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to load big map

Kate Andrews


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to load big map

24.01.2022 To make changes to the outside of your life you have to make changes to the inside. The inside of course being how you THINK, how you FEEL and how you PERCEIVE the world around you. To step into the uncomfortable even when it feels unknown.... To be willing to lean in when you would rather lean out. To listen to your heart even if what it's saying feels scary AF. What are you being guided towards? What are you being called towards? Are you listening? Or are you continuing to tell yourself you don't know what to do or you'll do it another day... There's a couple of themes that keep coming up for me of late. One is ---> how you do one thing is how you do everything. The other is ---> there's only two mindsets to be attuned to ---> scarcity or abundance. Now both of these ideas call us to be curious and develop a greater level of self-awareness. How do you go through your life? How do you go through your days? And is that aligned to where you want to be going in your life or is it not? AKA I've been examining my tendency to dip in and dip out of things. I've been examining how when I do this, my results start to go in the opposite direction of how I want to feel. About how this dip in and dip out is actually not aligned to where I want to go. And then this flows into examining where my thinking is aligned in any moment, scarcity or abundance? <<>> Two extremely powerful concepts. Two concepts that are absolutely key to creating a life you love on your terms. I'm feeling something brewing. I'm feeling the need to call in a new community akin to 30 days of intentionality, an epic challenge I facilitated last year about being more intentional in how you are showing up for life and ultimately what you are creating noting that our beliefs and energy is what manifest our life experiences. If this is something you feel drawn towards, even if you don't know why, PM now or comment below to be notified when it launches. xx

23.01.2022 It’s an energy thing. Everything has a frequency. What you get back depends on the energy you are broadcasting.It’s an energy thing. Everything has a frequency. What you get back depends on the energy you are broadcasting.

20.01.2022 A good coach will never tell you what to do. They will never pretend to be the best authority over your life. You are always your own best authority and regardless of what you might think all the answers really are within you.... So what do they do? A good coach will call you on your own BS. They will guide you back to your truth when you are caught up in stories of fear, lack or limitation. Because sometimes we are temporarily blinded. Sometimes we can’t see another perspective from where we currently are, and yet it’s that other perspective that can help move us forward... I don’t know why I am thinking about this now. I guess because I’m sitting here preparing myself for the week 3 class within fearless, fabulous + free tomorrow. I don’t see myself as someone with all the answers. I simply see myself as someone with a fire in her belly who wants to guide others back to their own fires and magic. Danielle LaPorte wrote a book the fire starter sessions and honestly a fire within is what it feels like to be living with greater passion and purpose - there is no other way to describe it. Too many women are settling. Letting themselves be defined by their roles and labels and by what society says is acceptable even if it means they feel disconnected from themselves or a slave to their children or housework for X number of years. I’m still figuring motherhood out. I’m still figuring out how to get my souls work done around the demands of a toddler. I haven’t got it all figured out. There are days when I dream of being normal and not feeling this work within me to offer to the world and to those I can serve. But here’s what I do know -> we are the co-creators of our life experience and we do have a choice in how we show up each day and ultimately how that shapes our whole life. We are not powerless and do have a say over what comes our way. If your life feels just okay despite all the external tick boxes being checked according to how society says life should be then be message me as I’d love to work with you to guide you back to a deeper connection with who you truly are and the power you do have to create your life (and your dreams). Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right.

19.01.2022 Love love love client 1:1 sessions Heart feels so full right now... And something exciting is coming....Stay tuned for more x

