01.2022 Come on down to Bunnings Tuggerah for your Covid-safe sausage sandwich! All proceeds help the Inner Wheel Club of Wyong help support local community organisations and Cord Blood Research
23.01.2022 Happy friendship day to all my lovely friends
21.01.2022 MARGARETTE GOLDING AWARD FOR BERNARDINA FAORO The very first MGA assigned in D 206 was obtained in the last days of 2018-19 social year. Due to a lot of issues and to the subsequent Coronavirus and lockdown, only on 26 September 2020 was it possible to hand-deliver the award to the recipient Mrs Maria Bernardina Faoro. Maria Bernardina Faoro is a very dedicated and committed caregiver in the town of Bassano del Grappa (Veneto region), where she lives. At some point in her life Bernardina has decided to devote totally to cancer patients. Called by everyone simply "Dina", she joined the non profit San Bassiano Oncologic Association -- of which she is currently vice-president - several years ago producing a quality leap for ideas and inventiveness that she puts into practice. She proposed and organized versatile, original and revolutionary initiatives to alleviate both physical and psychological disorders of patients subjected to chemotherapy to make everyday life less sad and painful. Among the many projects put in place: sessions of Art therapy, Yoga, Tangotherapy, Pilates, Gardentherapy. In addition, numerous other recreational activities, including three very original fashion shows held in the main squares of Bassano del Grappa and Marostica (Veneto Region Italy), in which the models were the same cancer patients. Lately, she also deals with disabled people providing many aids from the simple provision of expenses to the maintenance of those who lose their jobs. The MGA was handed to Mrs Faoro, during the celebration of the thiertieth anniversary of the IWC Bassano del Grappa, hold in the marvellous Villa Rezzonico, in Bassano del Grappa. See more
21.01.2022 The Inner Wheel Club of Wyong has been a long time supporter of Camp Breakaway. At the club’s monthly meeting at Wyong Golf Club today, Treasurer Margaret was ...pleased to present a large donation to Camp Breakaway. The cheque was presented to Val Austin who is a member of the Camp Breakaway Ladies Auxiliary (and also a member of IWC Wyong). Also pictured is Wyong Club President Sue Arthur The Inner Wheel Club of Wyong is a women’s service organisation and has been actively supporting local community organisations for over 60 years. If you would like to join a team of dedicated women, sharing fun and friendship and a passion for community service, contact the secretary at [email protected]
19.01.2022 Always enjoy getting out and wandering around when the opportunity arises. The Eastern Shore in Hobart is a great place to live! Mount Wellington/Kunanyi sets the mood above the city.
19.01.2022 Inner Wheel A70 will now be publishing its newsletter The Compass Rose through Facebook as well as emailing it to members. For those of you who missed our Changeover edition this month, click here for our latest news:
18.01.2022 Please see by yourself :
17.01.2022 Back in June IWCC held a successful Zoom Changeover. It was different to our usual Changeovers, but enabled members from all Clubs of A80 District to be part of this event, despite the restrictions in place because of our Covid pandemic. We dressed for the occasion - 'bright and bling'' and all had the opportunity to explain their choices! Also held a Tasmanian Place name Quiz, which had everyone wracking their brains! Incoming President Kathryn's Daughter was on hand to run this, and to iron out any technological issues that created difficulties for members trying to get onto Zoom! Our District Chairman Chris spoke about her year. Incoming President Kathryn was inducted by Outgoing President Fiona, with the Chain of Office passed on after this event . An enjoyable night was had by all.
16.01.2022 A social outing to a newly established Distillery at Cambridge was a popular outing! Pattex Distillery is producing Gin with a unique Tasmanian flavour, and also whiskey - but that will take a little longer before available to purchase. Their Chief Distiller talked about setting up their business and how it is progressing with local wine bars and outlets giving very favourable feedback. After tasting the gin, our Ladies gave it a similar review, following that up with a number of purchases for fortunate family and friends!
14.01.2022 A social outing last Thursday to Inverawe Native Gardens at Margate was a popular one, on a lovely day. Our hosts Margaret and Bill Chestnut made us most welcome providing morning tea. A beautiful garden of Australian native trees and shrubs, plus opportunity to check out how many of over 100 bird species seen there we could spot. Well worth a visit.
