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Jacqueline McKenzie | Writer

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Jacqueline McKenzie


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to load big map

24.01.2022 #Rip Chadwick. Here’s some gorgeous artwork from @anniemgo with the beautiful words of @chadwickboseman . As @robertdowneyjr said He leveled the playing field while fighting for his life... That’s heroism... What a brilliant, inspiring, humble and generous actor he was - his incredible legacy will live on for years to come. #restinpower #inspiration #actor #power #hero #intelligence #generosity #humor #grace #king

24.01.2022 Here's a little spiel from BROADWAY WORLD on our production of MOSQUITOES. We are having such a wonderful time with the fearless, funny, super bright and very patient director Jessica Arthur. And what an extraordinary writer is Lucy Kirkwood. I cannot wait to share this piece with an audience. It's incredibly profound, funny, moving, gorgeous! The brilliant actors I'm working with knock my socks off every day. I'm just so lucky to be un such company. Head on over to the Sydney Theatre Company website for your tickets! They're selling fast! We play April 6- May 18 at the Sydney Opera House.

24.01.2022 #happyholidays indeed! Best prezzie ever from My daughter: a four-panel lego photo-board of my dog! #epic #lego #bestpresentever #xmas2019 #dogsofinstagram

24.01.2022 Kindness is all. am so fortunate to have such kindness in my life - at home and at work. It’s everything. #feelingblessed #lovethelifeyoulive #actorslife

24.01.2022 Will you please sit Peanut? @elizabeth_bensinger asked... I had to think about it for .3 of a second! Look at this dear little mite! Sweetest little sleepy headed bloke on the planet! We love him so much! You too, Netty and Chlo-Bella!!! #puppiesofinsta #puppies #sitting #puppiesofinstagram #sweetness #light #actorslife #actorlife #lovethelife #lovethelifeyoulive #friendship #friends #dogsofinstagram #chihuahua #chihuahuasofinstagram #peanut

23.01.2022 Time to get out the old yarn and finish all those projects! @gretashandcraft @lalabehr #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #yarn #actors #actorslife #aussiesofinstagram #socialdistancing #flattenthecurve

23.01.2022 This is what Melbourne summer looks like! Well, it’s always sunny with the gorgeous, uber-talented Ingrid, my onscreen daughter #loveher #Bloom @stanaustralia

22.01.2022 Rough draft! Here was the start of the Fairy Blanket. There’re about 10 different yarns, alternating in sequence. Using 7mm circular needles, knitting its length. Shawn Seet , I put each yarn in a numbered zip lock bag and put them all in my knitting bag. I had a ‘key’ as well, in case I got mixed up - a little index card with a snippet of each of the 10 yarns on it, in order. I’ve just looked at my notes and it was taking me 14 minutes per row... no wonder I gave up! Rox wou...ld be 40 by the time I finished as some of the yarn was as thin as cotton- with fur on it’ lol! but as you can see, I left tassels at each end- and it’s really gorgeous! So - advice for your blanky: if you use different yarns- for the most part, keep the ply thick! Unless knitting a scarf- in which case- it doesn’t matter because it won’t take years to complete! Shawny, it is a great idea! I would absolutely go for it! Especially if you have yarns gifted you by friends - the blanky will be like a kind of frieze of those friendships. So meaningful, like an embrace every time you see it! #knittersofinstagram #knitting #knittingpattern #blanket #patterns #yarn #actorslife #summertime #actorswhoknit #directorswhoknit #craft #crafts #crafting #blankets #hobby #hobbies #yarnlife #lifeandyarn #crochet #lovethelifeyoulive #lovethelifeyoulead See more

22.01.2022 Trying out some exercising at home. Under surveillance. Some much needed laughter for us. #shelterinplace #homeworkout #ilovemydog #staystrong

22.01.2022 Well look who came to visit? Not sure who she is but I’m loving her presence. The beautiful, late John Cann used to insist on me painting. Jac, it’s like crop rotation... - wow how we miss that divine man. There’s so much to be thankful for right now. Am blessed to be in the best work imaginable: shooting James Wan’s ‘Malevolent’ as well as Glen Dolman’s ‘Bloom’ (season 2) for the lovely folk over at Stan. What a time! #actorslife #actorlife #actorswhopaint #oilpainting #oilincanvas #ghoststories #visitor #stan #stanoriginals #lovethelifeyoulive #croprotation

