Janoah van Kekem | Personal blog
Janoah van Kekem
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25.01.2022 Whenever I visit my old man he always saves me a couple jobs that involve getting my hands dirty, chopping wood, mowing the lawns... I think he subtly does it just to make sure Im keeping grounded and growing humility which is a huge value of mine and the businesses I work with.. Chatting to Blake and Dyls the other day about it, they mentioned the All Blacks used a similar term sweep the sheds which was all about no matter how good you think you are or how far youve mad...e it you need to keep yourself in check.. Interestingly enough doing these jobs is more satisfying than you may think.. Having spent last 9 years in Sydneys East I know what its like to lose that concept.. Ive done it and see it plenty... A little reminder when giving advice, leading, coaching, talking to others... are you still willing to sweep the sheds..? Cheers old boy #sweepthesheds #humility #grounding
25.01.2022 Reliving the glory years in the park...look at that air....and more importantly swipe right if you havin a bad day... #slowmo #glory
25.01.2022 So now I do the kinda serious work can I still be an idiot? Well apparently I think so.. probably more regularly than needed and with one too many F bombs... In between the work, the teaching, the re-sharing of wise words and quotes, and the attempted up-levelling I gotta keep reminding myself its just for fun... it used to be my screen saver. I dont have all the answers nor will I... ever... and its all gravy Dont take yourself too serious now... how do you want to l...ook back? #justforfun #whysoserious #enjoylife
24.01.2022 On top of your daily meditation practice, below is a very basic 1min breathing technique ths
24.01.2022 Ive made many mistakes, life didnt come with instructions... neither did this bowl of burger rings #thelads #killingit ... @yourie14 @ashlox77 See more
23.01.2022 Mind or Body... whats more important? Well for majority of my life it was always the body, the external....It was weights, meat and veg, plus the regular booze binge.. but soda cancelled out the vodka so its fine... By default I started working on the mind... fuck things changed.. physically I train less, eat what I want and still enjoy a drink but more of a bourbon or a negroni.. ... Im also in better physical and mental shape then ever... Why is that..? what do you think has a huge direct impact on things like metabolism, how you respond to exercise, digest food, sleep, perceive stress (= how much cortisol is in system which is literally poison for body if not used up) You guessed it.. the mind. Moral of the story is they are ultimately connected, and both important but most of us favour the physical.. we dont give our poor brain and nervous systems the support they need... If you feel there could be a next level you arent getting to, make sure you have both covered! #mind #body #mindbody
23.01.2022 Most of our suffering comes from our dislike of discomfort and change. - But it is not our fault as such, we are not broken or weak. - It has evolved as part of our nature, it has helped us survive this far in rewarding us for behaviours conducive to survival, because the known is safe, within our perceived control, we have survived it before (mostly) so we can survive it again. ... - This aspect of our psyche however is not interested in our fulfilment but just our survival. - When you feel the resistance to change or new ways, notice the feeling and smile knowing it is part of our nature, but also a part that we can shift from and that true expansion and growth comes from creation of the new! - This is the juice! Imagine the energy you have to focus on the the new if you didnt waste it trying to hold onto the old... - - - - #socrates #discomfort #creation #humannature See more
22.01.2022 We tend to focus more on IQ and learning new skills (book smarts etc). While these are valuable we can forget about arguably the most important competency. Emotional Intelligence. Most forward thinking and high performing CEOs now hire based on this. But it impacts how we are in our personal and social lives also. Lack of awareness and emotional control makes smart people do stupid things... weve all been there. The key components of EQ are:... Awareness Self-regulation Motivation Empathy Social skills When you meditate consistently your awareness increases not only of how you operate but of others too. Your ability to adapt and make considered decisions from a place of calm over fear gets stronger. Optimism, focus and creative thinking become the norm. Where are you investing your time? #emotionalintelligence #EQ #learntomeditate #meditation #bebetter
22.01.2022 How often do we make excuses and tell ourselves and others that well start that thing, take the step, make that change when we are ready...? Dont get me wrong sometimes it genuinely may not be ideal timing... but if you are truly honest where are you using it as an excuse... Fuck...the amount of things I have missed due to saying this to myself... but ohhh the things I have experienced when I havent hid behind it...... Im sure there are some of you reading going yeah piss off mate, you dont know whats going on for me.. and true I dont.. But..Check in... when will ready actually be a thing...could you try now? #resistance #ready #fear #powerofnow