19.01.2022 You get to choose. You get to decide. You can change your perspective about your life and situation at any time.... You can choose to focus on solutions or problems. You can upgrade your mindset and clear our your fear and blocks or you can stay where you are forevermore... The choice is always yours. Everything starts and ends with you. It is so much easier to look "out there" for solutions and it is easy to make up all kinds of stories and excuses that distract us from what's actually going on... For many years I focused on the external stuff going on in my life. I did what you are "supposed" to do, even went to university to get a Bachelor Degree because someone told me you needed one because it meant you could go further and presumably equated to better job options, job security and a higher chance of "success". SO anyway fast-forward -> I got the degree. I worked at it for 7 years whilst mostly working full time but I walked across that stage as a Graduate. I had a "good" job for where I was at... I had a relationship and great family, I had the external things that equated to happiness but something still felt like it was missing... I stood at the bus stop after work asking 'IS THIS ALL THERE IS' to life? Even though I had the external stuff something felt like it was missing. If this was all there was it felt kind of crap. It felt constricted and not very meaningful or fun. My heart was TELLING ME no there's more but for many years I didn't know how to tap into it and no matter how I tried to fill that void it just wouldn't go away. The feeling just wouldn't let up. It took me so many years to join the dots and find out what was missing and what I was being CALLED towards. You see, what we identify as life is really just a projection of how we feel about life. We are born into the world and then we pretty much download via some kind of magical osmosis all the beliefs and conditioning of those in our environment. Beliefs, mindset and our energy are EVERYTHING. I was just talking to an old client, now friend, and we were talking about how our patterns can just keep playing out over and over and over again. Because life is good like that. It keeps us in the same spot until we learn (and adapt/change what we need to) so we can move on. So what do you really want for your life? Do you believe it is possible? What stories have you got going on around what it is you want? Because until you learn to tap into those stories (and those fears) things will pretty much stay the same and those patterns (good or bad) will keep repeating themselves over and over and over... IT'S ALL ABOUT THE INNER WORK. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE AT ANY TIME. xxx PS: Interested in working with me 1:1? PM me to register your interest and for more info.xx

19.01.2022 I have been on a holiday of sorts. It almost feels like a hiatus. A holiday that saw me check out of my soul and into hotel a'la self-sabotage. I knew it and yet I had not utilised the tools I have instead opting to stay in FREEZE mode....Continue reading

13.01.2022 To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment. Eckhart Tolle You have a mind but you are not your mind...BOOM

12.01.2022 Sitting here finalising the last weeks workbook for Fearless, Fabulous and Free (group coaching program) and just feeling in awe of this path... Seriously feeling all the full heart feels right now.... We ALL have a choice in how we show up every day and what we create in our lives.... I absolutely am in love with the content in this 4 week course. It is the FOUNDATIONAL must have, must know understandings to become the deliberate creator of your life that you were born to ...Continue reading

12.01.2022 When you reconnect to the power within you’re no longer willing to live in fear and it’s when truly anything becomes possible.When you reconnect to the power within you’re no longer willing to live in fear and it’s when truly anything becomes possible.

10.01.2022 There’s this thing we tend to do where we decide we want something and then change our mind. We change our mind not because we no longer want it but because fear starts to creep in and pull us off course. We tell ourselves it’s not ‘realistic’.... That we don’t have what it takes. That it’s all too hard. We fail to take consistent action. We fail to go all in. We go along and we’re rocking it for a bit, but then life happens and we find ourselves feeling off-course and out of alignment. We fail to commit but most importantly we don’t LOCK IN a vision and HOLD IT. We oscillate. We look at what we know. We stay tuned to what’s immediately in front of us rather than be focused on what we want to create. From an energetic perspective this is very confusing. We put in an order and then we stray from it. What we consistently think about manifests into form whether we are conscious of it or not. However we feel is what we are creating. Hence it’s important to have a vision. To have a dream. To have something to work towards that FEELS FULFILLING and SPARKS JOY. Having a sense of PURPOSE and MEANING in our life is something I feel is PARAMOUNT and it is something that only comes around when you spend time connecting to your INNER WORLD, rather than just concentrating on what’s happening on the outer plane. Yesterday I committed to locking in a vision. To doing the work. To holding an UNWAVERING, CLEAR PICTURE and I invite you to do the same. I created a visual representation to sit on my computer screen, so every day when I login to do the work it hits me in the face. If you it’s too hard to focus on details, GO GENERAL. How is it that you would like to feel in life? What currently feels in and out of alignment with that? Spend time connecting to something greater than the day to day if it doesn’t feel amazing. We have the power to change the stuff that feels BLAH. Who is joining me on LOCKING in their VISION? Having, and achieving big dreams isn’t just something that only some smart beautiful people can do. We can all do it with a mindset that is set to LEARN and GROW and IMPLMENENT and do the work that 99% of the population will not. It’s like that old saying which I think was predominately speaking of entrepreneurs who spend a few years doing what other people will not in order to be able to spend the rest of their lives in a way that others cannot. You have the power. Lock and load it xxx I have TWO NEW RITUALS supporting me in my self-care, soul-work and overall health and wellbeing. One is closing out the night with the chai brewed on stovetop, the other is a weekly date with me, myself and I! WOOT WOOT!! Feeling so good!!! Interested to know more about working with me 1:1? Message me! xx

