The Art of Karen Fourie | Public figure
The Art of Karen Fourie
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24.01.2022 At 9:00pm TONIGHT...everyone is asked to please join for THREE MINUTES to pray for Australia. Visualize and ask for a ball of monsoon type rain to fallsoaking every area where fires are active. Please pass this message on to anyone you know who would participate with us. The power of worldwide prayer is HUGE #prayers #bushfire #rainfall #australia
24.01.2022 Still contemplating a suitable title ... (Any suggestions ...?)
21.01.2022 LOL .... some serious painting going on here ! I think it is going to be a Lion ....
21.01.2022 Dansend in die Maanlig Nuwe dag se belofte in die Ooste, lig se verblyende hoop ... donker mantel van die nag, ... van sy wanhoop gestroop. Vergete ritme van verlore harte, in tydloosheid vásgevang; roepend die lied van die lewe; luister ... kom stap weer saam. Kop omhoog, gryp hande vol sonskyn , bêre dit diep in jou hart ... koester dit vir later, deur die donker nag, wat altyd weer lê en wag. Leer om weer te dans ... In die eindelose donker, van sterrelose nag .... reik uit na die Lig; die Anker van Sy Liefde sal altyd daar vir jou wag. Harte ... rus veroostend sag. KAREN FOURIE
20.01.2022 Kleine Bosch. Trantie, my beste maat is n droomvoël ... ek en sy het nog nooit ... op donkiekar gery nie, want; ek het vir Trantie, en sy vir my. Tarentaaltjie en ek, kom al n lang pad saam, sy ken al my hartgeheime reeds van kindsbeen af, so verdwaal ons saam. Môre, sal ek en sy weer in laat skemeraand se drome huis toe gaan ... terug na Kleine Bosch toe, veilig, koesterend omvou; in rooiwarm sonsondergang, tot daar; waar ou Kremetartbome in my drome kom lê en verlang. Wydsbeen op haar rug, my arms styf om haar nek, op verlangse dromers paaie; deur die hemelruim, swiep ons laggend verby ... in die diepte van n dromersnag, is dít, waar jy ons sal kry. Ver verby Arniston se vissersmans huisies ... wat droomverlore in die maanlig lê en slaap, tot anderkant stormagtige Bredasdorp, onder in die hange van die Heuningberg. Al langs vergete weë ... so volg die hatseer weer. Tot in Genadendal ... daar; waar tyd gekom het om stil te staan. Vrolik, laggend deur die stowwerige strate, jaag vier haasbek kinders agter op donkiewa, tot by Magog se verlate huisie verby ... nog net so versteen in tyd; gebukkend, daar sit sy, met soveel hartseer in haar oë... stukkie van my hart, het ek vir altyd daar verloor. Op die asem van die wind, hoor ek hoe sy verlangend na my roep, in die skadu van die Sneeuberge, wag Ouma reeds so lankal vir my ... haar liefde, altyd arms wydoop; die hemel het in haar oë kom lê ... laggend blou; so sal ek haar altyd onthou. Dié mooiste juweel uit Graaff Reinet, nooi Botha, so het sy vertel. Dan, sal ek swaar voetspore loop; tot diep in die hart, van die groot ou Karoo ... vir n wyle, sal ek daar talm, oor die dor grysheid van sy siel; met die hoop om weer my Pa se hart daar te vind; ek het dit lankal reeds verloor, was maar bloot nog kind. Dan... wanneer die donker in my lyf kom sit; is dit weer tyd vir n dromers vlug ... Vir oulaas sou ek dan graag gaan sit op Blouberg se strand; waar wit wolke baldadig op die branders se punte ry, ons tone diep in die sand. So, al deur die Melkweg sal jy ons vind my hart bly maar verlore ... net dromerskind . KAREN FOURIE Kopiereg Voorbehou
19.01.2022 HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY ! A TRIBUTE TO AUSTRALIA ... Country down under, which gave us new hope patched up our broken dreams. ... My Heart, True Blue ... Expat from South Africa Land of broken promises Shattered dreams ... Sun burnt Land down under how far away you seemed. Our hearts tired of yielding we set sail to you in our dreams. Our Hopes ablaze ... for dreams do come true we packed up our lives ... our gratitude ... some of our fears, they came along, uninvited too ... Would we survive in a new Country? NO looking back ... we just had to! At first glance, all so foreign to a new strangers eyes ... searching for the mountains, for Africa's blue skies ... my yearning, does not mean that I am ungrateful only, that my heart needed time to learn to see with new eyes ... And I have . .. Africa will always be my Country of birth, Land of my Forefathers. I still speaks it's Mother Tongue. And ... with all that said and done. Mornings, I am blissfully awakened by beautiful Magpie's song ... Laughing Kookaburra''s echoing along Ghost Gums, majestically glowing in the early morning light ... My heart will never stop rejoicing! Your Aussie lingo ... once so strange to my ears now, a sound I love to hear. And when you lash out ... calling spade a spade with a touch of a sailors tongue! No offence taken mate I too have learnt the ways, there is no holding back. At the end of the day we are all just mates, Right Mate! All jokes aside... With a grateful heart and a healthy dose of True Blue Pride. HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY MATE, and from the bottom of my heart... THANK YOU! Karen Fourie 26/01/2019 ( All Copyrights Reserved)
18.01.2022 Song of an Angel As night bowed out ... at break of a new dawn; an awakening ...... curtains to the past, silently drawn. I heard a Magpie's song ... the purest ... as only that of an Angel with wings can be. A song of hope ... welcoming, rejoicing ... I felt was sung, just for me. Touching my very core, forgotten heart, still, stil ... buried deep within me. A life left behind ... darkness embracing shadows; countless hours ... stretching before a new dawn; now, blessed beyond measure ... as I was once touched by an Angels song. KAREN FOURIE ( Copyright Reserved)
17.01.2022 I have not yet thought of a Title ... but, thought that I would like to share today’s joy! Bright Bold Yellows ... so much colour ... loved every minute painting these Happy Flowers. .
