Kangatraining Bellarine Peninsula in Ocean Grove, Victoria | Sport & recreation
Kangatraining Bellarine Peninsula
Locality: Ocean Grove, Victoria
Phone: +61 475 507 136
Address: Boorai Centre 3226 Ocean Grove, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.kangatraining.com.au
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25.01.2022 Kangatraining Term 1 commences this Monday the 3rd of Feb!! Come along for a baby friendly workout! What does it involve?... - floorwork - dance - squats - lunges - arms - barre What are the benefits? - bonding time with bub - mental health boost - safe return to fitness with an emphasis on recovery - meet like-minded mums $10 for your first class! Ocean Grove - Boorai Centre 9:30am - 10:30am Carriers available to borrow Contact me for more details and to register for class Or visit: https://kangatraining.info//instru/AshOBrien/booking/2158
24.01.2022 Getting out and about with a new baby this can be a scary thing. All of a sudden things you felt confident doing going to a caf, the supermarket, out to dinner feel like total missions and insurmountable challenges! Just leaving the comfort of your own home is a big effort. And add to this the potential discomfort that you are in, either downstairs or from a c-section wound. I can remember the first time I went for a walk it was more of a 50m waddle down our street. ...The first 20m went well but by 50m my pelvic floor was letting me know that it was time to stop! Then there was the first time I got in the car as a passenger to go into town - I rode side saddle. There was no way my nether regions were sitting straight in that chair! Having an ice-pack wedged in your undies doesnt help either! Cafes and restaurants were actually surprisingly easy places to go with a newborn. This may have been made easier by being able to breastfeed because whenever my little one started to get grizzly I would pop her on the boob straight away. Problem solved! This strategy still works 1 year on! However, the supermarket was the place that scared me most. You cant sit down in the middle of an aisle and feed your baby. It probably took me a good month or two to work up the courage to conquer that one! Kudos to my partner for doing all of the shopping for that time. But the bottom line is getting out and about, when I was ready, was good for me, my partner and our baby. It was good for the soul. It made me feel a little more normal again, and I actually got a rush from being able to achieve it. So from one mumma to another - give it a go, I promise it gets easier every time! Next. Returning to exercise. See more
23.01.2022 Happy international women’s day!! I am so so proud to be a woman and a mother! Becoming a mum has shown me just how strong women are. From pregnancy to giving birth to raising children and all of the challenges that come with each. Then throw in going back to work or being a stay at home mum - you are all amazing!!!! I can’t wait to watch my daughter grow and see what the next generation of women can achieve!
23.01.2022 Who is coming to boogie, lunge, squat and lift their pelvic floor with us tomorrow!! New mums always welcome
23.01.2022 We know sometimes there are barriers that make it hard to leave the house to come to something like Kangatraining. We know how hard it is to get out the door w...hen you havent slept, or your baby hates the car, or youre not feeling good about yourself, or your toddler wont cooperate, or youre not sure if it will be worth it. Over the next two weeks were going to share with you the stories of five Kangamums and all the doubts that might run through your mind about getting out of the house for something like Kanga. Right now, its more important than ever for parents to get out and connect with other parents; to move, to talk, to dance, to have fun. Please help us share our stories to encourage parents right across Australia right now to get involved. If youre still restricted at home, virtual classes are available. Otherwise, all of our trainers are ensuring we have best practice measures in place to ensure your safety for face to face classes. We understand your anxiety and worry about coming, but trust us when we say theyll disappear the moment you walk in the door. Its what were all about. And you will he SO GLAD you came. X
