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Jo White
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25.01.2022 Walking into a new week like l’ve got this ‘Your direction is more important than your speed.’ ... Anyone else have a weekly quote? #quote #motivationalquotes #quotefortheweek #qotd #dailyquotes #dailyinspo #yougotthis #igotthis #newweek #keepfocused #goals #mindset #selfmotivated #empowered #focused See more
25.01.2022 As the sun sets on another day it has me thinking about what a year it’s been. What a tough one! To be honest there are days when l’m barely hanging in there and l know l’m not alone and others feel this too. Let’s remember that light follows darkness and even though life isn’t easy, it’s worth it. One positive l’ve seen from all of this is how others have been there for each other in any way they can despite what they too are going thr...ough. Let’s ride this wave even if we’re flat-out body surfing Image: Canva #mindset #keepgoing #hanginthere #lifeistough #moveforward #lightafterdarkness #bethereforothers #letsridethewavetogether #instareal #soulsurvivor #hope #goodkarma #instamoment #healthiswealth #healyourself #innerstrength #innerpeace #healing See more
24.01.2022 A great start to the day chatting with @lukehinesonline @wellnessaustralia about well-being. As we know 2020 has been a huge year and it’s not over yet; so there’s still time to make the most of what you can control and find the ‘good’ in each day. See the full video on The House of Wellness IGTV.... Thanks for having me #healthandwellbeing #wellness #wellnessjourney #wellbeing #health #igtv #instagramtv #houseofwellness #socialworker #counsellor #wellbeingwarrior #socialwellbeing #socialwellness #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalwellness #mentalwellbeing #mentalwellness #wellnessau #wellnessaustralia #thehouseofwellness See more
23.01.2022 Q: Nervous breakdown anyone? Sometimes it’s hard to divert your mind away from wondering, what if this ... what if that ... but have you ever stopped to consider the impact this has on you? A: No thanks ... #whatif #breakdown #uncertainty #anxiety #unknown #bepresent #doubt #mindyourmind #nervousbreakdown #nervous #anxious #anxiousmind #forgetwhatifs #focusonthenow #controlyourthoughts #focus #inthenow See more
23.01.2022 It’s ok to say no but sometimes it’s helpful to have an alternative. ... #no #waystosayno #healing #speakup #useyourvoice #wellbeing #emotionalintelligence #savethisoneforlater @healingwithinlcsw
22.01.2022 It can be really difficult to walk away from someone you have invested so much of your time, energy and life into but if you aren’t treated with dignity, respect and love then you are just preventing yourself from finding true love; either with yourself or someone else. Now might be the right time to start making the move. There is a big wonderful life ahead of you, you just need to trust that it will all be ok. This may be the biggest step you’ll ever to make but it will be worth it. There is support to help you and unconditional love waiting #liveyourbestlife #lifeisbetterthanyouimagine #livelife #behappy #freedom #freetolive #lifeisbetterthanyouthink #takethestep #selflove #doitforyouself #doitforyourkids #readytocatchyou #unconditionallove #supportisavailable #lifelessons #healthyrelationships #relationshipgoals #putyourselffirst #redflags #breakingup See more
22.01.2022 Hey As l sit here looking busy, it got me thinking about you. Do you ever see my posts and have questions for me? ... Is there anything that you would like to know more about? Some of you have reached out because you’ve been interested in knowing more about becoming a social worker, others have connected because you’re young mums and wanted to know more about how l coped as a young parent with my first child AND some of you have sent me messages to say hi and thanks for my positivity. So, if you’d like to touch base to ask me a question or just say hi I’d love to hear from you. You can reach out to me in the comments or send me a DM and l’ll get back to you Jo x #laptop #laptoplifestyle #working #online #reachout #letschat #askmeaquestion #goforit #nothingtolose #lmhere #qanda #questions #messageme #sayhello See more
20.01.2022 : ’ Hi my name is Rozi, I am 18 year old, and I go to Hallam Senior College. