Joy Yoga in Moe, Victoria | Sport & recreation
Joy Yoga
Locality: Moe, Victoria
Phone: +61 437 107 979
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25.01.2022 Decided to give a FREE meditation and contemplation workshop this Sunday. This is to kickstart the next 6 weeks of online classes with enJoy Yoga at Home. The theme for this block is Coming Home to Hope. So, lets get clear on what that means to you and put in place some actions to help cultivate Hope back into your Life.
25.01.2022 Life is a balancing act. What are you doing to stay balanced? How are you going to balance your life this year? ... This year is a time to rework your life and your MAGIC. Balance work with play, rest with action, taking with giving and doing with being.
23.01.2022 Let nature brighten up your day! #naturalbeauty #lovenature #naturehealsall #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup
23.01.2022 Hope to Help! How does Hope inform your decisions? What actions in your life are an expression of your hopes and dreams for the future?... Theres no Hope without action. Hope. Action. #hope #hopeinaction #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup
23.01.2022 Hope is an essential emotive required for all of humanity just now. It had been shown to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. It is also something you can cultivate.... Why not join us tomorrow for some meditation, contemplation and journaling on Hope. We will finish up with a Beautiful Yoga Nidra given by the skilful Clem Jarvis. Super uplifting and grounding at the same time. Message me for the zoom link. It join through the Facebook even page on @joyyogamoe #hope #thereishope #cultivatehope #livewithjoy #yogawithlucilla #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #joyyogamoe #embodiedliving #consciousliving #wakeup
23.01.2022 Ive started back with enjoy Yoga online this week. Why not join us, from the comfort of your own home. This isnt better than no yoga, this is yoga in its full power. Take a test run with the recorded class on this link. But join us live and be part of the community.
21.01.2022 Spring! Its the season for growth, change, renewal! How are you letting spring inform your actions, choices, growth and renewal? Ayurveda would suggest its time to begin to adjust your diet, look after your sinus, get out and moving more and spring clean your inner and outer environment.... If you are wind sensitive clover your ears but dont let it out you of being outdoors! Enjoy this invigorating season!
21.01.2022 Sometimes being alone is exactly whats required to feel together. I know its been a long road. But if you are like me, digging deep is still revealing the inner strength buried beneath. Its okay. Youre going to be okay. Me too.... There is Hope for our future. Let it be revealed. #alonetogether #inittogether #hopeforthefututre #innerstrenght #itisokay #lockdown2020 #lockdown2 #digdeep #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup #consciousliving
20.01.2022 The dawn of a new era. Feel that fresh rising energy, taking us to New heights. Take some time for self care and reflection. So you can take yourself forward in a strong and positive way.... You, us all and the planet need you to do so! We journey alone, together. #newdawn #newera #newagw #inittogether #paradigmshift #stepup #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup
20.01.2022 In it together. Reach out to somebody you care about today! #inittogether #careforeachother #reachouttoday #bekind #liveconsciously #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction
19.01.2022 It may seem like there are barriers and branches in the way. But these are here to help us climb higher, to reach beyond where we are now. Everything is in perfect order. #perfectorder #gobeyond #climbhigher #uplevel #paradigmshift #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup #treewisdom
19.01.2022 The Goddess, the Divine Feminine. So abundant and generous. But what do we do to give back?... Whether it is spring or autumn for you, the Divine Mother gives generously in these seasons. Can you think of even just one small action you do regularly to give back? A mental worship or offering is beautiful, but can you ground it into a physical practice as well? This Spring/Autumn develop 1 new habit that supports the earth. #thedevinefeminine #divinemother #giveback #carefortheearth #practiceawareness #pledgefortheplanet #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup
18.01.2022 Salutations to Lord Ganesha! The One who removes obstacles! Inner and outer.... Call out his name and ask for his support! Invoking him during our 6 week journey to Hope. #lordganesha #omgamganapatayenamaha #livewithhope #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #enjoyyogaathome #onlinewithlucilla
18.01.2022 Full Moon Blessings to You All. Take some You time today. Look after yourself. Maybe even plan out your self care and health plan for spring. Its time to start to change our patterns that are in line with our new season and new season in life.... Use the energy of this full moon to bring your dreams, goals and Hopes into reality. Or at least to get the ball rolling! Meditation, contemplation and connection (to nature or something bigger than yourself) is a great place to start. #fullmoonblessings #springclean #lookafteryourself #springhabits #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #embodiedliving #enjoylife
18.01.2022 Life is about learning. And during this paradigm shift pushing its way through us, its important to rise your bar! Study something, learn a new skill or simply dive inward for the greatest study of them all.... Rise your level of understanding. Rise your vibration. And this will help rise the Awareness and Action of all humans. As we are all in this together, we all need to play our part. What are you learning just now? #riseyourlevel #riseyourvibration #paradigmshift #learnsomethingnew #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup #inthistogether #playyourpart
18.01.2022 We are coming to the last week of our latest series of classes. We worked with the time tested stabilising practice of Salutes to the Sun. The is a Tues morning Flowasana class. Why not give it a go over the weekend!
