RLT Personal Training in Hobart, Tasmania | Business service
RLT Personal Training
Locality: Hobart, Tasmania
Phone: +61 417 057 145
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25.01.2022 Successful Body Transformations depend on belief, not ability... ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY Drives... ... self-belief ... which drives... ... Commitment & application ... which drives... ... Results & evidence, which form a positive feedback loop with self-belief, strengthening it as it fuels itself. ... DOUBT & FEAR result in... ... self-doubt which results in ... Trying & struggling ... which results in... ... Underperforming, poor results & evidence of limitations, which form a negative feedback loop with self-doubt, strengthening it with each ‘failed attempt.’ How to let go of limiting beliefs and adopt new, empowering beliefs: 1Identify your current limiting belief(s) and also the belief(s) you would need to adopt in order to achieve what you want ... 2Get your brain to associate MASSIVE pain to your current belief, and MASSIVE pleasure to the idea of adopting the new empowering belief. ... 3Create doubt about the old belief (collect a wealth of new references to prove to yourself it’s bullsh*t!) What’s the best way to collect new references??? FIND A MENTOR. Someone who can show you the ropes, who’s ‘been there, done that,’ and who can make your goal feel more ‘real’ by showing you how they overcame challenges similar to your own. See more
25.01.2022 Early mornings, long hours, sacrifices, plus time, energy & patience (precious commodities for introverts) are all worth it when you get this kind of feedback..
25.01.2022 Is success part of what you do, or is it part of who you are? When something becomes part of your identity, you attach real meaning to it, and it exerts a meaningful impact on your life! Job vs career:... Your JOB is a means to get a paycheck. Your CAREER has real meaning attached to it, so making an impact in your chosen profession becomes part of who you are. Diet vs lifestyle: Your DIET is a means to lose fat (by a certain time.) Your LIFESTYLE has real meaning attached to it, so nourishing your body with foods that improve your health, performance AND body composition become part of who you are (indefinitely). Exercise vs ‘Going to the gym:' EXERCISE is a means to sculpt a better body and/or feel better (also hopefully by a certain time) ‘Going to the gym’ has real meaning attached to it, because it becomes your ‘3rd place,’ behind your home (1st), and work (2nd), and like your home, the rituals you perform at the gym form part of who you are. The real question to ask yourself is, ‘Who do I need to be?’ not ‘what do I need to do?’ You identify yourself as a Mum (or Dad)... ... You identify yourself as a partner... ... You identify yourself as an employee ... But do you identify yourself as the ‘real you,’ or have you lost your identity in the pursuit of serving everyone else’s needs? See more
25.01.2022 Raven’s answer to elbow tendonitis #1 ... >>>Adjust your rowing technique<<< ... Rowing with an elbow dominant technique (the way most people row) provides the best stimulus for the lats, but the tradeoff is it can beat up the joints downstream of the shoulder (causing elbow tendonitis etc) if training volume and muscular balance aren’t carefully managed.... ... Rowing with a shoulder dominant technique is more beneficial from a joint health perspective, because in addition to training the lats, it more effectively stimulates the rhomboids, trap 3’s and other postural muscles of the upper back that tend to be under-developed in most people. ... Shoulder dominant rowing is also less likely to turn into an arm-dominant ‘heave,’ because performing the movement correctly involves maintaining proper scapulohumeral rhythm (the coordinated sequence of motion of the scapula and humerus experienced during shoulder movement.) ... To perform shoulder dominant rows, initiate the row from your upper back, not your hands, by retracting and depressing the shoulder blades just prior to pulling with the hands. Then, during the eccentric phase of the row (when the weight moves away from you), allow your scapula to round forward into protraction to take them through their full ROM. ... Think about ‘squeezing’ the weight towards you, rather than ‘pulling’ it towards you. ... If you can’t feel the ‘squeeze’ then drop the weight and focus on refining technique. ... Do a few shoulder-only reps (elbows straight) at the start of your set to get the feel for the ‘squeeze’ ... Bonus: using a thumbless grip can also help to alleviate load on the elbows. ... *This information isn’t intended to diagnose or fix elbow tendonitis, but it may be useful in the management of the issue. If you are suffering from elbow tendonitis (or any other pathology), then I highly recommend consulting an Allied Health Professional or Physical Therapist. See more
24.01.2022 Some of the lives we've changed in 2020... are you next? ... You’ll NEVER create permanent change until you raise your standards... ... 95% of people who lose 10kg or more end up regaining all their lost weight (and likely more) within 3 years...... ... So what are the common factors here? ... They ALL changed their focus, They ALL changed their choices, They ALL changed their habits, They ALL changed their environment... But they didn't raise their standards. In other words, they were picking at the fruits of the problem, rather than digging out the roots! ... Raising our standards is the key to permanent change, because the underlying values & beliefs that form part of our identities govern how we behave and what choices we make in the LONG TERM.we don’t always get our goals, but we ALWAYS get our standards. ... The KEY to raising your standards... ... Know WHAT you want Know WHY you want it Know WHO you must become to achieve it The HOW then becomes easy!!! ... Are you looking for PERMANENT personal change in 2021? ... PM here (https://www.facebook.com/jonohopwood1987/) and let's grab a coffee & chat about it!!! See more
24.01.2022 Movement is your avenue for good health! 10,000 years ago, we were: Moving to hunt or gather... Moving to find shelter Moving to reproduce Moving to evert predators Moving to fight adversaries Today, social norms and technological conveniences have made these needs more easily accessible, but at the expense of our health...because: 1. We don’t move as per the evolution of the human body ... 2. We sit a lot (but eat an abundance of energy-rich foods) ... 3. We walk on hard surfaces Simply walking more or becoming more 'active' will only take you so far... Walking is just one of 7 primal movement patterns (7 fundamental movements that were essential for survival for the caveman, and are essential for proper functionality of the modern human being.) ... The 7 primal movement patterns: ... Squat Bend Push Pull Lunge Twist Gait (walking/jogging) Not addressing each of these movements is the same as neglecting to brush your teeth every day... Questions??? Comment below or shoot me a PM See more
24.01.2022 Shoulder health >>> is like 'brushing the teeth' of the upper body! ... The Duffin upright row (named after its inventor, Chris Duffin, an accomplished powerlifter, coach, and gym owner) is a great shoulder health exercise for improving scapula mobility, shoulder stability, forward rounded shoulders, and for athletes who do a lot of overhead movements. ... The DUR de-loads the movement at the top of the rep (unlike regular face pulls) allowing for full external rotation and... scapula retraction, plus it also mitigates the shoulder impingement effect commonly experienced with regular uprights rows. ... Technique: upright row (until elbows are level with shoulders), then externally rotate, then retract your scapula. Standing on plates enhances the exercise ROM. DO NOT use a resistance band. ... Sets/reps: 3 x 12-15 See more
24.01.2022 I’m looking for a highly motivated female who would like to join an amazing community and get fit for Summer! You must be willing to: Buy a new wardrobe (or dust off those favourite garments for long Salamanca nights!) ... Prepare to gain more energy than you know what to do with Indulge in delicious & nourishing foods that you wouldn’t normally associate with weight loss Build a spectacular beach booty... ... Transform your body with highly focused training that takes up less than 3% of your week Share your journey with other women who’ve achieved incredible results! Does this sound like something you would benefit from and enjoy? Then I’d love to hear from you!!! Simply follow the link below to express your interest: ... http://bit.ly/getleanforsummer ... HEADS UP: This is for highly motivated women ONLY, who: 1are fed up with all the fat loss jargon & ‘magic fixes’ that never seem to achieve lasting results.... 2want to learn how to effectively lose fat, manage their desired body weight, and feel great for the rest of their lives.. And 3are ready & willing to take their body, health & fitness to the next level with a highly specialised coach! See more
23.01.2022 HUGE SHOUTOUT TO THIS LEGEND! I have the utmost respect for anyone who: ALWAYS has a crack (even when they least feel like it)... Embraces the ‘not yet’ mindset, rather than the ‘can’t mindset’ Dedicates time to improving ALL aspects of their life (simply losing weight won’t make you happy: it’s WHO you become that makes you happy, not WHAT you get!) Dee Stokes is the epitome of these qualities! Well done Dee for improving your movement, increasing your strength, building your confidence, and winning our quiz! Like driving a car for the first time, the process of change can be daunting But put in enough QUALITY mileage and sooner or later you become a better driver ... Wanna SMASH some fitness goals & join an AMAZING community of people just like you? ... just shoot me a PM!!! See more
23.01.2022 Unhealthy Lifestyles play a major part in the top 3 causes of death world-wide: heart disease, stroke & pulmonary disease. ... Most people 'know what to do' to be healthy, but don't 'do what they know'.... why? ... Source: https://www.who.int/.../detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death
23.01.2022 'Repetition is the mother of all skills' ... Consistency is about making the right choices so often that they become habitual.... ... Like any skill, you can improve your consistency with time & effort...... ... Your current level of competency can be assessed using Maslow's Hierarchy of Learning: ... 1Unconscious incompetence You are making a lot of mistakes but don't know why or how to correct them. ... 2Conscious incompetence You are still making mistakes here & there, but with a bit of effort you can correct them. ... 3Conscious competence You know exactly what to do, but still need to think about it. ... 4Unconscious competence At this stage you are so skilled that it becomes effortless! ... Obviously, the aim of the game is to reach stage (4), but this will take TIME & EFFORT! ... For more tips on how to improve your body, health, and fitness, shoot me a PM! See more
