Julia's Celebrant Agency in Heathmont, Victoria, Australia | Wedding planning service
Julia's Celebrant Agency
Locality: Heathmont, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 402 916 245
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25.01.2022 WHAT LOVE DOES. If you had planned to get married during the pandemic, you are probably royally pissed off and rightly so. Weddings plans are costly plans. They involve countless hours of online research, people pleasing and more often than not, quite a few sleepless nights. To have all of that amplified by a bloody pandemic wouldnt be fun.... So, this is where I come in. Im here to remind you of what love does. Love doesnt wait for no one! Love is constantly simmering away ready to be enjoyed all the time! You cant hit a pause button on love. If you feed it just the tinniest bit of happiness it stretches to every corner of the room, regardless of how many people are in it. Now Ive been to enough elopements to know that the size of a wedding doesnt matter and believe it or not, it has no effect whatsoever on the feelings of love. Love delights in the most simple of things. Hand written vows on a scrap of paper, a squeeze of a hand, a kiss on the forehead. Love is bloody magical and grows exponentially if you let it. Yes, it is disappointing to not be able to throw a party right now, but what would happen if you believed that love IS the party? Would you wait another 12 months to celebrate what deserves to be celebrated now? Love has the ability to fly across oceans and jump right through tv screens. Love makes letters, postcards, emails and texts the happiest stories to read. Love makes snippets of footage captured on your phone into the most heart-warming videos for family and friends. During this completely strange, overwhelming and crazy time, the more love we can invite into our lives, the better. So, dont wait. Ok postpone the party if you need to, but dont postpone the marriage. Let love do its thing now. If you feel that getting married now with just a few chosen people present will add more joy into your world, I bet ya 100% it will do just that. All those more elaborate wedding plans on hold will be ready and waiting. Love is great like that. It is always ready to be shared.
24.01.2022 So as you can imagine, I am thrilled with the news that weddings will be allowed again as of tomorrow!! It's been such a crazy time to be alive and I am super grateful that throughout the last few months, my little business has managed to stay afloat thanks to the weekly bookings coming in and the 9 gorgeous couples who chose to elope with me despite the restrictions. In fact, July this year was the only month where I wasn't able to do a wedding. Last year July was my only we...dding-free month too!! So when I look at it this way, I've definitely been lucky and I put this down to the awesome clients that have taken this pandemic in their stride. So thanks guys!!! Thanks for keeping me going, thanks for choosing love over fear and thanks for recommending me not just throughout the last few months but throughout my 12 year career in Celebrancy. Special thanks to these two pictured Lee & Chad who were my first couple to dive head first into a crazy socially distanced 5 people wedding. Doesn't look too bad does it!? Here's to many more!! xxxx See more
24.01.2022 So much respect for these ladies! Unique funerals for original people is exactly what is needed in Melbourne (and beyond!) xx
24.01.2022 Hello sunflower lovers!! For those who may have seen my Insta stories or have seen my personal FB page, you would probably know now that I have been a busy bee delivering my Dad's beautiful sunflowers! The response has been amazing! So if you would like some of this sunshine in your home in the next week or the week after, or for anytime over the next few months (or for MOTHER'S DAY) Here is a little webpage I have put together to make it much easier to get these happy flowe...rs to your door. Jump on in, order till your hearts content, spread some cheer and even feel free to buy some of the Sunny Honey we have available! Every order is SO appreciated. We hope you love these beautiful blooms as much as we do! www.juliascelebrantagency.com/sunflowers
22.01.2022 Guys!!! If you love Harry Potter, you HAVE to watch this!!! Being Giulia & Stuart's Celebrant was an honour, an awesome challenge and a big big 2019 career highlight. Have a look!!! Also, well done Lavan Photography, you did an incredible job filming & editing this brilliant video! https://vimeo.com/404227352
21.01.2022 Hi friends! Our next crop of sunflowers are ready and they are super big & beautiful! We are calling them our 'winter sunshine' variety! If you'd like to make an order, delivery within the Yarra Valley & Dandenongs is only $10. Other areas only a smidge more. The Winter Sunshine's are $10 a bunch or 5 for $40.... 5 stems in a bunch! Follow the link below or give Andrew a call on 0411 984 466 www.juliascelebrantagency.com/sunflowers See more
20.01.2022 Stoked to have married two lovely humans today on the most popular wedding date in the history of my career! 10.10.2020! Cracking day for it.