22.01.2022 Are your beliefs and thoughts holding you back? Our thoughts and beliefs can often create our reality and a cognitive emotional loop that reinforces the original belief... beliefs create thoughts, which dictate emotions, which drive actions which create results that reinforce our initial belief.. It keeps us stuck...... For years I remember having the belief that a relationship meant I lost my freedom and that I would not meet the right person. This fuelled my thoughts and so I acted in a way that didn’t allow me to be open... I stayed single.. and ‘free’ and only saw examples of relationships that weren’t expansive.. this was a pretty closed view of the world and I was stuck in a loop... This can show up in lots of different ways.. not believing you are good enough, or maybe you think you are ‘poor’. How can you break the loop? - observe thoughts, check in, ‘ah there I go again thinking that which I know isn’t true, or that I know isn’t constructive’ - Be compassionate to yourself - Choose to break the loop and a belief you want to embody - Move from away from thoughts and Tap into feelings in the body.. this is key.. feel the feeling in body and stay with it, this allows it to complete - - Create a new constructive turnaround belief.. look for examples to support it The beauty of this world we live in is that we can have a level of control and impact of our internal world.. and our outer world is a reflection of the internal.. What kind of world do you want to live in? #thoughts #limitingbeliefs #emotionalloops
20.01.2022 Get those tiles ma! Doing it tough... always trying to have a crack. Few aches in the body, financially tight like a lot of us at the moment, working her arse off to stay afloat... - Creatively saving for years to get a new kitchen, researching best ways to do it, and then rolls up her sleeves and does the hard yards herself (ma I dont see you wearing your wrist brace! Naughty!)... - I saw this picture and first laughed then felt the utmost respect... instead if lying in self pity and giving up you always try find a way.. it amazes me.. love - Ill come test out the new kitchen and some homemade meatballs when Im freed.. - - #getshitdone #mum #love #respect @ikkenjoi #ladieswholiftheavy See more
20.01.2022 Self Love... I remember the first time I tried to tell myself ‘I love myself’ ... I didn’t even have to say it out loud. I couldn’t.. it felt weird It really stuck out... I had been called arrogant, confident, ego driven in past and I had in my mind that these things meant I loved myself... nope!! They sure aren’t the same thing... ... True love for yourself is different it doesn’t need to be validated by anyone else... it’s deeper Do you; look after yourself? Have solid boundaries? Know your values? Forgive yourself? Use diligence with who you give your energy to? It’s also important if you want to call in love with someone else for who you truly are... Do you truly love and respect yourself? #loveyourself
20.01.2022 Born to rave.... The suns out somewhere #raver #ravelife #style #manofstyle
20.01.2022 The not so glamorous brain fry, group Meditation breaks in cozy rugs and generous support from @paulroos1 helping us in redefining our purpose. Im lucky to have two brothers by my side in @blakeworrallthompson @theonlyroos challenging each other, taking the piss and supporting the whole way through! MoMENtum is what we are creating, and positive change for men is what we want to contribute.... Our next stop is our Melbourne presentation launch! Link in my bio for tickets if you want to come along either for yourself or to support another! Men and women welcome to this event! @themomentumlifestyle #purpose #beabetterman #momentum #melbourne @ Port Melbourne, Victoria
20.01.2022 Some people call me the space cowboy... some call me the baby whisperer... can push a pram. Think Im getting the hang of this naughty uncle business.... do anything in power to not make them cry, when shit gets hectic I pass them back... *disclaimer no one actually calls me the baby whisperer... #babywhisperer #cowboy #uncleduties
19.01.2022 Who love’s a coffee!? I sure do... I also enjoy the awkward moment when meeting someone for the first time, who finds out I’m a meditation teacher and then suddenly questions if I actually want a coffee... or if I’d prefer a tea... ... Long black thanks mate. One of the biggest misconceptions is that if you want to get ‘good’ at meditation you need to give up some of the things you enjoy... coffee, booze, sex, meat... and while I’ve dabbled with forgoing those things to test my ability to go without (dependence) I come back because I enjoy them.. One thing meditation has changed is that now I enjoy these things a lot more as I’m not doing them out of unconscious dependence.. So... meditation is not about stopping all the fun things but allowing you to enjoy them even more in many cases... just from a different way. Meditation. No longer just for hippies and monks... #meditatewhereyouare #meditation #enjoylife
