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25.01.2022 Smaller screens cause Climate Change? The BOM has lost its way. Changing screen size, thermometer type, plus poor maintenance, peeling paint, growing grass, and even wasps nesting in boxes. Nothing has stayed the same, yet they claim records to 0.1C.
23.01.2022 UPDATE: LABOR SHUTS DOWN THE MARBLE BAR STORY The Hon. Craig Kelly MP was so appalled by the story of how the Bureau of Meteorology has wiped Marble Bar's world record hottest longest period from the history books,that he has taken this to the Australian Parliament already. But The Labor Party was so afraid of letting him read out the temperature changes they interrupted his allocated 15 minute speech just to stop him finishing. They even called a formal Division which means ...the bell is rung and all the missing MPs have to return to the Chamber to vote. Who cares about our climate and who covers up for incompetent bureaucrats?!
21.01.2022 The conversation Australia needs: should we prevent fires with prescribed burns or solar panels? This is the rough size of the controlled hazard reduction target area, as carried out for NSW compared to the area of hazard-reduction by Mother Nature. The wildfires in NSW so far have burned 2,700,000 ha or a square with sides of 164km and destroyed at least 720 houses (that was Dec 11). The area of official hazard reduction by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) 135,000 ha, or a square with sides of 36km.. The dilemma: will it be managed fires, or unmanaged wildfires to reduce the fuel? Or if you are Tim Flannery who says it’s immoral not to connect the dots, the question is how many solar panels will it take to stop those houses burning down? Or perhaps how do we stop lightning?
21.01.2022 Just another way cheaper electricity saves lives. It turns out hotter rooms have higher indoor pollution. Levels of formaldehyde are lower in the morning and rise with the temperature. Air conditioning in hot summers, keeps the temperature down and will reduce the amount of formaldehyde and other pollutants from out-gassing from furniture and gypsum walls. Obviously those who can’t afford to run the air conditioner and who live in warmer rooms in summer will be exposed to pollution. Though the worst situation was in 1970s homes with radiant heaters installed on gypsum sheets. In that case, people who can’t afford to heat may avoid some fumes. Opening windows will clear out the indoor pollution, but houses are increasingly being designed to stop draughts to be more energy efficient. The message: get rich or open windows when it’s nice outside, move those bar heaters off the walls, and buy peace lilies, bamboo palms, and dracaenas.
20.01.2022 Wow, just wow. Look what the Bureau of Meteorology has covertly done to February? Something like one third of a degree has been added to the average Australian summer maximum anomalies over the past few years according to the expert data from the worlds-best-practise equipment. The biggest "changes" were in February. Mysteriously, the individual site data was not changed at all, but there were large changes to the national average of the last three years. Let that sink in. The BOM won't explain their secret methods. It's not science, it's like a sacred guild promoting a religion.
18.01.2022 Koalas extinct? Hardly. At least one expert says: Nearly everything you have read or heard about koalas, is wrong and estimates there are more now after European settlers arrived than there were before. They multiply fast to the point of being a pest. But man-made badly managed forests create these horrible boom and bust cycles. We need cool burns! When they said koalas will be extinct in 30 years they didn’t mention that in the right conditions scientists talk of ‘plagues’... of koalas. On Kangaroo Island last year, there were so many koalas, the South Australian government has been trying to sterilize or relocate thousands of them over the last twenty years. Periodically scientists even discuss whether we have to cull them (the horror!). They’ve survived twenty megafires in 200 years. They can recover. Ponder that Koalas were only introduced to Kangaroo Island in the 1930s but by the 1990s there were 14,000 of them.
17.01.2022 We hear how CO2 causes extreme heat, but the raw data of 60 of our longest sites shows no change in Very Hot Days in Australia since World War I. There were just as many 40+ days then as now. CO2 made no difference. It's a Raw Data Bombshell. The ACORN 1 & 2 adjustments turned the statistical air conditioner and cooled people from 100 years in the future.