23.01.2022 How to achieve your first chin-up #2 ... SAID principle >>> ‘Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands’ The SAID principle states that the body adapts specifically to the demands imposed on it. This means that to improve a specific ability or quality, you have to train for that ability or quality in a specific way.... ... If you do a lot of bodyweight rows, then you’ll get better at BODYWEIGHT ROWS... If you do a lot of assisted chin-ups, then you’ll get better at ASSISTED CHIN-UPS... If you do a lot of chin-ups then you’ll get better at CHIN-UPS... *Bodyweight rows and assisted chin-ups do offer some value for chin-up training because some of their benefits are transferable, and they can be used as effective exercises provided they are programmed alongside more specific chin-up regressions.* ... Bodyweight rows > strengthens the lats, middle back and arms, and develops intramuscular coordination and body awareness because of their closed-chain nature (you move your body away and towards something rather than moving an object away and towards your body.) ... Banded chin-ups > these can help with confidence when you’re first learning chin-ups, but they shouldn’t be used for long-term chin-up training because they actually UNTRAIN the muscles used in the lift: the band provides the most help at the bottom of the rep (where it’s stretched the most) but this is where you need the least help! This reduces the output from your muscles for most of the rep (you’re only really working towards the top.) ... Assisted chin-up machine > incrementally loadable and easy to set up and use, but if your main goal is chin-ups, using the assisted chin up machine ALONE won’t significantly improve your chin-ups. This is because the kneeling nature of the exercise down-regulates the supporting muscles of the body that you need for chin-up stabilisation.(think of attempting to fire a cannon from a canoe.) ... Stay tuned for part #3 See more
22.01.2022 Being overweight isn't a definition of who you are... ... It's a skill that's learnt over time. ... UNHELPFUL EXCELLENCE:... ... Having problems in your life that seem to be out of your control (such as poor weight management), doesn't mean there's something inherently 'wrong' with you...you've simply learnt an unhelpful strategy (and have become excellent at it!) ... Everything we learn in life is done via the creation of neural pathways, through 4 stages of learning (see infographic) ... Unfortunately, this is true for EVERYTHING you repeat in life...whether useful or not. ... This is where things get sticky: there are things you've learnt without being conscious of the process, that through repetition you've become unconsciously competent (excellent) in. ... This isn't just limited to behaviours, it also includes thoughts and emotions! ... overweight depression stress/overwhelm low self-esteem ... ....are fundamentally all skills that are learnt (just like driving a car), that can also be replaced by learning more empowering skills. ... SOURCE: ... ('Think straight, lose weight,' David X Godfrey, 2017.) See more
21.01.2022 Rain, hail, or shine. LOVE IT BABY!!! ‘Focus on what you want NOT what’s stopping you getting what you want.’ Resilience >>> I see this as a key piece that's missing from society’s ‘jigsaw puzzle.’... With so much available at the click of our fingers, I believe we’ve lost touched with some of our important primal qualities. Being warm, cosy, or comfortable is great but we also need a good slice of uncertainty to stimulate the mind & body, maintain good balance between the body, mind & spirit, and regain perspective on life and what's really hard. A good step towards becoming more resilient is to simply do things outside of your comfort zone. Going for a cold swim, walking or exercising in the rain, committing to trying something you’ve always avoided, or removing yourself from the ‘everyday comforts’ by going on a winter weekend adventure goes a LONG way to building character & resilience. One of the BEST resilience building weekends I’ve ever had was with Point Assist improvement trainingI’d highly recommend them! You can hit up Mark Direen for more info! See more
21.01.2022 'Getting old' isn't a matter of age, it's a lack of movement!!! Besides the obvious body composition benefits, weight training will: Retain your lean muscle tissue as you age (we lose 3% per/decade) helping you avoid sarcopenia (muscle wastage - your ‘one way ticket’ to a retirement home)... Better manage your body weight & reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease and metabolic illness. Strengthen your ligaments, tendons, joints, bone density, and overall durability Keep you functional, pain-free & independent. Improve your stability, coordination and spatial awareness, reducing the risks of falls. Improve your blood profile and hormone function. Improve psychological resilience & cognitive function Know an ‘old duck’ who could use a good fitness wake up call? Tag them in the comments below!!! See more
21.01.2022 WEIGHT LOSS PLATEAUING - IS IT THAT YOU’RE UNDER-EATING RATHER THAN OVER-EATING? Weight loss is strongly associated with deprivation, due to the perceptions created by society, popular culture, and the mainstream media. Don’t get me wrong: the laws of thermodynamics ALWAYS apply: expending more energy than you consume will ALWAYS result in weight loss.... But here’s the catch: biology can alter the energy expenditure of the body - and this is where unpredicted results, confusion, and frustration can be created. ... The human body is smarter than most people realise with regard to weight loss: it has a sophisticated defence system that becomes activated when it senses an energy gap difference, which is especially prevalent during a severe calorie deficit, a prolonged calorie deficit, or frequent calorie deficits (‘yo-yo dieting.’) The self defence system: ... Slows metabolic rate through metabolic adaptation Activates genes that favour weight regain Causes changes to your biology that make it more difficult to lose weight in the future ... In essence, during a calorie deficit (particularly a severe and/or long one) your metabolic rate will reduce until it matches the energy input of your body. This can lead to weight loss plateaus and frustration, or can cause people to reduce their calorie intakes to unhealthy levels in-order-to achieve further weight loss. This is part of the reason why scheduled weight loss ‘maintenance phases’ are so important - they let you gradually increase your metabolic rate back to your pre-deficit level, allowing you to maintain your current body weight on higher and more sustainable calories, and lose weight more effectively in the future. How to setup a maintenance phase (sometimes known as ‘reverse dieting’) Ensure you continue self-monitoring diligently (tracking your food intake and body weight) Ensure you’re still eating adequate protein to maximise lean body mass retention Conservatively increase your calories from carbs & fats: no less less than 100 extra calories p/day, and no more than 300 extra cal p/day (calorie maintenance is more of a threshold than a set number) Give this AT LEAST a week before you make any further changes! Continue increasing your calories from carbs and/or fats in this fashion until: ... 1Your average weekly weight increases by more than 0.5% (take 1-2 weeks without increasing), or ... 2Your average weekly weight doesn’t exceed 0.5%, but it does increase for 3 consecutive weeks (take 1-2 weeks without increasing), or ... 3You get sick of eating (stay here for a while) ... Continue in this fashion until you maximise your caloric intake on your current body weight (at this point, your metabolic rate should have increased to the point where you can more effectively set-up a fat loss phase.) See more
21.01.2022 Would you like to lose fat (and keep it off!) without resorting to extreme diets, ‘all or nothing’ exercise programs, or ‘magic’ fat loss products that seem like they're something out of a JK Rowling book? Here’s the deal Most people who lose weight end up regaining all their lost weight (plus interest), NOT because they don’t know what they’re doing,...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Huge Shoutout to Nthabiseng Tito (aka Sloth) ... This amazing gal does it all: Gym beast/sloth... Nurse Mum Philanthropist Beautiful person! It’s been an inspiration seeing you build your strength & fitness under my guidance, especially with THAT smile!!! (There’s never a dull moment when you’re around!) Nthabiseng is a great role model and inspiration for shift workers, mums, & women from all walks of life! She really is living proof that once you embrace the process and fitness becomes part of who you are, you no longer need to ‘find the time’ or exert willpower to get it done! See more
20.01.2022 Escape the Cadbury Curse with the 80/20 RULE Eating to support your health and a fat loss goals doesn’t have to be complicated (or miserable!) The 80/20 rule will give you a simple structure to follow if food tracking isn’t your cup of tea (you’ll need SOME structure if you want to lose fat).... Simply put: 1eat foods that support your health, performance, and fat loss goals 80% of the time: lean meats healthy fats (eggs, seafood, avocados, nuts) fruits & vegetables whole grains and fibrous cereals yogurt & other dairy products 2Eat a more ‘relaxed’ menu 20% of the time If you eat 3 meals p/day (21 meals p/week) and follow the 80/20 rule, that allows you 4 meals p/week of whatever you like (show some restraint though, whatever you like doesn’t mean HOW MUCH you’d like!) BONUS: A good way to structure your 4 ‘cheat meals’ is to consume them straight after a HARD WORKOUT (not walking!) This will support your health and fat loss goals because: ... ) it gives you a psychological reward for finishing a hard workout And ) Your body experiences a slight increase in insulin sensitivity immediately after a HARD workout, making energy dense foods (particularly higher GI carbs) more of a benefit to consume at this time. Want more tips to you get through the flu season with cleaner health and a bangin' bod ... I have 5 FREE 14 day Nutritional Mastermind Trials to give away (for the right person)... simply comment below with [Cadbury Curse!] if keen!