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Rohit when I was 16. I am continuing with my education, I am in year 12 now. I sent my son to childcare since there is no one to look after him while I attend school. I was continuing with my life when one day I went to a family friend’s house and my son spilt rice on the floor. I quickly got up and started cleaning it, when my mum’s friend ...came up behind me and said if you stay home like what a mother should and teach your son manners then you won’t have to run after him and clean up. Those words stuck in my head for a long time. I didn’t say anything but cleaned it up and sat without saying a word. I wondered to myself what I did so wrong. I just want an education and to have a better future for my son and I. I sat there and I kept thinking about her words and the reason why she said that to me. She replied you don’t look after your child and you leave your son with other people. You won’t have time to teach your son and he’s going to be spoilt and have bad behaviour. I was so upset by her words and I said to her that if I don’t go school and get education who is going to feed us in the future? If I don’t have a job how can my son live a good life? Who is going be responsible for me and my son if I don’t get the right education? Who is going to take care of us? All these words came with tears coming down my eyes. I felt so weak because I still don’t have anything to prove to her. But she replied your husband will. Cont. next post See more
20.01.2022 The thoughts you think and the words you speak determine your mindset Make sure you feed your mind with positive messages. Messages that are supportive, caring and kind. ... Messages that encourage, motivate and inspire. You know what you want, so go get it. Start planning, set your goals and get out of your own way. #getoutofyourownway #mindset #positivemessages #positiveaffirmations #affirmations #thepowerofyou #self #selfbelief #socialawareness #perspective #belonging #live #survive #grow #thrive #transformyourlife #createchange #qualityoflife #developyourpotential See more
17.01.2022 ’ : That might be what you’re thinking but I can’t put my life and son’s life into a man. What if we’re not together in the future? Who is going to take care of us, I asked her. I felt so powerless that I tried harder than before. I never miss a class and get the most out of it. I felt powerless in front of other people and that’s why I set goals for myself. I will finish school and get a good job. ... Society thinks just because I’m going to school, I’m not looking after my son, not educating him and not taking responsibility for him. But what about the father who goes to work? Does that mean that he doesn’t look after his child? I feel like being a mother and a woman I have so much weight on me. In this society people think it is the woman’s responsibility to look after the child but I believe it is both parents’ duty. A child needs both parents because a mum and dad is not the same. If a woman wants to be a stay at home mum it is father responsibility to financially provide for the family. If mothers want to work it is the father’s responsibility to look after the child. In my opinion there is no such thing as one parent responsibility unless you are a single parent. Society says that women are weak, but we are equal if not stronger than men! RoZie RoZie, thank you for sharing your story. Much Jo
16.01.2022 l’ve seen this picture a few times and l think it’s a perfect visual to describe the impact counselling can have. How often do you have times when you feel your head is just a messed up mash of everything you’ve thought about, heard, read, seen or experienced? Counselling helps to work through that mess to make things clearer as you start to process everything you talk about. As you talk you may notice clarity, other times the clarity may come... as you live your life after each session. How can a counsellor help? someone who listens without judgement a chance to talk about how you feel and the impact of whatever is happening in your life at the time explore strategies that could work for you (based on who you are and your life) link to information, services or supports that could help There are many options for counselling and there are counsellors who are experienced in certain issues. If you’ve ever considered counselling but have been reluctant to try, l hope this pic gives you some comfort in knowing it’s not as scary as it may seem. #counselling #emotionalwellbeing #mentalhealth #lookafteryourself #selfcare #selflove #caringforyourself #nojudgement #strategies #mindmatters #tuneintoyou #heart #compassion #empathy #clarity #kindness #wellbeing #socialemotionalwellbeing #therapy #socialworker #therapy #womensmentalhealth #womenshealth #relationship #family #health #trauma #healing #psychosocial #support See more
14.01.2022 Carers: l’m pretty sure many of you would know someone who cares for someone else. My dad is my mums main carer and there are others in our extended family who are also carers. As a health social worker l’ve worked with many people who; due to the impact of health-related issues like cancer, disability and mental health, need care or become carers. Carers can be any age and sometimes children become the carers for a parent. When Carers... Victoria asked me to do this ad and give my support to Victoria’s carers, l said YES and do you know know what I asked for in return? Nothing. Why? Because that’s exactly what carers ask for in return for the truly incredible care they give. Giving without expectation, many unpaid carers commit their life to care for someone. Sign up and pledge your support for truly incredible carers at: National Carers week is the 11th - 17th October #showthemyoucare #trulyincrediblecare #carersvictoria #ad #kindness #compassion #empathy #carers #resilience #raiseawareness #raisingawareness #youngcarers #oldercarers #familycarers #healthawareness #wellbeingawareness #victoria #victoriascarers #iseeyou #weseeyou See more