19.01.2022 OH DEER! It's true, I crack myself up. 10 points to whoever can guess exactly how many years ago this hilarious footage was taken. @kimberleymooremedia thank you for being the witness at my very first deer wedding!
18.01.2022 James & Trav. I remember early into the ceremony I whispered to you both 'Do you want to hold each other's hands?' You were both like NUP! Haha. Looking at these STUNNING photos now, I can totally see why. You both clearly just wanted to stand back and admire each other! Your wedding had all the right ingredients. So much heart felt love in the air, a big beautiful tree for us to gather under and vows that made everyone a bit blinkey. Thank you so much for having me and thanks to Love is Sweet Wedding Photography for these gorgeous pics!! @ Wyreena Community Arts Centre
18.01.2022 Just some women who are doing more than what they realise! They are all incredible role models and I am actually lucky enough to know and love all of them!
17.01.2022 Now I have had my fair share of Sarah's & Jessica's.... but 2020 is the YEAR OF Melissa's!! (And Melanie's!) Marrying 5 of them in the next 4 weeks. Should be easy to remember! :) x
17.01.2022 March was an awesome month for weddings. There was some sadness with a handful of couples who had to postpone, but for those who didn't, wowee what fun we had! x
16.01.2022 CALLING ALL WEDDING INDUSTRY FRIENDS! If you have created a new side hustle during COVID, let me know! I am putting together my next industry newsletter and would love to give a shout out to all the new little businesses that might want some support leading up to Xmas. Plug you new biz links or details below! :)
15.01.2022 Guys I have an amazing statistic to share with you! Every time I have turned up to a client's wedding, they have ended up MARRIED! I have a 100% strike rate. Isn't that fab? Haha. On Friday these two handsome people ended up married too!!! Emily & Zak were supposed to get married on the 17th of October, then like many other couples, they postponed their wedding to April next year. THEN they thought, screw it. Let's have some good come out of 2020 and elope now and just be mar...ried already!! Emily & Zak your elopement was everything a beautiful marriage should be! There were tears, hugs, laughter, heartfelt vows and sunshine!! I can't help but bring the sunshine. So congratulations you two!!! If anyone else was thinking of doing the same thing, I have the 17th of April 2021 available now as these guys are already 100% MARRIED! Woooohoooo!!!