16.01.2022 When will our BoM and Climate Experts correct the Fake Science and misinformation? Climate change leads to a hotter-wetter world. This is a central canon of the theory of man-made global warming. Despite that, none of our paid experts are correcting the myths and misinformation of our public debate. Every man and his monkey (including M.P’s) are saying that Climate Change causes a hotter drier world which leads to fires, and the BOM, CSIRO and millions of scientists apparentl...y agree. So if Australians are misinformed, who’s fault is it? Not looking at you Andy Pitman, David Karoly, Tim Flannery, ABC Science Unit, Gergis, Sherwood, Trewin, Steffan and all the rest. Look at the BOM records in SE Australia. There's no apparent effect of CO2. Don't believe your lying eyes.
16.01.2022 Scientists who say storms floods and droughts are caused by your car exhaust are witchdoctors.People are waking up to this. A majority are skeptical on every point except droughts. New polling shows that about 1 in ten Australians that used to find this witchcraft convincing a few years ago are smelling a rat and don’t believe it anymore. Back in 2015 when IPSOS asked the exact same climate change question 62% of Australians thought that climate change was already causing droughts. Now after a vast drought, it’s only 52%. In 2015, 61% of Australians thought CO2 made bushfires worse, now it’s only 48%. Then, 57% thought climate change impacted on sea level rise, now it’s only 44%. Where 62% thought climate change made storms worse, now it’s only 48%. These are big changes in just 4 years.
16.01.2022 Dob in a Denier?! The Conversation gives up conversing, admits defeat on climate, bans all skeptical scientists from commenting. Indeed, given the polls, they're banning half the population. If only they had evidence, they wouldn't need to censor. Lordy I have blasphemed!
14.01.2022 Labor wants to send $35 billion overseas to buy us "nice weather". Soon, Australians are likely to be sending real money overseas and getting back paper certificates at prices set by the EU. This is the dumbest deal of the century.... The 35 billion dollars we will spend on these useless, fraud-prone certificates is $35 billion we are taking out of the Australian labor market, or not spending on medicine, books or holidays in Bali. Angus Taylor, Minister for Energy, has noticed that this means $10b less tax will be paid too, which means less money for hospitals and schools. Most Australians don't know we already have an Emissions Trading Scheme. A potentially huge Carbon Tax is already approved by the Senate. The legislation was snuck through just before Christ mas 2015, buried under the name Safeguard Mechanism. It cost about $7m in the first year. But sits ticking, ready to blow-up into a billion-dollar monster any day. If Labor is elected, it won’t matter whether it has Senate control or not, the minister can just press a button, change the caps, and lo, the money will flow to foreigners for certificates based on intentions about atmospheric nullities for emissions they might have made but didn’t. We’re paying to change the global weather. We could be the stupidest rich nation on Earth. But really, we’re just not paying attention. There’s nothing wrong with payments for real goods and services. But carbon credits buy us 0.0001C of theoretical cooling we don’t need and won’t be able to measure 100 years from now. It’s the dumbest deal Australia has ever made. Frausters and bankers will love it. Tony Abbott won 90 seats on a promise to Axe The Carbon Tax in 2013. But, without any election, Australians still got exactly the carbon tax they voted overwhelmingly to stop. It’s one of the biggest lies in politics. It was brought in deceptively and is still being hidden by the Labor-lite unreformed Liberals. Turnbull finally achieved what Rudd and Gillard tried to do for years, but strangely Turnbull didn’t want to brag about it. He knew the voters would hate it.
14.01.2022 Surprise! 17,000 lost wallets show humans are nice people (mostly). More money lost, means more effort to return the item in 38 countries. Few predicted that. Why was the return of wallets so surprising? We've forgotten how remarkably good, valuable, and interesting we are as a species. It's politically correct to brag about how much we hate homo sapiens. The climate religion preys on the intrinsic goodness of people...