19.01.2022 I teach meditation because it transformed how I operate and my experience of life... I am more self-aware, calm and responsive as opposed to aggressive and reactive. Rarely do stressful situations feel overwhelming and anxiety isnt even a thing anymore. My clarity around who I am and where Im heading has expanded, and my creativity with my business keeps evolving. ... For years before I learnt to meditate I knew something wasnt quite right but had no idea what that meant.... oh how times have changed. Over this recent time of change and challenge I had an opportunity to create an online course. I combined some of the most profound things I have learnt over the past 6 odd years of consistent practice, study of the mind, Vedic philosophy and teaching students... The first group were amazing and the responses afterwards reinforced why I do this. Swipe to see a couple comments from recent online students. If you are ready to become a self sufficient meditator and up level how you experience life jump in the next intake! Just comment ready below or send me a DM! Lets get it! #meditation #meditate #learntomeditate #meditatewhereyouare #bebetter
19.01.2022 Men I respect... Its tough showing up as a bloke in this world... carrying ourselves with that balance of resilience and emotional intelligence. Tonight I am chatting to one of the few blokes Ive met who is a great representation of this balance.... @ben_lucas1 a dad, husband, savvy businessman, marathon runner and all around brilliant human. I love learning from others and tonight Ill be picking his brain about all the things and of course what it means to be a man in todays world... Jump onto @themomentumlifestyle at 7:30pm AEST for the live chat.... the replay will go up on https://themomentumlifestyle.com.au/pag/ig-interview-series Incase you miss it.. #beabetterman #momentum #menwithmomentum
18.01.2022 These two brothers...the eldest son.. very single, in debt, trying to run/ start 2 new businesses, working part time at a cafe, about to sell all he owns and move again into another state.. the younger son, married to beautiful wife, has a brand new son, owns a house, dog, worked in company for over 8 years, studying .. ahh the different roads we have taken.. neither better or worse.. and the love and respect is real! Proud ... (and thankful he keeping mum happy with the wedding / kids ) love you @naryan87 #differentpaths #brothers #love
17.01.2022 Connection with like minded people... Ive learnt this trumps all the other shit I can get caught up in. This random crew of us who mostly barely knew each other was an example of this... I remember a day where we sat and talked for like 7hrs... only stopping for food, toilet breaks.. or drop into a meditation (no one cared) You dont have to have years of history.. and you dont have to stay close forever afterwards... ... Im lucky enough to have this more often when people come work with me.... it brings together people who are interested in something more.. This weekend Ill be in Sydney to host a very small group In-Person Meditation Course. If you want to join me and learn in a group an in depth practice you walk away with for life.. get in touch.. Hey there epic humans... @tegan.martin @hollie_azzopardi @lyndlkean @jesskoops @katiewilliams @blakeworrallthompson @vjbudah @alixcn
16.01.2022 De Familie... I remember these cheeky little souls reminding me of the things we lose as we grow up... notice the simple things, curiosity, trying new things, each day being a new adventure, breaking the rules, do things just for fun (no ROI), not caring what people think, cheeky playfulness... Whether Ive grown up is up for debate... But Funny enough lots of the above things we end up doing all the work to try bring back into our lives.. ... #justforfun #enjoylife #play
15.01.2022 Ohh I hear this baby all the time (in my own head and from people who think they are the busiest person in the world) There is a reason why the majority of high performers around the world do it... it increases your performance, productivity, recovery time and focus.. all pretty important things if you want to manage your time better. The first thing to go when we are under the pump, especially relevant to this time of year tend to be the things we need the most.. even if i...ts just a few minutes. Get it done #bebetter #meditatewhereyouare #meditateeverydamnday #performance #productivity #recovery
15.01.2022 Ahh the freedom of not being held back by that little voice of fear and judgement... Took me a long time to actually feel comfortable with this... thinking I was doing what I wanted but still kinda worried about what everyone thought or trying to impress.. Keep an eye out for the guy carving up the promenade in short shorts and roller skates... might be me..or maybe not...... #enjoylife #fuckthehaters #justforfun
15.01.2022 Cuttla Friday night D&Ms... Love those trackies bra Yeh thanks man... got em in green also..... #goodchat @blakeworrallthompson #manofstyle