22.01.2022 #blacklivesmatter #icantbreathe

21.01.2022 Swim anyone? Aussie suburban summer. #summer #australia #swimming

21.01.2022 #challengeaccepted #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #women thank you for nominating me @joannieburstein this is an awesome chain to be a part of - Tagging some of the women in my life who continue to inspire, empower, enable, uplift, support and share their love with me. Am so blessed. Thank you also darling @simone_lee_creative_ for this awesome shot! I nominate @joyzapata2 @simone_lee_creative_ @jess.baker.06 and @alibaeker xxx

20.01.2022 Last day before hiatus on #Bloom season 2! A joyful job with a sensational crew! Thank you @stanaustralia #setlife #actorslife #ilovemyjob

19.01.2022 Finally finished the Fairy Blanket thanks to Viv!! What a thing!!! Am so pleased with it- wools from all over the world, collected on our travels, and knitted together over time. This blanky has history already! My little one picked out many of the yarns herself. She’s over the moon with the finished product. Am thinking of crocheting a border in turquoise @lalabehr , what do u reckon? Meantime, back to jumpers, sweaters, cardi’s and beannies!!! Muuuuuch easier!!! If you ...need knitting/crocheting help, gorgeous yarns, any kind of patterns, inspiration or great knitting company - head on up the northern line to Lindfield NSW, Australia and visit @gretashandcraft - it’s worth the train ride! Viv is dying her own wools now too!Absolutely stunning! Am feeling blessed to have this incredible gift my mama taught me: knitting!!! Don’t u think @shawnyseet !? #knittersofinstagram #patchwork #patchworkblanket #actorslife #actorswhoknit #directorswhoknit #knitted #lovethelifeyoulive #woolblanket #newyearresolution #fini #wootwoot #craft #crafts #crafting #summertime #summerholidays #hobby #myhobbies #heirloom @gretashandcraft @lalabehr See more

19.01.2022 #tbt that time when perms, hoop earrings and a fisherman’s hat were all the rage! Thanks beautiful @veronicabitt for the #blastfromthepast !(I wonder if this was the night Tofty lost his wallet!?) Thank goodness for group chats! #zoom #shelterinplace #iso #isolation #oldphoto #80s #instagood #instalike #oldfriends

18.01.2022 I’m doing a play where sisters feature prominently. Here’s me with mine. Beautiful she is - even with the salad-bowl cut in this faded ol’ Polaroid that rendered my orange bowl blonde! Hard to believe, when I look at this photo and see that little dag, I’d be where I am now- Logie nominated (please vote for me!!! link in my bio, code word - Queensland) AND rehearsing my 6th production with the awesome Sydney Theatre Company for the Sydney Opera House! What an incredible hon...or. My own sister gets to sit this one out and Mandy McElhinney takes the hot seat! Two red-heads! It’s a corker of a play - funny, moving, a ripping good yarn by Lucy Kirkwood, well told by the gorgeous Jessica Arthur. Head on over to to get your tickets to Mosquitoes- we open in 4 weeks!!! #actorslife #actorlife #theatre #operahouse #sydneytheatre #theater #bowlcut #tbt #sisters #sister #shootforthestars #nominated #logies #vote #tvawards @tvweekmag @sydneytheatreco @sydneyoperahouse @marqueemgt @joannieburstein See more

18.01.2022 Woot woot! It’s that time again! I’m up for a TV Week acting award for playing Kath Sinclair in Pine Gap! Am so stoked! Here’s your chance to vote for me and all things Pine Gap! The link in my bio! Much love and fingers crossed! @tvweekmag @netflix @abctv @marqueemgt @joannieburstein #actorslife #tvweeklogies #logies #awards #lovethelifeyoulive #vote #bestfriendgoals #shootforgreatness #shootforthestars #pleaseshare

18.01.2022 Can’t stop thinking about the devastation of #Covid_19 . The horror it has exacted on families in China, Italy, Iran, Australia, UK the USA - the world... I came across this beautiful song of @aliciakeys today and can’t stop thinking about the personal toll the virus is taking on families and loved ones- health care workers, patients etc I’ve been blessed to have lived and worked in New York over the years - the people were always so friendly, the place - so diverse. A microcosm of the world - extreme poverty alongside ridiculous wealth. Anyway - do yourself a favor and have a listen to this glorious artist : #newyork #iny #cabinfever #love #thistooshallpass