09.01.2022 All too often we keep ourselves stuck in patterns that don't serve us. We tell ourselves all these stories about how we can’t do the things we want to be doing and we essentially fall asleep at the wheel. We may not be driving an actual car but we are driving energy which directs our life. Our thoughts, thought repeatedly, become beliefs. Beliefs become the stories of our life.... We get to choose even when it feels like we do not. We get to decide where we direct our focus, on what we engage with, on what we consume and ultimately where we end up in our life. Something that has really been on my mind over the last couple of days is the fact that our happiness is an inner job. If we are not happy it’s easy to look at the conditions of our life for reasons and excuses why we are not happy. If this person was more LOVING, then I would feel more LOVED. I would feel more SUPPORTED, if this person did X, Y, Z. But the only thing we can ever be missing is that which we are withholding from ourselves. YEP I REPEAT. The only thing we can ever be missing is that which we are withholding from ourselves. Want or need to feel more loved? LOVE YOURSELF MORE. Want to feel more supported? How can you better support yourself? Want to feel more peaceful? How can you align with a greater sense of peace within? It’s a powerful concept but if you aren’t ready for it then it may be hard to swallow. I teach self-awareness and self-responsibility and yet, since I became a mama it’s something I’ve truly struggled with. Being a mum feels like it pushes all my buttons and boundaries. It highlights ALL the things I need to improve. It has seen me buy into stories that don’t serve me, many times. I feel proud of myself for taking action today on a number of things to move me forward and out of the stories. Whatever we want to achieve or bring into our life is always an inner journey first. The inner work we are willing to do is the real LEVERAGE point. It takes discipline. It takes a commitment. It takes unshakeable faith and belief. So tonight, ask yourself what it is you want in your life and what stories have you got going on around it? WHAT IF all the things you want to create in your life were possible and all opportunities were available to you and the only thing you had to do was master your mind and let go of your own BS? WHAT IF starting to move towards a better life started with just a DECISION, a CHOICE and drawing a line in the sand that you weren’t going to buy into your own mindset drama anymore and you were going to learn how to focus your energy in a way that moved mountains. Because that’s where breaking the patterns, out-dated programming and BS starts and ends. That is all. You have the power. You are more capable than you could ever imagine and everything starts with a choice. xxx

09.01.2022 The stuff in your life which you feel isn’t working for you is actually there to serve you in some way. Each chapter has PURPOSE and MEANING. Each chapter is setting the scene for your next CHAPTER. The chapters are not set in stone, you are writing them each day with the choices you make and the habits you form.... You get to CHOOSE. So, what's going to happen in your next chapter? Well.... it obviously depends what you DO IN THIS ONE. Will you take where you are at and RISE or will you take where you are and STAGNATE? Will you take where you are and LEARN and GROW or will you take where you are and stay there? It all depends if you are willing to get UNCOMFORTABLE and if you are willing to LOOK WITHIN... Are you willing to FEEL SMALL and sometimes INSIGNIFICANT in your pursuit of your big dreams but commit to your vision and be willing to do what it takes for as long as it takes? This is something that has been on the forefront of my mind... Because to grow into your big dreams you have to COMMIT and go ALL IN, for as long as it takes even when there is no PROOF that it will lead you to a certain outcome. It's certainly a lesson I'm still learning, showing up when at times I feel the smallness or it doesn't seem to be working... Because there's a thing I know for sure and it is if you have a dream, a vision, a fantasy of how you would like to live your life it is THERE FOR A REASON. Something I was reminded of yesterday via the incredible Jana Kingsford stuck with me. She said the smallness you feel at times or that feeling of 'how am I ever going to do this' is directly proportionate to the bigness of what you are capable of and of what you are here to create.... You might tell yourself it’s not the right time or you don’t know how but the thing is if you stop long enough to listen YOU WILL ALWAYS KNOW WHAT MOVE TO MAKE. You ALWAYS HAVE THE ANSWERS WITHIN. But all too often you don’t stop. You keep moving. YOU KEEP TRYING TO FIGURE IT ALL OUT WITH YOUR HEAD instead of TUNING IN WITH YOUR HEART. WE are ALL INTUITIVE. We all know what will move us closer to the kind of life we would like to be living versus the kind of life we are living because if we stop long enough and quiet the endless chit chat in our mind we can FEEL IT, HEAR IT, SEE IT and KNOW IT. So today, stop, breathe, connect and ask yourself what is your next move? What’s going to move that needle further towards what it is you do want to create in your life? There are no limits, only those we impose upon ourselves. Stop. Connect. Learn and Grow and make your moves with unshakable CONFIDENCE and GUSTO. Your time is now. xx