13.01.2022 How many climate marches does it take to stop a storm? A new climate model includes social processes to predict the climate. They expect the fashionality of hybrid cars or solar PVs will help predict the future climate. Serious researchers are now feeding their models with trends in human behaviour. Though there’s no sign climate models may use the million-mile-an-hour solar wind, nor changes to the solar magnetic field that’s bigger than Earths orbit. They’re also not usin...g solar spectral changes, but who cares about the odd quadrillion joules of ultra violet fritzing or not-fritzing our ozone layer? So much better to track twitter trends on solar panels instead. The fixation on CO2 is so obsessive compulsive it’s practically a science cult. Years from now when everyone agrees it was The Sun, historians are going to fish deep from this well of academic obsession. One of these things matters....
12.01.2022 File this fact away: Satellite datasets show that in an average year 50 million hectares burns around Australia. In a quiet year, it's only 20 million hectares, but in a busy year it gets close to 100 million hectares. A lot of this land area is in the far north and western part of the continent, which is hot and often arid. It's not the same as the cool wet corner of South East Australia which has some of the tallest trees in the world. The fuel loads in the north are much l...ower (like the trees). Some parts of the top end burn nearly 100%, year after year. It's no accident that the awful devastation this year was not in the red hot firezone on the map below, but in the South East corner where less than 5% of the area burns each year. The rarely burnt is the risky zone where there is a 20 year build up of fuel. Some areas are on a 1 in 100 year rotation or even slower. There were places this year that a whole century of fuel went up to help make that stratospheric pyroconvective fire and deliver some leaves and ash to New Zealand. (Lucky them).
09.01.2022 In the land of the Renewable-Crash-Test-Dummy we’re hitting the death spiral. Solar installations are rapidly accelerating in Australia amplified by an extra $2250 subsidy in Victoria which adds to current subsidies like the SRES (RET) which already cover around half the cost of installation. The free market is destroyed but the surge in solar will be hailed as evidence that solar PV prices are falling and there is increasing demand. More fake news. Every installation co...sts non-solar owners more (with the tally at $200pa and rising fast) and there are fewer non-solar owners left to pay. Obviously, the whole market has to be changed to ensure that solar owners pay a fair share of networking and backup costs. If solar power was cheap, useful or competitive, it wouldn’t need the subsidies. Instead, the nation keeps adding more useless infrastructure and wondering why the price of electricity is rising.
09.01.2022 For generations Marble Bar held the world record for the longest hottest place. Now it’s gone thanks to BOM adjustments. Death Valley USA is the new hottest longest record holder. Most days in a row above 100F In 1924 Marble Bar set a world record of the most consecutive days of 100 F (37.8 C) or above, during an incredible period of 160 days starting in 1923. It was legend but thanks to the genius homogenized adjustments, we now find out all along it was wrong. The exper...ts at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) have reanalyzed the temperatures from 4000 km away and nine decades in the future and apparently it wasn’t that hot. Chris Gillham wonders how the bureau figured out the Marble Bar max was one whole degree too warm on 18 Nov 1923, but it was 0.6C too warm on 19 Nov 1923, 0.3C too warm on 20 Nov 1923, 0.2C too warm on 21 Nov 1923, and 0.8C too warm on 22 Nov 1923? He points out the sky was totally clear every day, the screen didn’t get shuffled around every day, etc, so where’s the logic? The world record was extinguished because on 8 March 1924 the ACORN adjustments magically cooled the temperature from 38.2C to 36.5C. What caused the thermometer to be 1.7C too warm on that particular day? That adjustment is twice the size of the entire century long trend. Check out those daily changes of raw versus ACORN. Ponder the bad luck of scientists Saving-The-World who constantly have to battle against all the thermometers which cruelly and overestimated temperatures from Stevenson Screens in sites probably unaffected by concrete and bitumen so long ago. Those falsely high readings lulled the world into thinking that the world has always been hot and that CO2 was an irrelevant, minor and beneficial gas. What are the odds that so much equipment was non-randomly, dastardly conspiring to hide the True Catastrophic Effect of CO2! But never fear, the brilliant minds of the BoM are correcting past mistakes with secret methods they cannot explain to mere mortals outside the sacred guild of weather druids. Luckily for us, the new super sensitive small box electronic gizmos that record one second spikes of warmth from passing trucks and radiated heat from tarmac and walls is The Truth Hallalujah Brother. In another ten years, the climate of Marble Bar circa 1924 will be so much cooler. I bet the dead will be delighted. I can’t imagine why the BoM didn’t issue a press release to let the world know that Australia now doesn’t hold the longest hottest record which now goes to Death Valley. Thanks to the volunteer number-crunching dedication of Chris Gillham for doing what the million-dollar-a-day BoM hasn’t found time to do tell Australian we no longer have our long-standing heatwave world record at Marble Bar and that distinction now goes to America. Perhaps if we paid them less, they’d be more informative?
