Jennifer Nurick in Sydney, Australia | Psychotherapist
Jennifer Nurick
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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24.01.2022 I was up late last night making something very special for you all that I think will one day become a wonderful course and resource. It is the SIX STEPS TO HEALING THE MOTHER WOUND, at the moment it is totally FREE and my gift to you link here: __________________ Many of us spend years in confusion, anger and grief about the mother relationship, trying to make sense of what happened. ... The relationship with the mother, who is usually the primary caretaker, is the first imprint we receive about how to be in intimate relationships, we learn who we are in relationship and who we need to be to get our needs met. This imprint continues into adulthood affecting ALL our relationships, especially our most intimate ones. The mother wound might feel so deep and fundamental, like it will never be healed. Know that this is NOT true. You can undo the years of criticism, comparison, and neglect. Yes, it takes time, focus and commitment, but you CAN change your thinking, your inner narrative, your life story, and befriend different parts of yourself. You can have secure, intimate relationships and the life you have dreamed of. You deserve this healing. You deserve to be loved and accepted for who you are right now. If you are ready to start this deep healing journey to cultivate secure attachment, then download my FREE E-Book. In it you will find: 6 steps you can take to heal the mother wound identify the ‘mother wound’ identify your attachment style Link here:
24.01.2022 IS THIS THE REASON YOU STRUGGLE IN YOUR INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS? As children we are like sponges. Literally, our brain grows to 80% of its adult size by the time we are two! At times the neurons are growing at a rate of 250,000 every minute! The neurological pathways that will have a huge influence over our subconscious and automatic behaviours are being formed. This is why the relationship at this time with our primary caregiver (usually the mother) is SO important. ... Attachment theory looks at the bonds between people, specifically it looks at the bonds created in our first intimate relationship, with the person who we depend on for food, nourishment and love. The theory suggests that this relationship sets up the kind of bonding we have with other people in intimate relationships going forward as adults. This makes complete sense to me as the first primary relationship builds a mental imprint in a child’s mind as to what an intimate relationship looks and feels like. As a child, we are taught repeatedly what to expect from the person who is supposed to be our protector, source of love, food and understanding. Children and babies are wired for survival. So, they will naturally change their behaviour depending on the responses they receive from their mother. These behavioural adaptations, some useful and some not, continue into adulthood. Theorists have named 4 attachment styles, all a response to the behaviour of the mother: Secure attachment Ambivalent (anxious) attachment Avoidant attachment Disorganised attachment We will examine these over the next four posts. See more
23.01.2022 WHAT IS YOUR ATTACHMENT STYLE? Up until the age of two our brain is growing at a furious rate. The neurons are connecting, and the brain is being wired, literally. In the relationship with our primary care giver (usually the mother) we are being wired for relationship. As children we depend on this person for food, love, understanding and survival, so we adapt out behaviour to suit the situation we are experiencing in that relationship to stay live, fed and loved. I...f the mother was not available or inconsistent in their availability or even abusive, the attachment bond that was created is called ‘insecure’. Three distinct insecure styles have been identified by researchers: Ambivalent / anxious develops clingy and insecure traits as an adult Avoidant develops intimacy issues and can be ‘cold’ as an adult Disorganised this is a combination of the two above flips between being clingy and distancing. Often the result of trauma in the relationship with the mother. This first relational ‘imprint’ continues into adulthood. We have unconscious expectations that the person we are in an adult intimate relationship with, will behave the same way as our mother did. So, if she was unavailable and cold, we will have an expectation that our needs won’t be met by our partner and there is no point in sharing. We may want to be intimate but have no experience of what that feels and looks like from the inside. If you read through the list and feel that you fall into one of the three insecurely attached groups and have felt the pain of that attachment style over and over again in your intimate relationships, in your friendships and at work, know that you CAN help yourself. After our detailed exploration of the four styles we will be looking at practical ways we can rewire our personality for more fulfilling relationships. You CAN go back and rewire that original attachment to create profound shifts and healing in your adult life. I have seen it happen again and again in therapy, so have hope. . . . . . #attachment #attachmenttheory #attachmentstyles #attachmenttrauma #attachmentissues #secureattachment #anxiousattachment @ Sydney, Australia See more
22.01.2022 Who once said everything in moderation? ~ ~ THINKING OF LIMITING SCREEN TIME FOR YOURSELF AN ACT OF SELF-CARE. ~... ~ We know too much screen time is not good for our kids in many ways, but are we applying the same standards to ourselves? ~ ~ Lots of research has been done on the effect of screen usage which shows it affects our bodies, minds and relationships. ~ ~ Especially with the pandemic being all over every form of media, limiting screen time can be a form of self-care. If this feels hard for you, it is possible to limit the amount of screen time you have on your phone. It’s a great feature! ~ ~ When I am screen detoxing, it frees up so much time for other things which are more nurturing for me. I find time to read, garden, walk and cook more. See more
20.01.2022 ARE YOU READY TO LET GO? ~ ~ Wow, what a time of letting go this has been. ~... ~ Letting go of routine, letting go of expectations, letting go of our assumptions that we will be healthy. For many letting go of job security and homes. ~ ~ Whenever something big is happening there is a letting go that HAS to happen. We can’t have change and growth without letting go. The whole world is in a process of change. We don’t know what it will look like on the other side. One thing we can know for sure is that there is LETTING GO to do. ~ ~ On Good Friday and at the time of Pesach the invitation is to let go of the things that keep you in chains. What habits keep you enslaved? Is it a TV or food addiction? Is it a relationship that you know is not resonating with you anymore? ~ ~ It takes courage to name the thing that is pulling on your spirt and cut those cords. ~ ~ Courage in the face of uncertainty and change. ~ ~ Much love @jennifer.nurick See more
17.01.2022 October 2020 - Highly Sensitive People -
17.01.2022 Hello! I many of you don't know that I have been on the energy team of the International Energetic Healing Association for a while now and have been involved in a wonderful project... A BOOK. It is a co-creation by the energetic community. You are invited to contribute to the Unfolding journeys - Quest for 1001 ways to connect chapter book. "By sharing beautiful stories authentically within the same chapter book, we hope to NURTURE our reader with kind words that awaken ...HOPE, ENRICH them with the DIVERSITY of embraced life experiences and to INSPIRE them to FIND their WAY TO CONNECT at a deeper level." If you are interesting in contributing a chapter please DM me and I will forward the details to you. Much love, Shekinah / Jennifer
