JLW Marketing Solutions | Entrepreneur
JLW Marketing Solutions
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24.01.2022 #FunnelHacking The Origin Story of Russel Brunson the creator of Clickfunnels... this is his beginnings... . . . .... . If you want to learn from the master and creator of Sales Funnels and learn about 'Origin Story,' this is the place to be. Yes, they are selling, but in business, this is what it's all about. If you want to see how it's done; Watch this Facebook Live below and be prepared to block out some hours and it's well worth your time, as plenty to learn. Every entrepreneur no matter how big they are today; started small and have an 'Origin Story.' introducing Russel Brunson @ Clickfunnels.
23.01.2022 The Big Announcement... . . .... I am excited to announce that I am moving my business going forward and is the first post as I am in preparation for Launch. The changes are the JLW Business Consulting and JLW Business Solutions will be retired as the business names do not live up to my business vision. The Facebook pages will remain but only as redirects to my announcement below. Now I will introduce how I am structuring things for the remainder of 2018 to 2019. Now I am building my Vision around 'Think Big and Leverage your Business.' This is the name of my Facebook Group and I now have Facebook Page sharing details to assist in increasing exposure of this Business Mindset. The Business is now JLW Premium Business Solutions that articulates what I am about by providing Premium Business Solutions to my Clients who want to 'Think Big and Leverage their Business.' By 'Thinking Big, Thinking Different, Think Simple! Combined with my entrepreneur page Book Jacquelin L Wheeler which has my booking link attached. I will still be retaining JLW Marketing Solutions as an Affiliate Marketing Page, where I am actively promoting Clickfunnels and other Offers that are related to assisting Small Business Marketing Solutions. I will be inviting you to support my new business by liking JLW Premium Business Solutions and Think Big and Leverage your Business and lastly my Entrepreneur page of Book Jacquelin L Wheeler. I look forward to your support as I will have more announcements coming up in the next couple of weeks. Thank you Jacquelin L Wheeler
23.01.2022 How well do you know your audience temperature? . . .... Are you aware of your buying patterns? . . What is the single biggest mistake most people make when they communicate with a prospective customer? Do you have an idea what that could be? Are you aware of what the buying statistics are; they are quite interesting... Comment below to learn more as will post the answer tomorrow. Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
21.01.2022 How do you want to Impact the World? . . . .... Through this journey into the entrepreneurial world, everyone on the surface appears to only focus on $$$$. But, there is more to this! When I attended FHL2019 there was an opportunity to give to a charity that is sponsored by Clickfunnels that help women in third world countries get educated and get out of the 'sex trade,' yes that still does exist in 2019. In this instance, I could make the minimum donation of USD$500.00 but that was me as an individual. Yes, that money could potentially help one person, it was a start... Yet in the room, over 3.5 days they raised over a USD$1M dollars collectively in that room. So using Clickfunnels as the example as a large business, the Impact that Clickfunnels and their followers made a Million Dollar Difference and Impact for those who need it. But, for our own business, as we are starting out, how can we make this level of impact in our world and what does our business need to look like so we can make this level of impact? Ideas! Suggestions! I have one, but I will discuss later this week. I would like your input first?
21.01.2022 Announcement: I am changing things up a bit... Advising the deets tomorrow. Stay tuned...Announcement: I am changing things up a bit... Advising the deets tomorrow. Stay tuned...
