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24.01.2022 Putting one foot in from of the other Xx KarineReeve.com
24.01.2022 We gotta do the work to settle our inner turmoil to have our outside world more calm and stable Its a doozy of a job to calm the fear inside But the outcomes are beautiful #workinprogress here ... Great post by KimAnami below
22.01.2022 Wish more people understood this. So grateful to have amazing alchemists like Tantric Alchemy and her beloved sharing these life skills, musings and practices from a beautifully integral place to bring you into your own self alignment but to then share it with another and create magick .
22.01.2022 Ergh So painfully exhausting, but to heal, we gotta do the work and let it in to feel it all before it releases out ... Work in progress here Onwards and upwards but through the dark sludge first Xxx Karine
22.01.2022 This full moon and 8/8 lion's gate is kicking me arse Phwarrr Keep on keeping on ... Xx Karine
20.01.2022 Wow Big things happening with this new moon
19.01.2022 'No matter how spiritually woke we may think we are, we still have deeper issues which can only be worked out within the context of relationship. Left alone, ...we settle into comfortable patterns that limit the range of our emotional awareness and personal expression. However, once we step out of our comfort zone and open up to others, previously unnoticed/denied aspects of ourselves begin to emerge. At first, they make waves in the calm waters of our hearts, evoking passion and excitement. But when we let them in deeply enough, it’s like stirring up a pool of still water - all the heavy and messy things which settled at the bottom of our awareness are forced to emerge to the surface. When our otherwise hard-to-reach issues get stirred up for us to look at, we have an opportunity to embrace these fragmented parts of ourselves, to become more integrated and whole. This is a blessing in disguise, albeit a challenging one. Intimate relationships demand a depth of intensity and vulnerability which is the fuel for both transcendent passion and crippling conflict. This is why many esoteric teachings point to the polar couple/ twin flame archetype as the most powerful of alchemical unions. Intimate relationships have the potential for astoundingly accelerated transformation. Whether that transformation leads to conscious evolution or unconscious sabotage depends entirely on each person’s individual state of Being. If you and your partner aren’t engaged in sincere, deep, holistic self-work, there can only be 2 outcomes for this kind of relationship. Either you and your partner will settle into a relatively comfortable but very limited relationship of matrix-based pleasures and pursuits where your dysfunctions harmonize, but leave little room for expansion of the soul OR the relationship will dissolve to make way for something greater in your life. This is the case with the vast majority of relationships in the world, which is why people are often so dissatisfied in relationships. However, if you and your partner are committed to nurture the healing alchemical fire within each other, the richness of this kind of relationship is extraordinary."~~
19.01.2022 Wishing you well on your journey when the time is right or the universe is pushing you hard enough for the shift to happen Travel well... Xx KarineReeve.com
18.01.2022 Sorry not sorry I'm loud I laugh I cry... But I fearlessly LOVE HARD for my family, my friends and my community. If that's a threat to you, that's ok xxx I don't always do it right but it ALWAYS comes from a place of love Love you all Xx KarineReeve.com https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3252349721454420&id=1103406766348737
17.01.2022 Checking in with myself
16.01.2022 Ohhhhh This one is deep to my core at the moment Phwarrrr ... Sit in the fire so you can be release and grow baby Xxx
16.01.2022 *TRIGGER WARNING* Leaving Narcissists This is the hardest thing to be caught up within families and relationships ... And it's so hard to recover from mentally, physically and emotionally But please remember that you are an amazing soul on this Earth and you deserve to be loved and cared for in a true authentic way. Please reach out and get help If you're in these situations Xxx KarineReeve.com
16.01.2022 "The deepest work is usually the darkest. A brave woman, a wisening woman, will develop the poorest psychic land, for if she builds only on the best land of her psyche, she will have for a view the least of what she is. So do not be afraid to investigate the worst. It only guarantees increase of soul power through fresh insights and opportunities for re-visioning one's life and self anew. ... It is in this psychic kind of land development that Wild Woman shines. She is not afraid of the darkest dark, in fact she can see in the dark. ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes, from Women Who Run With the Wolves." art | Teresa Sharpe #midwivesofthesoul #clarissapinkolaestes #Teresasharpe #selfwork #soulwork #shadowwork #wisewoman #seeclear
15.01.2022 Missing Person Please call the authorities if you see him or his car Thank you KarineReeve.com... https://www.facebook.com/203721072994686//3436890099677751/
14.01.2022 Oh oh oh This is good It's the awareness that allows us to seek the help to set ourselves free
14.01.2022 When your essential oils app sends you the oil of the day and its straight to the point what you need. Return To Love It's all I've ever wanted ... Gonna slather myself in Black Pepper and do my work needed Hmmmm ... might and some Ylang Ylang for some lightness and childlike fun and joy as I intertwine the healing needed Enjoy your day Xx Karine Reeve Black Pepper return to love Helps with: release of false identities, release of grey energy, spiritual, emotional, or mental darkness, making bad choices, handling situations that require a mediator, strength to overcome crises. Guidance: It’s not cool to act cool, to act the tough girl/guy. Others get hurt and destruction becomes too easy. It’s time to leave this act behind and to set destruction aside. It’s time to return to love where you are most at home and where you are yourself. Affirmation: I return to love, my true nature, now. I leave all false identities behind me. Application: use gently, a little can go a long way. inhale and/or diffuse. topically: throat, inside wrists. Safety: may cause skin irritation. Vision: I walk into a hazy, dimly lit bar and sit across from Black Pepper. Black Pepper is smoking a cigarette, exhaling smoke out his nose. His eyes are piercing; his heart is wide open. There is no fooling anyone here. Black Pepper tells my heart I’m not tough, I’m playing at tough and it’s hurting myself and others. He offers me his hand with love, support and power. I take what Black Pepper offers and he leads me out of this greyness. Source: India
