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Kareena's GoopGang

Phone: +61 416 108 043


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24.01.2022 IT’S GIVEAWAY TIME To celebrate the launch of our BOTTLE OF CHOCOLATE SHAPE We are giving away ONE bottle to ONE lucky person!! Yes please ... SHAPE is a delicious tasting, chocolate flavoured dietary supplement which combines conjugated linoleic acid with Type II collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) to nourish body composition. This never before seen combination nourishes and supports weight management with natural extracts in a creamy rich chocolate flavour base that’s highly absorbable. This First in the world product: Naturally supports the normal function of skin and joints Nourishes and supports skin and joints Contains Liquid BioCell for joints and skin Half your daily Liquid BioCell intake Nourishes and supports Ketogenic & Low Carbohydrate No artificial colours or flavours 99.9% sugar free Gluten free Non-GMO CLA from natural safflower Because you deserve to look as vibrant as you feel. All you need to do is: Like & Share this post Tag 3 friends Giveaway ends 8pm 30th September 2020 What are you waiting for?? Start tagging

24.01.2022 Your body is like a hybrid car; it runs on two different fuels sugar and fat. When your body needs a quick burst of energy, the first fuel source it turns to is the glucose (sugar) in your blood. Next, it will draw on the sugar stored in your liver and muscle (glycogen). Only when this starts to run low does the body turn to its fat stores. Your body can’t just burn fat. Instead, it turns some of your fat stores into ketone bodies, which it uses as energy. The buildup of... ketones in your blood is called ketosis. When you start our program you will begin to rapidly use up your fat stores. The first fat to go will be that around your gut, the visceral fat. This is also the most unhealthy fat. Because our meal plan is also moderately low in carbohydrates, this will add to the fat burning. It’s important to remember that Stage 2 of our program (800 calories) is only designed to help kickstart your weight loss and health goals. It is not designed for long term use, that’s why we have Stage 3! Hit me up for more info, are you ready to get summer ready?

24.01.2022 Fast fact Plateauing is a totally normal part of weight loss A plateau can be frustrating, however nearly everyone experiences it at some point in their journey. We can’t say this enough: your progress is not determined by a number on the scale When you are feeling like you are at a stand still in your journey, instead of focusing on the scales think about other things like;... Has your mood improved? Do your clothes fit better? Are you sleeping better? Is your skin glowing? Has your stressed decreased? Do you have more energy? There are so many other lifestyle factors that contribute to the success of your journey. Don’t get too caught up on the scales Do you have any other non scale victories? #liveclean #gethealthy #winning #victory #goals #weightloss #nonscalevictories

23.01.2022 Tis the season to be Jolly The Silly Season is well and truly upon us I love this time of year so much love, happiness and festive fun ... It’s easy to have an extra few beers or those nibbles in the afternoon or office party food and drinks The average person puts on 3-4kgs over the festive season.... Don’t be average Keep the good habits in Place when you can... Make the decision now to put your health first in 2021, it’s my mission to help people smash their health goals Let me help you reach yours #2021goals #weightloss #putyourselffirst #oneononementoring #guthealthmatters #festivefun #sillyseason

21.01.2022 Absolute Success when you love what you do and have an amazing team with you every step of they way ? ? ... ? I can 100% say I do

19.01.2022 2 years on and I’m still here to support you to kick the Kgs

19.01.2022 Another MAGIC MONDAY is here again! I encourage you to Fall in love with the process of who you are becoming. ... You are allowed to change the direction of your life. It is never to late to make a change and just say yes. It is never a bad idea to invest in yourself If I would have known3 years ago I would gain more confidence, more determination, more strength... I for sure would have said yes earlier on. You can join join me All you have to do is say YES?

19.01.2022 Do you ever find yourself comparing your body , life and success to those on social media? WELL that makes two of us! A little daily reminder for everyone: You are beautiful... You are valid You are equal. Self-care is such a critical part of your daily routine but most of us forget to put some time aside to practice it. Here are our top self-care favourites to help kickstart some self lovin': - Drink some tea - Do a face mask - Turn your phone off - Take some time to just breathe - Read a book - DANCE Comment below your favourite self care activity to do #selfcare #30daystohealthyliving #meditate #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #selflove #goopgang_au #goopgang #wellnessjourney #wellnesslifestyle #mummyblogger #mummylife #dadlife #fyp #pink #loveyourselffirst #loveyourself

18.01.2022 Happy Saturday Weekends are always fun yet Saturday nights can be tough but stay strong and don’t give in to temptation ! If you quit now... you'll end up right back where you first began. And when you first began you were desperate ... to be where you are RIGHT NOW! KEEP GOING #goopgang #guthealth #selfcare #detox

18.01.2022 To all my mentees that started but have slipped off the wagon a little.. don’t hide.. reach out.. I’m here to lift you back up and get started again YOU CAN DO THIS!! Remember the reason you started xxTo all my mentees that started but have slipped off the wagon a little.. don’t hide.. reach out.. I’m here to lift you back up and get started again YOU CAN DO THIS!! Remember the reason you started xx

