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Jamie Forbes Nutrition in Hallam, Victoria, Australia | Spa

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Jamie Forbes Nutrition

Locality: Hallam, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 468 510 823

Address: 45B Rimfire Drive, Hallam 3803 Hallam, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Banana and Goji Berry bread Each slice is packed with so much flavour and nutrients. If you eat one slice you will be satisfied because it is so nutrient dense compared to other breads where you have to eat almost a whole load to be full. ... Nutritious and delicious

25.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone Here are a few healthy alternatives to give your week a guilt free kick start

25.01.2022 Here is a quick and easy breakfast smoothie recipe for you!! I have cut out sugar but if you want a sweeter taste had 1 table spoon of honey =)

24.01.2022 I train to be strong! Have you Heard the saying use it or lose it! If muscles arent used in the body they will slowly waste away this term is called muscle atrophy. Luckily are human bodies are designed to adapt to change, our skeletal muscles will get stronger and bigger under pressure (hypertrophy). Train to be strong nourish your bodies with adequate nutrients and you will see the difference!... BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU!!

24.01.2022 Finding it hard to eat greens during this stormy weather? Try adding a bowl of this broccoli salad to your main meals for a boost of antioxidants, calcium and protein To boost the immune system... Ingredients * Broccoli (steamed) * quinoa * pine nuts * tomato * onion * dressed with olive oil, Tamari and rock salt

24.01.2022 Spring time The best time to start detoxing! Stay tuned for the best foods to rid your liver off toxins.

23.01.2022 Potato salad with a winter twist. Learn to eat healthy and delicious meals and still burn fat.

23.01.2022 When you need a hot chicken soup to warm your soul Chicken and vegetable broth soup is rich in vitamins and minerals that support the immune system and contains healing compounds like collagen, glutamine, glycine and proline. The collagen in chicken and vegetable broth heals your gut lining and reduces intestinal inflammation.

23.01.2022 Apple and oat musli bites Such a tasty treat and perfect for a quick Breakfast option * High fibre for healthy digestion... * Low GI for sustained release of energy through out the day * Full of flavour with apple and coconut The newest edition of healthy treats at Melinda Wades Bootcamp

21.01.2022 When people say to me they train but they still eat what ever they want. Remember that our bodies are made up of amino acids, vitamins, essential fats and minerals. When you train everyday you put more pressure on your joints, bones and muscles this requires sufficient amounts of magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, copper, amino acids and more which you need to consume through your diet. If you continue to train and eat junk you are a lot more prone to develop injuries and you will not get the results you want Train hard eat well and be strong

21.01.2022 Chicken curry tonight. So full of colour and flavour

21.01.2022 See this code on your your fresh produce do you know what it means? ***A 4 digit code starting with a 3 or 4 means its conventionally grown. It may have been exposed to pesticides and chemical residue *** A code starting with 9 means its organic (most beneficial to your body) as its been least exposed to chemicals ... ***Codes starting with the number 8 means its genetically modified (best product to AVOID)

19.01.2022 What are some of the healthiest foods in the world? Garlic contains some of the most beneficial properties including anti bacterial and anti fungal, which helps your body fight off infection by boosting your immune system. Garlic also contains a compound called alacin which has shown to lower cholestrol and blood pressure levels ... Easy tip add crushed garlic to your dinners and lunches not just for extra taste but also for extra nourishment.

18.01.2022 This lunch is for the people who dont have much time to spend in the kitchen. A quick balanced lunch that actually taste so AMAZING !! :)

17.01.2022 Now Consulting at Snapfitness Dandenong Remember diet is 80% training is 20% Get your nutrition right!!

16.01.2022 Spicy egg brown rice eat balanced dont deprive yourself and still lose weight #nutrientfilled

15.01.2022 Isnt it funny how nature gives you what you need when you need it!! EAT SEASONAL PRODUCE Winter fruits are exactly what you need in winter they include the most amazing Nutrients. Including ... *** Vitamin E which is a potent antioxidants that helps your body fight against free radical damage *** Fibre >feeds the good bacteria in your digestive tract which kills off infecting causing bad bacteria *** Vitamin A which helps keep the cell walls of the lungs, skin and eyes strong to protect the body against infection *** Vitamin C which is a very know immune boosting nutrient *** Vitamin K Prevents the arteries from hardening and also keeps the blood healthy

15.01.2022 HOW TO CHOOSE GOOD QUALITY MEAT! A good quality piece of meat should have strains of fat through out the meat this shows that the cow was grass fed instead of corn fed. A low quality piece of meat should have a thick layer of fat around the rim and hardly any fat through out the meat. This shows that the animal was fattened up fast using corn and hormones. ... Grass fed> leaner meat higher in vitamins and minerals higher in omega 3s lower in cholesterol no antibiotic use Grain Fed meat is greasier higher in cholesterol hormone fed > to increase size (more meat BUT LESS QUALITY) antibiotic fed > confined spaces animals are more prone to develop infections

14.01.2022 Even though nuts and seeds can be some of the healthiest foods packed with nutrients these foods can be hard to digest and may cause bloating to certain people. To make nuts and seeds more digestible soak them in water over night, this activates enzymes allowing easier digestion and better absorption of nutrients.

