KJWellness | Nutritionist
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25.01.2022 Add to your Christmas dessert table with a Gluten Free Berry Cheesecake swipe for the recipe @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
25.01.2022 Getting ready for a busy week with some Very Berry Overnight Oats.
25.01.2022 KNOWING YOUR WHY!! I always ask my clients why they want to make changes to be a healthier version of themselves (whether that's losing weight or something else entirely). I get them to really think deeply about their answer... ... Why do I do this? If you are aware of the deep 'why' behind wanting to makes these changes, it might just be difference between succeeding or not. For example, maybe your 'why' for eating more vegetables and less processed foods is because you want to reduce your risk of a heart disease. Reminding yourself of your 'why' when things get tough can serve as added motivation and allow you to push through and smash your goals. Once you are aware of your true 'why', physically write it down somewhere (on your phone, a piece of paper etc.) and put it in a place where you'll constantly see it. This will serve as a constant reminder of the benefits you'll receive by sticking with it. Need help reaching your weight loss and health goals? Send me a DM.
24.01.2022 CHRISTMAS BLISS BALLS!!! An easy recipe that everyone can enjoy. Swipe for the recipe @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
23.01.2022 2020 Christmas - Done and dusted... I'm feeling so grateful to have been able to spend it with family that I hadn't seen all year. This time of the year is the time to relax and refill your glass for 2021.... Remember, you cannot pour from a glass that is already empty. For now, take the time to enjoy the slower days, and start to brainstorm some health goals (and goals in other facets of your life) for next year. Happy New Years
23.01.2022 Choc Protein Slice!! You won't regret making this one. Swipe
23.01.2022 WOAH! I think Cadbury got their survey wrong. So many of you seem to love Bounty chocolate bars and wanted my healthy bounty bar recipe! HERE IT IS - SWIPE
22.01.2022 Weight loss is not the be all and end all. Weight loss will not make you magically happy. When we start a sustainable 'weight loss' journey, it should be one where there are no restrictions or removal of major food groups.... Instead, we should be focusing on adjusting our daily habits to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. By doing so, we will see myriad improvements that go further than just our weight, including; Boosted energy Improved sleep quality Clearer skin Improved gut health and digestion Reduction in risk of chronic diseases If we focus on improving our overall health, rather than ONLY weight loss, it'll also help you to enter a more positive headspace. And guess what... That weight will start to fall off naturally!
21.01.2022 Took a slow start to the morning today. A bit of a sleep in, followed by a long walk and then topped it off with a breakfast platter (my all time favourite breakfasts are a bit of everything ). Making the most of my Sunday.
20.01.2022 Crunchy Christmas Chocolate Bark . Swipe for the recipe @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
20.01.2022 Healthy French Toast! -2 slices bread -2 eggs -3 tbsp milk... -1 tsp vanilla essence -1 tsp cinnamon -1 tbsp rice malt syrup or honey Toppings -Berries -Toasted coconut flakes -Honey Enjoy
20.01.2022 Ready for one of my easiest go to salads!?! -Roast chicken (I just get the Coles or Woolworths hot roast chickens) discard the skin. -Roasted sweet potato (great to batch cook this at the start of the week and add it to meals whenever you can) -Spinach... -Feta -Slithered almonds (optional) -Balsamic vinegar Chuck it all in a bowl and you are done! It tastes INCREDIBLE and so satisfying. Give it a red hot go
19.01.2022 On a day like today, there is nothing more refreshing than an acai bowl + fresh juice. One of my favourite things about @shakez_aus acai bowls (apart from the fact that they taste delicious) is that they are blended with protein. This will not only help to keep you full for ages but it will also help to balance your blood sugar levels that would ordinarily spike because of the blended fruit. ... A win/win!