18.01.2022 Mosquitoes is the name of our play! And we are down to the wire! One more week before we move from the rehearsal room into @sydneyoperahouse . Here are some beautiful rehearsal shots taken by the always awesome @lisatomasetti We are having an extraordinary time- led by the patient, hilarious, intrepid yet ball breaking director, Jessica Arthur, with Natalie Moir our brilliant SM. What a cast! And @iammandymcelhinney is every bit as gorgeous as you can imagine. Am so very lucky! Two weeks before we open! #yikes Head over to the Sydney Theatre Company box office (link in bio) #bringit @sydneytheatreco #australiantheatre #sydneytheatre #sydney #sydneytheatrecompany #mosquitoes #lucykirkwood #operahousesydney #sydneyoperahouse #sisters #redheads #theater #ballbreaker @marqueemgt @joannieburstein

17.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day! #the4400 #bringbackthe4400 @netflix #tomanddiana

17.01.2022 Here's some light and lovely "Quarriaoke" distraction from me to my friends in the USA who are sweating the election right now. From Quarantine in Sydney Australia- thinking of you! Sending love!

16.01.2022 Not one, not two but a family of hawks greet our night shoot. #bestjobever #bloom #aretheyhawks #naturespalette

15.01.2022 Iso puzzling? I preferred when you knitted. Far softer landing. #iso #dogsofinstagram #myboy #aussiesofinstagram #cairn #schnauzersofinstagram #dogslife #love #loveinthetimeofcorona

15.01.2022 Another little onesie for a friend’s new addition! I love this @Debbie blissknits pattern so much. I’ve knitted it 3 times before. It reminds me of my darling Roxy who wore one in dark khaki. This is made from Viv’s hand-dyed wool using moss & stocking stitch with 3.25mm needles. Quite difficult to knit in lowlight! Lol!!Tip: when knitting with dark wools, have something white on your lap! Thank you Viv @gretashandcraft for all your help! #again and look - finally found a place for the teddy button! #love #knitting #knittersofinstagram #wool #yarn #handdyed #craft #actorslife #actorswhoknit #actorlife #setlife #onesie #handmade #babyknits #knitsforbaby #debbiebliss #lovethelifeyoulive #blessed #newbaby #newbabygift

15.01.2022 World’s cutest 14yr old puppy. He’s still got it! #firstborn #myboy #dogsofinstagram #dog #mydog #cairnterrier #schnauzer #ilovemydog #lifeisbetterwithdogs #lovethelifeyoulive #actorslife #actorlife

14.01.2022 It’s a wrap for me on @creepypuppet ‘s Malignant! It’s the I’m a #fanforlife

13.01.2022 The majority of Australia’s 50,000 practising professional artists and 600,000 creative industry workers will not be covered by stimulus measures announced to date, either because of their casual working arrangements or because their employers’ complex cash flow render them ineligible to access workers’ support on their behalf. To all professionals in the Australian til, television, entertainment and arts world, join the challenge to post a photo of you in your job; don’t let Freelancers (artists) fall through the cracks. #scottmorrison #scottmorrisonmp #joshfrydenberg #joshfrydenbergmp @scottmorrisonmp #alantudge @alan_tudge #scomo @withmeaa #MEAA #dontletfreelancersfallthroughthecracks #noworkerleftbehind #wagesubsidyforall #saveourcreators I’m so proud to stand with the Australian Arts Industry, link in profile.

13.01.2022 One more week of STC’s Mosquitoes at the Sydney Opera House. I’m going to miss this team like you wouldn’t believe! The nicest bunch of people on the planet! All hail the director/queen: #JessicaArthur Come on into the Drama Theatre to the experience this extraordinary production of Lucy Kirkwood’s latest play starring the one and onlys: @iammandymcelhinney @jasonchongofficial @nikitahahahahhaha @louisseguier #AnnieByron and @angela.nica #sydney #sydneyoperahouse #drama #theatre #theater #sisters #science #particles #lhc @sydneytheatreco @sydneyoperahouse