14.01.2022 A light easy dinner to give you guys a head start to your new healthy lifestyle

13.01.2022 Breakfast of a champion Chocolate and berry oats Make sure youre starting your day right with the proper fuel your body needs to function optimally... Healthy food doesnt have to be boring

13.01.2022 Get off the couch and get active. Many diseases are prevented through healthy lifestyle choices. Training outdoors isnt just good for your physical health but also for your emotional health! get up and get active

13.01.2022 One of my favourite healthy meals at the moment salmon and sweet potato patties served with broccoli and Greek yogurt dipping sauce. This is perfect for a post work out meal rich in protein, essential fatty acids, and low G.I carbohydrates which enhances protein absorption for muscle growth. It also tastes delicious give it a try

12.01.2022 Immune boosting time. This juice is so simple but so effective. *oranges > rich in vitamin c to boost the immune system ... *carrots > rich in vitamin A for healthy micas membranes *ginger > antibacterial

10.01.2022 Did you know that the winter months tend to dehydrate your body. Leading to dry skin, dry hair, aggravating eczema and other skin conditions! Rehydrate yourself this winter giving your body what needs to stay healthy and hydrated with electrolytes, collagen, vitamins,minerals and proteins!! My Spicy chicken and vegetable soup

07.01.2022 STAY HOME AND BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Top 5 Immune boosting Nutrients Zinc>> Keeps the immune system strong while fighting off viral infections, also assists in would healing. Found in pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, seafood, oysters, beef ... Vitamin C>> powerful Antioxidant, enhances white blood cell function works to kill off bodily infections. Found in citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, strawberries, guava, red capsicums Essential fatty acids>> Reduces inflammation in the body protects immune cells from being damaged. Found in omega 3 salmon, trout, almonds, olive oil Probiotics>> increases healthy bacteria in the body also fights off bad bacteria, also needed for the absorption of nutrients. Found in yogurt, supplements and fermented foods Vitamin D>> Potent immune modulator. Found in cod liver oil, tuna, sardines, sunlight fortified foods

07.01.2022 Hi everyone I know I havent shared anything for a while but I have taken some time off to focus on my family Exactly 6 months ago I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Joseph Alexander Vea. This picture was taken after 16 hours of labour with no epidural or pain relief and no gas in a water birth setting. Besides the excrusating labour pains my birth went extremely well, there was no tearing or complications. ... Im writing this post because I would love to share some things with you over the next few weeks on what I did to prepare my body for labour including diet, exercise, supplementation and stress reduction. I know during pregnancy and labour there are many things out of your control but for everything in your control it is best be prepared to have an optimal birth for you and your baby. Stay posted as I will be sharing with you what helped and worked for me =)

07.01.2022 Ive got a question for you guys what is the healthiest cooking oil? Coconut oil is the safest oil to use when frying> it can reach a high temperature with out turning rancid Olive oil> best used raw for salad dressings, drizzling over foods or for simmering

07.01.2022 PAIN is something that should never be ignored! You should never mask your symptoms long term by relying on pain killers! Pain is your bodys way of telling you something is wrong always investigate and find out the cause dont just mask the symptoms!... Treating acute pain is extremely important if left untreated it will lead to chronic pain which is harder to treat.

07.01.2022 Educating some of melinda wades bootcamp girls on digestion Your digestive system is the foundation of good health! You may be having the most healthiest diet but still feeling lethargic and having low energy because your body may not be breaking down and absorbing the nutrients efficiently. If your digestion is optimum and your diet is balanced you should be feeling great

07.01.2022 You dont have time to cook healthy? Try this double packed protein stir fry it is perfect for a post work out meal and will take you about 10mins Ingredients... * 150g of lean red meat * 2 eggs * 1 red onion * 2 gloves of garlic * 2 cups of mixed veggies > broccoli, carrot, bock Choy, green beans * Season with 1 tbl honey, 2 tbl of soy sauce, sea salt and pepper * serve with a side of brown rice

06.01.2022 Sugar free, calorie free but toxic to your body!! Did you know diet drinks are the most addictive drinks in the world! They contain an artificial sweetener called aspartame also known as equal and NutraSweet. Aspartame has zero calories in it so once consumed your brain registers the sweet taste but leaves your body starved for calories this causes your body to crave more and more of the sweet drink. Caffeine plus artificial sweeteners are a recipe for addiction!

05.01.2022 People who are obese are more likely to develop diseases such as diabetes, gall stones and gout. Dont just lose weight to look good but gain better health.

03.01.2022 Did you know that banana and yogurt together make a perfect post work out snack. Bananas are filled with potassium and yogurt is full of amino acids this combination works together to help build muscle and replenish the body with amino acids lost during training

03.01.2022 Trying to reach them gains by fitting in those macros? Try these new Oreo protein slices They have the right amount of ... * Protein * Carbohydrates * Fats That You need to see the results you want they are also healthy and delicious

03.01.2022 Always remember big brands have marketing geniuses behind them! My advice to you is know how to read labels always read the fine print!!

02.01.2022 *Interesting fact* Bruising easily is usually a sign of Iron, vitamin C and vitamin K deficiency

01.01.2022 ***Handy Tip*** If you want to know whether your eggs are fresh or not place them into a bowl of water. If it sinks to the bottom that means it is fresh and is good to eat. ... If it floats to the top throw it away. An old egg will always float because bacteria in the egg creates gases causing the egg to rise and float.

01.01.2022 I train to be strong! Have you Heard the saying use it or lose it! If muscles aren’t used in the body they will slowly waste away this term is called muscle atrophy. Luckily are human bodies are designed to adapt to change, our skeletal muscles will get stronger and bigger under pressure (hypertrophy). Train to be strong nourish your bodies with adequate nutrients and you will see the difference!... BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU!!

01.01.2022 I’ve got a question for you guys what is the healthiest cooking oil? Coconut oil is the safest oil to use when frying> it can reach a high temperature with out turning rancid Olive oil> best used raw for salad dressings, drizzling over foods or for simmering

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