21.01.2022 http:/// Now what's in the box!!! /// . . . .... . . A little about me. . My name is Jackie Wheeler and I help Digital Marketing Agencies to 'Think Big and Leverage your Business.' But... what does that mean exactly... Well, I help Digital Marketing Agencies who have proof of concept transform their offer to their target market! What kind of Digital Marketing Agencies? Digital Marketing Agencies that choose to specialise in any one area of their expertise and wish to grow their business. Agencies covering; Facebook Ads, Sales Funnels, SEO etc... For me to help Digital Marketing Agencies (DMA) they must first want to achieve a few key milestones! 1. DMA wants to earn some real money and are tired of working for FREE or nearly FREE (any existing offer below $500.00!) 2. DMA who wants to transform from where they are now and struggling to get clients to finding clients with ease. 3. DMA who is motivated to serve their client and get their client results with their service specialisation and desires to grow their business further. I know that I am connected to a number of DMAs or those who identify as DMA. If you do and you want to learn more please send me a Message through Messenger. Anyway... I look forward to helping you grow your business and will be posting a little more frequently to learn more about me and the services that I offer. I look forward to receiving your message. Ps. If we have had discussions in the past, can you please reach out to me again so that we can reconnect I look forward to our discussions. Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash
20.01.2022 What does 'Think Big' means to you This is the conversation about Money This is focused on how you price your services.... Recap I have previously discussed pricing strategies of Time Value Package. This discussion was part 1. Now we are moving to the Price Structure Part 2. The prices quoted below do not take into consideration any form of Currency, as this is Part 3. This is also discussed in threes: This pricing I call 'social pricing,' it's a price point to the masses where your service can have a mass impact and is a 'Do it Yourself'. This pricing is the first level of Premium Pricing. Applying Value-Based Pricing and Package Pricing models. This can be either of serving your customer as a 'Done with You,' and can be implemented as a small group to provide value with some 1:1 service where you provide customised service for a limited period of time or a combination of depending on service offered. This is high-end Premium Pricing, with a reference of Private Clients and 1:1 service where time with you is most important. If you are doing significant 'Done for You' service, this pricing strategy is recommended. What service level do you apply in your business and do you think you may be under-charging your services. Additionally, would you consider having more than one income stream if the pricing strategy could be set up as monthly recurring revenue? Comment below. Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash
19.01.2022 The Warm Audience . . . .... The warm audience is within your ecosystem. The warm audience is those who Like and Follow you on social media. They are interested in what you have to offer but are not quite ready to buy now. This audience will optin and attend but will not buy on the first round and a buyer in the warm one can take anything from a few days to a few months or more to move to the hot zone. So now, how to educate this audience in what you do and how you do it. They are educated through Posts, Video and Webinars as examples. I have some Webinars that I have recorded that I will be placed permanently in the About JLW Marketing Solutions. The first one is on Webinars that Sell, that expands on the 'Warm audience concept.' The second is on different revenue streams for business. This is focused on the 'hot audience,' and different types of revenue a business can develop. To not overwhelm this post they will be posted separately and I welcome you to watch these educational webinars to help you gain an understanding of marketing in 2018. I will also be doing regular posts reminding you of these ones and new ones that I have come through the Facebook Feed. When you re in the warm audience zone, you are in my zone of influence as I can influence you in what exists in this market. I look forward to being able to help you 'Master your Marketing Solution,' with Digital Marketing solutions.
19.01.2022 Are you interested in learning more about #startup #marketing #business #consultation. . .... . My mentor Russel Brunson is running a Funnel Hacking Telethon on October 30 2018. If you want to be involved in this event, click the link below and register for this once in a lifetime event. I look forward to seeing you on the day, it should be fun and interesting. Thank you. https://upvir.al/ref/Cp16933139
17.01.2022 Question: What would happen if you had to start over again? - - -... - Asking this question as my Mentor Russel Brunson has asked this question to those who are in the CF 2 Comma Club. If you want to get a link to the solution that is being offered leave a comment below by saying 'Yes.' It is something that is very interesting and a new way of thinking that looks at how to restart everything to get back on our feet. Are you in! The details will be released later this week and I will forward the details to those who comment on this post first. I look forward to your interest.
14.01.2022 Wishing all my Facebook Family A Happy Good Friday with family and friends, as you enjoy this Day 1 of our long weekend of Easter and consuming these Easter treats on Good Friday. Happy Good Friday.... #goodfriday #digitalmarketers #businessowner #sustainablebusiness See more
13.01.2022 Want to learn how to 10X your business? Comment Yes Below!Want to learn how to 10X your business? Comment Yes Below!
11.01.2022 Hey, new entrepreneurs, interested in a solution to help you launch your business on 1st January 2019? . . . .... . . This is an opportunity to massive action now, to defeat procrastination and perfectionism for good. THE 7-DAY BUSINESS CHALLENGE is a coaching experience and strategy you can use to launch your business in about a week. Wake up every day and watch the training... complete the assignments... and in just a matter of days, you'll have a business ready to launch to the world. I believe in you!! So, don't give up. Stay focused. You deserve it! Be sure to join us during the LIVE coaching sessions to get any help you may need. You can do this! To join this training by Chad Thibodeaux a Clickfunnels Design expert who has designed 13 Sales Funnels for Clickfunnels founder Russell Brunson. This training starts in less than 24 hours, so if you want in, you need to join NOW. http://bit.ly/2Tbox54 Who wants to join me on the inside as I learn tips and prepare for my own business launch in the first week of January 2019.
