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24.01.2022 God’s Word For You Today August 18, 2020 I will go home to my father and say, Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of b...eing called your son. Please take me on as a hired servant. Luke 15:18-19 (NLT) Last January a man in St. Petersburg, FL needed some money. He decided to pawn his 2000 Chevy Silverado. He got $1500 for it. In mid-March he went back to get it. But he decided not to pay to get it back. He simply took his spare key and stole it off the lot. A police officer watched him do it and quickly pulled him over. He did confess to the crime, but instead of just admitting he was trying to steal it, he tried to blame the pandemic. He told the judge that all of the Covid chaos caused him to not know what he was doing. He was charged with grand theft auto. Not taking responsibility and trying to shift the blame is almost epidemic in our culture. It seems that everywhere you turn people are passing the buck to someone else as the cause for their poor choices. We point the finger at other people. We point the finger at our circumstances. We point the finger even at God. But the reality is, WE made the bad decision. Regardless of the influences on our life, if we don’t own what we do, we’ll never get better. And we’ll never change. That’s why I love the Prodigal Son in this story. He OWNS his choices. He doesn’t blame his parents. He doesn’t blame his mean older brother. He blames HIMSELF. I have sinned against heaven and you. That’s the kind of self-awareness that leads to true repentance and opens the door for deep, life-altering change to take place. It’s the softened clay out of which God can fashion a new life! Who have YOU been blaming lately? Who have you been passing the buck to, rather than owning your own bad attitude, poor decisions, or failures and mistakes? If you keep blaming others you will never learn. You will never grow. And you will never change. You’ll just keep ending up in the same messes over and over again. It’s time to stop. Humble your heart. Own your mistakes. Point the finger at yourself and seek forgiveness from God and whomever else you need to be forgiven by. You’ll find people are a lot more redemptive with you when you take responsibility for yourself. And you’ll find God is a lot more able to help you become the person that you really want to be! That’s God’s Word for you today.
24.01.2022 Genesis 16:2, And Sarai said to Abram, Behold now, the Lord has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my servant; it may be that I shall obtain children... by her. And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. It is never good when we take it upon ourselves to fulfill the promises of God by our own plan. Not only because of our propensity to muddy up our lives, but because it removes our faith in God and places it solely on self. God would have had no need to make promises if we were capable of accomplishing them on our own, besides God does not need us to help him fulfill His promises. By this Sarai and Abram perverted the promise of God with Ishmael, the son of Hagar. Their impatience and lack of trust in God created an ongoing war between two half-brothers and their descendants. His plan wasn’t evil, and he meant no harm, but unfortunately good intentions cannot rationalize sin. They were convinced that God wanted him to sleep with Hagar to bring about the promise of an heir. By this Abram was trusting his own power to bring about God’s promise. We do the same thing. Do we not get impatient with God and seek our own path, seek only what our itching ears want to hear? Do we not toil and work at the expense of our relationships all in the name of our own provision? Do we not neglect the Word and seek to find our own ways to supposedly accomplish God’s plan? It is important to know where God is leading you, but equally important to be attentive and listen for the details of His plan to get you there. When I promise to take my daughter to the zoo, I don’t expect for her to plan our trip or drive us there. When I promise her, all I want is for her to get ready to go. Maybe you don’t want to have a child when you’re a hundred years old I understand that, but God seeks to do more than just fulfill His Word. He seeks to change the world through the radical faith of His people. Sometimes that requires us to be still and wait. Sometimes that requires us to say no to the quick solution, and wait for God to do the impossible at just the right time. Hold tight to your faith, trust God to keep His Word.