19.01.2022 Always make time for the things you love ... Like drinking a margarita
19.01.2022 HERE IS YOUR FINAL REMINDER TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS!!! Honestly, Christmas is 1 day out of 365 days in a year. If you celebrate Christmas, then enjoy every part of it; - The friends and loved ones you get to see ... - The food you get to eat - The drinks you get to drink - The gifts you get to give and receive etc. Remember, after Christmas you DO NOT need to detox from whatever you've eaten and/or drunk. Enjoy the day and move on. There is so much more to life than worrying about what we consume every 1/365 days. Merry Christmas
18.01.2022 Nom Nom Nom! Protein Pancakes. I posted these to my stories on the weekend and got a few questions asking for the recipe. So I've attached it below for you SO easy + SO tasty + SO filling. What more could you want? Ingredients: 1 cup oats ... 1 tsp vanilla essence 200ml of almond milk 15-20g or vanilla protein powder 40g coconut yoghurt (any yoghurt is fine). Method: 1. Add all ingredients to a blender and Blend. 2. Heat a fry-pan to medium-high heat. Add a spoonful of mixture (either a few small spoonfuls for mini pancakes or a large spoonful for big pancakes). Once there are bubbles on top flip and cook the other side. 3. Top with your favourite ingredients (I did maple syrup, banana + a sprinkle or granola for crunch). Yum
18.01.2022 Save this recipe for your weekend brunch feast. 4 Ingredient Bagel!! Swipe for the recipe
16.01.2022 Choc chip protein bites
13.01.2022 Blueberry Jam Oat Bars!!! What a name These are so tasty, they aren't a super sweet option. However, they are Nutritional and a great snack or even breakfast on the go. Find the recipe below Ingredients for blueberry Jam... 2 cups frozen blueberries 3 tbsp maple syrup 2.5 tbsp chia seeds Ingredients for oat slice 1 cup oat flour (blended up oats) 1 1/2 cup oats 2 tbsp dessicated coconut 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt 1/3 cup rice malt syrup 1/4 cup melted coconut oil 1/2 cup apple sauce 1 tsp vanilla Method 1. Preheat oven to 180 Degrees Celsius. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. 2.In a saucepan on medium heat add the blueberry Jam ingredients. Bring to a simmer and then turn to low heat. Continue stiring every now and again until it becomes thick and jam like consistency. 3. Mealwhile combine all oat slice ingredients together in a bowl and mix until well combined. Save around 3/4-1 cup of the mixture and set aside. Press the remaining mixture into the prepared tray. 4. When the jam is ready pour over the top of the oat base. Crumble over the reserved oat mixture over the top of the jam. 5. Bake for 25-30minutes until golden on top. Allow to cool before cutting.
12.01.2022 Have you been having the same meals on repeat? This week, I challenge you to pick one recipe that you've never tried before and make it. Make eating healthy fun, interesting and DELICIOUS!! Here is a vermicelli noodles salad with @deliciou plant based chicken. This meal is fresh, light and a 10/10 for taste.... What recipe are you going to make?
12.01.2022 Enjoying an all time favourite @shakez_aus @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
10.01.2022 Seriously though... Are you making living a healthy lifestyle so much harder for yourself than it needs to be? On multiple occasions I have had clients come to me who have previously tried to make healthy changes in their life. They gave up because it was "too complicated" and "too much work to maintain". ... If this is the case, it might mean that the changes you were trying to make didn't fit your INDIVIDUAL lifestyle. You need to take a moment to reflect on your current life and consider how you WANT to live out the rest of your life. I mean... You could give up alcohol, chocolate, ice cream and fun lol. That could make you the healthiest person ever. But, will you be happy? ... Probably not. You don't have to meal prep on Sundays if you don't want to. You don't have to cook everything from scratch if you don't want to. You don't have to exercise at a gym if you don't want to. If you do. Go for it. The notion of being 'healthy' should look so different for everyone. You don't have to live a "picture perfect" healthy life. Because that actually doesn't exist. Never compare yourself to others. Just work on improving yourself every day and ALWAYS strive for your own individual goals.
10.01.2022 I thought this post was fitting following on from #TTT, where I tested Paprika Peanut Butter. Btw, peanut butter (PB) is one of my favourite foods (following HUMMUS!). I wanted to share this with you all, because before I ever started to study nutrition, I used to walk down the health food isle of the supermarket with the preconceived notion that things in this isle were 'healthy' and good for me. Looking back, I was naïve and too trusting. I would simply pick up a product fr...om this isle with the wholehearted belief that the title and the description on the front of the packet must accurately represent the nutritional value of the product. For example, you’d just assume that a product titled ‘Probiotic Chips’ would be good for you, right? I can confirm this not always true. When it comes to product marketing, boy oh boy, can the ‘healthiness’ of the products be misleading. Let's take these 2 peanut butters for example (in the picture). 6 or 7 years ago, before I started studying nutrition, I would have automatically chosen the the Protein Plus PB on the right, with the assumption that it’s better for me. I imagine that many of you would do the same. And it’s not just the title ‘Protein Plus PB’ that makes us conclude that it’s healthier; it’s also the colours they use and the overall design of the jar (maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t it just look healthier?). I wouldn't have even looked at the nutritional label on the back! However, let’s take a minute to look past the deceptive title, description and packaging design; and instead, consider the nutritional label. In doing so, we can clearly see that when comparing the two products per 100g, there is only less then 5g difference in the protein content. Not to mention that the Protein Plus PB has more than double the amount of salt per 100g! Am I saying one is ‘better’ than the other? No, not at all. However, I just wanted to shine some light on the fact that the names, front labels and overall design of many products are carefully crafted by talented marketers. Thus, it’s oftentimes important to look past the ‘branding façade’ and read the back of the products before we decide which option we would rath