23.01.2022 The early days as in the early, early days. During delivery I had a second degree peroneal tear. Did you know that assessing for any rectal muscle damage involves a finger being inserted into your bum? I didnt. The things people dont tell you about! Then came the stitching of the perineum and all the while I was trying to get this beautiful new bub to feed. This was especially worrying for me as, having had gestational diabetes, I knew how important it was for bub to fee...d to ensure that her sugars didnt drop. Thankfully, my little one managed to attach and passed all three of her sugar level blood tests that occurred in the hours after birth. This was a weight off my chest for sure! Next came the visitors. I was so excited to ring our family and let them know about the new arrival! So after doing an all nighter and not the kind you do when you are 20 and hitting the clubs the next day was spent with family visiting. This was exactly what I wanted, I was on cloud 9 and loved having our family in to meet the new addition. But I also totally get that this may not be for everyone. Its taxing. I was so drained at the end of the day. And only now do I reflect on that day and realise that I was pretty much naked the entire time (except for undies necessary for ice pack placement you know and a sheet). Oh well! Those ice packs I mentioned, they continued for a couple of weeks - while I healed. In the meantime I got the chance to hold, nurture, and love this baby that we had created. She slept a lot. Feed, sleep, repeat. Feed, sleep, repeat. My partner took over the house, kept me hydrated and fed, and I kept our little one hydrated and fed. And despite still being in some pain and despite the two hourly overnight feeds, I know I loved those early days. I loved them so much. Next. Getting out and about with a new baby. See more
21.01.2022 For anyone in need of some reassurance in these tricky times
20.01.2022 This is me ALL the time! I often shower when I put my little one down for her first nap and I swear I can hear her! Anyone else? Or am I going crazy?
19.01.2022 More post Kanga Feels! Arnt sleeping babies just the most precious thing! I forgot to get a snap with the beautiful Mum and bub that joined us today - but they did so well! Come along next Monday the 10th for a groove, a workout, and to see sleeping babies! THE BEST!
19.01.2022 My tummy looks a bit like the woman in this painting. Yeh I don’t mean to brag, but this is a painting of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. It’...s a tummy with curves and bumps. It’s the same tum I’ve had as long as I can remember. And I can remember. Being about 8 years old wearing a pink frilly bikini and the bottoms sitting up perfectly over my little roll. I remember it was okay because it was ‘puppy fat’ and cute. But even then there was a crease in my skin that told me that bump was a part of me and not something that could just be erased. Then I remember as I became a teen seeing models and singers with their low low 90’s pants and being surprised that they had no tum like mine. Like, Brittany’s belly button sat smack bang in the middle of her flat stomach, whereas mine sat lower down, just above my little bump. It was from them that I thought a flat stomach was what you were meant to have. Anything else meant you were maybe just a bit fat. So I’m talking 20 years of striving for something that was impossible all along. Because most women will never achieve a flat stomach without surgery, because for most of us it’s biologically impossible. Your tum might just be as much a part of your body as your ear or your arm. Isn’t it crazy that our society can actually influence something as signifcant as this? That if Christina rocked out in the Dirrty film clip with a roll over her chaps I might have loved my own body a bit more? How can we change this so our own children don’t spend the next 20 years thinking that sit ups are going to erase part of their body? Maybe we can start by accepting our own? So why is it okay to have a round tummy and not a flat one? 1. Well biological reasons aside, none of us should have to strive toward a perfect body type that’s been created by society. It changes every few years anyways! One minute we need flat abs, the next minute we need a big booty and a hundred years ago a curvy tummy was in. Who can keep up? Easiest and best not to. 2. The design and make up of our bodies is different to men. I mean men and women both have lot of stuff in their stomach, including about 7 metres of intestines. But a woman’s reproductive system has a lot going on! Ovaries and uterus etc all take up quite a bit of room. And they’re really important too so we need extra padding to protect them. It’s actually really cool and something that should be celebrated, not banished! 3. Then there’s hormones and visceral fat stores. We store fat differently to men and have a lot more going on with hormones. Everyone is effected differently by this, which is why some women can achieve a flat stomach and others just never will. So stop fighting it. By all means focus on health and fitness. Of course! It’s so important. But what is not important is having a flat stomach. Finally, scientists once thought the Earth was flat and then they realised it was round. What a light bulb moment hey?! Similar story hereyou thought your tummy was meant to be flat. But maybe it was perfect all along.