17.01.2022 Are you Gluten Free? Are you Vegan? Are you time poor? I’m absolutely loving the convenience of having a healthy, tasty shake on those busy mornings!... Check out what other people have to say about our shake #veganpeaprotein #veganfood #breakfastsmoothie #breakfasttime #healthystart. #loseweight #WeightLoss #peaprotein #healthymummy #morningsmadequicker #busymumma

17.01.2022 Who loves Monday’s? We do! Being a boss babe mum means easing into the week, deciding how to invest our time. Working our business into our lifestyle not the other way around. We all have the same 148 hours in a week. As a SM you have a passion and purpose for life. What makes you tick? What gets you up in the morning?... As a SM using your business you created, to serve people is one of the most gratifying and purpose fueling things! You also get to choose who you work with and who you serve. So are you ready to live your best life and become a SM? ~ ~ #womaninbusiness #workfromhomemum #leadershipcoaching #workfromhome #womeninbusinessaustralia #sidehustleideas #beyourownboss #createyourlife #whatsyourwhy #womaninbiz #immyownboss #globalbusiness

17.01.2022 Good morning ladies! Can I ask... Who suffers from PCOS?? Did you watch our Wellness Wednesday last night? If not, you need to! ... For those who did, how informative was it?? One of the best topics we covered so far!!! Last night our topic was PCOS. Sharnie our dietician isn’t just the incredible woman who designed our meal plans, she is an Australian leading dietician that specialises in Women’s Health and we are so fortunate to have her work along side us. So ladies if you suffer from PCOS or any other women’s issue then you need to be in our support group. Send me a message and I can add you to it so you can catch it on replay #dietician #pcos #womenshealth #pcosweightloss #strugglingtoloseweight #goop #goopgang #wellnesswednesday

16.01.2022 Hello Monday! We are glad you have arrived to give us a fresh start to a new week. Rewire the way your brain makes you think and feel about Monday’s, and you’ll never suffer from the Monday Blues again. Affirmations for your Monday Morning!... I start my week refreshed and renewed I Run my day I choose my thoughts It’s just another weekday, it has no impact on my energy I am grateful for another day to live, learn and grow How do you start your Monday morning’s? #mondaymotivation #mondayvibes #mondaymood #mondaymorning #goodmorning

14.01.2022 Happy Friday the 13th Friends ! Oooh scary ... who else loves a spooky vibe? Each Friday we introduce a team member as part of 'Meet our team' series. ... This will help you get to know a little bit about our gang and who we are. Kareena is an Elite 1, Platinum 3 independent Social Marketer at Goop Gang . She is extremely driven to inspire individuals to take charge of their health inside and out . Kareena provides amazing support and informative content showing she truly has the knowledge to support her products and give as much as she can to her team. Get to know Kareena: What inspires you? I am inspired by my team daily.. I watching them succeed in the business and on the program this makes me driven and want to work harder. If you could have dinner with one person in the world, who would it be? I’d have dinner with my brother he’s wife and there new little bub Hadley in Broome who I havnt been able to meet. What is your star sign? Taurus. What would be your dream holiday destination? I loved Africa and my dream is to take my son there and go on Safari. Comment, tag and follow to ensure you don't miss next week's team member. Have a fantastic weekend! Independent Social Marketer @kareena_goopgang #goopgang #happyfriday #friday13th #teamwork #teammember #elites #determined #dedicated #veganlife #healthylifestyle #guthealth #selfesteem #wellnessjourney #mentor #fyp #kareena #platinum #vegetarian #weightlossjourney #beautybloggers

12.01.2022 Weight loss isn’t just about the cms lost or number on the scales, it’s so much more I love hearing my mentees say I can do up my shoes with out having to sit down ... I can run around with the kids and not be out of breath I have the confidence to wear swimmers with out a baggy shirt My skin looks clearer and not all red These are just to name a few Please share with me your positive changes from our amazing program

10.01.2022 You know what I've learned this year more than EVER? You have to do you!!! Stay in your lane.... Do what makes YOU happy even if it's doing things *wildly* different than others. You have one life to live. Live it how YOU would like to, it's no one else's decision but yours. One more time for those in the back YOU DO YOU Happy Sunday

09.01.2022 Hello October New month, new goals, new mind set and most importantly NEW OPPORTUNITIES! Whether you’re proclaiming your goals or working on them quietly the point is YOU have goals! ... We don’t know who needs to hear this but goals without actions are just dreams let this be the month you decide to chase after what you really want... #manifestyourdreams #abundancemindset #hersuccess #womanwholead #goopgang #workfromhomelife #mum #mindfullnessmatters

09.01.2022 Happy Monday! This is your week. No excuses.... Let’s go. You can overcome and move through just about anything. I believe in you xxx