12.01.2022 Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears will be opening in cinemas from Feb 27! Here I am with the hilarious Dan Lapaine, Nathan Page and our truly awesome director, Tony Tilse. This is such a fantastic, thrilling, hilarious, romantic romp! So much fun to make - am such a fan of the show, I was pinching myself being on set. I adore Essie Davies (on screen and off!) and finally had the chance to work with the great Miriam Margoyles. #essiedavies #nathanpage #miriammargolyes #newmovies #premiere #missfishersmurdermysteries #newyear #newrelease #newrole

12.01.2022 The one and only @rebeccagibney_ called upon us to spread some love in this time of uncertainty and this time of , for some, terrible grief. We all want to send out a massive thank you to our incredible medical professionals and all the wonderful essential folk who are out there protecting and providing. She writes: Thank you also to everyone that has heeded the call to stay home. The below quote was recently posted on a friend’s Facebook ‘And then the whole world walked ins...ide and shut their doors and said we will stop it all. Everything. To protect our weaker ones, our sicker ones, our older ones. And nothing. Nothing in humankind ever felt more like love than this... ‘ thank you, fellow dancers! Thank you, our intrepid leader Bec! Thank you John Paul Young. @samneilltheprop @amandarosekeller @lisa_wilkinson @rodgercorser @gazzasweet @kerryarmstrong7013 @sigrid_thornton_official @richardwilkins @deborralee @larryemdur @tobytruslove @michalabanas @sarawiseman__ @craigalanhall @robbiemagasiva @geraldinehakewill @kyliegillies @ghouvardas @itsjanehall @hugh_sheridan #claudiakarvan @erik.thomson See more

11.01.2022 We are blessed to be back on set for Ruby’s Choice - our Aussie Indie directed by @themichaelbudd starring @janeseymour and @cocojackg . We are in a production ‘bubble’ - everyone wearing masks and having temperature checks... trying to keep the horror-sh*t-show of #covid19 at bay. We are all so thankful to be working again. Cameras were about to roll in this photo, hence no mask.. but I usually wear one all the time. Here I am wearing a dress I ordered online from my favo...rite store back home @treehausla - and they post-packed it from LA To Sydney (along with a whole lot of gorgeous fabric masks) for me to wear in the film. Saralynne and Michelle have a wonderful eye- a really unique selection of clothes, gifts, stationary, jewelry - and their service is amaaaazing. #feelingblessed #backtowork #rubyschoice #australian #film #actor #actorslife #lovethelifeyoulive #cameraready #action @joannieburstein @marqueemgt See more

11.01.2022 Wishing you all so much love and best wishes for 2020! #happynewyear #happyholidays #beach #love

11.01.2022 YAY! I'm up for a 2019 Logies award!! WOOT WOOT! Time to head on over to the Logie's Award site and cast your vote for my ol' mug and all things PINE GAP! Please share! Yipppeeee!

11.01.2022 Missing these two fabulous fellas! #itsawrap #bloom @stanaustralia #bryanbrown @andrewblackman7 #newseason #mystery

10.01.2022 #Bringbackthe4400 SO MUCH FUN!!!

09.01.2022 It’s cool to be kind. #KindnessIsAll #repost #actorslife #actorlife #lovethelifeyoulive #youcansitwithme

09.01.2022 When your beautiful boy keeps barging the door to crash your self-tape and you decide to include him in the action! Happy happy #internationaldogday to all our canine family members and to all those they care for! I thank Stevie Zapka, my Vancouver driver + friend of The 4400 who encouraged me to share my life with this silver dingo. I asked ‘Stevie! What do I do!? He needs a home! I love him!’ Stevie held Hershal whilst I fished around in my bag for my phone . I looked over... to see this tiny puppy staring big Stevie deep in the eyes- nose to nose- then plant a big lick on Stevie’s face. Stevie turned to me and drawled You’re dead a long time.... and here we are 14 yrs later. I’ve never looked back. #ilovemydog #steviezapka #star #superstar #superhero #superdog #womansbestfriend #mansbestfriend #actorslife #setlife #the4400 #netflix @netflix See more

09.01.2022 Would you eat the Berry? Hear some of the Bloom cast weigh in! I’m still not sure I would!!! Tune into Stan April 9 to watch the all new season of Bloom. (If you don’t have Stan, there’s a 30day free trial on offer so you can make the most of our current lockdown and binge watch some amazing shows for free.) keep safe! Stay home! Much love #eternalyouth #bloom #newseason @stanaustralia #premiere #stanoriginals