15.01.2022 ‘ Rufus With all that is going on in the World, it is sometimes hard to feel creative, but I have managed to finish a portrait of my Son’s beautiful dog, Rufus. Going home to Victoria, a labour of love
13.01.2022 A moment in time,
12.01.2022 Painting in progress ... ( Happy Dawg!)
11.01.2022 Australian Cranes Brolgas
11.01.2022 Sunny Daze Temporary Photo.
09.01.2022 Laslap van ons lewens. Die las lap van ons lewens; so stik stik aanmekaar ... geweef; so vol hoop, ... met soveel liefde, jul swaarkry ... ook myne om te dra. Soos ek jou ou bekendheid, dan stywer om my hart vou ... waarom dan die heimwee? Al die gisters se onthou. Kon ek jul maar net ruk langer nog stywer teen my hart vashou, veilig teen die aanslae van die lewe, van al sy hartseer weerhou. Waar my arms dan nou ... nie langer meer kan bykom nie, sal ek julle in my hart, en in my gebede styf vashou. Kyk op, laat dit in Sy hande ... moet asseblief nooit jul harte verloor nie. Vir al die opdraande paaie, is daar n rede, staan vas in geloof, dit moet ons glo. Die lewe is veels te kort en te kosbaar, om aan die bitter vas te hou. Bêre al die mooi herrinneringe ... om deur die donker tye in jul harte te hou. Al my liefde en gebede stuur ek nou, hier waar ek jul verlangend ... teen my hart vashou. Weet dit! Jy is nooit alleen nie. Want, jy is myne ... deur ons Vader, aan my toevertrou! Karen Fourie ( Kopiereg Voorbehou) 16/04/2019.
06.01.2022 Painting in progress ...
06.01.2022 Song of an Angel. As night bowed out at break of dawn, an awakening ...... curtains to the past, silently drawn. I heard a Magpie's song, the purest; as only that of an Angel can be. A song of hope ... welcoming, rejoicing; I felt was sung, just for me. Touching the very depth of my soul, a forgotten heart, still... buried deep within me. A life left behind ... darkness embracing shadows; countless hours ... streching before a new dawn, now, blessed beyond measure; as I was once touched ... by an Angels song. KAREN FOURIE ( Copyright Reserved) 10/01/2020
05.01.2022 Trying something new ...
05.01.2022 Silent Heart Shall I hear Your Voice in the silence of the winds ... the raging storms of the sea;... crushing down ... as it has always done, for all eternity! Drowning out the ego’s the all important me! Will heart’s see the beauty, souls ... perhaps; truly be free. Karen Fourie. 05/ 07/2020
03.01.2022 Layla I think I might be done! Yay!!!
02.01.2022 HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY ! A TRIBUTE TO AUSTRALIA ... Country down under which gave us new hope and patched up our broken dreams. THANK YOU ! ... My Heart True Blue ... Expat from South Africa Land of broken promises Shattered dreams ... Sun burnt Land down under How far away you seemed Our hearts tired of yielding We set sail to you in our dreams Our Hopes ablaze ... For dreams do come true We packed up our lives ... our gratitude ...some of our fears they came along , uninvited too ... Would we survive in a new Country NO looking back... we just had to! At first glance all so foreign to a new strangers eyes ... searching for the mountains for Africa's blue skies ... My yearning does not mean that I am ungrateful only that my heart needed time to learn to see with new eyes ... And I have . .. Africa will always be my Country of birth , Land of my Forefathers I still speaks it's Mother Tongue And ... With all that said and done Mornings I am blissfully awakened by beautiful Magpie's song Laughing Kookaburra''s echoing along Ghost Gums majestically glowing in the early morning light ... My heart will never stop rejoicing ... Your Aussie lingo ... Once so strange to my ears now a sound I love to hear And when you lash out ... calling spade a spade with a touch of a sailors tongue No offence taken mate I too have learnt the ways there is no holding back At the end of the day We are all just mates, Right Mate All jokes aside... With a grateful heart and a healthy dose of True Blue Pride HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY MATE And from the bottom of my heart... THANK YOU! Karen Fourie 26/01/2019 ( All Copyrights Reserved)
02.01.2022 Marjoram ... changed my life I am quite a fanatic now ... healthy eating and exercise,... and much to my own surprise; add gardening to that list too. But, it was not always so... on a marvellous day, not so long ago, I decided to take a little "Trip" ... way up into the mountains, my spirits were feeling, just a tad low. I followed this sign, it read : "All the way to the Rainbow"s End" And there it was, it was no lie ... I dare say, I am quite a believer now! Everyone there, was walking Ten Feet High! Not a frown in site, and quite generous too! I came down that mountain flying ... higher than as a Kite ! Not a worry in sight ! Partied Right throughout the Night too! They have a little secret you know; which they happily shared ... It only cost a pretty penny or two, and since then, I have never looked back! So, impressed I was ... I have taken up gardening too, such happiness should be shared around; now ...I have a little secret too! So, whenever you are feeling, just a tad blue... No worries Mate, I have just the thing for you. And the good news is ... It would only cost, a pretty penny; or two! Karen Fourie 31/01/2019
01.01.2022 Happy New Year! Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar!
01.01.2022 Remembrance. On the 11th hour. Of the 11th day. Of the 11 th month. When the guns fell silent. We will remember them.
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