08.01.2022 Who is ready to get their summer body ready? Our 30-day program is designed by our own leading dietitian. She has designed our meals for breakfast, lunch & dinner! You will be thrilled that you’re not sacrificing flavour for healthy foods!... The meal recipes that you’ll receive are also packed with flavor! Just follow the meal plan and watch your body transform in time for summer #summerbody #summer #weightlossjourney #motivation #bodypositive #bodytransformation #weightloss #loveyourself

08.01.2022 Hey gang ! A BIG happy Thursday to you! Well fantastic news! :) Today we are going to discuss our fav power plant...ALOE VERA. Most of you will know Aloe Vera can be used to soothe sun burn and even make your hair silky smooth, but did you know Aloe Vera’s plant juices are considered one of the world’s best agents for the digestive system? ... We know, amazing right! Aloe Vera polysaccharides (plant juices) are a potent antioxidant which helps soothe the digestive system, helps with constipation , high cholesterol, an upset stomach and overall wellbeing . #aloevera #aloeveraplant #productknowledge #thursday #wellbeing #wellnesslifestyle #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthiswealth #mumlifeblog #mumhealth #knowledge #plantbased #plants #pink #30daystohealthyliving #dadhealth #comejoinus

07.01.2022 STOP SETTLING... in your relationships, in your job that you won’t want in 5 years, in your vision for yourself, ... in your goals, your happiness, your mindset, your dreams, your energy... YOUR LIFE! Living your life by tiptoeing around peoples judgey opinions & what you think is expected of you is sooooo freakin’ uncomfortable. For YOU. It’s also not living. So just stop it! Anything worth having is going to require a little bit of hustle. So you do you! Who’s rising with me?

06.01.2022 Good Morning This is so true! Don’t worry about the whole 30 days and how you’ll do it.. just do one day at a time ... Be organised and remember why you started. Write it somewhere! Once you start succeeding and seeing results, you’ll be motivated I am here to help you every step of the way! #letsdothis #together #firststep #loseweight #healthy

05.01.2022 Good Morning Truth check! 4 myths standing between you & your success 1 You’re not good enough. ... 2 You’re not ready. 3 It’s not the right time 4 Life is to busy at the moment. Change can be scary but change is a big part of life and we can learn to grow. You can’t expect different results without doing something different. Every day is an opportunity to start fresh. Only YOU can make the decision - will you continue to just exist or are you ready to start living your best life? Let’s go for it!! #mummyweightloss #dreambelieveachieve #ketosis #keto #itsamumslife #gettinghealthy #weightlosstips #gettingfit #healthyfood #bellyfat #mumtum #fitmama #loseweightaskmehow #fuelyourbodyright #loseweightnow #goals #feelamazing #feelingtired #fatlossjourney #loseinches #investinyourself #losingthebabyweight

05.01.2022 Wow And just like that here we are at the end of another month! Did you achieve what you set out to achieve this month? ... Or were you like me and chased your tail all month Are you happy where you are at or are you wishing you did more? If you are happy what you achieved well done to you! Keep the momentum going and keep moving forward. ’ ! If you are wishing you did more this month, don’t worry! Everyday is an opportunity to have a fresh start. It’s just up to you now to seize the opportunity. Don’t let another month go by wishing you had done more. September . . ’ Make September the month to SHINE

05.01.2022 Deciding to start our weight loss journey for 30 days not only takes determination but also your mindset has to be right.. Brendan Everett is going to come to you live tonight in our love your guts page to help you create a killer mindset.. Seeya at 8pm tonight x

05.01.2022 Hands up if you have kicked this month off with a bang and are running full steam ahead? I’m insanely proud of our August!!! The team achieved double digit growth again! 202 new sales titles ... 180 new social marketers 4 cars over line It was epic! You know, Goop Gang is so much more than just weight loss and gut health. It’s an absolute gift to be able to help people discover their confidence! My most favourite thing is finding someone who never has pushed their boundaries of self belief. They come into this business and make their first cheque, while discovering that the obstacles they have created in their mind is only an opportunity to become a stronger version of themselves. People talk about you no matter what you do in life, you may as well give them something extraordinary to talk about! #GoopGang #SocialRetail #PushingBoundaries #LeadersWhoLead

04.01.2022 You DO NOT have to STARVE yourself to lose weight!!! Look at this picture below.. Life is all about choices..... We don't have to go to extremes to change habits that will improve our body/mind. It is just about being aware of what foods to eat that will provide your body with the nutrition it needs and stop you stacking on extra kilos! What if I told you I could help you make all these changes, i could mentor you through these change of habits?? Teach you about food and your body and help support you through this journey !! If your scared If your worried If you simply just don't know where to start, I'm here for advice or simply for a chat or for you to start your journey with someone who truly cares I'm here Send me a message if you want some more information xx

02.01.2022 Good NEWSFEED time.... People will forget what you say, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.... If I or one of the ladies in GoopGang have helped you in anyway, drop a comment or pic below that sums it up

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