14.01.2022 Today on this mother-appreciating-day I am grateful for all the people who have helped me out considerably as I try and do all the things whilst being a stay at home Mum. I am grateful for having a great Mum, step Mum and mother in law and even a Bonne Maman who just the other day said to me 'Oh you must be having SUCH FUN!' (While the kids were causing such a ruckus I could hardly hear her during our zoom chat) It made me stop and laugh because whilst there was mess, tantru...ms and so much noisy commotion all around me... If I stopped looking at those things, there was indeed a great deal of fun happening all around me too. Thank goodness for outside perspective and for the wisdom of those who have been there, done that! Happy Mother's Day everyone xxx
14.01.2022 Ok ok, maybe I miss weddings just a bit! :)
14.01.2022 Wrote a little something about dogs & funerals! Have a read and tag a dog lover! Special thanks to Dr Vanessa Rohlf and Lauren Murphy Photography for helping me put this together xx https://www.mylivingfuneral.com.au//buster-and-felix-shoul
13.01.2022 Super lovely being a part of these celebrations! xx
13.01.2022 Some wise words from our beautiful bride and groom TOM & BEC! Their advice? Just get married anyway! Wooohooo!!!!! Due to travel restrictions and all the craziness around us, their reception was cancelled and their equally beautiful Celebrant @marneymcqueen wasn't able to fly in for the occasion. After some tough decisions these two went on with the show and completely changed venues, resulting in this STUNNING backdrop of @montdusoleil in the Dandenongs. It was my pleasure to help them make their marriage legit! xox
13.01.2022 Creating my own little SALE today for Black Friday :) Although I'll be calling it my eco Celebrant GREEN SALE! Every 'You to a Tee' ceremony package booked within the next 10 days for FEBRUARY, MARH & APRIL 2021 is 20% off. That's a saving of $211!!! I have SO MUCH availability for early next year so get in touch! (Covid hasn't been kind to a lot of my couples and I also thought I would be having a bubba in Feb but that isn't the case anymore, so any extra weddings I can secure during this time would be fab!) Spread the word!! xxx
12.01.2022 So the lovely Sandra from Less Stuff - More Meaning and I have collaborated on this beautiful piece about a new term (I like to think that I made up), Wedding Hygge! Have a read, there's some really gorgeous ideas in there about how to turn up the cozy factor in your wedding! https://lessstuffmoremeaning.org/how-to-create-a-wedding-/
12.01.2022 This time last year I was absolutely knackered after running one of the biggest most funnest events I have ever co-ordinated!! The Melbourne Wedding AMAZING RACE! Thanks to so many people, we raised over 2k for Diabetes and so many brilliant wedding suppliers joined in on the fun at Alowyn Gardens & Nursery There were challenges, 3 legged races, quizes, AMAZING costumes and I was just so in my element, being a goose with a clipboard! I love creating stuff like this. I wonder what the next crazy idea I have will be? :)
12.01.2022 FEBRUARY WEDDINGS! What a hoot! haha Thank you to all the gorgeous couples I have had the pleasure of marrying! xx
12.01.2022 ****EVERYONE PLEASE SHARE**** To The Prime Minister of Australia The Honourable Mr Scott Morrison... We seek your help! The death care industry is often over-looked even though we play a vital role in the public health of our country. During a pandemic such as we are experiencing with COVID-19, or any mass-fatality disaster, deathcare represents a critical role. Please categorise everyone who works in the death care industry as essential care workers. Who are we? Deceased transport personnel All Funeral home personnel Embalmers and Mortuary technicians Coffin manufacturers Funeral celebrants Cemetery and crematorium personnel What are we looking for? We need access to more personal protective equipment, Exemptions from lockdown/quarantine rules, Placement on a priority list for testing and a vaccine when it becomes available. Help us to look after victims of the pandemic and their families safely and professionally during these challenging times. Carly Dalton President Association of Independent Funeral Professionals
11.01.2022 Married! MARRIED!!! Congrats Mr & Mrs Clifford!!! xxxxx @lyrebirdfallsweddings
10.01.2022 A bit excited to get out of the house and perform a wedding today!! First one in 6 weeks and the last one for another 6 weeks!! What a lazy winter I've had! Going to enjoy this chance to wear my new Gorman dress, get some fresh air out in beautiful Yea and then skedaddle home before curfew :) Today will also mark my first wedding ever performed wearing a mask (except for the rad Halloween one I had painted on my face a few years ago) Haha. Enjoy your day everyone! x
09.01.2022 Set a date, bring a couple witnesses and I'll bring the sunshine! Loved getting you married Chad & Lee!!!
09.01.2022 On this lovely Friday afternoon I give you.... James & Trav. 2 rad humans who got married 2 weeks ago at Wyreena in Croydon. Their ceremony was full to the BRIM with laughter, lovey dovey feels and vows that made me get a bit blinkey! Thank you so much guys. Such a privilege being there, LOVED IT!