08.01.2022 Miss Fisher And the Crypt of Tears hits the cinemas across Australia tomorrow! Such a great romp - exquisite costumes, stunning locations and fabulous action with our beloved Phryne and lieutenant Jack! Here’s my lucky bum which found itself in a seat at the table! Meet - Lady Eleanor. My lips weren't yellow on the day. That's just the filter I used in the dark! LOL #missfisher #missfishersmurdermysteries #newfilm #newrole #openingtomorrow

08.01.2022 The magic of filmmaking! #actorlife #setlife #magic @stanaustralia

07.01.2022 Was it a tick? A redback spider? It’s been a long week but he’s back from the brink! Our boy is home. #dogsofinstagram #neardeathexperience #badhairday

07.01.2022 This Tuesday night on @channel9, ‘Halifax Retribution’ returns for episode 2 and... ‘Sharon Sinclair’ is back! After 20 years, I got to revisit one of my favorite roles (certainly one of the more complex!) and it was an absolute joy. This is a brilliant show - well worth rebooting - I hope so much they run for another season! Thank you for such an amazing opportunity, Bec @rebeccagibney_ (I’ll answer your call to arms any time, any where!) and to the divine crew you assembled - especially The Veysey @slapdashkv2018 and Pam! #channel9 #newseries #bingewatching #halifax #retribution #australia #australiamade #aussiesofinstagram #thriller #mystery #drama #murder #bingeworthy #actor #actorlife #sniper #lovethelifeyoulive #wearamask #staysafe

06.01.2022 Chatting new series, #Billions #bloom #KosminskyMethod #KnivesOut and the divine Sam Neil @samneilltheprop Am hoping for good series tips and wishing you all so well! - Bloom season 2 is almost upon us over @stanaustralia so catch it soon! Ps! The brilliant other actor fr #Billions is Damien Lewis!!! Duh!!!

06.01.2022 Would you take the berry? Take a serum to go back to when you were younger? Our new season of Bloom premieres this April 9th on @stanaustralia I’ve had a day looking at old photos - a lockdown is good for some things! I highly recommend this activity! And.... I challenge you to rifle through your albums for a b4 and after shot and post to your profile! What do you say @alibaeker @elizabeth_bensinger @annabellasciorra @sophia.forrest @ben_mortley @geraldinehakewill @mr_nathan_page @rebeccagibney_ @lisa_wilkinson @chadkenyon @joyzapata2 @finnseamus #stanoriginals #bloom #bloomonstan #actorslife #newseason (ps. The photo on the right was taken by the one and only @elizabeth_bensinger

06.01.2022 Day 1 with Andy! #couplegoals #actorslife #setlife #bloom @stanaustralia

06.01.2022 #fbf Just watching myself get eaten by a shark, from the comfort of my arm chair. Deep Blue Sea. What a classic. I still find it terrifying to watch and I know what’s going to happen! #omfg @rennyharlin is a genius So were the crew! A lot of them Aussies! @ajgoldsman1629 @marcspicer and @frankflickacs and all the gang. Too much fun. #mostfunever #actorslife #actorlife #epicfilms #shark #sharkattack #scare #film #classic

05.01.2022 How do I love thee, let me count the ways... Tune in tonight, channel 9 after The Block for Halifax Retribution where Sharon Sinclair and Jane Halifax get to go head-2-head once again.... convicted killer comes face to face with the person who put her away! This show absolutely rocks. Directed by Fiona Banks and shot my the ever awesome Geoffrey Hall (of #Pine Gap and Bloom fame!) with some really evocative original music, @rebeccagibney_ proves, once again, to be the best in the business! hope for years of tripping the light fantastic with you Bec- you’re a knock out! #halifax #halifaxretribution #reboot #actor #actorlife #thriller #mystery #awardwinning #drama @channel9 @marqueemgt @joannieburstein

05.01.2022 Time to get your party frock on! Bloom season 2 premieres tomorrow on @stanaustralia ! You can binge our award winning season 1 right now! #bloom #party #celebrate #lockdownlife #newseason #stream #stanoriginals #mystery #thriller #love