20.01.2022 4kg down in 3 weeks... ... ON FIRE Erin Rockliffe! ... Only ONE person can change your life but certain things can make changing SO MUCH easier.... Investing in a coach or mentor: Holds you accountable to a higher standard! Planning & Structure: Eliminates the guesswork and saves you YEARS of dabbling in methods that produce nothing but setbacks & frustration! Addressing the whole picture: Training is just one piece of the puzzlemindset, lifestyle, nutrition, & recovery ALSO play important rolesmissing one or more of these key elements would be like trying to bail water out of a boat without first plugging the holes in the floor! Program individualisation: No two individuals are the same - injury history, training volume tolerance, nutrition, recovery needsthe list goes on. A ‘one size fits all’ program can only take you so far! Keen for change before the year’s end? Simply follow the link below for a FREE ‘Raven Built’ Body Planning Session! http://bit.ly/getleanforsummer See more
19.01.2022 RAVE'S DECEMBER SPECIAL I’m looking for 2 highly motivated women who’d like to give themselves the gift of health & fitness this December and avoid turning Xmas into ‘Fatmas!’ This is for you if you’d like to:... Enjoy your festive season WITHOUT going up a dress size! Have some quality ‘me time’ in December WITHOUT blowing your budget! Set the wheels in motion to look & feel your best in 2021!!! I understand that December makes it hard to start personal endeavours like this >>> so..... if you sign up by the end of this week, you’ll pay NOTHING until January!!! Limited to 2 spots only though THIS OFFER WILL GO FAST, DO NOT MISS OUT! BE WARNED THOUGHThis is NOT for dabblers - It’s ONLY for women who are serious about change and are looking for a PT to help them get the most out of their body, health & fitness. If this sounds like you, then apply below! https://bit.ly/RavensDecemberSpecial See more
19.01.2022 ROMANIAN DEADLIFTS Why I like to use them: it’s a barbell movement (the most efficient modality for building lower body strength)... it isolates the posterior chain and teaches the true hip-hinge pattern (less knee flexion than a conventional deadlift) it’s less demanding on the spinal stabilisers, reducing the chance of injury (you don’t have to break inertia from the floor like a conventional deadlift) making it a more suitable lift for a broader range of populations or for higher volume deadlift work. it provides a loaded stretch for the hamstrings (which most people lack flexibility in) The single arm/single leg kettlebell variant is extremely effective for improving stability, intra-muscular coordination and structural balance. See more
18.01.2022 Don't just 'do you' this summer....do THE BEST YOU! ... I’m looking to fill ONE spot in my coaching program for a highly motivated female who would like to get lean, feel great, and experience mind-blowing changes to her health & fitness before the end of the year! 2 week FREE intro for the right fit... If interested, follow this link! ... http://bit.ly/getleanforsummer See more
18.01.2022 I’m looking for a highly motivated female to join our amazing community & fill the last spot in my coaching schedule! You must be willing to: Buy a new wardrobe (or dust off those favourite garments you’ve been longing to wear!)... Gain more energy (than you know what to do with) Indulge in delicious & nourishing foods that you wouldn’t normally associate with weight loss Transform your body with highly focused training that takes up less than 2% of your week Share your journey with other women who’ve achieved incredible results! Does this sound like something you would benefit from and enjoy? Then I’d love to hear from you!!! Simply follow the link below to express your interest: ... http://bit.ly/getleanforsummer ... HEADS UP: This is for highly motivated women ONLY, who: 1are fed up with all the fat loss jargon & ‘magic fixes’ that never last.. 2want to learn how to effectively lose fat and manage their desired body weight for the rest of their lives.. And 3are ready & willing to take their body, health & fitness to the next level with a highly specialised coach! See more
18.01.2022 The fight is won or lost far away from witnessesbehind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. ... -Ali ... 'What REALLY counts is what you're doing when no one is looking.'... ... -The Raven See more
18.01.2022 Get more out of your reps Eccentric contraction damage (muscle fibre damage accrued during the lengthening of muscles) is one of the 3 mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy (along with mechanical tension and metabolic stress) By following the concentric contraction (the initial movement) of a rep with 2-3seconds of time-under-tension during the eccentric contraction (the counter movement) of a rep we can optimise the stimulus of this hypertrophy pathway.... Strength = muscle CSA x neural factors, so lowering with adequate time-under-tension produces more muscle, and therefore, more strength! See more
17.01.2022 Raven's 7 primal movement patterns home workout Home training (and training in general) doesn’t have to be complicated (or involve a lot of equipment) to be effective! The 7 primal movement patterns are key movements that were essential for survival for the caveman, and are essential for staying functional for the modern day human.... The 7 primal movement patterns: *Squat *Lunge *Hinge/bend *Twist *Push *Pull *Gait (walking or running) ALL movement can be broken down into one of, or a combination of the above 7 primal movement patterns. For example, throwing a ball involves a lunge > into a twist > into a push. See the video for a home workout plan that will keep you strong & functional using the 7 primal movement patterns! If you’d like more tips on how to build strength, get lean, and stay functional through the flu season, or information on personalised home training plans, simply follow this link: ... >>>bit.ly/fluseasonfatfreeze<<< See more
17.01.2022 In response to my question from last night (What makes a fitness goal 'healthy'?)... ... Although everyone has unique health & fitness goals, and no two people are the same, in my opinion (from 7 years experience as PT) a ‘healthy’ fitness goal is driven by the willingness to explore potential, whereas an ‘unhealthy’ fitness goal is driven by insecurity. This means that If we aren’t connected to the depth of ourselves, and if we aren’t genuinely invested in becoming the b...est we can be, then we get lost in needing to obtain other people’s approval, attention, recognition, & love. I believe the key driver behind this is disconnection: even though we’re more CONNECTED than ever before with others (through social media and the digital age), I believe we’re also more DISCONNECTED than ever before within ourselves. ... Through this ‘disconnect’ popular culture has ingrained unhealthy perceptions and has created unrealistic expectations on people, and has effectively established the ‘I want it now society.’ ... After working with hundreds of clients, and observing the patterns that emerged amongst the people who did successfully achieve their fitness goals, I decided to write my first ebook - The 7 Traits of Highly Effective Fat ‘Losers.’ This has been 3-4 years in the making, and is a compilation of the common denominators that I observed, which (in my opinion) are the key characteristics required to successfully lose fat (and keep it off.) I have 3 x Dream Body Coaching Session + Ebook packs to give away valued at $199 If you’re motivated for change, and would love to access the resources to help you, simply comment below with ... [Fit & Fab 2020!} See more
16.01.2022 Huge shoutout to our highly-dedicated, laser-focused, hard-working Super Mum Naomi Duke! ... Naomi has put in a tremendous 8 weeks of training, and has achieved outstanding results with her body, mind, and lifestyle! ... Naomi ALWAYS puts 100% into our PT sessions, and does all the work outside the gym needed to support her lifestyle changes, DESPITE being a busy mum and a Senior Manager!... ... Since starting with me 8 weeks ago, Naomi has: ... Dropped 8kg of bodyweight ... Reduced her Body Fat by 5% ... SIGNIFICANTLY improved her strength, movement quality, stability, and confidence! ... Increased her energy levels & aerobic fitness ... Rejuvenated her love for running and being active with her family! ... Naomi is also highly diligent with our weekly Nutritional Mastermind, which has developed the habits she needed to nourish herself (and her family) more effectively, reduce her stress levels, maximise her body transformation, and feel her best! ... Well done Legend See more
16.01.2022 In response to my question from Sunday night After working with hundreds of people over 6 years, I started to become aware of certain patterns among my clients They all shared similar frustrations.... They all experienced similar setbacks. And they had all been ‘brainwashed’ with the same messages of: Deprivation Comparison The 'I want it now' mindset The ‘all or nothing’ approach It became obvious to me that the weight loss industry and the mainstream media are not serving those who need help (at least with the right intentions.) ... So I decided to embark on my own quest for knowledge to find out why the obesity rate is so prolific, despite the billions of dollars being poured into the industry. After months of my own research, it dawned on me: weight loss isn’t really the problem! In fact, 6/7 people who attempt to lose weight (at least 10% of their body weight) succeed! TheREAL REASON why ~70% of adults are overweight is because they don't sustain their fat loss strategy beyond reaching their target, or in other words, they don't KEEP the weight off. ... There are various drivers behind this, because fat loss is a complex, multifactorial issue with physiological, psychological, sociological and cultural factors all playing a part. However, I also noticed certain characteristics, or traits, among the clients I worked with who DID successfully lose fat (and keep it off.) So I decided to put together a resource to arm my clients with knowledge and give them a fighting chance in the ‘battle of the bulge!’ I call it The 7 Traits of Highly Effective Fat ‘Losers.’ I’m looking to fill 3 slots in my Nutritional Mastermind program.you’ll get a personalised fat loss strategy, regular online coaching calls, and a copy of my 7 Traits ebook... ... If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, AND you'd like to dial into your nutrition, build energy, and look & feel your best, then comment below with ‘Lean&Mean666’ for a chance at securing a spot! See more