04.01.2022 The bully media are carefully editing and filtering every bit of news through the ScoMo-Bad filter Nothing he does is going to be well received by the ABC and cohort of Big-Government-freeloaders or artsy journo’s who want to run the country from the shouty sidelines. We hope he can rise above, because there is no pleasing them, and to try is to fail. It is to play right into their hands.... Like Trump, he has to make an asset out of the overt and ridiculous bias. Mock it, and make fun of it. Preempt their criticisms, beat them at their game by informing the people of how each decision will be received and by using every method of communication outside the mainstream media that he can. Trump does live venues and uses twitter. ScoMo has to find his own path. Martyn Iles on Michael Smith news says: Scott Morrison is finding himself in the same position as Tony Abbott. Big sections of the media want him gone, and it’s ugly. Nothing he does will be good enough. Every step, every word, every act, will be ridiculed, contemptible, broadcast in the most critical light, and the anti-ScoMo narrative will build steam, relentlessly. He visits fire-ravaged communities, he’s a shameless self-promoter. He stays away, he’s a useless leader. He gets accused of doing nothing, so he puts out a social media video explaining what the government is doing, and he’s derided globally as tone-deaf and inensitive for advertising. He goes on a holiday with his family which he cuts short, so he’s done the worst thing imaginable. Meanwhile, the QLD Premier is on a cruise and the NSW Emergency Services Minister is in Europe not a peep about them. Read it all. The nation is at a crunch point. This is an import post.
04.01.2022 In Australia Climate obedience must be 100%. @TonyAbbottMHR merely states obvious banal truth and gets his own AAP headline. "The settled science is not quite so settled" He's not questioning the science, he's saying what 1000s of scientist are. Imagine, I am Spartacus, if every single conservative politician said of course Climate science isn’t perfect. But almost none of them have the balls.
02.01.2022 Skeptics get 49% more media, and other fairy fantasy stories from Nature Gossip Mag. This is the Nature Blacklist. Incompetent, unscientific, fallacy aimed to silence debate. Skeptics get banned, rejected, blocked and sacked from the mainstream media yet somehow Nature has a paper on Skeptics getting too much media. Believers don’t have to be an expert to control the news agenda, just a Greenpeace activist, or a teenage girl. Skeptics on the other hand, can be Nobel Prize winners, but the BBC won’t even phone them.
01.01.2022 Big Government strangles our ecosystems just like it strangles scientific research. Australia has had 57 bushfire inquiries since 1939. We knew what was coming and we knew how to stop it, and we’ve known for eighty years (and indigenous people for thousands). Instead we paid a garrison of gravy trainers to not-read-those-reports and to create the exact conditions we knew would turn into a pyroconvective catastrophe. State Premiers missed a major threat to their people, their... industry, our environment. On top of the death and destruction toll, just one industry, tourism, is looking at a $4.5b loss. Heads must roll. If they were misled, then name the names. Our institutions failed us: The CSIRO didn’t save us, the ABC didn’t. What’s the point of them? Academics and CRC’s could’ve warned the nation, but instead most experts and the reporters said renewable energy would prevent these fires, even though climate change has made no difference to rainfall or droughts, which are driven by ocean currents, and solar cycles, not carbon dioxide. Let’s promote those who got it right, and turn off the tap to those that didn’t. Who pays damages? Who gets sacked? Just do it: less fuel, less rules, more roads, more dams. Read Viv Forbes.