23.01.2022 One of the devil's most effective strategies is distraction. Distraction from what really matters. That's why Jesus says 'seek first'. Keep the main thing the m...ain thing. Ensure what we seek first and most, what we focus on, put our energy into is Jesus, the gospel, His Kingdom, and His righteousness. Believers get distracted by things that seem important but they are not the main thing. What they end up doing is keeping us distracted from what matters most. For some the distraction is work, finances, family busyness that isn't actually essential family life - and they keep you distracted from Jesus, his family, and his Kingdom For some it's issues and causes that seem biblical but are actually distractions from the gospel and the Kingdom. Believers become one issue zealots blinded by the issue that consumes them. The issue changes from time to time but the devil keeps them focussed like warriors, distracted, causing harm rather than bringing life. And there is no discussing with them - they are too caught up in the devil's scheming. For still others it's things of the world, the passions and temptations that entangle them, keeping them from putting Jesus first. What distraction is the devil using to keep you from seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness? What is it that seems so important but if exposed to the focussed light of Jesus will be exposed for what it really is - a distraction the devil is trapping you into pursuing to keep you from seeking Jesus above all else?
22.01.2022 God’s Word For You Today July 9, 2020 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it, it produces many seeds. John 12:24 (NIV) When I was a sophomore in college, my basketball coach made a strange request of me. He asked me to score fewer points. I was our team’s leading scorer and best player. It seemed counter-intuitive to have me shoot less and not more. The coach even admitted that we may lose a few more games early on as a result of it. But his strategy was this: My becoming less would help me make everyone else more. Our other players needed confidence. The only way their confidence would grow would be for them to depend less on me and more on themselves. I had to die to the idea of always being the go-to guy. I had to die to the desire to take control of the game. I had to die to always wanting to be the guy who took the last shot, made the heroic play, and whom everyone cheered for. The star had to die, so the team could grow. That’s not just good basketball strategy, that’s good biblical teaching! Jesus modeled this for us. He laid down His life. He gave up His rights and was crucified on a cross. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t just. He was The Star! He could have demanded His freedom, called down the angels of heaven, and just walked away. But He didn’t. He was the seed that fell to the ground and died. Now we are the many seeds that live. I’ll bet many of us could apply that same teaching to areas of our lives. How many of our marriages would grow if we died to self? What if we stopped demanding our way, fighting over petty offenses, and stopped looking out for only ourselves? What if we SERVED our spouse instead of always wanting to be served by them? My guess is a lot more of our marriages would really grow! What if we died to our PRIDE? What if we didn’t wait any longer for that person to come to us and ask for forgiveness? What if, instead, we went to them and asked forgiveness from them? What if we gave up our need to be right and just decided that the harvest of restored relationships is worth dying for? I’m going to guess that our return on dying to ourselves would be rich and that many seeds of wonderful things would be sown into our lives and the lives of those around us. Coach was right. If we become less maybe our homes, offices, and churches could be more. Guess we’ll have to die to find out! That’s God’s Word for you today.
20.01.2022 We finish up our series today | Let's Talk | Today Taming The Tongue
18.01.2022 Journey Home Fellowship is running the Alpha Film Series This Sunday 4 PM. Call 0434 284 347 for details. No pressure, ask any question. This Week - Is There More to Life Than This?
15.01.2022 God’s Word For You Today August 10, 2020 Then Peter called to him, Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water. Yes, come, Jesus ...said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. Matthew 14:28-29 (NLT) One of my favorite movie scenes is from the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Towards the end, Indiana Jones has to retrieve the Holy Grail in order to save his father. To get to it, he has to cross this chasm. But he knows there is no way he can make it. It’s too far to jump, and there’s no other way to get there. The clues call for a leap of faith. Finally, to save his father, he closes his eyes and steps off the ledge. I’ll let you watch the movie for yourself to see what happens. God calls us to leaps of faith sometimes. It’s certainly what Jesus did here with Peter. Peter prays a bold prayer and asks Jesus to let him come out on the water where Jesus is. Jesus invites Peter overboard. Now comes the REALLY hard part: The leap of faith. I wonder how many of us would have gotten to the edge of the boat and just shook our heads and decided we couldn’t do it. It’s one thing to PRAY boldly. It’s another thing altogether to DO something bold! I mean, ALL of us would love to walk on water. But how many of us are really willing to step out of the boat? Peter didn’t hesitate. He walked over the side of the boat and stepped off. That’s when the unbelievable happened. Peter walked on the water! Yesterday I talked about not being afraid to pray bold prayers. But today we’re reminded that sometimes, when we pray those prayers, God not only says Yes, He also tells us to take a leap of faith. That’s where the REAL discomfort comes in! Sometimes we have to step out of what we know to leap into what we don’t know. Sometimes we have to let go of something that feels secure to reach for the unbelievable. Sometimes it’s letting go of the familiar to do something we never believed we could do. It’s all very scary stuff. And that fear is often the wall that keeps most people right where they are. I don’t have any idea what big, bold prayer God may be getting ready to answer for you or what leap of faith He may be challenging you to make, but one thing for sure Peter teaches us: You’ll never walk on water unless you step out of the boat! That’s God’s Word for you today.