15.01.2022 BIG Friday Shoutout to this legend!!! ... Hanna Jones has dropped 3kg since returning to in-person PT just 4 weeks ago! ... What drives an effective fat loss program:... ... Following a structured plan Training with intensity & purpose Being held accountable & to a standard effective lifestyle management Leaving NOTHING to chance! See more
15.01.2022 SO VERY PROUD of this legend... ... Zoe Tuppen always gives % in her PT sessions, and has regularly made profound improvements to her strength, movement & fitness during our time together. ... The obstacle for Zoe was never the training side of things, it was more the structure & accountability she needed in OTHER areas of her lifestyle.... ... Zoe was experiencing growing frustrations with her lack of fat loss results, despite all the hard work she was doing in the gym. ... It got to a point late last year when Zoe had even lost belief in her long-term fat loss goal... according to her: "my body just isn't suited to losing weight." I knew the numbers didn’t add up, so I invited Zoe into my Nutritional Mastermind program. Since then, despite the covid restrictions (and no gym access), Zoe has lost 5kg of body weight and 3.6% body fat! The best part though, is that Zoe’s belief in herself and her perception of what she thought was possible has COMPLETELY changed, all from focusing on a few lifestyle ‘tweaks’ and helping her reach the realisation that fat loss is a 'lifestyle' - you can't JUST TRAIN your way to a leaner body, you have to LIVE your way to a leaner body. Trying to lose fat by relying solely on exercise is like trying to bail water out of a sinking boat, without first patching up the hole in the floor! ... Can’t wait to see how far we can take Zoe in 2020! P.S. Zoe Tuppen >>> as soon as your average weekly body weight dips below 80kg, it’s my shout for dinner to the restaurant of your choice... See more
14.01.2022 Zoe lost 7kg by eating MORE, not LESS 'You'll have to eat LESS in order to lose weight'... ... How often have you heard this one before?... ... It's not hard to understand why: The concept of a 'diet' has been ingrained in our minds for decades, and we often associate dieting with deprivation, or reducing what we can eat. ... This is okay though, because you have to be in a calorie deficit (negative energy balance) to lose fat right? ... YES, you must establish a negative energy balance to lose weight/fat, but did you know that eating MORE can actually help you to create a negative energy balance? ... SHOCK & HORROR >>> I can improve my fat loss by eating MORE food? ... Yes you can, (Zoe is an example!)... certain foods offer more benefits for fat loss than others, because they have more protein and fibre content, and thus have a higher TEF (Thermic Effect of Food - the calories you expend just to ingest and extract the nutrients from the food) and are more filling. ... Protein also goes a long way to sparing LBM (Lean Body Mass) during a deficit - a CRUCIAL aspect of fat loss that many people don't think about (and is a big part of the reason people end up regaining all their lost weight.) ... Now to be fair, food optimisation isn't the ONLY thing that Zoe worked on to achieve her fat loss...we also increased her activity levels, but in ways that are EASY (incidental movement - NOT extra training!). ... Would you like to learn how to optimise your fat loss like Zoe ... Simply comment below with (FatBurn#666) for a FREE Dream Body Planning Session PLUS a copy of my Fat-Burning ebook See more
14.01.2022 Be like Nthabiseng... ... Take that ‘first step’, join an amazing community, become the best you and live the life you deserve! ... Our mission... To help people transform their lifestyles through education, integration & empowerment. ... Why? Because we want more for our clients than temporary behavioural changes that produce temporary results. ... How? .... Contact is the first step! PM me here (https://www.facebook.com/jonohopwood1987/) for a FREE Dream Body Design Call... See more
13.01.2022 Feels GREAT to get under a barbell again... ... I wasn’t always inclined towards barbell & dumbbell training. At one stage early in my career, I was a calisthenics ‘one trick pony.’ But committing to mastery means using ALL the tools at your disposal... Strength is the KING of all trainable qualities, because it flows onto and benefits all other trainable abilities. Whether you’re a mighty strongman from Iceland, a long distance runner from Kenya, or a Mum looking to drop a few pounds, being stronger gives you a distinct advantage. Barbells are the most efficient way to build strength, because of their convenience in incrementally loading the body & work the most muscle (especially the lower body, due to axial loading.) As Bruce Lee once said: ‘Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.’ See more
13.01.2022 To get to the moon, Apollo 11 expended more energy in the first few minutes of lift-off, and in the first few miles of travel, than was used in the next several days to travel half a million miles. ... Once the tremendous gravitational pull of the earth was overcome, the majority of the journey was powered by momentum, as Isaac Newton stated in his laws: objects at rest tend to stay at rest, and objects in motion tend to stay in motion, unless acted upon by an external force. ... Behavioural change also has a tremendous gravitational pull that must be overcome, but once you've achieved 'lift off' and travelled the first few miles, your momentum builds so rapidly that conscious tasks become sub-conscious habits that no longer require large conscious efforts.
12.01.2022 "Before starting Jono’s Nutritional Mastermind Program, I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted with my body. ... This led to a lot of frustration, because I didn't know what I was doing wrong. I was training hard at the gym and eating ‘clean,' so why wasn't I seeing a change? ... Since starting the Mastermind Jono has helped me tweak my food strategy, which has helped me break through my frustrations and reduce my body fat.... ... As of January, I’ve dropped 2kg of body weight and reduced my body fat by 3%, WITHOUT eating less or exercising more! ... I am excited that I’ve achieved such fantastic results, especially considering I haven't had access to a gym! ... The great thing is I still get to eat plenty of delicious foods WITHOUT eliminating anything in particular from my lifestyle. ... The initial behavioural changes were quite challenging at first, but now that I’ve reinforced these changes into habits, I no longer have to think about them! ... The support and holistic approach that I have obtained from Jono is nothing short of above and beyond. ... I would completely recommend the program to anyone who is looking to make the most from their fat loss...why work HARDER when you could do it SMARTER?" ... -Zoe Tuppen ... Would you like to learn how Zoe achieved her fat loss success over the last few months? ... For a FREE copy of my ebook 'How to Burn More Fat WITHOUT Exercising More or Eating Less' comment below with: ... COVID FAT FREEZE! See more
12.01.2022 Which pillars do you need to work on?
11.01.2022 BIG FRIDAY SHOUTOUT TO THIS LEGEND! Nthabiseng Tito is a bundle of joy to coach, and she even went to the effort of buying appropriate shoes for weight training this week! Appropriate footwear is SUPER IMPORTANT, because everything upstream of the feet is affected by their stability (or lack of).... Good solid shoes for lifting will: 1. Allow you to Maintain stability of the feet during weighted movements. ... 2. Allow you to ‘grip & rip’ (take advantage of the purchase on the ground to create full body tightness) ... 3. Reduce your chances of injury! Converse Chucks (and similar) are perfect for general population gym work. Strength sports athletes may need a pair of squatting shoes to elevate the heels and gain mechanical advantage for the squat and bench press. ‘Runners’, ‘cross trainers’ and the like are best left for cardio! (The sponginess offers absorption and cushioning, which is great for gait movements but NOT weight lifting!) See more
10.01.2022 Karen's Journey ... Prior to training with Jono, my attempts at trying to lose weight on my own never seemed to get me anywhere. ... I always told myself that next week would be the week.but that week never seemed to arrive!... ... I tried all the weight loss ‘bells & whistles’, including diets, shakes and bars. and got NOWHERE. ... I was lethargic, overweight, depressed, and suffered constant lower back soreness. Everything felt exhausting, even ordinary activities like walking the dog! Fast-forward to today: since training with Jono, I’ve lost 13kg of body weight, and reduced my body fat by 15%!!! I can now run 5km easily, and the dog is the one out of breath (not me)! I feel happy, energised, focused and pain free. The best part though, is I now look forward to all aspects of my day, and I’m loving life again! ... I have finally taken responsibility for my actions, stopped laying the blame elsewhere, and have completely transformed my life! ... I would highly recommend Jono for anyone who wants to transform their lifestyle and change for the better! ... As a coach, Jono gave me all the tools I needed to successfully lose fat (and keep it off!). I’m now the happiest version of myself, and I no longer need to deprive myself or resort to ‘magic fixes’ to look & feel my best! ... I feel like I’ve regained the ‘old me’ and in the process I’ve gained a great friend and an awesome community! ... I honestly wouldn't be where I am today without Jono. ... Thank you for everything xxx ... I'm looking for 3 highly motivated women who want to look, feel & perform at their best! (just like Karen) ... If this is you, simply comment below with 'lean&mean2020'for a FREE Dream Body Design intro pack. See more