17.01.2022 September 2020 - The Power of Self-Validation -
16.01.2022 Hello! This is the opportunity I wrote about last week. Something great to be part of!!!
12.01.2022 This FREE 5-Day Self-Care Program has been specifically created to take you on a holistic journey through your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. It includes two FREE guided meditations specifically crafted to assist with releasing anxiety and worry and embed a deeper self-compassion. Discover | Heal | Grow Click on this link:... See more
11.01.2022 Hello! You may know one of the side projects I am working on is with the International Energetic Healing Association. It started when we were applying for accreditation for our signature course - GWC Mastery Foundation Course. As we were in the meeting with the beautiful Siina I had a knowing that I wanted to get more involved with what they were doing. There was a feeling that there was something there for me to do or be part of. I followed that guidance and contacted the organisation and here we are a few months later! Feeling very blessed to be part of something wonderful! Here is the interview about the International Energetic Healing Association and some of the things we have brewing! Such a wonderful organisation focused on increasing the visibility of alternative therapies globally.
10.01.2022 Wonderful interview with Elle discussing the IEHA and the new role
09.01.2022 An opportunity to be part of something special supporting alternative therapies AND win a prize! The vision is to be Air Bnb for natural therapies!!!
08.01.2022 I grew up in a pretty obligation free zone. Although we had clear rules about behaviour, and other things, there was little stuff around general feelings of obligation. No, you need to call your mother or you need to look after us when we are old. In general, there were very few ‘shoulds’. It was quite a shock to me, as an adult, to witness the complexity of obligation in adult friends and partners. I simply didn’t have a framework for it. There was nothing my parents sai...d I ‘should’ do to, or for, them. When we are driven by obligation, we are driven by a ‘shoulding’ internal force which demand we fulfil the obligation, or we are not good enough somehow. For ourselves, or for our family. To help differentiate between the powerful internal force of obligation and our values we need to be clear on our values. For example: If you value the relationship with your mother and she wants you to call daily because you live overseas, but you find it exhausting to talk to her daily, what do you do? I like to look under the request to explore what is REALLY there. What is it she is really wanting from me? Is it that she wants me to call daily, or is it that she really wants to hear a bit more about my life so she feels more connected to me? If this is the case, I can share more (if I want to) and maybe she will be happier with every second day on the phone? The next method is to check in with my body. How does my body feel when I think about calling my mother? Sit with that feeling, what is it telling me? Be kind to that feeling and listen to its message. What struggles have you had with obligation?
08.01.2022 June 2020 - Heal the Mother Wound - Newsletter -
06.01.2022 August 2020 - Re-Parenting Newsletter -
04.01.2022 Hello! I have moved all social media onto @psychotherapy.central . Find me there & let’s stay in touch
04.01.2022 SELF-ACTUALIZATION AND TRANSCENDENCE Whenever there is change, and there has been a lot of that in the last few months, there is re-birth. In the form of Western psychotherapy that I subscribe to, we are moving our psyche and our whole being towards self-actualization (Maslow, A. A Theory of Human Motivation, 1943). For Maslow self-actualization is the realisation of a person’s full potential, to be the most we can be. It is at the top of his ‘hierarchy of needs.’... Self-actualization may look like being the best parent, artist, writer or daughter you could be. Self-actualization becomes the motivating force, based on your values. It is a drive to be the best you can be in any particular area of life. In later years Maslow added another layer to his hierarchy of needs, transcendence. In this layer he thought the fullest realization of self was to give to something beyond the self, like being moved by environmental issues and being active in that area, or helping at a dog shelter, being moved to help others in any way. He also said to reach these stages we need to have mastered physiological, safety, social and self-esteem needs, which precede these two levels. So, at this time of re-birth, we can ask ourselves some questions: Where am I deeply passionate about something in my life, where if I was my absolute best I would feel deeply fulfilled inside? What might self-actualization in this area look like for me? What can I do on a daily basis to live more of that future self in my life?
04.01.2022 i l l u m i n a t e - Exciting Announcement To Benefit Practitioners -
03.01.2022 July 2020 - Working with Trauma Newsletter -
02.01.2022 Wonderful article...
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