13.01.2022 No words of wisdom here.... just some dipshit heavily miscalculated the slippery rocks.... not everything goes to plan huh? I visualised it... then .... the rock was like slipping on a banana peel... speaking of which has anyone ever actually seen someone slip on a banana peel ? I have, top 3 funniest moments of my life.. trying to hide my laughter from this poor stranger with a cough was unsuccessful.. Anyway, your welcome. Be safe. Dont underestimate slippery rocks.... #safetyfirst #dipshit #beargrylls
13.01.2022 What does it mean to be a man? Well we are still working it out to be honest... and there isnt a definitive answer. I know some of the masks Ive put on trying to be more of a man .. tough, in control, killing it, ladies man, joker... And what I did figure out is that when these things are forced and not natural it doesnt feel good.... Ive learnt you can still be vulnerable, not have your shit together and allow the true version of you to be seen and thats more manly than anything!! And it feels a whole lot better once you get past the fear of judgement. Have a think about if the front you are putting on aligns with how you are really feeling or if its just you doing what you do to push through because thats what we are supposed to do and give our mates shit if they dont do the same... And girls, it makes it a whole lot easier if you can allow/help us to do this too... half the time its you we are trying to impress... #vulnerability #masculinity #mask #manup
12.01.2022 Is this what ANXIETY looks like? This guy frolicking around the beach, getting his photo taken, full of confidence....Well this was taken at a time when Id get anxious to the point Id feel sick before going on dates.. remember Stan from SouthPark? but not so sexy.. Id hope it would be cancelled or Id drink to numb and push through. It stemmed from not thinking I was good enough, but no one would have known..... Anxiety is becoming so common, the worry, the feeling of impending doom. You arent alone or abnormal and you can change.. Ive used a few tools to overcome it. 1. Regular meditation has practically eradicated it at the source 2. Feel it instead of suppress it, if we push it down we store it in our body to come up again, we give it more power. By feeling it as just as a feeling and not labelling it (even as anxiety) we let it move through and out.. Id feel it and take a deep slow breath and go fuck yeah this means Im alive and doing something exciting that I care about! 3. You can do breathing exercises- in for 3 out for 6, pausing between and repeat Stop missing out on life #anxiety #anxietyawareness #enjoylife #meditatewhereyouare
11.01.2022 What is stress? All human beings deal with... but its not necessarily a thing; work deadline, argument with partner etc... they are the potential stressor. Its our perception of the situation or stimulus and whether we believe we have ability do deal with it or how inline with our plans it may be.... Stress is good for us to a point.. this good stress causes us to increase performance but each of us has a different point at which it becomes negative .... enter; anxiety, worry, indecision, foggy mind, insomnia etc.. We need to shift our perception. This cant be done by numbing with medication, booze or whatever your method is. Thats why we meditate, as it goes to the root cause of our experience of stress.. we are cultivating resilience.. July is a big month with In - Person courses in both Adelaide and Melbourne as well an online course. Imagine being able to increase your resilience to stress.... If you are keen for more details or to learn more type interested below or slide into my DMs... #resilience #meditation #learntomeditate
11.01.2022 I’m sure we’ve all heard something along the lines of ‘the key to success and fulfilment is finding your purpose and passion... I know for me this seemed overwhelming, I thought I had to go start an orphanage or something and I was racking my brain as to how my ‘passion’ could make me cash money!! I ended up just not doing much about it for a while. The key is to look at purpose as something small. ... What is important to you? What are you passionate about? And what are simple actionable ways you can bring more of this into the world? For example you may think having fun is really important in life, so your purpose may just be to bring fun to at least one situation a day. Or you may like the idea of creativity and so your purpose is to do one different thing that stimulates your creativity each day. These small ‘purposes’ each day can help you play around and maybe figure out something bigger along the way. The mistake most of us make is just throwing our hands up and doing nothing. I just haven’t found my purpose yet. The universe supports action and so by doing small things you will get closer to finding something bigger or something you weren’t even aware of. So the moral of the story is purpose can start very small, what do you enjoy, what can you action tomorrow, what qualities are important? (Can you bring them to the world or to someone else’s life?) and ACT, then check in maybe try something else next week see what sticks. Who knows what could come out of it. #passion #purpose #meaning