11.01.2022 Happy Easter. Wishing all my Facebook family and friends and safe and Happy Easter 2019. Have a safe and happy day with family and friends.... Jackie #digitalmarketers #businessowner #sustainablebusiness #happy #easter #familyandfriends
10.01.2022 Who wants to learn more about Affiliate Marketing for FREE! . . . Steve Larsen is currently running this program on how to do Affiliate Marketing properly and take the guesswork out of this type of marketing.... Who is Steve Larsen, he is a 2 Comma Club winner and Affiliate Marketing expert; If you wish to join this press the link below. I look forward to seeing you on the inside for all the goodies available. Thank you Jackie Wheeler http://upvir.al/ref/Vx16046402
08.01.2022 Who is interested in Marketing for their Business? . . . .... Who wants to learn more about Clickfunnels... and who wants to earn more money and learn tips and tricks to learn how to sell your product or services. Clickfunnels are currently running the 30 Day Challenge starting this week; if you are interested in learning more about how to use Clickfunnels to grow your business... The 30 Challenge commences on the 15 October 2018 and if you want to join this event. The last minute link http://bit.ly/2CeKNpC This will help you find your roadmap to building a 7 figure business, by learning from those who have already done it multiple times before. Happy to see you on the inside of this great opportunity that may not occur again and once over is closed forever in its current form.
08.01.2022 Christmas is coming; Are you taking a break or working through? . . . .... . . Christmas is fast approaching for 2018, and the year rolls to an end in around 60 days time. What do you plan to achieve between now and Christmas and are you trading during Christmas and New Year period or are you disappearing for holidays in January 2019, and my Australian friends enjoying a long summer break. As a new business, this is both the planning time for 2019, but also the action time for launching new offers, as I have been taking part in Clickfunnels 30 day challenge and I am launching this month. I am about serving my clients and helping them learn how to earn good money for their business so that you can spend quality time with family. But to do that, you need a business income first that can pay the bills but also provide a livable income as you are a business, not a charity and you need to be able to charge Premium prices for your information product or service as you are focused on delivering results for your clients. That is my goal in the next 60 days. What are your goals in the next 60 days? #business #marketing #christmas #holidays #offer #premiumoffer Photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash
07.01.2022 Lest we forget... . . . .... . Today is a solemn day that we remember the sacrifice of those before us who made the sacrifice in World War 1, World War 2 and other wars since then. Remembering, that they gave their lives and some survived to return home from their service to our community. It is today, that we give a 'Thank you,' to those who served and their respective families from those in the past to those currently serving in current conflicts. Today, makes us appreciate just how lucky we are to live in a Country of Australia on ANZAC day and how grateful we need to be for the opportunities that were created as a result of this sacrifice by others. Where some families have a direct connection and others maybe not. I do know that my family emigrated from the UK as a result of World War 2, but that generation chose not to really talk about their war experience as it was too painful for them. This generation that moved countries so that we could have a better life. They have now passed, and today we as a community celebrate their community service. They made an impact in this world and were just living their lives the only way they knew how. Thank you ANZAC's for the freedom and choice we have today in 2019.
07.01.2022 Warm Audience Explored in more detail; Webinars . . . .... . Do you want to learn about how Webinars work and a little bit about them and how they can benefit your business? The Webinar is a 'Warm Audience' tool used by business owners and marketers to educate their audience on the subject matter that is important to their audience. Today; the lesson is on Webinars that Sell that explains and educates you on more detail about the deets of how webinars work and the different types of webinar structures. This webinar has been set up as Evergreen for your convenience in viewing. The link to this Webinar http://bit.ly/2xNMbMG I look forward to your feedback on this Webinar as I hope you enjoy the content provided in this Webinar is interesting as the Webinar is for 45 minutes and nothing is for sale.
04.01.2022 What would happen if you had to start over? My marketing mentor Russel Brunson is running an education program at the moment for those who want to learn what those who have made big money and are members of the 2 Comma Club have done. It's an exciting program, and provide strategies on how best to grow your business from $0 to hero in 30 days from those who have already done this before.... It's something not to be missed as this is a limited time opportunity and I am not sure how long Russel will keep this promotion going. So you want to get access now to this once in a lifetime opportunity. If you want to learn more http://bit.ly/2oZ3NAH and this will lead to the starting point. I look forward to meeting you on the other side. Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash
01.01.2022 The Ice Cold Audience. . .... This audience is aware of your offer that may be relevant to them but they need to learn more about you. This audience is often 'sold to,' prematurely with 'red-hot offers,' that sound good, but an ice-cold audience is unlikely to buy from you. The statistics for converting this audience is on a great product with great offer sitting around 3% of the total market that would be interested in this offer right now. But the reality is it may convert less, and be either no sales or less than 1% would be typical, especially if you a new entrant into the market. So making a hot offer to this audience does not work if you are missing out on sales of 97% of your total market at any given point in time. So what can you do about this... 1. Not make 'hot offers,' to ice cold audience; 2. Educate your audience first; 3. Change your marketing strategy. If you want to learn about this different marketing strategy stay tuned, as coming soon...