19.01.2022 I just put the kettle on.... again.... I think Ive become obsessed with the stuff since I started mat leave Has this happened to anyone else out there?... I think its a result of not drinking coffee, of it being a social thing to do and, to be completely honest, it fills in a bit of time!
19.01.2022 Returning to exercise I was super keen to get going again after giving birth. I have always been an active person playing competitive netball and running and my plan was to get back to this quickly. I remember going to a physiotherapy education session during my pregnancy and being told that it is best to wait 12 weeks before recommencing running. And even though I AM a physiotherapist I thought nah, Ill be able to get back to it sooner than that. Haha. How wrong I w...as! When my little one was 6 weeks old I made an appointment to see a womens health physiotherapist. I didnt get a referral from a GP. I just felt different downstairs, as if something was in the wrong place, and decided to go. The physio conducted a full assessment of my pelvic floor and asked me about how I was feeling and if I had any continence or pain issues. This is a much more thorough assessment than what you get at your 6 week GP follow up and I urge ALL new mums to go and see a womens health physio, regardless of delivery type. I was anxious that I had a prolapse prior to this assessment and of course had gone down the rabbit hole of Dr. Google never a good idea! Thankfully, while my tissues were definitely more lax, the physio found that I did not have a prolapse. Best feeling in the world! But still, I was urged to listen to my symptoms and not return to impact sports before they had resolved. So I waited, keeping my fitness up by walking and starting Kangatraining! And finally, I returned to running at 8 months post birth. 8 months! Thats how long it took for me to feel normal again. And really its a new normal. I realised that it doesnt matter how you give birth or how fit you were prior to giving birth your body goes through amazing changes during pregnancy and its unrealistic to expect to bounce back from this. So take your time. Listen to your body. See a womens health physiotherapist. And remember, its not a race. Next. Mothers Group. See more
18.01.2022 Have you tried Virtual Kanga??
18.01.2022 There is so much parenting advice out there. But this gig is not a one size fits all. Whatever works for your family unit is the right thing
17.01.2022 When Im with my baby...
17.01.2022 Bub grizzly? Need to make breakfast/lunch/dinner? Whip that carrier out!
17.01.2022 Bahaha I dont know where this comes from but if only for sure!!!!
16.01.2022 This shows the ideal gently curved shape of the your babys body when held in a carrier. Its not the once commonly promoted C shape with the neck curved over..., thus pushing chin onto chest which can compromise airway and breathing. Nor is it a flattened back where babys spine is held in a rigid upright position: it is a gently curved J shape (rather than typed version of the J with its vertical line.) Its how we tend to hold babies in arms, naturally, their chest resting against our body, with no gaps for slumping into a C. I use the term gently curved J shape a lot; as airways must always, always be protected first of all. #babywearingsafety #carryingmatters https://www.carryingmatters.co.uk/safety
16.01.2022 Your health and happiness are always our priority. We want you to feel safe and supported in our classes. To keep you up to date with our current procedures - here is a little information:... We ensure that we clean each mat between classes. We wash all hire carriers between classes. We wont be using toys in class that are shared amongst babies. We practise thorough hand hygiene.