13.01.2022 Happy hump day! ... #mindset #lifeisgood #community #communityspirit #joy #instagood #lifestyle #bestoftheday #goodvibes #lifeisbeautiful #positivevibes #happiness #beach #beachlife #beachlover #lovinglife #sandandsea #life #lifequotes #living #aliveness #humpdayvibes #humpday #melbourne #supportmelbourne #lockdown #keepyourheadup #enjoythelittlethings See more
11.01.2022 Today is a day to make a difference. You are more capable than you know. ... #makeadifference #makeadifferencetoday #positiveenergy #positivechange #connection #connect #changeyourlife #changealife #careforothers #focusonwhatyoucando #community #care #empathy #sociallyconscious #socialconscience #caringforcommunity #humanity #humanitymatters #goodvibes #givingback #compassion #empowerment #empoweryourself #empowerothers #payitforward #instagood See more
11.01.2022 Good morning Monday morning motivation. Time for a cuppa and some light reading about ‘Kings’ I think it’s time to rewrite the book, hands up who’s with me ‘QUEENS’? ... This is YOUR week, take charge and take CONTROL. My health goals this week are to: 1 eat well and keep hydrated 2 keep moving 3 spend 30mins per day to myself doing something that relaxes me How about you? #goals #goalsetting #setgoals #healthgoals #achievegreatness #queens #heathmatters #healthymindandbody #healthymind #healthybody #mondaymotivation #youvegotthis #believe #achieve #wellbeing #health #youhavecontrol #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #healthymums #mum #queen #queens #takecontrolofyourlife #takecontrol #coffeelover #coffeetime #bookstagram Image: Canva
09.01.2022 Happy world SMILE day One of my favourite things is to share a smile, it’s so contagious. I also love that there is a day dedicated to celebrating a smile. I’ve been a fan from way back (smiley t.shirt, ripped jeans & bandana) ... #worldsmileday #smileyface #harveyball #firstfridayoctober #smiles #goodwill #kindness #humanspirit #humanconnection #actsofkindness #noworries #livelife #community #connection #actofkindness #livelife #payitforward #compassion #socialconnection #passonasmile See more
07.01.2022 Do you see a weed or a WISH Explore the wonder around you even if it’s only within 5 km. I’m starting my day with a bike ride ... What are your plans today? #dandelion #weed #wish #perspective #perspectiveiseverything #explorethewonder #outdoors #freshair #active #getmoving #mindset #motivation #activemum #workofflockdownkilos #melbourne #schoolholidays #breathe #lifestyle #living #livingforthemoment #motivation #keepgoing #wishes #contentment #happiness #happinessisachoice #wellbeing #wellbeingaustralia #wellbeingwarrior See more
07.01.2022 I had such a great day today, l hope you did too It reminded me of this quote: Self care ... it’s making choices to live a life you don’t need to escape from. - Breanna West... That’s what l want, what about you? But how do you start to create a life where you feel content and well; socially, emotionally and physically? Try: 1 surrounding yourself with likeminded people 2 making decisions that are good for you 3 keep your body moving in whatever way you enjoy What top tips do you have? #selfcare #selflove #liveyourbestlife #selflove #wellness #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #socialwellbeing #emotionalwellbeing #physicalwellbeing #mindfullness #positivevibes #healing #life #instagood #wellbeing #happiness #inspiration #life #youhavevalue #youarevalued #dontdoubtyourself #believe See more
07.01.2022 Hell yeah How often do we expect ourselves to have perfection in our lives, it’s exhausting. Nothing is perfect and no-one is perfect. We don’t (and shouldn’t) expect perfection of others, so why do we expect it of ourselves? If you needed a reminder, here it is. ... You are AMAZING! #perfection #perfectiondoesntexist #youareamazing #youvegotthis #heresyourreminder #noonesperfect #nevergiveup #adversitytoresilience #justbetruetowhoyouare #thinkforyourself #keepmovingforward #progressnotperfection #workhardseeresults #lstruggletoo #justbetruetowhoyouare See more
06.01.2022 Although l haven’t been as committed as l’d hoped during this lockdown, l have been so very grateful for the positivity, encouragement and commitment from the team at Vivalife, talk about having your back. Well done on continuing to support your tribe while you optimistically move through this lockdown. Brighter days ahead ... #pilates #yoga #fitness #health #wellbeing #zen #selfcare #innerstrength #physicalstrength #womenshealth #womensfitness #wellness #womensupportingwomen #encouragement #support #motivation #positivity #grateful #vivalifepilatesandfitness #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness See more