10.01.2022 This hermit lifestyle is making me feel a bit deranged...
10.01.2022 Caffeine - one of a handful of supplements worth your money, and one of the most effective performance boosting supplements available. ... Caffeine offers some great benefits for fat loss (see attached infographic) but ONLY if you're doing hard training. This supplement won't benefit couch dieters.... ... An important consideration with caffeine is that your tolerance to it builds up over time, making the same dose less effective. ... Due to this tolerance build-up, it may be wise to take week-long caffeine breaks to reset your tolerance (I'm doing this right now... in synchrony with my training de-load, which is a good time to do it as your nervous system recovers from both hard training and caffeine.) ... Symptoms I've noticed from going 'cold-turkey' on coffee this week: ... A bit snappy in the morning A bit sleepy through the mid-morning/early afternoon delayed bowel movements! ... Also be weary that the half-life of caffeine is 4-6 hours, so it's best to avoid caffeine within 6 hours of bed to optimise your sleep.
10.01.2022 Always be mindful....
09.01.2022 HUGE SHOUTOUT TO MY CLIENT Hanna Jones Despite juggling 3 youngsters as a busy mum, dealing with the disruptions of COVID-19, AND being in the midst of moving house (WTF!), Hanna has still managed to settle into her training program and make improvements to her strength and fitness! Home-based training DOES WORK, if:... your perception allows you to see the opportunities that limitations offer. you take % ownership of your health & fitness (‘resources vs resourcefulness’) and accept % responsibility for your outcomes. you aren’t afraid to set boundaries, make ‘you time,’ and do things on YOUR terms. you have the ability to take charge of your daily schedule and maintain a stable work/life/family balance. you treat your training sessions seriously by ‘booking them in’ as if they were scheduled appointments. Are you a busy mum (or just someone who’s based at home at the moment) and would LOVE to learn how to improve your body, health & fitness over the flu season, WITHOUT a gym membership or reliance on any fancy equipment? Just comment below with HOT N’ SAUCY for a FREE Flu Season Fat Loss Planning Session. See more
09.01.2022 UNBELIEVABLE night out at Mamma Rosa's pasta class! ... The crew and I had an absolute ball being entertained by Master Entertainer & Goddess of Italian Cuisine, Mamma Rosa! ... Lots of wine...... Plenty of laughs.. Neat cooking tricks, & YUMMY food! ... Delizioso! ... I highly recommend for a dinner party/group entertainment event! See more
09.01.2022 WELCOME TO THE RAVE CAVE ... Speak friend & enter
09.01.2022 HUGE SHOUTOUT to Supermum Katrina Timms! Katrina has been training with me for two months, during which she has achieved some great results with her body, health & fitness DESPITE being a busy Mum, Farmer & Chaplain! Katrina is a high-value woman who holds herself to incredible standards, and is a great role model for other busy Mums and high-achieving women!... The ability to achieve personal goals was always there; all we had to do was make some tweaks to her lifestyle for her to experience exciting changes. Reduction in BW Reduction in Body Fat% Increase in strength Increase in mobility & movement quality Increase in overall fitness & CONFIDENCE! BRING ON THE NEXT CHALLENGE SUPERMUM!!!! See more
09.01.2022 Erin's 10 Week Transformation 8kg reduction in body weight 7.7% reduction in body fat Down a dress size!... Stronger Fitter More confident! Reductions in pain, stress, and fatigue! What were you doing before you started training with Jono? I had enjoyed regular exercise in the past. Around 4 years ago my joint pain/arthritis got substantially worse, and became a limiting factor, for everything. I found it hard to keep doing what I had been doing, so I stopped. But stopping did not help, in fact it made it worse, weight gain only added to the joint pain. I also kept telling myself that I would start doing ‘something,’ but I always found the excuses not to. How did you feel? Tired and sore all the time. Very low self-worth, high amount of self-pity. I wanted to get fit again but felt that most exercises were too hard on my joints. What have you achieved since starting? I have lost weight and gained a huge amount of confidence in my physical ability. I am stronger than I ever have been. How do you feel now? I no longer believe ‘arthritis = no gym/ weights’. I have more energy, and I am so much more motivated in everything I do. I want to exercise, which I never thought I would say! I feel more physically capable. Would you recommend Jono's services to other women, and if so, why? I would definitely recommend Jono. Jono takes the time to work with you, his service is personalised and is paced to suit you and your journey. He explains why we are doing each exercise / task and how it helps you progress. Got some big goals for 2021??? Comment below with... ... ‘Fire-My-Furnace-2021’for a FREE Dream Body Discovery Call plus a FREE copy of my Fat Loss Secrets Ebook. See more
09.01.2022 Food tracking....is it really necessary for fat loss? ... Self monitoring is just as important, if not more important, than your actual fat loss strategy, because you can't manage something that you aren't monitoring! ... I consider food tracking to be the epitome of self-monitoring, and the most powerful fat loss tool available, because:... ... 1It eliminates any guess work from your fat loss strategy ... 2It teaches you more about the content of your food, so eventually you become adept at 'intuitive eating.' ... 3It makes you more conscious about your choices ... 4It's highly flexible (unlike 'diets' there's no restrictions on what or when you eat, as long as you track it!) ... All those benefits are great... but food tracking isn't for everyone though. ... For some people, tracking can create stress or anxiety. If tracking isn't your thing, that's ok...you'll just have to be disciplined enough to sacrifice in some other way. ... This is the VERY REASON I designed my '8 KEY FAT LOSS HABITS' Tip Sheet... ... These 8 habits won't replace food tracking, but they will: ... Get you in the fat loss 'ballpark' ... Provide you with a method of self-monitoring that doesn't create stress or anxiety ... Consolidate the steps involved in your day, NOT add to them. ... If you'd like a copy, simply comment below with Fire-My-Furnace666 See more
09.01.2022 There is no 'fair playing field' in sport, body transformations, or life in general; because genetic makeup is the ultimate lottery... ... Be YOU. Better YOU. Love YOU.