09.01.2022 The Truth Behind Coconut Oil Being Labelled as a Super Food"... When comparing coconut oil to olive oil, we can immediately see some stark differences... There doesn’t seem to be much of a difference between the calories (energy) between them, nor really much difference between the fat total...... However, when we dig a little deeper, we can see that coconut oil has 580% more saturated fat than olive oil. Yes, you read that correctly. 580% more! Whilst there are studies that show that coconut oil can increase our HDL (good) cholesterol; the fact that it is made up of about 95% saturated fat clearly indicates that it will almost certainly raise our LDL (bad) cholesterol. This is because saturated fats (the unhealthy kind) directly increase our LDL cholesterol. Having high LDL cholesterol can be directly linked to increasing our risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, strokes and more. Alternatively, olive oil contains a number of polyphenol antioxidants, including: tocopherols, lutein and more. Additionally, olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties and offers protection from blood lipid production (a high amount of which can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease). In layman’s terms, this all means that olive oil has a lot of positive benefits for our health. While both oils may be useful in different situations, think carefully about your choice of oil next time you’re cooking; and now that you know all this, you can make a more educated decision. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. I am always more than happy to help
09.01.2022 Saturday + Stage 4 lockdown... Enough said
09.01.2022 Chocolate For Breakfast ? Might not be exactly chocolate but these pancakes taste just as good!! Chocolate Protein Pancakes. Swipe for the recipe
07.01.2022 Nothing like a good quote and a matching @pursuefitness set for some Monday motivation. . "You will never always be motivated so you must learn to be disciplined." AND "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments."... -Jim Rohn See more
06.01.2022 This is a must try recipe!! Flatbread w/ Pulled BBQ Jackfruit Swipe for the recipe
06.01.2022 Sneak Peak: Spicy Tofu Ramen. Perfect for a day like today .
05.01.2022 EASY PESTO PASTA!!! Honestly one of the easiest meals to prep for the week. To increase the amount of protein I add lentils. You could also add tofu, chickpeas, chicken or turkey mince. Serves 4.... Per serve Calories: 221 Protein: 12.2g Carbs: 11.5g Enjoy . . . . . . . . . #healthyfood #healthycooking #healthycookingreel #nutritionmatters #nutritionistmeals
05.01.2022 WOW!! I am overwhelmed with the positive response from you guys about the limited time 5-week-nutrition-package that I mentioned yesterday. If you live in Melbourne, I know it sucks right now to be in lockdown 2.0. However, let's use this time to take control of our health and come out of iso feeling as healthy as possible. If you have not yet signed up, it's not too late. I have 4 more spots available for anyone that's keen. So be sure to get in soon ... You'll receive weekly meal plans that're tailored to your individual needs (written by a qualified nutritionist), weekly checkins to keep you on track/ accountable, plus recipes and healthy tips. All for $4 a day!!! Send me a message and I'll get you started right away!!
05.01.2022 Natural Muesli - 3 cups rolled oats - 2 cups rice puffs - 20g almonds chopped... - 40g cranberries - 1tbsp pumpkin seeds - 1 tsp cinnamon Mix together Serve with fruit + yoghurt + milk. Delicious
04.01.2022 The term 'superfoods' has been taken advantage of. People + companies claim that their products contain essential 'super foods' that you need in order to live a healthy life style. This then gives them the right to charge premium price.... I'm here to call absolute bull shit on this. You DO NOT need to spend $$$ on these 'super foods' when you can get the same, if not more natural nutrients from wholefoods that will cost you 1/4 of the price. So let me give you a few cheaper ...so called 'superfood' options. -Blueberries (or berries in general). Blueberries are a great source of dietary fibre, vitamin C. We all know Vitamin C helps with the absorption of Iron. Blueberries also contain antioxidants ('anthocyanidinis') which can play a key role in protecting the body and reducing the risk of some health concerns. -Greek yoghurt. High in Vitamin B12, Calcium and Potassium. High in protein which is essential for cell growth, reaparing tissue and building muscle. High in probiotics, this helps feed the good microorganisms (e.g. bacteria and yeast) in your intestines, inturn helping with digestion. -Salmon. High quality protein. High in Potassium, Selenium, Vitamin B12. Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids which contribute to healthy brain function, a healthy heart, and healthy joints, muscles and bones. -Oats. High in fibre, assisting in slow digestion, which can help keep blood sugars from spiking rapidly. The high fibre can also assist with ehancing satiety, keeping you full for long periods of time. -Beetroot. Great source of Vitamin C, Iron, Folate, Magnesium and Dietary Fibre. Also a great source of an antioxidant called 'betacyanin' which is important for heart health. -Ginger. Ginger can have both anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Ginger has also been found to assist with digestive health and is sometimes used for anti-aging. Now, let's spend less on those marketed 'superfood' products and purchase ones from the local farmers market or supermarket. If you have any questions please feel free to message me
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