11.01.2022 Mmhmmm yep yep yep Yummmmm Coming home to self and your roots... Thank you for this share @Ma Pram Sarita Xx KarineReeve.com
10.01.2022 Depression and Anxiety This post is so true Please help when they can help themselves until they can.... This post was written towards women BUT the same principals need to be applied to our beloved men and our kings by our sides who are struggling with their own inner demons Please reach out to Your mental health professionals Your healers Your support networks in your country ** All helpline for Australia in comments section ** Xxx KarineReeve.com
07.01.2022 For everyone that needs to be held Xx KarineReeve.com
07.01.2022 Holy shit This explains what my life has been and now to sit on the middle in the void as I turn onwards to reconnect with the next parts of myself to bring forth and explore as the true me Xxx Karine
07.01.2022 These Lyrics still pierce my soul Xx KarineReeve.com I took my love and I took it down... Climbed a mountain then I turned around And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills Well the landslide brought me down Oh, mirror in the sky What is love? Can the child within my heart rise above Can I sail through the changing ocean tides Can I handle the seasons of my life Uh ah Uh ah Uh ah Well, I've been afraid of changin' 'Cause I built my life around you But time makes you bolder Children get older I'm getting older too Well Well, I've been afraid of changin' 'Cause I built my life around you But time makes you bolder Children get older I'm getting older too Well, I'm getting older too So, take this love and take it down Yeah, and if you climb a mountain and ya turn around And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills Well the landslide brought me down And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills Well maybe Well maybe Well maybe The landslide will bring you down.
06.01.2022 Question: Why do so many people have to suffer before we awaken? Answer: Unfortunately suffering, or what they call ‘catalyst’ in the Law of One, is what cracks... the shell that we build around our hearts it is only by cracking that shell that we build around our hearts, that we start to learn to love one another Suffering is only meted out by your soul to the degree necessary to awaken you to the importance of living in a loving Universe, and that love is the agenda, and love is what you’re here to spread, and to promote, and that’s it, that’s the way it works If you’re not existing in a state of loving kindness as your general operating system, then you’re going to keep getting thumped by the Universe until you learn to be there that’s one of the basic teaching of the Law of One you will keep getting moved until you stay in a loving consciousness state~ ~David Wilcock
05.01.2022 We can all heal from this trauma. I am and it takes work but dive in and release and heal this pattern to set yourself free Xxx KarineReeve.com
05.01.2022 This is amazing Woman Remember who you are... Xx KarineReeve.com
04.01.2022 SOON YOU WILL RISE LIKE A PHOENIX! One of the most dangerous myths we have inherited from our superficial culture is that healing is always supposed to 'feel go...od'. No. Sometimes our discomfort actually intensifies as darkness emerges into light, as unconscious material makes its way into present awareness, as our old illusions burn up in a fever of healing. Perhaps our discomfort is not wrong, a mistake, or a sign that we have lost our healing path. Remember, the presence of pain today may actually indicate that our healing process is intensifying, not stalling; that we are actually more awake and sensitive than ever now, less numb, less willing to turn away, more in touch with our sacred vulnerability. There is such a tendency in our culture to avoid discomfort of any kind, distract ourselves from it, label it as 'wrong' or 'negative' or even ‘unspiritual’, meditate or medicate it away. Much of our Western medicine is geared towards the removal of symptoms, the silencing of disruption, the numbing of chaos and the journey towards some socially acceptable 'normality'. But sometimes, friends, we no longer have any interest in 'returning to normal'! The 'normal' was the problem, not the solution! The status quo needed to shift. It was unstable and false. Our old conception of reality was keeping us trapped and we needed to break free! Sometimes a deadening and soul-destroying 'normality' needs to shatter into chaos and crisis; our pain and sorrow, frustration, exhaustion, fear and doubts need to be felt more fully than ever before, and the heart needs to break open more completely. So let the winds blow, let the tempests rage, let all that is false be purified, let all that is dead remain dead, let life explode where you are! You are only being invited now to a deeper healing, friend, even though it feels like you're getting 'worse', even though the heart is tender and raw, even though you cannot yet feel your tomorrows! Soon you will rise like a phoenix! ~Jeff Foster Nicole Sacred Wild Woman Medicine Artist~ Autumn Skye Art https://autumnskyeart.com/
01.01.2022 Needed this message today Balance. You only have today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is but a dream. That child within cannot come forward unless you allow it. Your higher self is always growing , but your energy is locked by old negative events. You have to clear your path. Realize what you have learned and just keep the good memories. That will put you in the present......today.......and you and your higher self merge and align . You cannot separate your Soul from Soul Growth. You can get rid of negativity. Embrace yourself. Love and Blessings
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