17.01.2022 The days are getting longer. The season is changing. There is Hope in the air.... What do you hope for, for the last 1/3 of the year? What do you need to do, to help that come about? Love with Hope. Act with alignment. #springiscoming #havehope #livewithhope #actinalignment #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup #inthistogether #lockdown2
16.01.2022 Did you remember I teach 3 live yoga classes on zoom each week? Im loving this new echo-friendly way of teaching. This platform saves you time, effort and energy.... Roll out of bed and roll out your mat. Or get home from work, pop dinner in the oven and bam, its ready when you finish class. Accessing Yoga has never been easier. Hope you can join me. #yogaonline #onlinewithlucilla #enjoyyogaathome #thisyogiclife #embodiedliving #doyogaathome #yogawithlucillajane #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga
16.01.2022 Spring! Natures time to get creative! But what about you? Time to create something?... Being creative can help you dream, imagine something new and feel connected. And dont we all need that just now? Start creating now! #getcreative #welcomespring #becreative #livewithjoy #lightenup #thisyogiclife #embodiedliving #consciousliving #livingyoga #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #yogawithlucilla
15.01.2022 Dreaming..... Its still important. We all have dreams, for ourselves and for the world. What are you dreaming just now? What do you magically what to call forth? Listen to your dreams. Both night dreams and day dreams. If there is something you really want to happen, start dreaming now.... And let the action needed for this magically guide you. #startdreaming #dreambig #dreamforall #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup
15.01.2022 The year has started..... Dive in. #livewithjoy #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup #2021
15.01.2022 The child within. Is still there! Go deep and reconnect! Find the playful, imaginative, joyful child within.... This is your super power! Remember who you are! #rememberwhouare #childwithin #innerchild #innerpower #wakeup #gowithin #findyourself #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction
15.01.2022 Are you feeling those Covid Kgs? Know you are not alone! Christmas time might not seem like the perfect time to focus on this, but as nothing is as it was, maybe the timing is just right!... Summer is coming, days are longer and it's a great time to get outside and take fresh air and exercise. It's also a good time to rethink eating and daily habits and see what needs adjusting. And whatever happens, don't stress and love yourself! #loveyourself #don'tstress #summerhabits #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction
15.01.2022 Hope is our greatest friend Latest Newsletter and Offerings from Lucilla from Joy Yoga. -
15.01.2022 Reset and restore this new moon. Tonight at 6pm in your own home. #onlinewithlucillajane #onlineclasses #enjoyyogaathome #onlinewithlucilla #yogawithlucillajane #yogawithlucilla #joyyogamoe #doyogaathome
13.01.2022 Take this 6 class series to start your fearless year of change. 2 classes a week, available from today. Facing our fears and seeing them as a messenger and friend.... Let the grip of fear go this year and live with freedom. #yogaonline #onlinewithlucilla #enjoyyogaathome #thisyogiclife #embodiedliving #doyogaathome #yogawithlucillajane #livingyoga #livingyogaonline #livingyogawithlucilla
13.01.2022 Whether you are wanting join in the online yoga series that is starting tomorrow or not, this is a wonderful process to go through just now. Here we contemplate what Hope is, what is means to you and how it expresses itself in your life. We also make a Sankalpa (a statement of a deeply held desire or intension) and an affirmation to help support that to coming into being. Clem Jarvis takes us through a wonderful Yoga Nidra to ground it all into the body. Take a look.
12.01.2022 Growing. Like a tree! Nature has so much wisdom to offer. Whenever you feel stuck, unsure, confused fed up, frustrated.... Find a forest, walk the beach, climb a hill, paddle a river. Or find a park, hug a tree, do some gardening..... if you cant get out.... Find refuge in nature and you will flourish. #naturehealsall #natureheals #naturalwisdom #findyourself #listentonature #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup #connecttowarth
12.01.2022 Feeling unsure how to step into the year with confidence? Why not allow yourself to be guided? Right now life is taking us for a ride and it might feel like you're riding a camel at times!! ... But if you let yourself be guided the ride will be easier! Its never been more important to surrender control!