09.01.2022 When it comes to fat loss, there's 'more than one way to skin a cat.' ... *Keto *Paleo *Zone... *Intermittent Fasting *Weight Watchers *Flexible dieting (tracking & measuring, with no 'good' or 'bad' foods) *etc.... ... Are all methods that CAN be used as fat loss strategies provided they satisfy certain principles (mainly energy balance.) ... They all have distinct advantages and disadvantages, and this is what you'll need to weigh up when choosing... because NO MATTER what strategy you go for, in order to lose fat AND keep it off, you'll have to: ... a) Adhere to that way of eating for the rest of your life (even once you've reached your desired weight or FM %) ... and ... b) Make certain sacrifices. ... Any strategy with a 'starting' point and an 'ending' point (a diet) is setting you up for failure, because you'll go back to 'normal' eating once you've finished. ... In addition, weight cycling or 'yo-yo' dieting (repeated dieting) stimulates certain defensive mechanisms in your physiology that make you MORE RESISTANT to fat loss and LESS RESISTANT to weight gain in the future. ... Now, there are certain people who can successfully 'diet' in cycles in-order-to reach certain outcomes. High-level athletes (to reach certain weight classes) and high-level physique competitors (to optimise their physiques for the stage) are two obvious examples. ... It's important to keep in mind though, that these people make up less than 1% of the population concerned with fat loss. ... Unlike MOST people who need to lose fat, these people likely already have a high level of discipline & cognitive restraint, and likely don't require behavioural changes. They are also likely aware of how to program their nutrition to avoid the negative effects of weight-cycling. ... For the 99% of us concerned with fat loss, ask yourself: 'Can I stick to this way of eating for the rest of my life?' and 'What sacrifices am I willing to make?' See more
08.01.2022 SO PUMPED to get back to the gym
08.01.2022 The hardest step in changing your body isn’t taking the first step, (that’s easy)... The hardest step isn’t getting through the first few weeks of change (the initial excitement is still there)... The hardest step isn’t even what’s BEYOND the first few weeks of change, when the excitement wears off and the realisation kicks in that your fitness pursuits are going to require dedication, hard work and sacrifice...... THE HARDEST step in changing your body can be described as the ‘law of compound interest.’ Like opening a bank account, the interest you accumulate on the initial investment is virtually meaningless for the first few months (or even longer). Then, as the initial investment grows over time with accumulated interest, the compounding effect (interest on interest) grows your account exponentially. This ‘law of compounding interest’ applies to processes found in nature too, where the rate of change of a quantity is proportional to the quantity itself. For example, your initial investment in your body might not yield noticeable changes for months, despite all your hard training sessions and all your ‘good meals.’ Your weight on the scales might not budge, or the person looking at you in the mirror might not look much different. But sooner or later, as long as you keep feeding the ‘bank account’ with regular deposits, you’ll hit that critical point where the ‘interest on interest’ produces noticeable results IT HAS TO..because the compound effect is a law of nature. For the investor, a penny can grow into a million dollars.. But for the debtor, a squandered penny can mean years of stagnancy. See more
08.01.2022 ’FAT LOSS ISN’T A GYM GOAL!’ Attempting to lose fat by focusing solely on exercise would be like attempting to bail water from a sinking boat without patching the hole in the floor first... The question we should be asking isn’t ‘how do I TRAIN myself to a leaner body,’....but rather ‘how do I LIVE myself to a leaner body?... Having worked with hundreds of clients over 7 years as a Personal Trainer, my experience has helped me realise that training plans, no matter how good, will only take someone so far towards transforming their body. To tap into their full potential and reach the best outcomes for my clients, I saw it as my responsibility to create a solution that offers them FAR more than a ‘temporary fix’.. This is the VERY REASON I designed my Nutritional Mastermind & Lifestyle Transformation Coaching Program. The principles I teach within the program will help you plant the seeds of change, cultivate habits that serve you (not work against you), and ultimately, harvest better results! One of the foundational principles we work on is the 80/20 rule, which states that 80% of your results come from just 20% of your efforts The KEY is working on the ’20%’ of things that reward you the MOST! We do this by: Identifying your individual nutrition needs Consolidating the steps involved in your daily routine (NOT adding to them!) Setting up the right environment for change Establishing ROCK SOLID strategies to help you overcome the obstacles that have you held you back in the past, whether it be: stress overwhelm emotional eating falling back into old patterns Want to find out more??? ... Simply comment below with 'Bootylicious' to get a FREE Dream Body Discovery Call & copy of my Fat Burning Ebook. See more
07.01.2022 The greatest gift you can give yourself this Mother’s Day is to feel your best! Are you: Completely over feeling tired & sluggish?... Tired of not liking the person looking back at you in the mirror? Missing your confidence? And would you like to: Burn more fat WITHOUT limiting what you can eat? (...who wouldn’t want that?) ... Transform your body, health & fitness WITHOUT over-committing your schedule? ... Be that Mum that 'turns heads' in your neighbourhood? ... Attempting to do it all on your own is like trying to bail water out of a sinking ship without fixing the hole in the floor... My 21 day 'Fit Mum' Coaching Program includes: Personalised Home Training program (with an optional transition to gym programming once restrictions are over) Silver Access to my Nutritional Mastermind Habit-integration Software (‘Meal Plans’ teach you NOTHING we'll actually TEACH you the 'hows' and 'whys' of eating for better health & fat loss) ... Weekly coaching call via Zoom Access to my home training video database Access to my Nutritional Resource Library 24/7 Online Support All of this for ONE payment of $97. (but i'm limiting this to 5 MOTIVATED mums only) ... To express your interest, simply comment below with [Fit Mumma!} and i’ll be in touch! See more
07.01.2022 Beliefs are like water filters...they can be cleaned or replaced to give you more nourishing experiences
07.01.2022 MY THOUGHTS ON INTERMITTENT FASTING FOR HEALTH & FAT LOSS NUMBER 1 GOLDEN RULE ... If your fat loss approach is something you can happily and healthily sustain forever (a ‘lifestyle’), then DO IT!... ... However, if your fat loss approach is NOT something you can happily and healthily sustain forever (a ‘diet’) then forget it you’ll just regain all your lost weight (and likely more) when you go back to ‘normal eating.’ The research is clear about this: 95% of people who attempt a ‘diet’ regain all their lost weight within 3 years after the diet. Source: (‘Fat Loss Forever,’ Peter Baker & Lane Norton, Ph.D, 2019) NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON FAT LOSS & PERFORMANCE: 1Eating every 3-6 hours is important for effective fat loss!!! Although, meal timing is nowhere near as important as total calorie intake or a correct macronutrient ratio.....scaled in terms of importance as percentages: ... Total Calorie intake = 50% Macronutrient ratio = 30% Food timing = 10% Smaller, less important variables = last 10% Source: (‘The Renaissance Diet’, Mike Israetel Ph.D, Jen Case Ph.D, ATC, CSCS, & James Hoffmann Ph.D CSCS, 2014) ... However, 10% added up over the long term MATTERS Because your body doesn’t have a storage form of consumed protein like it has for carbs (glycogen) or fats (adipose tissue), it needs a fairly constant supply of amino acids from protein-rich food sources (every 3-6 hours) to support muscle growth (anabolism) and avoid muscle loss (catabolism). ***Anabolism supports sustainable fat loss, catabolism DOES NOT!*** ... Unfortunately, you can’t get around this by eating a large meal before you fast, because muscles grow at a set rate, and that rate is not significantly altered by ingesting large amounts of protein in one feed. (Eating far more protein in one meal than you normally would won’t make your body build and repair more muscle.) .... Source: (‘The Renaissance Diet’, Mike Israetel Ph.D, Jen Case Ph.D, ATC, CSCS, & James Hoffmann Ph.D CSCS, 2014) ... 2Promotion of fat storage and starvation of gut bacteria ... Intermittent fasting drives cortisol (a stress hormone), which stimulates your sympathetic nervous system (‘fight or flight’ mode) and promotes fat storage. In addition, fasting starves your gut bacteria of the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. As a result, your pain perception increases as your gut sends the message that you’re not in the condition to work very hard until you get the nourishment you need. Source: (‘ROAR,’ Stacy T. Sims, Ph.D, 2016) TAKE HOME MESSAGE Intermittent fasting can be a great approach to fat loss if it fits your lifestyle, but it’s not optimal for conserving muscle size. ... However, ‘cheating’ by introducing a casein shake or two (slow releasing protein) during the fast can save you muscle and make intermittent fasting more effective for fat loss! Source: (https://idealnutrition.com.au/mike-israetel-interview/)
07.01.2022 Sometimes doors close...while others may open....
07.01.2022 MASSIVE SHOUTOUT to Nthabiseng Tito (aka Sloth) for giving me a referral, resulting in a new client! Good deeds don’t go unnoticed! Beautiful client, beautiful person, beautiful friend!