14.01.2022 Inner Wheel Club of Clarence, of which I am President this year, is making reusable (washable) 4 layer protective face masks, with flexible aluminium nose strips integrated into the bridge of the nose to enhance fit, as a fundraising project, to help support local, national & international projects to improve the lives of those in need. The Local Project we are supporting, is Show Hope, set up by the Wellspring Church in Sandy Bay, to assist Tas University International Stud...ents and Temporary Entry Visa holders who have no means of support in these Covid times, having lost their jobs. Up to 800 people are being provided with 3 hot meals a week, and a box of groceries worth $50 - $100, for $5.00. No one is being turned away. My contact, Sam Gough, an Assistant Minister at the Church, told me they are now planning to continue with this program until the end of 2021 - such is the need. IWCC Ladies have stitched up a storm and made lots of face masks to sell (they will have elastic or an alternative to secure around head). If anyone has spare elastic, we could make good use of it! Price: 2 for $25.00, or $15.00 each Sizes: Small, Medium and Large If you would like to purchase one, or have any questions, please contact me: [email protected] mobile number 0407 439 692 Your support would be very much appreciated. In friendship Kathryn Grey
14.01.2022 In the North of the state today we have June and Darrell from Lions Club of Kings Meadows in Prospect Vale. and Joe and Mike from the Riverside Lions Club in... Legana. Come along and get all of our amazing Daffodil Day products
13.01.2022 Margarette Golding Award for Judith Turner The Inner Wheel Club of West Ashfield (District 22) are extremely proud of Judith Turner, our very first member to re...ceive the Margarette Golding Award. This was given in recognition of her 20 years fundraising for the Rainbows Hospice, her regular Friday's spent at Southwell Minster as a volunteer guide and her lifelong commitment to her Church and Community. Due to Coronavirus and lockdown we were wondering how to present the award to Judith, this was solved by Judith herself, offering her garden for an Afternoon Tea Fundraiser. So on a very hot Wednesday Afternoon (12th August) we met in Judith's garden and were joined by District Chairman Margaret Day (also a recipient of a Margarette Golding Award) and past District Chairman Anne Lyons. When DC Margaret presented the certificate to Judith, she was so shocked and actually speechless, which if you know Judith is something very rare. Past DC Anne presented Judith with the brooch. It was a very exciting, special and emotional time. A true Red Letter Day and one which everyone involved will remember for a very long time. Congratulations Judith from us all, you truly have a heart of gold. Judith has a heart of gold and it reaches out to family, friends and the wider community. She has been heavily involved with fund raising for her local Children’s Hospice called Rainbows. Based in Nottingham, it is the East Midlands’ only hospice for children and young people. They provide vital care and support to families impacted by life-limiting conditions. Not only has Judith made an astonishing array of jams and pickles to sell, she has sold their Christmas Cards and teddies. Until recently, she has been a regular visitor, giving her time as well as her talents. Judith is a regular volunteer at Southwell Minster. It is a working building, open 365 days per year. It welcomes many thousands of visitors annually, including pilgrims, tourists, families and school groups from across the country and overseas. Every Friday Judith can be found at the entrance of the Minster, in her blue gown and sporting her badge, ready to welcome them and is a fount of knowledge as she leads the tours and answers the many questions asked. Judith worships at her local Church, St. Peter's in Ravenshead and once again she is involved with all the fundraising. She has an administration role, putting together a complicated rota for all the roles needing to be fulfilled. On top of all this, she sings her heart out in the choir! At 82 years young, Judith will always be finding something more to do that will benefit so many people.
13.01.2022 Covid pandemic has created restrictions. Our members decided to get into mask making, with a couple of members making and donating many to health care staff needing them. Now we are making them to sell to friends, and those wanting them, to raise funds for local, national and International projects for those in need. Workshops are getting members motivated and learning new skills!
13.01.2022 The International Inner Wheel Convention 2021 in Jaipur has been cancelled.
13.01.2022 District NZ291 in New Zealand held a very successful District Meeting on Saturday 31 October in Auckland. It was the second attempt at a date so everyone was ve...ry pleased to be able to attend and greet and hug friends. Donations were made for Kits for Kindys - a charity where children’s’ books, art supplies, puzzles etc are shipped to Vanuatu. We also pooled the bread tags that go towards making trays that are sold for funds to buy wheelchairs in Africa. See more
10.01.2022 Blayney Inner Wheel had great joy in holding their Changeover at long last. Held at the Mandurama Royal and beautifully catered by Kathryn from Fuse Catering. Outgoing President Marcia inducted incoming President Sue, with 19 members able to attend. So nice to be almost human again!
