Jamie Dixon, Greens | Political candidate
Jamie Dixon, Greens
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25.01.2022 In the lead up to World Food Day - what a fantastic way to celebrate, and help the support the advocacy of the Refugee Council Of Australia. Food for the soul indeed !
25.01.2022 What a fantastic breath of fresh air to bring in the new year ! Real positive change begins at a personal, and community level. If ordinary Australians need a reminder of the immense impact they have had, and can continue to have in changing the plight of others, this is a great way to start !
24.01.2022 Well, pre-poll in Eden-Monaro is almost done, but you've still got from 8:00am -6:00pm tomorrow, July 4 to cast your vote in the by-election ! So make like my friend here, stay safe, and hotfoot it to your local booth, to #Vote1Greens
22.01.2022 Wanna do your bit to spread the word that mining underneath our water catchment is a mistake we need to learn from ? Corflutes and stickers available ! You too can sport one like the Little Green Van ! #illawarragreens #powa #wollongong #littlegreenvan #environment
20.01.2022 Breaking Wollongong Council gives green light to roll out Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) across Wollongong From November 2020, households wit...h individual green bins will receive a kitchen caddy with compostable bin liners and be collected weekly. Food scraps can then be placed along with your garden clippings in your green bin, and turned into commercial grade compost. The service frequency for the current fortnightly co-mingled recyclable service (yellow bin) and weekly residual waste service (red bin) will remain. Council will also apply for state government funding for a 12-month FOGO trial for apartment blocks that don't currently have individual green waste bins. This is a large step towards Council's aims of being emission neutral by 2030. Previously, food waste would become land fill and anaerobically turn into greenhouse gases. However from now on we can use food waste to compost into soil that can then be used to help grow food. And it’s all happening locally. This is a great example of a circular economy at work This success has come about from tireless lobbying by people like you who have signed petitions, written letters, made submissions and attended rallies. Plus the involvement of 1500 households that participated in the FOGO trial to show how popular, easy and effective FOGO is. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this campaign. Your support has made a big difference. Photo by Jeremy Park: Coucillor Cath Blakey using a trial FOGO bin.
20.01.2022 There are reports of the Australian public saving themselves from losing over a billion dollars in poker machines during the recent lockdown. The Australian Institute of Family Studies is trying to quantify that data to gauge the effect on families and communities with the following survey. If you are comfortable sharing your experience, please participate, and lets start getting positives from the 2020 experience ! https://aifs.gov.au/agrc/covid19survey
19.01.2022 The site has been approved since 2008, but the developers choose now to act ? ! Australian bush has incredible regeneration rates compared to many other ecosystems. Surely another 6 months to allow endangered poulations time and opportunity for reestablishment across a wider area would have been advised by the same people who told them to put out nest boxes ? https://www.abc.net.au//last-unburnt-bush-near-co/12209818
18.01.2022 In October, a bill will come before the Senate, the purpose of which is to forcibly remove mobile phones from all immigration detainees. Mobile phones are their only life lines to family, friends, and advocacy, and as such are their only accessible metal health support. It is very likely that Jackie Lambie will be the deciding vote, and she has asked for your opinion. Please click on the link, and tell her that this inhumane bill should never pass, and that the survivors in our immigration detention centres should not be forgotten.
15.01.2022 The country is burning, Sydney is choking, towns are running out of water and the PM is nowhere to be seen. What is Labor’s response? Join the Liberal coal huggers and back in coal exports, Australia’s single biggest contribution to the climate emergency. Unbelievable.
15.01.2022 Our community wants peace. We know that we need hospitals, schools, shelter, support, action on climate change, and $270 billion would go a long way towards cre...ating this peaceful future. Instead, the government is wasting that money buying weapons that help no-one. If you want peace, share why it's important to you in the comments below and sign our petition: https://greens.org.au/no-war #WeWantPeace
14.01.2022 Some good news Wollongong City Council has voted that the City Centre Reactivation Fund be used, post COVID, to include a budget to stimulate the 5pm to m...idnight economy. Wollongong Council will explore opportunities to subsidise arts and cultural events in the CBD, especially live music provided by local musicians The Greens will continue to push hard to support the local live music economy and we hope to share further updates and details soon. Much work left to do.... #gigsforthegong
13.01.2022 While millionaires enjoy Scott Morrison’s tax cuts, childcare and early learning is costing Australian families up to $6.8 billion every year. We have to start ...building a society where childcare is an essential service that is free and universally available to every family that needs it. That’s what we will be fighting for as part of our Green New Deal. We know our current system places enormous financial stress on families and limits real choices for primary carers, who are overwhelmingly women. That’s why we want a Green New Deal to tackle the twin crises of inequality and the climate emergency with a bold vision for a more equal society including access to world-class education and care for all. Join the campaign at GND.org.au
13.01.2022 When we look at our world from a longer perspective, looking ahead to say, a hundred years from now, we can imagine a world that is very different a better, k...inder, a more equitable, more joyful world. But we must start the process to bring about that change now and not wait for some ideal time. The ideal time is now. #WorldKindnessDay #BookofJoy See more
12.01.2022 Ready, set, Go Green in Eden Monaro !! # vote1green #EdenMonaro #littlegreenvan #cooma #politics #illawarragreens #environment #climatechange
11.01.2022 So many of us donated goods for those affected by the fires, I'm sure we've all donated cash to the RFS for their incredible voluntary efforts, but now is the time really dig deep and donate some time to our bush. Below is a volunteer form to help out National Parks and Wildlife restore our natural areas, and push back against climate change ! I hope to see you out there !!