15.01.2022 My tummy looks a bit like the woman in this painting. Yeh I dont mean to brag, but this is a painting of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. It...s a tummy with curves and bumps. Its the same tum Ive had as long as I can remember. And I can remember. Being about 8 years old wearing a pink frilly bikini and the bottoms sitting up perfectly over my little roll. I remember it was okay because it was puppy fat and cute. But even then there was a crease in my skin that told me that bump was a part of me and not something that could just be erased. Then I remember as I became a teen seeing models and singers with their low low 90s pants and being surprised that they had no tum like mine. Like, Brittanys belly button sat smack bang in the middle of her flat stomach, whereas mine sat lower down, just above my little bump. It was from them that I thought a flat stomach was what you were meant to have. Anything else meant you were maybe just a bit fat. So Im talking 20 years of striving for something that was impossible all along. Because most women will never achieve a flat stomach without surgery, because for most of us its biologically impossible. Your tum might just be as much a part of your body as your ear or your arm. Isnt it crazy that our society can actually influence something as signifcant as this? That if Christina rocked out in the Dirrty film clip with a roll over her chaps I might have loved my own body a bit more? How can we change this so our own children dont spend the next 20 years thinking that sit ups are going to erase part of their body? Maybe we can start by accepting our own? So why is it okay to have a round tummy and not a flat one? 1. Well biological reasons aside, none of us should have to strive toward a perfect body type thats been created by society. It changes every few years anyways! One minute we need flat abs, the next minute we need a big booty and a hundred years ago a curvy tummy was in. Who can keep up? Easiest and best not to. 2. The design and make up of our bodies is different to men. I mean men and women both have lot of stuff in their stomach, including about 7 metres of intestines. But a womans reproductive system has a lot going on! Ovaries and uterus etc all take up quite a bit of room. And theyre really important too so we need extra padding to protect them. Its actually really cool and something that should be celebrated, not banished! 3. Then theres hormones and visceral fat stores. We store fat differently to men and have a lot more going on with hormones. Everyone is effected differently by this, which is why some women can achieve a flat stomach and others just never will. So stop fighting it. By all means focus on health and fitness. Of course! Its so important. But what is not important is having a flat stomach. Finally, scientists once thought the Earth was flat and then they realised it was round. What a light bulb moment hey?! Similar story hereyou thought your tummy was meant to be flat. But maybe it was perfect all along.
15.01.2022 Oh my ovaries! The sleepy dust had a 100% hit rate in today’s kanga class. Thanks so much for coming along beautiful Mummas and bubbas
15.01.2022 Mothers Group when you start Mothers group the only thing you KNOW you have in common with the other women in the room is that youve all had a baby. You are thrown into this group and dont know each other from a bar of soap. Some people have great experiences with their group and they are all catching up years afterward. Others not so much. My group had 6 weeks of formal sessions that were a great excuse to get us out of the house and amongst other Mums. The information ...given is all a bit blurry to me now but there was lots of talk of sleep and settling, some talk about solids. and... yeh well #thanksalotbabybrain Mothers Group had both pros and cons for me. I loved having it booked in every week. It meant getting out of the house and being amongst people that were all going through a similar thing. It meant watching our babies grow and develop together. And I loved the camaraderie that came with it we supported one another through telling our birth stories (no two the same), through babies that werent gaining weight, through colic, through trips to the physio for pelvic dysfunction or pain. Everyones journey was different but we were in it together. The tricky thing is the comparison game that you try not to play but play anyway. A Mum talks about how her baby is settling really well and sleeping for 2 hour naps twice a day. Meanwhile, at one point, I was rocking my baby to sleep which took about 20minutes and then she would only stay asleep for 20 30minutes. It definitely teaches you that every baby is different and it is not worth comparing. My first year of motherhood would have been a whole lot harder without a Mothers Group. The mental health benefits were amazing! So, whether it lasts for years or just one year - thank goodness for Mothers Group! Next. Sleep and settling! See more
15.01.2022 Having these feels tonight
14.01.2022 Oh my ovaries! The sleepy dust had a 100% hit rate in todays kanga class. Thanks so much for coming along beautiful Mummas and bubbas
13.01.2022 Some days we nail it. Others..... But both are perfectly ok. You are rocking this gig mumma!
11.01.2022 Looking forward to trying Baby Tula out!
10.01.2022 Will you be our next Bellarine Kangatrainer? Course coming up in April and we would love to see someone take this on! Full support given : )
09.01.2022 Want to know more about becoming an Instructor? Come along to this free (and absolutely no obligation) online info session. Watch live or later and listen to Country Leader, Stacey Anderson, answer all those FAQ’s you might have about Kangatraining and becoming an instructor! Cost breakdown?... How it works around your life and family Real stories about trainers success AND challenges What it takes Will it be right for you? https://facebook.com/events/s/kangatraining-instructor-cours/748165139389649/?ti=icl
08.01.2022 Sadly, Ash has moved on from Kangatraining Bellarine Do you know of anyone who would be perfect to bring Kangatraining back to this area? Well give you all the training you need!