10.01.2022 1000 cupcakes for frontline care givers at National University Hospital The Inner Wheel Club of Singapore has continued to be mindful of those who are working o...n the frontlines of our healthcare system during these challenging times. Secretary Anjli Chopra, who is a passionate baker has kept her oven hot baking a remarkable 1000 cupcakes from June to August and delivering them on three occasions to the National University Hospital staff in three different departments. IPP Vijaya and Secretary Anjli delivered 250 cupcakes to the Emergency Dept on 29th June, 425 cupcakes to Obstetrics and Gynaecology on 7th August and 350 cupcakes to Staff in the Operating Theater and Pathology departments on 27th August. The staff were amazed and appreciative of the generous gesture and the words of gratitude packed with the cupcakes. The cupcakes themselves were delicious vanilla or chocolate variety. See more
09.01.2022 Tolerance and humanity in society/ 1st Munic Inner Wheel Prize 2020 Look at it - act wisely 1st Munich Inner Wheel Prize 2020 Bavarian teachers are honoured by... Inner Wheel By awarding a prize for moral courage, six Munich Inner Wheel Clubs are setting an example for more tolerance and humanity in society. The award ceremony was attended by the public with great interest. The prize was awarded to Bavarian teachers who have shown particular commitment to the teaching of moral courage in their schools. The award ceremony took place at the end of October 2020 in Munic. Due to the limited space available at the event as a result of corona measures, the event was broadcast live in the online stream on the homepage. " Moral courage concerns us all", said the Bavarian Minister of Culture, Prof. Dr. Michael Piazolo in his video message. He thanked the teachers for their commitment and the Inner Wheelers for their great dedication to this topic. The National Representative of Inner Wheel Germany, Beatrix von Fassong, stressed in her personal greeting: "Where war, politics and environmental disasters threaten to unhinge the world; where values threaten to lose their value; where courage is needed to defend these values with civil courage. All this must be underlined today with this prize. Congratulations to the organisers of this prize! Four schools were nominated, the prize money was 5000 Euros and another 500 Euros were awarded for a special prize. The winner was the girl school St. Josef in Schwandorf, Bavaria, "We are very happy", said project manager Daniela Amrein. "This award means a lot to all of us. I like to invest my heart and soul every day and get involved in teaching. The students give it back in a great way!" The next award ceremony will take place in 2022
09.01.2022 Visit of our newly elected governor Sylvie Bouedec to our club RENNES - SAINT-GRÉGOIRE.
09.01.2022 A day to remember. Margarette "Peggy" Golding (born Margarette Owen; November 20, 1881. Dead in 1939) was a Welsh born nurse and business person who was the founder of the Inner Wheel club in Manchester that has grown to be an international organisation.
09.01.2022 In case you missed the article in the Daily Advertiser recently about our Birthing Kits Project, here it is!
08.01.2022 Dear all members around The World, Beirut is still struggling to recover, and to repair the damage that the explosions have caused. It is with great pleasure t...hat we can now give you the first report regarding the donations which have been received from Districts and Clubs from around the world to our Lebanon Project. We are delighted to report that $38'500 has been collected, Gemma and I would like to take this opportunity of thanking each and everyone of the Clubs and Inner Wheel Members for their fantastic generosity. With the money we now have, we can move forward in identifying the areas where urgent repairs are needed or equipment bought, every step of the way Gemma and I will keep you informed. Thank you to all our National Representatives for your help and the distribution to your Clubs of our FLYERS (attached). Without your help we would have had very little success, thank you again, TOGETHER WE CAN SAVE LIVES. In friendship Angelika Walde and Gemma Pirondini See more
08.01.2022 Friendship Lunch for A80 District was at Villarett Gardens, Kimberley - a beautiful setting and delicious lunch. First opportunity for a District get together this year. A good roll up from IW Club of Clarence, to see friends from other Clubs and make new ones.
06.01.2022 A successful, festive and solidary karaoké evening IWC Antibes Marina, F.A.M.A.T. France We were many Inner Wheel members during our autumn evening of october ...6 in the presence of our governor Sabine Roussellet. A friendly and hearty evening organised by the club IW Antibes Marina following sanitary rules. We offered Covid protective visors to the La Récré des Séniors, an association which helps people with Alzheimer’s. Many prizes allowed to organise a raffle to buy emergency food for those who had lost everything, victims in our country of the bad weather related to storm Alex. We were all happy with the success and the friendly sharing of this evening. See more
05.01.2022 An informal Social get together for IWCC was arranged at the Royal Hobart Botanical Gardens, in July. A sunny day with blue skies helped to make it a most enjoyable morning, starting with a stop at the cafe for a morning coffee, then a wander around the length and breadth of our beautiful Gardens, led by the Grandson of one of our members, keen to show off his map reading skills! A great place to visit, as changes with the seasons.
05.01.2022 Hello! InnerWheel ladies of the world! This is Dr. Annie Gallardo, ISO, Inner Wheel Club of Valenzuela, District 380, Philippines, inviting friends across the miles to connect and together Lead the Change!