11.01.2022 How can we make positive change doing the simple things...? We can get caught up thinking we need to do huge things to shift our experience of life to something better... the thought of doing all the things often seems too much and then we end up doing nothing... back to the old patterns. I spent some days getting up early and sipping coffee while watching the sunrise by myself before anyone got up.... In a business where there is pressure to always be doing the work on yourself it can get a bit much. It had been so long since Id taken the time to do this, so simple... and wow did it have an impact.. Dont forget to do the simple things... What are your simple things? Dont let them slip... #mindset #positivemindset #sunrise #selfcare
08.01.2022 Its easy to forget to have fun and throw ourselves into the doom and gloom, serious / survival mode. How important is pleasure to us? - Sigmund Freud, M.D one of the godfathers of psychology coined the Pleasure Principle which notes the driving force behind aspects of our personality (the id) are to fulfil some of our basic avenues for pleasure such as hunger and sex and when they are not met they lead to feelings of anxiety or tension. ... - - As a child we tend to just act on these things with no worry about the ramifications, overtime we develop aspects of the ego to help control these urges (reality principle). This is important but often as we grow up we are conditioned over time to become too serious and adulting can see instant gratification as purely negative, and thus miss out on some if this childish fun. - - We need a balance of a moral compass and this experience of pleasure otherwise it can add unneeded anxiety and tension on our nervous systems. In a time where there is already added tension we need to keep in mind having a bit of childish fun is ok and important for us... Having fun can: - Make us smarter - Improve relationships - Reduce Stress (strengthen immune system) - Balance hormones - Increase energy and youthfulness - So go be naughty and have some fun... then you can go back to being serious again... who knows what will play out in this crazy world.. - - - #justforfun #benaughty #pleasure #pleasureprinciple #fun See more
05.01.2022 Stats say death is one of our biggest fears... along with things like failure. I had a think and I truly believe (this resonates with me at least) its more around us dying with regret; not doing the things we wanted to because we were too busy, not giving the people we love enough time, not trying that new thing because we were scared... What would you do if you knew you wouldnt fail? ... Or what are the things you are making excuses for not doing? #life #fear
05.01.2022 Failure and rejection. Two of my most feared things (surely I am not alone here) I realised that too often I was waiting for certainty until I would make a move. This meant there were so many potential missed opportunities purely due to fear. Often it was more worry on what others would think of me. Interestingly the people I admired and respected the most were those who just went for it, whether they failed or got rejected didnt affect this. (or is it effect? I sti...ll battle with this and I was alwayz good at inglish) I kinda respected them more for copping the rejection or fucking up and going again. Some of the most amazing things that have happened to me in the past have come from taking the risk; quitting my full time job (I have gone through patches where I am literally living off rice and tuna so it aint all glory I tell you) but it was one of the best things I have done; approaching the girl I thought wouldnt look twice at me - look this has gone both ways many times but the one yes here and there was worth the other nos (see plural) We are constantly fed fear based material via the media and comparisons of what success and ideals should look like which drive us into staying small and letting fear rule us. When I am having a moment like this I will often think to myself - when I am on my deathbed will I give a shit that I may have not got the yes every time or smashed it straight away? Hell no! Some of the most common regrets of the dying are not having the courage to live true to themselves and worrying about others expectations, not expressing themselves enough and not letting themselves be happier by getting stuck in old comfortable patterns. Take the risk #risk #taketherisk #fear #live #enjoylife #fearoffailure #rejection #confidence See more