05.01.2022 Iso games! If you don’t have this cool kit, a post-it works just as well! #stayhomesavelives #actorslife #lockdown #guesswho #games #isolation #iso #covid_19 #shelterinplace

04.01.2022 This is what you have to do when you lose a game of Crazy 8 to my daughter. #actorslife #payback #cards #aussiesofinstagram

04.01.2022 Summer holidays. Alaska we love you. You’ve stolen our hearts. #cruising #cruiselife #glaciers #alaska #youhadmeathello #summerbreak #summerholidays #voyage #bucketlist

04.01.2022 Married again! The great Andy Blackman and I are reunited for Stan’s Bloom season 2. First photo taken *ahem* years ago. 2nd was today at our read through. #ilovethisman #actorslife #reunion #bloom Andrew Blackman #Stan

03.01.2022 Happy to share some special Sunday #stayhome reading material with you! I had a great time talking with @genquigley about #Bloom Season 2, acting, and life!

03.01.2022 There always comes a time in a tough shoot when the crew needs, at the very least, a token of thanks from the actors. Today, @expresocoffee2u answered the call and hauled a*rse out to Windsor. Thank you! Stephen Hunter (my intrepid co-star) and I shout out to our #covid19 bubble, reduced crew who are doing a incredible job. They are world class individuals, all! Each lifting much more than their own weight to make this beautiful film happen. Our film has a heart of gold and aims to shine a little light on how dementia impacts a family.... Caring for our vulnerable can truly enrich our lives and make the world a far kinder place. #rubyschoice @stephenjhunter1 @marqueemgt @joannieburstein #expresocoffee2u #australian #film #backtowork #lucky #givingthanks #coffee #coffeebreak #actor

03.01.2022 #WhatHeSaid Stephen King is surely one of the truly great storytellers of all time. We listen to him. What he says has weight. Well, look what he has to say about Pine Gap - currently playing on Netflix. Tune in to see what all the fuss is about. #pinegap #newseries #bingewatch #bingewatching #MyHeroWeighsIn #lovethelifeyoulive #actorslife #theking #stephenking what a joy to see his message. #bringit

02.01.2022 It’s a wrap! #bloom2 What a bunch of legends, on and off the camera. (Here with the one & only @jackson_heywood ) am blessed to be in such company. Thanks so much @stanaustralia for such an amazing adventure - all the new friends made and old friendships deepened. Thanks dear @cozmikg and @miffy_d our intrepid leaders! #fingerscrossed #celebrate #newseason #stanoriginals

02.01.2022 In the booth, voicing the finishing touches on Bloom season 2, working with the great, the one and only, Bryan Brown. Tune into @stanaustralia April 9 for our premiere! Yayayay!!! (You can binge season 1 before then!) #stanoriginals #bloom #bloom2020 #newseason

02.01.2022 Halifax here we come! Crossing the bridge into the splintered world of Sharon Sinclair... again. Working with Bec Gibney and revisiting our characters is one of life’s great gifts. #halifaxretribution #bringit #SYDNEY #melbourne #actorslife #actorlife #sydneyharbour #harbourbridge #reboot #retribution #mpd #did #ilovemyjob #rebeccagibney #lovethelifeyoulive

01.01.2022 #Halifax was a ride-and-a-half that bagged us all many awards back in the day- including these two little beauties! And who’d have thought we would be back again for some more action in the newly re-imagined series Halifax Retribution! The absolute one-and-on, national treasure (and personal favourite of mine) @rebeccagibney_ is reprising her extraordinary character ‘Jane Halifax, forensic psychiatrist. I was thrilled to come back as ‘Sharon’ (as complex as ever, with her M...ultiple Personality Disorder... ) and be on set again with Bec, speaking Roger Simpson’s words, again... Be there or be square! tune in tonight @9now @channel9 8.45pm, Tues August 25 starring @therealanthonylapaglia @mingzhuhii #reboot #newseries #drama #rebeccagibney #actorlife #thriller #awardwinning #forensicscience #retribution @joannieburstein @marqueemgt @channel9 @ninecomau @clprptyltd @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more

01.01.2022 Here we are! #newseason #bloom Rubbing shoulders with #BryanBrown #jackieweaver #phoebetonkin and #tonesandi #season2 #bringit #actorslife #lovethelifeyoulive #aussiesofinstagram

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