08.01.2022 Calling all PARTY lovers!! If you think that planning your own Living Funeral is a fun idea, we would LOVE to hear from you! We are putting together a publication, 25 Living Funeral Ideas from 25 completely different people and we would love to know what this celebration and/or ceremony would look like for you! Reach out if you would like to be a part of this interesting project! Oh and for those curious, this cake is a Jamie Oliver creation. Doesn't it look magnificent! There will be plenty of cake at my Living Funeral when the time comes.
08.01.2022 Hi everybody!! Just checking in to say hello!! :) There's lots to say about how my little business is doing but i'll keep it short & sweet :) I have taken a break from Instagram which has been just delightful! Quite a few of my weddings this year have been postponed to 2021 which has actually been a little blessing in disguise as I have just started a diploma in Sustainable Living and we are about to embark on a crazy big house renovation that will take about 4 months. (Than...ks cheap interest rates!!) I have loved meeting all the new incoming clients over Zoom every Monday night and for each new booking, I have been making a donation to the Carbon Neutral Charitable Fund which has been a lovely way for me to give back. Yay for more native trees! Aside from the above everything has been the same :) I'm still loving what I do. Still getting such a kick out of meeting and working with fun relaxed couples and I am loving my new studies too. Sending everyone a big bucket of love, fingers crossed this second lockdown goes smoothly and we can all catch up face to face real soon. Lauren Murphy Photography
07.01.2022 Gorgeous photos anyone? x
07.01.2022 If you haven't checked out Caravan Sounds, do yourself a favour and watch this! Can't wait to see Billie the Caravan at many a wedding! x
06.01.2022 Always the third wheel! Don't mind in the slightest!!! Congratulations Mr & Mrs Somers!!! Your ceremony this morning was exactly how all weddings should be. FULL of LOVE!
06.01.2022 Mr & Mrs Ryan! After a long engagement, these too were seriously wondering why they didn't just run away and elope! A feeling many couples can understand. However after seeing it all come together, it really does feel wonderful! I loved being there! @love.and.other @harcourtvalleyevents
06.01.2022 Thanks for the interview Wedeqtory - Australia & NZ xx
04.01.2022 Gosh it's tough being back at work surrounded by all this love! The last few weddings have been SOOOOO last minute and I am loving how super flexible and capable I have learned to become in the face of uncertainty! Being organised and carefree at the same time has really come in handy this year! Can't wait for all the other last minute rescheduled weddings coming my way xx
03.01.2022 How did I entertain myself today? :) When the phone rang with a client's number appearing, I answered with "Hello this is Julia's wedding postponement hotline!! How can I help you? " Haha. Oh how we laughed and laughed.... And then we talked about possible postponement options :) haha
02.01.2022 What more could you ask for?! Loved Morgan & Alister's wedding and loved their amazing team of suppliers! Gold and Grit Photography Bangin Hangins Little Lady Blooms
01.01.2022 So yes, weddings over the next few months will look a little different. My advice? Be like Elliot and sprinkle the happiness wherever you can! I will still be out there getting gorgeous couples married. I will be keeping a safe distance and the love and happiness in the air will still be in abundance! To those gorgeous couples that I have on my books that are waiting to get married soon, hang in there, it will all be worth it! Let's do this!! ... x
01.01.2022 Yeah she did!!!! G Flip this is just the best!!! Everyone have a listen. Love love LOVE IT! The jazzy bits, the harmonies. All of those beautiful women coming together. Wooohooooo!!!!!!
01.01.2022 Elizabeth and Michael!!! The chilliest newlyweds on the block! If there was ever a couple that were happy to roll with the punches and exercise complete kindness and gratitude through crazy hectic times, these guys win! How do I manage to bags such awesome, understanding and legendary couples? Super lucky & grateful! Hope you guys have enjoyed these past few weeks of married life. You deserve every ounce of happiness that comes your way xx
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