04.01.2022 How do we find fulfilment in life? For in the end isnt that all that we want for at least a moment... From a combination of ego, conditioning and some savvy marketing we are led to believe that fulfilment comes at the end of consuming something outside of you... something external. Particularly as a man I believed it was about money, power, being strong, being right etc.. what Ive learnt over time is there were fundamentals internally I was missing... I felt for years the...re had to be more, something better... but had no idea what that looked like. @dylan.roos @blakeworrallthompson and I shared this feeling and have now brought together all we have learnt and experienced in an introductory Webinar: Building Blocks to Being a Better Man We share some of the things we wished we had known or been exposed to. Men: do you feel like you could be better? More focussed? Happier? More balanced? Women: do you have a man in your life whose growth you want to support by learning about men and some ideas? Its for both of you! Join us Next Week!! Link in Bio! @themomentumlifestyle #momentum #bebetter #beabetterman #buildingblockstobeingabetterman
04.01.2022 Do you want a short lasting feeling or long term change? Meditating every now and then can give you a short term state change which can feel good for a little while. Doing it regularly gives you a profound trait change. These are long term. The brains neuroplasticity makes it possible to rewire how we operate, but we cant expect 30 odd years of accumulation of stress, fatigue and conditioning to be worked off after a couple of sessions here and there. ... Like anyone who gets results whether it be at gym, study, business..its consistency. Meditation is like gym for the brain (who doesnt want a sexy brain?) you need more than just a one off weekend retreat or a few minutes on an app here or there.. Serious about levelling up your performance in this life? Learn to meditate regularly. Slide into the old DM with a fuck yes, if you want to learn more about how meditation actually works. #meditatedaily #meditatewhereyouare #consistency #performance
03.01.2022 Sunday 5th April at 12:45pm... why? Because when we meditate it impacts more than just us as individuals.. meditation teachers around the world are hosting guided meditations at the same time. This will stimulate a shift in collective energy from one of fear which you can sense everywhere to one of love and connection.. the science behind power of group meditation is pretty cool. You know you can sense tension in room etc? Imagine everyone around world shifting to high vibe...s!! Doesnt matter what technique you do or if never done before! Ill guide you! And a mate of mine @hollie_azzopardi the planets and star queen will join to chat that side of things as I have no real idea.. except that mercury retrograde makes shit hectic well also do some intention setting and manifestation. See you then! #meditate #meditation #collectiveconsciousness #collectiveenergy #love #connection
02.01.2022 Keen to learn to meditate from the comfort of your own couch and save a few bucks? - Times are a changing and at the moment one of the best things you can be doing to manage stress, anxiety and strengthen your immune system is to be meditating regularly with a solid technique... - SO! As much as Im sure youd like to congregate naked in a group, Im going to launch an online meditation course... And as we are all probably getting tight on cash I thought Id Offer this first... pilot course cheap as fuck! - If you are interested in being part of this online pilot course either throw a YES in comments below or slide into my DMs and Ill give you more details.. - - - - #learntomeditate #meditate #stressmanagement #meditation #meditateonline #mindfulness #uplevel See more
02.01.2022 We all have our things.... maybe its our phone, booze, ciggi, sex.... Something we dont often think about is our addiction to destructive behaviours and thought patterns. For example I didnt realise I was addicted to my reactive, firey, stressy crazy mind... it was a high I got off on. ... Our body also produces neurochemicals that give us pleasure sensations when we behave in ways that are conducive to survival (stress is survival mode) Endorphins for example can mask pain or discomfort to help us push through We can also get attached to an identity we have created for ourselves of being that person... the victim, the stress head, the high energy etc, and our ego will use very convincing arguments to keep us away from making change and to protect this identity. The amazing thing about our brains is that they can change... we just have to make the call to do the work, to create a new program. But you can. Its a thing. Just keep in mind wherever you are at.. you can change... #neuroplasticity #positivechange #change #ego #meditation #addiction
01.01.2022 Does anyone actually have their shit together? Like totally? - Unlikely. Its a human being thing. - It is ok not to have your shit totally sorted, we are a constant process of evolution not a problem to be fixed.... - Whether it be a coach, leader, facilitator or teacher we all have stuff to work on, the first step is owning it and being authentic about it. - We are lucky to have some of the old fellas in this photo who have walked the path before us showing us what this can look like. And I get to work alongside people who embody this balance of teaching / advising with ability to still learn and make mistakes. We dont always get it right, but are having a crack! - - - Be authentic and always be learning. - - - #ownyourshit #alwayslearning #authenticity #learning See more
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