06.01.2022 There’s no such thing as lack of RESOURCES...only lack of RESOURCEFULNESS Learn to focus on WHAT YOU WANT, not WHAT’S STOPPING YOU from getting what you want *Time... *Money *Technology (ahem...gym!) *Support *Knowledge/experience ... Are merely RESOURCESthings that can help you achieve goals, but aren’t the REASON you achieve goals (or fail to achieve goals) ... Resourcefulness Determination creativity Curiosity Passion Resolve All build emotional fitness & psychological strength, empowering you to IMPROVISE, ADAPT & OVERCOME any situation! The external world contains all the potential you’ll ever need... ... the question is: ... What will you focus on >>> what you want, or what’s standing in your way? ... For a FREE Online Dream Body Planning Session, comment below with [THE WORLD IS MY GYM] See more
05.01.2022 WOMEN 40+ ...the worst thing you can do at home over the flu season is... SITTING ... Estrogen, one of the female sex hormones, makes you move more!!! ... The problem is, during the transition to menopause, hormonal levels in the body change, and eventually plummet.... ... The average women reduces her voluntary physical activity by 230cal p/day during the transition to menopause. ... In addition, estrogen inhibits the stress response (fight or flight) hormone cortisol. This means as your hormones plummet, you're more vulnerable to anxiety & depression. ... Simple solutions to this: ... Move when you're working! It's been shown by the US National Health & Nutrition that swapping 2min of walking for 2min of sitting each hour can LOWER YOUR RISK OF PREMATURE DEATH BY 33%!!! ... Strength train! Women over the age of 30 lose between 3-8% of lean muscle, a leading marker of health, every decade. (Resistance doesn't have to be barbells & dumbbells - you can get the same effect with bodyweight, if you know how ) ... Eat carbs to support your training! Carbs are not the enemy! In fact, not only do they build muscle and burn fat (just like protein), they also help to blunt cortisol (the stress hormone.) ... Eat quality protein > as you transition into menopause, your body uses protein less well... this makes it SUPER IMPORTANT to consume a protein high in leucine (muscle building amino acid) with every meal, and DEFINITELY around you workout! ... Would you like more tips on how you can get through the flu season, WITHOUT feeling like crap or putting on weight? ... Simply follow this link: ... https://bit.ly/fluseasonfatfreeze See more
05.01.2022 How do you do crackers n' dip?....with a nice wine shared in the company of friends Then you’re SOFT!!!! Don’t be a pussy,... Here’s how to do crackers n' dip properly See more
05.01.2022 Do you choose or ? ... Change is hard... ... It’s uncomfortable...... ... It’s inconvenient... ... It shines a spotlight on your insecurities... ... It turns your world of certainty on its head ... It requires a tremendous amount of willpower and conscious effort! ... At the end of the day though, you only have 2 choices: ... The ‘blue pill’ - Short-term comfort at the expense of long-term happiness, ... OR ... The ‘red pill’ - Short-term discomfort in exchange for long-term happiness! ... Which ‘pill’ will you choose? ... IF YOU CHOOSE the red pill, then you’ll take the first step in creating momentum! Then, ... What’s hard becomes easy ... What used to make you feel uncertain gives you a sense of certainty ... The habits required to get the results you want no longer require conscious effort ... The behaviours that used to make you feel uncomfortable suddenly become part of WHO YOU ARE BEST OF ALL, you’ll start to enjoy the process as you... ... Transform into the BEST YOU! ... Choose the ‘red pill’ here: ... https://bit.ly/ChooseRED See more
05.01.2022 How often have you seen or experienced this: ... ‘I lost weight, looked great, felt better (and the birds were singing) BUT.. now I’ve put it all back on again, and I’m back to where I started.’ The reality is, ~95% of diets fail within 3 years of ending the diet.... Why? >>> because people take their foot off the peddle, go back to ‘normal eating,’ and stop doing the habits that were serving them well when they lost the weight! We need to move away from the ‘diet’ approach - fat loss strategies with ‘beginning’ and ‘end’ points, and move towards the ‘lifestyle’ approach - health strategies that aren't solely for fat loss (although they can facilitate that if you want them to) that you’re happy to commit and adhere to for the rest of your life. The 4 main areas to focus on to avoid weight regain post-deficit: 1Goals >>> treat ‘weight maintenance as a goal, just like weight loss! The purpose of a goal isn’t to achieve the goal itself, it’s who you become in the process. If you don’t plan & set goals, then you won’t develop as a person, you’ll become stagnant, and you’ll likely regress rather than progress. 2Keep training hard! >>> exercise is a HUGE DEAL for maintaining weight loss and preventing weight regain. Exercise (in particular, resistance training) helps you to retain your lean body mass, increase your sensitivity to satiety hormones, increase turnover in the fat cell, and lower the fat % set point of your body (not to mention all the other health benefits). 3Keep self-monitoring >>> monitoring your behaviour is just as important, if not more important, than setting up your fat loss strategy! For weight maintenance to be a goal, you need to KNOW how much you’re eating, what your bodyweight is doing, and how much activity you’re doing. Not knowing any of these factors would be the same as driving your car with a blindfold on. 4Increase calories slowly post-deficit >>> the body is smarter than most people realise: it has a sophisticated defence system against weight loss. The main defence mechanism, metabolic adaptation, means your energy output decreases to compensate for the reduced energy input throughout your deficit. This is why ending a ‘diet’ just before a holiday or a wedding is a really bad idea - it’s the perfect storm for piling the pounds back on. The sustainable approach is to SLOWLY increase your food intake throughout the weeks after ending your deficit, document your responses, and then settle at the point where you can eat plenty of food without gaining weight. See more
05.01.2022 Milestone Tuesday - Big shoutout to Erin Rockcliffe for breaking through the ‘80s’ barrier! Since starting her Lifestyle & Body Transformation with me, Erin has dropped 11kg of scale weight and over 8% body fat! Erin has also:... Gained the mobility to squat! Increased her strength Improved her aerobic fitness Reduced arthritic joint pain Increased her energy levels & performance at work! Discovered her passion for training! Fat loss is NEVER a linear process, nor can it be fixed with a 'one-size-fits-all' solutionthat’s why it pays to have the right personalized knowledge & guidance at your disposal! In my Lifestyle Transformation program, we focus on 4 main elements: Training Nutrition Recovery Mindset Each element is CRUCIAL for long-term success, because sustainable fat loss is far more than just ‘eat less & move more.’ Focusing on only one or two elements at the expense of the others would be like trying to bail water out of a boat without plugging the hole in the floor first ... I have ONE SPOT left in my Coaching Program for a highly-motivated, results-focused lady! ... If sustainable success is something you'd like to experience, simply shoot me a PM here: ... https://www.facebook.com/jonohopwood1987/ See more
05.01.2022 Temporary changes in behaviour result in temporary results A lifelong commitment to a higher standard (better choices) changes your life. ... Don’t be among the ~95% who ‘YOLO’ - You’re Only Lean Once (or maybe twice)
05.01.2022 How to burn more fat without exercising more... #2: eat more protein! Protein is most well known for its ability to build and repair muscle (a fat-burning, metabolically active tissue.)... But this isn’t the only reason protein is so effective at increasing fat loss: ... Protein takes more work to digest than carbs or fats, due to its higher TEF (thermic effect of food - the energy cost just to absorb and digest the food.) ... This means if you have a high protein lifestyle, you’ll burn more calories just from eating your meals compared to a low protein lifestyle of equal caloric value. ... [Protein has a TEF of 20-30%, compared to carbs (5-10%), and fats (0-3%).] Protein is also very satiating, so you feel satisfied with less food. Finally, adequate protein intake improves the retention of your lean body mass (muscle), meaning more fat loss and less muscle loss during a calorie deficit. Dietary protein comes in two varieties: complete and incomplete. Complete sources contain all 9 essential amino acids (amino acids your body can’t make, so they must come from foods.) Incomplete sources do not (so they need to be combined strategically.) Complete sources: meat, fish, eggs, whey, and other dairy products Incomplete sources: plant-based sources, nuts, whole grains, veggies. ... BONUS: Frequency of protein intake is also important, Because your body doesn’t have a storage form of consumed protein like it has for carbs (glycogen) or fats (adipose tissue), so it needs a fairly constant supply of amino acids from protein-rich food sources (every 3-6 hours) to support muscle growth (anabolism) and avoid muscle loss (catabolism). See more
04.01.2022 Early 2017: I was broke, unhappy, direction-less, & training out of a backyard (alongside bunnies & guinea pigs). Fast-forward to 2020, I’m in the best shape of my life, running a full-capacity PT business, and the proud owner of my first property! This turn-around had nothing to do with getting more time, energy, money, opportunities, or [you name it]these are all merely resources.... RESOURCEFULNESS is the ultimate resource and the vessel with which all long-term success is achieved. Resourcefulness is a state-of-mindand just like unhappiness, depression, stress & overwhelm, is a SKILL that can be learned over time! Over the last 4 years,these 4 factors were the keys to tapping into my resourcefulness and potential: 1Train your mind, as well as your body! Read something that increases your knowledge or personal development EVERYDAY. ... 2Find a mentor for EVERY area of your life that’s lagging (your life affects your body, and your body affects your life). ... 3Commit first, THEN strategise! So many people waste years by ‘dipping their toes in the water’ because they’re afraid of what might happen if they jump in the deep end.but you can’t learn how to swim If you’re not in the pool! ... 4Realise there’s no such thing as failure..only feedback and information. See more
04.01.2022 Raven’s 7 pillars of good health#1: Know Yourself! ‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’ ... -Aristotle... To become invested in a health or fitness pursuit in a healthy way, we must first connect to the depth of ourselves and understand what really drives us - by stripping away the superficial and getting to the ‘roots’ of everything we do, through the process of internal identification. If we aren't genuinely invested in becoming the best we can be, we get lost in needing to obtain other people's approval, attention, recognition, & love. ... Internal identification is the process of reflecting on your life and understanding your roots by looking carefully at your past and identifying the events that framed your values and beliefs and shaped who you are today - what experiences did you witness in the past that set you off on your current path and moulded how you see the world today? Long term actions & behaviours are determined by who we identify as, NOT what we want! (The strongest human drive is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.) .... Once you genuinely know yourself and what your drivers are, you can bridge the gap between who you are now and who you need to become to live the life you want! ... WHAT you get will never make you happy, it’s WHO you become that makes you happy! See more