10.01.2022 Thank you #wollongongcitycouncil for the maintenance of the #Koonawarra stretch of the #LakeIllawarra foreshore ! One of the points of light throughout the pandemic, is the number of friends, families, cyclists, and dogs, that have discovered the most open and scenic pathway anywhere on the Lake ! Now if we could just get a litter bin and a water bottle refilling station at either end !
10.01.2022 Firefighters know an emergency when they see one, and this is a climate emergency. That's why the United Firefighters Union is backing my calls to double the a...mount of firefighters in Australia - and make the big polluting coal, oil and gas corporations pay for it. Our emergency services need to be equipped to fight the climate emergency - so it's about time fossil fuel companies start contributing to the costs of global heating.
10.01.2022 In the middle of a housing crisis, when our roads are dangerously overcrowded with heavy transport, we should be focusing on electrifying the rail link, and powering it with decentralised, community owned renewables, not removuing housing to make space for diesel exhaust !
10.01.2022 Anyone ask the residents of West Dapto and Wongawilli how they feel about their brand new houses being on an expanded commercial flight path ? If only the engine noise ended where Gareth's does ...
08.01.2022 Looking for a way to reintroduce positivity to your community ? Look no further - Illawarra People For Peace are having a general meeting next week, in order to launch the Growing Kindness Project. Everyone is welcome ! https://www.facebook.com/events/429807368002785
07.01.2022 Really happy to get the #LittleGreenVan out on the road to help out Cathy Griff in #EdenMonaro ! #cooma here we come !#Vote1Greens
04.01.2022 2020 has been tough but what's clear is we can't let things go back to "normal". Therefore the decisions made over the next few months and years will be crucial... for people and the planet. We need to ensure that any post-COVID and bushfire recovery plan tackles the climate crisis and puts people's wellbeing and care for nature at the heart of decision-making. That's what we Greens have been pushing hard for and what we'll be talking with the community about in the coming months. As the only party that doesn't accept donations from big business, we rely on donations from individuals to help power our work and get our message for a better world out to more people. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation now and help Rescue Our Future: greens.org.au/rescueourfuture And remember every bit helps!
04.01.2022 Right now the cracks in our society are reaching further and further towards the people in our own lives. While we're all pulling together to help those around us that we know, it's so important to remember that there are thousands of people living amongst us that are being denied the rights to 'be all in this together'. At a time when all of humanity seems to be in a challenging position, there is no better time to realise that we are all human, and deserve the right to be treated equally. Please help raise awareness, and hopefully in turn, the life chances of those our current government would like you to forget. https://www.jennyleong.org/support_refugees_and_internation
04.01.2022 What a wonderful day to wear one of my favourite shirts ! Let's be nice people !
02.01.2022 Taking advantage of the wonderful afternoon to letterbox for #protectourwateralliance. Mining for coal underneath our water catchment is madness - we can find 200 miners another job, we can't find 170,000 people another source of drinking water ! Submissions to the independent planning panel are open until 12 October - for info on making a submission, go to www.protectourwateralliance.org .
02.01.2022 A freshwater creek in Wollongong turned black this week after a coal tailing dam failed. South 32 owned up to the strucutral failure from their operations minin...g under the Sydney water catchment area. It's not the first time that we've seen coal spill into local waterway. The freshwater creek is home wildlife such as ducks, eels and echidnas. Dam failures are not acceptable See more
01.01.2022 On a day when we should be exploring the possibilities of a new federal budget, all we're getting from the treasurer is a coughing fit ... So here's some sound advice from Wollongong Councillor Mithra Cox ! https://www.facebook.com/mithracoxgreens/videos/186461269280640/