14.01.2022 God’s Word For You Today July 28, 2020 When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, Tell him to come here. So they called the blind man. Cheer up, they said. ...Come on, he’s calling you! Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. What do you want me to do for you? Jesus asked. My Rabbi, the blind man said, I want to see! And Jesus said to him, Go, for your faith has healed you. Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road. Mark 10:49-52 (NLT) We have our grandchildren with us for a couple of weeks. We love them so much. Since they moved across country, we don’t get to see them very often. So, when we do, we try to lavish our love on them. Yesterday was my grandson’s birthday. He turned 10. I told him I’d take him anywhere he wanted to eat and buy him whatever he wanted on the menu. His choice was Taco Bell. His selection of food cost me less than $10. I’ve got a feeling that may change as he gets older. But that’s okay. My love for him makes me willing to do a lot more for him than he can even imagine at his young age. God is like that, too. I think there are times when we under ask. Bartimaeus didn’t make that mistake. When Jesus hears his cry for help, He tells his friends to bring him to Him. Look at the question Jesus asked. What do you want me to do for you? Bartimaeus could’ve asked for a lot of things. He could’ve asked for just enough money to get by for a week or two. He could’ve asked for a better chair to sit on and beg from. He could’ve asked for some food or drink or even a fresh, new set of clothes to be more presentable. But instead, Bartimaeus asked for something bigger, something unbelievable. Instead of simply asking for something nice, he asked for a miracle. I want to see! he said. And Jesus gave him what He asked for. What do you need from Jesus today? I mean, what do you REALLY need? Jesus loves you even more than I love my grandson, and I was willing to buy him anything on the menu. I’m not going to tell you that Jesus will always give you anything you want, but I am going to tell you that He’s often willing to do more than we ask. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote, You do not have because you do not ask God for it. So, go ahead. Tell Jesus what you really want today. Trust His love. Trust His generosity. Trust that He loves to do great things for His Children who have faith in Him. Ask Him for the deepest desires of your heart. Even if it would require a miracle. You may be surprised what God is willing to do for you. And it doesn’t even have to be your birthday. That’s God’s Word for you today.