06.01.2022 Dreaming of Palm Cove Thinking back to my last holiday and the calm of having my feet splash in the water of the pool while l soaked up the warmth of the sun. Did you know tuning into your senses can help ground you and can be one of many helpful strategies for someone struggling with their mental health; grounding helps to ‘get you out of your head’ and be in the present. ... There are many other options that can help and these can include exercise, counselling and medication. It’s important to have strategies that work for you. Book a time to chat with your local doctor if you need support. World Mental Health day is October 10. A time to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around mental health wellbeing. This year has been extremely tough on everyone and some have struggled more than others. Mental health matters; so have compassion, be kind and care for each other. #palmcove #cairns #queensland #travel #loveoftravel #holidays #beach #beachbabe #pool #poolside #pooltime #water #ripple #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthmonth #october2020 #mentalhealth #counselling #support #grounding #health #wellbeing #melbourne #mentalhealthmelbourne #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #calmyourmind See more
04.01.2022 Mindset is everything, and a great way to shift a negative mindset to a positive one is to get moving and have fun! Who else loves to jump on the trampoline? ... #mindset #mindsetiseverything #lifelessons #negativetopositive #positivemindset #toptips #sharingtheideas #getmoving #havefun #instagood #goodvibes #behappy #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #emotionalwellbeing #weekendvibes #trampoline See more
03.01.2022 HER VOICE, HER STORY, HER WORDS Stories from women about their own real-life experiences as young women. All stories in her own words. All women have chosen what they want to share. All women have the option to use their own name, use an alias or be anonymous. All women have the option to supply photos. Trigger Warning (TW): some stories may be distressing. Please connect with your own support if needed, or you can contact:... In an emergency: 000 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732 PANDA: 1300 726 306 Parentline: 13 22 89 (Victoria) , , . . Thanks goes to the women who have the courage and strength to share their story. All stories also available on my blog - link in bio. These stories have been submitted and are not stories of clients. See more
03.01.2022 How great is TALKING? Often when l get started l can go on for hours; especially when catching up with a friend. I love listening to them and l love sharing what’s happening for me. Talking can be a great way to get things out of your mind, it can help you make sense of things and can release ‘stuff’ that you no longer want to hold onto. ... If you’re not a talker maybe you should give it a go because it really does help make the big things seem smaller. #talking #chat #talktosomeone #talktome #sharetheload #makethingssmaller #counselling #connectwithme #weneedmoreofthis #reachout #blab #babble #speak #friends #someonetolisten #talkaboutit #talktalk #someonetounderstand #bigthingssmaller See more
02.01.2022 Lessons learnt from working in healthcare The ... ... value of life privilege to support someone at a time of crisis courage & determination of the human spirit care & compassion of others power of love power of hope power of connection Even though life may not turn out to be what you imagined, there is still value in every day. I’m always in awe of the struggles faced by people and how against all odds, they find a way to persevere and continue to LIVE Leave a YES below if this also inspires you. #life #wisdom #lifelessons #valueoflife #lifeisforliving #bethereforothers #hospitals #healthcare #adversity #illhealth #resilience #tenacity #determination #poweroflove #powerofhope #compassion #kindness #connection #alltogain #remindertolivelife #livewell #valueineveryday #findthegoodstuff #goodnews #socialworker #healthsocialworker #clinicalsocialworker #counsellor #advocate #supportservices See more
01.01.2022 ? Stressful times happen, we all know this but if you can make this one change, it can make a difference to the moment. Research has shown that if you have a well developed sense of humour and can find the humour in a stressful situation you’ll more likely be in a positive mood. This can lead to reduced feelings of being ‘stressed-out’, which in turn can reduce depression and anxiety. ... Benefits of laughter: increases ‘feel good’ hormones in your body increases a relaxation response reduces pain & tension increases resilience and optimism. No wonder l love getting a little silly and sharing a laugh. , : To watch a funny movie Spend time with your kids (if you have them) and just get silly Call a friend and talk about fun times you’ve shared Get back to me and let me know if it made any difference to your mood. (You can comment below or send me a DM.) Jo x #laughter #feelgood #endorphinsmakeyouhappy #dopamine #moodbooster #relaxation #emotionalwellbeing #resilience #optimisim #laughter #bellylaughs #humor #selfcare #selfloving #mood