09.01.2022 Its happening again! 6 weeks of delicious yoga with yours truly. The theme this time is Hope! Coming home to and cultivating Hope back into your life. We started yesterday with meditation, contemplation and yoga nidra. Where we have imbeded it into our subtle body.... Now we embody it through our physical practice, seasoning our daily life with it and sharing it with other. HOPE you can join us. Booking link in bio. #hope #livewithhope #enjoyyogaathome #onlinewithlucillajane #onlineclasses #yogaonline #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #joyyogamoe #embodiedliving
08.01.2022 We are all One. Underlining the very fabric of life, is this simple but hard to believe truth. We are all One.... If we understood this truth, if we actually realised it, we simply wouldnt do the harm we are to this planet. To our own Mother. Its not just person to person we are one, but to the tree, the river, the grass, the cow, the very dirt beneath your feet. If you listen deeply enough, you hear nature speak to you. Listen. We are all One. #weareone #weareallone #theultimatetruth #lovenature #lovetheeatth #wakeup #livingyoga #embodiedliving #consciousliving #thisyogiclife #yogainaction
08.01.2022 This is my lockdown bubble! Who or what is keeping you sane? Staying safe and staying sane is a balance!... #lockdown2020 #keepsafekeepsane #lockdownbubble #inittogether #embodiedliving #consciousliving #wakeup #livingyoga #yogawithlucillajane #yogawithlucilla #joyyogamoe
07.01.2022 New moon means new ideas, new projects. New Hope. Open your heart to Hope and Inspiration. ... Do things that expand your heart, uplift your spirits and lift the spirits of those around you. Do things that build your awareness, connect you with nature and the world you live in. Align this to the greater good. And to the greater good of our suffering planet. We are all in this together. May the darkness of the new moon illuminate your hearts desire and your deep wisdom. May you live in Love, Joy & Alignment. #newmoonleo #newmoonblessings #livefromyourheart #liveinalignment #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup
07.01.2022 Feeling isolated? Youre not alone! But use this time as a unique opportunity to retreat inward.... THIS is the time to rethink your life. And see what you can do to make a greater impact for the world at large. #lockdown2 #isolation #innerretreat #anopportunity #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #wakeup #thinkoftheplanet
06.01.2022 Ready, set, go..... Life just got busy! Did the busy bomb hit you? The end of the year is racing towards the finish line and it's hard to keep up.... But do we need to keep up? Remember, the old way of doing things is over. Take your time to find your new way forward. And find a rhythm and a pace that suits you. #newwayforward #busybomb #slowdown #embodiedliving #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction
05.01.2022 Hope is the theme of my next 6 weeks of Yoga practices. And its starting today with this FREE online meditation, contemplation and journalling session. Join us at 4pm if you can. The skilled Clem Jarvis will finish the session with a beautiful Yoga Nidra. Heres the link if you want to join. Bring a pen and journal or paper with you. Join Zoom Meeting... Meeting ID: 886 6081 2101 Passcode: Hope
04.01.2022 A library of classes is building! When you join enJoy Yoga at Home online classes with @lucillaJane you have access to these. These classes are done in 6 week blocks, with a theme. The classes are recorded so you can join live or catch up later or replay the class. Those classes are keep for the next 6 week block to replay and use as you need. Even to share. ... There are 3 unique classes to choose from depending on your level or needs. Or if you like a variety of approaches, then you can join in on all 3 classes. This 6 week block on Hope has started, but its not to late to join in and play catch up. Heres what Judy Mills from Adelaide said about them! "THANK YOU BEAUTIFUL LADY... YOU ARE AN EXCEPTIONAL, INCLUSIVE, GROUNDED, THOUGHTFUL, INSPIRING YOGA TEACHER!!!" And Thank You Judy for joining in!! What to join? Follow the link!
02.01.2022 What to bust out some moves? Yoga offers the perfect platform. Join me online with living Yoga until Christmas in your own living room.... #yogaonline #onlinewithlucilla #enjoyyogaathome #thisyogiclife #embodiedliving #doyogaathome #yogawithlucillajane #livingyoga #livingyogaonline #livingyogawithlucilla
02.01.2022 We have got a way to go yet. But remember. Every step is scared. Tread with care. With each other and our planet.... #everystepcounts #sacredsteps #treadwithcare #bekind #yogawithlucilla #livingyoga #yogawithlucillaJane #thisyogiclife #yogainaction #embodiedliving #wakingupslowly
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