03.01.2022 More Bush Fire Appeal donations were given to the Bemm River community. The generosity from members worldwide were shown to this community.
03.01.2022 Anne Sexton wins Margarette Golding Award Anne Sexton is a very dedicated and committed fund raiser in the village of Fawley in Hampshire, where she lives. She ...has worked tirelessly for the benefit of others giving of her time and energy. Anne has been a member Of Hythe and District Inner Wheel for 48 years, joining the club a few months after its’s charter. Every year Anne holds 5 or 6 sales in her garage. All year round she is continually making preserves to sell a variety of marmalades, jams, and chutneys using seasonal produce. On the days leading up to the sale Anne will be busy in her kitchen making a variety of cakes, scones and savoury products to sell. Anne also makes up baskets, using the preserves especially for Christmas and Easter, many are pre-ordered by the locals as they are known to be such good quality and look so attractive to be given as gifts, she usually makes approximately a hundred baskets each time. A raffle is also organised for the day to help boost the funds. Over the last sixteen years Anne has raised in excess of 100,000.00 for the local hospice and is currently supporting the Air Ambulance after one of the villagers had a very life threatening accident. Her last but one sale on an extremely wet and stormy day in November was still very well supported and 1556.00 was raised during the morning, so far this year Anne has raised 5,500.00 and then her Christmas sale raised a further 2,300.00 bringing her total to 7,800. Anne does hide her light under a bushel and we feel she is a very worthy recipient for this award. Anne has also had great fundraising ideas for our Inner Wheel club and supports our events with enthusiasm and generously donates many of her homemade produce for sale. Anne is an inspiration in our club. See more
02.01.2022 Jo and Tammy are ready at Myer with Joy and Les all set up in Centrepoint. Everyday 9 Tasmanians are diagnosed with cancer, together we can stop this.
02.01.2022 OUR HISTORY 138 Inner Wheel Club of Launceston Inc. 1954 2020 Club’s foundation was friendship and community service... MEMBERS OF THE INNER WHEEL CLUB OF LAUNCESTON On August 3, 1954, The Examiner marked the foundation of an organisation that would go on to make a significant and lasting contribution to the community. Nearly 40 women, all wives of Launceston Rotary Club members, gathered at the Brisbane Hotel yesterday afternoon. They were there for a successful inaugural meeting of a club to be called the Inner Wheel Club of Launceston. This is the second of its kind to be formed in Tasmania there is already one in Hobart. At yesterday’s meeting members elected the following officers: President, Mrs. John L. Grove; secretary, Mrs. Andrew Smith; treasurer, Mrs. R. Thomas; vice-president, Mrs. A. P. Findlay. The Hobart Inner Wheel Club provided invaluable assistance in the establishment of the new Club. The Charter Presentation Dinner was held on June 3, 1955 at the Launceston Hotel after being admitted to Membership of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs on October 19, 1954 - Overseas Club No. 85. The objects of Inner Wheel are to promote true friendship, encourage the ideals of personal service and foster international understanding. Over the years the Launceston Club has stayed true to these objectives with many lasting friendships formed within the membership as well as throughout Tasmania, Australia and the world. Some members attended Conventions and the annual Australian Conferences. In 1956, a tablecloth was donated to the Club by Mrs R. L. Thomson on which Mrs R. Ward and Mrs Bevan Browne embroidered the Inner Wheel badge. As a way of raising funds members paid a small donation and their signatures were also embroidered on the cloth. In October 1985 the Inner Wheel Club of Launceston hosted the Annual Australian Conference with 619 attending the dinner in the Albert Hall. This was the first to be held in Tasmania, the small organising committee with the late Margaret Moore as Conference Secretary was highly commended. The planting of flowers in City Park in the Inner Wheel colours of blue and gold by Launceston Council’s Parks Department added an attractive highlight to the event. Across the decades, many organisations have benefited from the support and patronage of the Inner Wheel Club of Launceston. Indeed, it was a founding donor for the Spurr Wing, the Earl Arts Centre, and the Clifford Craig Medical Research Trust and Life Governorship was received from St. Giles Society in 1999, all vital community organisations in the life of the city. In total over $200,000 has been donated to local, national and international projects over the past 66 years. In 1979 the Club provided a seat in the Quadrant Mall to acknowledge its 25th anniversary and following its 60th anniversary an additional seat was placed in City Park beside the pathway just below Victoria’s Café. In October 2019, the Club celebrated its 65th Charter Anniversary with a luncheon, then at the final meeting on June 17, 2020 memories were shared, none more so than by Annemarie Barth and Betty Piper, members for more than 50 years. Published in The Sunday Examiner, July 19, 2020, page 21.
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