09.01.2022 Let’s Talk | Taming the Tongue
08.01.2022 God’s Word For You Today August 29, 2020 But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat hi...s chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’ I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Luke 18:11-14 (NLT) There is great power in brokenness. Brokenness heals. Brokenness restores. Brokenness provides a path for grace, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Brokenness opens the door for us to change our lives. That’s the real point of this story that Jesus tells. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector are BOTH sinners. They are both fallen human beings. They may have different issues, but they both have issues. They may have sinned differently, but they are both sinners. Make no mistake about it, they are both guilty before God. This is not a good guy and bad guy story. This is a story of two bad guys. The only difference between the two is that the Tax Collector became aware of his sin and was broken about it. The sorrow he felt caused him to hang his head. The pain of his past caused him to pound his chest. In the presence of God he became aware of who he was and also who he longed to be. In that moment he became a Broken Man. Out of his brokenness he confessed his sin and cried out to God for mercy. And the grace of God was poured out, and that Broken Man became a Better Man. The Pharisee walked out an unchanged sinner. The Tax Collector walked out a Child of God. Brokenness helps heal our relationships with each other as well. When we’ve hurt someone, intentionally or unintentionally, how do we often respond? We minimize it. We blame someone else for it. We tell the person who’s hurting that they’re being petty or childish or they’re too sensitive. And instead of healing the relationship, we build a wall. We add a layer of scar tissue. But what if we became broken? What if we actually CARED about these people we say we love enough to be sad about the fact that they are hurting. It doesn’t matter if we meant to or not. If they are hurting, then we should care. Being broken about their pain will have a much better chance of drawing them back to us than our pride. Granted, the people in our lives aren’t always as willing to give as much grace and forgiveness as God. But my guess is that our brokenness will go a lot further than our stubbornness. Each day we have the chance to be either the Pharisee or the Tax Collector. We will fail both God and people from time to time, no matter which we choose to be. But in our failure, let’s choose the path of brokenness. Broken people become better people. And unless you’re perfect, broken is the BEST you can be! That’s God’s Word for you today.
08.01.2022 God loves you more than you believe, and is more faithful than you deserve.
06.01.2022 I'm slowly working on a series for next year called Seven. It's based on the letters to the churches in Revelation. As I was studying today I was reminded that ...Revelation begins with the proclamation that Jesus is the ruler of the King's of the earth. God is sovereign, and in control even when things seem out of control. Even when we live in times when contents of the fourth seal are again all around us (6:7-8). When disease, trouble and struggle are our lot, our trust and faith in Jesus is not misplaced. See more
05.01.2022 Let’s Talk | Gossip | Talking To People Instead of About People
05.01.2022 God’s Word For You Today August 6, 2020 Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them. John 13:17 (NLT)... I’m going to get slammed for saying this, but I’m going to say it anyway. Knowledge is overrated. Now, before you start emailing me, let me finish. For most of us, our struggles are not a lack of knowledge. The problem is we don’t DO what we know. For example, I’ve had friends who have hired fitness trainers to lose weight. But fitness trainers simply tell most people what they already know: Stop eating junk, drink more water, and burn more calories than you’re taking in! We KNOW that. We just don’t DO that. So, we pay some muscled-up fitness person $50 an hour to scare us into doing it. Or how attending marriage conferences. The problem in most marriages is not that we don’t know enough about what makes marriage work. The problem is that we’re selfish, and we don’t want to DO what it takes to make our marriages work. The same is true with our faith. The issues that most of us struggle with are not due to a lack of Bible knowledge. The problem is we don’t PRACTICE the Bible that we know! Many people know the verse from Philippians that says, Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. But most of us don’t actually do that. We wring our hands, we pace the floor, and we lay awake half the night imagining the worst possible scenarios rather than laying it all out before God and leaving it with Him. We all know the scripture, Do to others what you want them to do to you. But that’s not how we live. Instead of talking to people about our problems with them, we talk to OTHER PEOPLE about them. But when that happens to us, we’re deeply offended that someone gossiped about us. We have the KNOWLEDGE. What we don’t have is the DOING. That’s why I love what Jesus says in this verse. The blessing of God doesn’t fall upon those with heads full of knowledge. God blesses those who take His Word and puts it into practice. That’s why when people ask me if I’m a big believer in memorizing scripture, I say, Absolutely! But then I add, But I am an even BIGGER believer in living it out! James, the brother of Jesus, put it this way: Don’t be simply hearers of the Word. Be DOERS, too! Amen. I would challenge you to not ask God to show you something new in His Word today. What I would challenge you with is to ask God what it is that you already know but aren’t putting into practice. And if you need to hire a Spiritual Fitness Trainer, just give your spouse or a close friend $50 and ask them to point out a truth that you’re not living up to. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help you out. That’s God’s Word for you today.
04.01.2022 Today | Let’s Talk | Gossip
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