03.01.2022 Goals are about ‘Who’, not ‘What'... The purpose of a goal isn’t to achieve the goal, it’s WHO you become in the process. What you get will never make you happy, it's WHO you become that makes you happy.... If we aren’t connected to the depth of ourselves, and if aren't genuinely invested in becoming the best we can be, we get lost in needing to obtain other people's approval, attention, recognition, & love. Who do you need to become to get what you want? Art by Janelle Lee See more
03.01.2022 How to burn more fat without moving more... #1: Work hard but rest harder! ... Simply lowering your stress levels can lower your body fat %!!!!!... ... The central nervous system is comprised of two parts, the sympathetic nervous system (‘fight or flight’ mode), and the parasympathetic nervous system (‘rest & digest’ mode). ... Neither system is ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ and a healthy balance is required between the two systems for optimal health, performance, AND body composition! ... Spending too much time in the sympathetic nervous system (‘fight or flight’ mode), either through overtraining, an unhealthy work/life balance, poor food choices, social media addiction, stimulant addiction, or an over-committed schedule, keeps your body in a catabolic (metabolically destructive) state. ... This elevates your cortisol levels, suppressing your anabolic (growth and repair) hormones, slowing your metabolic rate, and suppressing the use of fat as a fuel source. ... For a healthy body and a healthy mind, It’s essential to keep a balance between your SNS and PNS, by managing your workload with AN equal amount of: ... quality sleep relaxation/recreational activities effective stress management strategies appropriate refueling & nourishment (including carbs, which blunt cortisol) See more
02.01.2022 How to burn more fat without exercising more... #3: Ditch your chair! By substituting standing for sitting, you increase the calories you burn via NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis.)... In one meta-analysis (a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies), 46 studies were analysed, with 1184 total participants: ... The average difference in energy expenditure between sitting and standing was 0.15 calories/min. ... This means that If you substitute sitting for standing for 6 hours/day, you would burn an extra 54 kCal. ... That might not seem like much over a day, but that’s 374 extra calories over a week, 1512 extra calories over a month, and 19,710 extra calories over a year, which equals just over 2kg of body fat!! Read the meta-analysis here: ... https://bit.ly/3bmYQYa ... In addition to decreased fat burning, prolonged sitting is generally just not good for you: posture, breathing, muscle function, joint health, circulation, and internal organ support can all be influenced from extended periods of sitting. These negative effects are hardly supportive of being able to train well, avoid injury, minimise stress (cortisol blunts fat burning mechanisms), feel your best, or live longer! ... Canadian researchers examining the lifestyle habits of 17,000 men and women reported from their data a dose-response association between sitting time and mortality, INDEPENDENT of leisure time or physical activity. (extended sitting leads to an early grave, REGARDLESS of how much exercise you do.) ... The recommendation: ‘In addition to the promotion of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and a healthy weight, physicians should discourage sitting for extended periods.’ Read the study here: ... https://bit.ly/3colfpd See more
02.01.2022 You’re driven to do it all ... You’re well established in your career You’re a caring Mum.. ... You’re a loving wife.. You’re ALWAYS there when friends, family, or colleagues need you.. You’re ‘the one’ people turn to for support.. ... BUT. On the inside you’re tired, stressed & unhappy... ... The problem with being the ‘successful woman’ of today is the pressure you feel to be all things to all people! You expect so much from yourself, because ultimately, the glue that holds everything together is...YOU!!! But the cracks will start to show if you keep neglecting your health & fitness (and eventually the consequences will have a negative flow-on to all other parts of your life too) IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY THOUGH!!! We’ve turned hundreds of tired, stressed & unhappy women into the energised, driven women they aspire to be! If you’re COMPLETELY OVER feeling like ‘the glue that holds it all together’ and want MORE for yourself in 2021, then take the first step below! http://bit.ly/Flab-to-Fab See more
02.01.2022 'Freeze the COVID Fat' campaign ... 21 day health & fitness kickstart package, including: ... Personalised home fat-blasting program... Weekly Coaching Conference Silver Pass to Nutritional Mastermind Program 24/7 support Exclusive access to my home-exercise database & recipe library ... All for just $97 ... 'All roads lead to Rome' (but some roads are better than others!) ... 1. Continue riding the bumps as you await gym access, setting yourself behind by MONTHS in your quest for a dream body, and feel sluggish & gross as you return to the gym ... OR ... 2. Shake off your disrupted start to 2020 by FREEZING THE COVID FAT! Get ahead of the game and feel GREAT re-entering the gym scene with your fat furnace already burning ... Simply follow this link to find out more... ... [http://bit.ly/fluseasonfatfreeze] See more
02.01.2022 Intense exercise doesn’t undo 8 hours of sitting!!! ... Canadian researchers examining the lifestyle habits of 17,000 men and women reported from their data a dose-response association between sitting time and mortality, INDEPENDENT of leisure time or physical activity. ‘In addition to the promotion of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and a healthy weight, physicians should discourage sitting for extended periods.’... ... Read the study here: ... https://journals.lww.com//Sitting_Time_and_Mortality_from_ ... The overriding message: stand more to improve your health and longevity! One of the most simple ways of doing this is using a standing desk. And it doesn’t have to be anything fancy (as you can see from my high-tech milk crate version). THE WORST EXCUSE for not using a standing desk is ‘I can’t afford it..’ See more
01.01.2022 RLT client focus > Naomi Duke ... What were you doing before you started training with Jono? ... "I was convinced that I would get my fitness back and it might not be today but it would be someday. However I wasn’t really doing anything proactive to make it happen and I had no real plan to do it."... ... How did you feel? ... "I was frustrated because I wanted to be fit again. I was also bored. My husband said when I signed up with Jono that I don’t really have any hobbies and what he believed I really enjoyed doing is exercising so he fully supported me doing this program. I was also in denial about my weight gain." ... What have you achieved since you started? ... "I have lost 9kg. I am down 2 dress sizes and have had to have more holes added to my belt. I have knocked 4 mins off my 5km running time in 1 month. I am stronger and motivated not only to do exercise and get moving but also in my work day and home life." ... How do you feel now? ... "I feel in control of my nutrition with integrating mindfulness into my relationship with food. I love achieving the mini goals like improving my 5km run times, achieving weight goals and sharing my wins with my family." ... Would you recommend Jono's services to other women, and if so, why? .... "I would definitely recommend Jono’s services to other women. I really appreciated Jono’s approach to making me think beyond the basics of diet and losing weight. He has made me think about who I am and what I can really achieve. Jono also has a really great approach to getting you to think about how you can have a positive relationship with food and nutrition. Of course I really enjoy the PT sessions. They challenge me and make me want to come back each time to lift a heavy weight or keep improving my technique." See more
01.01.2022 5 WAYS OF INCREASING YOUR TRAINING STIMULUS (WITHOUT USING WEIGHTS) 1Accomodate the resistance (with bands) - alters the strength curve of a movement. Exercise strength curves describe the way in which the difficulty of a movement changes over its range of motion.... For example, during a normal squat, tension reduces on your muscles as you rise higher out of the bottom, but when using bands, this is reversed: as the bands stretch more, there is more tension exerted on your muscles. 2Adjust the Tempo (the time it takes to complete each repetition.) Manipulating the speed of contraction of a rep increases the amount of time under tension your muscles experience. Increasing the time under tension of an exercise can enhance metabolic adaptations (hypertrophy), improve strength control, and increase intramuscular tension by pausing in the most mechanically disadvantaged position (normally the bottom) and reducing the momentum of the rep. Increases time under tension also enhances the mind-muscle connection of the exercise (feeling the target muscles engaging and contracting). 3 Reduce the Mechanical advantage - working the body unilaterally (one side at a time) increases the stimulus on your muscles. For example, increase your quad strength with pistol squats (you may need to address ankle mobility if you aren’t the most flexible person). Single leg hip thrusts or single leg Swiss ball ham curls are good options for the posterior chain. ... 4Increase the range or motion - increase the distance you move each rep (Work = force x distance) ... For upper body lifts such as pushups, elevate your hands on objects (such as bricks) so you travel further to the bottom. ... For chin-ups, closer grip increased the range of motion, as does aiming to touch your chest on the bar. ... For lower or upper body lifts, you could do '1 & 1/4' reps (for example, if you're squatting: go all the way down, then come up 1/4 of the way ONLY, go back down, then come all the way up) 5Make your own weight vest (using your backpack, zip lock bags, duct tape, and sand!) ... Get a large tub of sand or dirt Fill zip lock bags with 1kg of sand (weigh them!) Zip them up, fold them over, and wrap them into firm packages with duct tape Make 30 or 40 of these and Voila! ...... You have yourself a loadable backpack! See more
01.01.2022 NO training facility.. ... NO equipment (or very little thereof).. ... NO one to coach you in person..... ... NO [whatever you’re missing here].. These are all resources in the grand scheme of things. But the outside world contains all the resources you’ll ever needthe question is are you ‘looking’ or are you ‘seeing’? The same laws of biology that were imprinted into the bloodlines of our ancestors are still ingrained in our DNA today The cave men learned to adapt to environmental change & fluctuating resource availability by migrating to different areas. YOU can also adapt and turn your perceived lack of resources into a channel of resourcefulnessbut ONLY if your perception allows you to do so. It’s encapsulated well in the Marine’s mindset of adaptation: ‘improvise, adapt, & overcome.’ Get comfortable with discomfort by trying new things and challenging your mind and body in different ways. If you can achieve something with MEANING over the next 6 months despite your lack of resources, just think what that will do for your mindset, and how that will impact on what you can achieve once you've regained access to all the luxuries... See more
01.01.2022 Making a difference.... THAT'S THE GAME!
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