08.01.2022 Remember leaving the house before you had kids? Purse, keys, phone, out the door. Now, sometimes it feels impossible. Nappies, wipes, spare clothes...where are ...the damn keys? And so many scenarios to prepare for. So many variables and unknowns. What if he screams the whole time? What if Im the only one who doesnt have it together? What if he pukes or poos all over me? Or someone else? Add a toddler in the mix and trying something unknown and sometimes it feels like it would just be easier to stay home. But being alone with that fear and those feelings doesnt help anyone. At Kangatraining youll feel welcomed and supported the moment you walk in the door. Youll see instantly that were all in this together. We know the challenges youre facing day to day because we face them too. Youll meet other parents, youll move your body to great music, youll gain strength, fitness and friendship and most of all... youll have fun. You owe it to yourself to try. And youll be so glad you came.
08.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day
07.01.2022 The third video in our series. We hope you can relate to some of these stories and they encourage you to get out and have some fun with your baby xo
06.01.2022 Could you be our new Kangatrainer for the area or know someone who would be great?? Please get in touch for more info x
05.01.2022 And another exciting collab!
05.01.2022 Class cancelled today secondary to a Mumma (me) who is a little under the weather isnt it shattering when you get a cold in Summer!?
04.01.2022 The wonderful psychologists at the Antenatal & Postnatal Psychology Network have put together this poster to help you navigate this unfamiliar time. Its a real...ly simple and useful resource; maybe you could print it out and pop a copy on the fridge for when youre struggling? https://www.antenatalandpostnatalpsychology.com.au//coper_ Remember, our team of Kangatrainers are here for you and can support you with exercising, connecting and reaching out. If your trainer is taking a break they can still help you access our virtual classes, taking place all throughout the week x
02.01.2022 Happy international womens day!! I am so so proud to be a woman and a mother! Becoming a mum has shown me just how strong women are. From pregnancy to giving birth to raising children and all of the challenges that come with each. Then throw in going back to work or being a stay at home mum - you are all amazing!!!! I cant wait to watch my daughter grow and see what the next generation of women can achieve!
01.01.2022 There has never been a better time to become a Kangatraining Instructor and we would love to see a few Instructor on the Bellarine! JUNE ONLINE INSTRUCTOR INTAKE FULL Kangatraining continues to strive for our goal to reach all parents across Australia and we're excited that our new part online intsructor course format is enabling more new Kangatrainers to join our team!... Kangatraining is the ultimate postnatal workout you can do with your baby and being an instructor is a dream job! Our June intake is now FULL and we've opened up a second online intake for August! So how will this work? Over 3 weeks you'll attend 6 virtual sessions with our Country Leader, Women's Health Physiotherapist, Midwife and National Team Leader to give you all the theory education you need to become an Instructor. Then you'll be able to attend 2 days of intense practical face to face learning. Practical sessions will be held in: MELBOURNE - END JUNE ADELAIDE - END AUGUST BRISBANE - END SEPT AND we'll introduce Sydney and Melbourne in October subject to demand. If you've ever considered becoming a Kangatraining Instructor NOW is the time! - Receive all the training you need to bring Kangatraining to your local community. - Own your own business with full support from our leaders and over 100 other trainers across Australia. - Work with your baby and around the needs of your family. - Get fit and strong, make friends and help others do the same! We have territories available all over Australia where we'd love to see Instructors. Please get in touch to see if there's a Territory available around you!
01.01.2022 When I’m with my baby...
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