08.01.2022 Yesterday I went and sat at a local park reserve and contemplated some reoccurring patterns... Feeling a bit helpless I first realized that in that moment I was playing the victim and my current mindset wasn’t going to get me very far. After that I began to turn the focus from what was happening out there to what was happening in here. Perception is projection. Whatever I was perceiving out there actually had roots in here. Whatever I was being triggered and frustrate...d by out there by other people and circumstances was being highlighted back to me and was what I had going on within. I was being triggered because the stuff that someone else was doing was actually my own perception projected back to me like a mirror because life is like that, it shows us via other people and circumstances and events what energy we’ve got going on... And as I sat there I realized what I was withholding from myself was love. I believe real love is does not have a list of rules and regulations. It does not cast judgement that if you act a certain way you are worthy or good versus if you don’t then you are bad and you don’t deserve your own love. Unconditional love knows your worth and sees perfection always. It is kind. It does not seek to punish you when you go wrong. It doesn’t beat you up when you fall down. We can be so harsh to ourselves. We can literally hold ourselves to ransom through our energy and mindset but learning to increase your self-awareness and take greater responsibility is the path to come into greater alignment with who you truly are and what you are capable of achieving in your life. Aside from lessons and growth opportunities there is little to be gained from withholding love from yourself and of course the magical and beautiful flow on effects that love can make in all areas of your life. Everything in your life starts with SELF. Always. How can you extend more love to yourself today?

05.01.2022 Feeling blissed out after a 30 minute power packed client session earlier. Sitting here with a full cup and a full heart... I love reminding others of their own power and holding them to the truth of who they are...... LIMITLESS PURE POTENTIAL. ENERGY FIRST, PHYSICAL SECOND. It took me many years to uncover what I now teach. It took me many years of living with a deep insatiable feeling that there was more to life until I was able to eventually learn what that was and tap into it. And this inner work that I talk about so much matters. It matters so deeply because when we are not living from the truth of who we are we experience greater suffering and hardship within our lives. And until we wake up, own our power and do the inner work we literally become stuck in an existence that doesn't feel good searching for a solution outside of ourselves to no avail. I was listening to one of my favourite spiritual teachers Eckhart Tolle earlier today who was talking about how thinking is like a disease, and that the truth of who we really are is what exists when we go beyond the mind. The truth is, everything you are looking for comes from within, starting with having a connection to your true self. Increased joy Increased happiness Increased "success" however you define it Work you love More satisfying relationships Wealth and abundance Health and vitality If you are trying to change the circumstances of your life by taking external action only and wondering why it just doesn't seem to be working out so well then I encourage you to ask yourself -> Who is the me that is aware that I am having this thought or asking this question? The you that is the observer of thought and separate from it is the REAL you. The you that exists beyond your mind. And when you align with the truth of who you really are at this level you feel the expanded energy and possibility that comes along with it and experience the benefits... More flow More ease A fire feeling like it has been LIT within you A greater sense of meaning and purpose An increased sense of possibility, of expansiveness Knowing you have a choice/s Owning the power you have to consciously create your life The easiest and most simplistic way to connect with who you really are, even for a moment, is to stop DOING and simply just BE. Stop the doing and most importantly the incessant thinking. Connect to your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your chest. It is only when you learn to quiet the mind and become the observer of that space that the magic starts to happen... It ALL comes back to SELF.x

03.01.2022 Yes yes yes yes!! I saw this posted by Brendon Burchard today and it resonated so deeply with every cell in my body. This right here is KEY to living your best life possible. I had become a right royal EXPERT at falling into the trap of my days busywork not being attached to my #lifeswork, especially since becoming a mum but let me tell you, when this happens I LOSE MY CENTRE, MY FIRE, MY OWN SENSE OF HAPPINESS, WELL-BEING and FULFILLMENT. It then snowballs into a whole lot ...of behaviors and habits that don’t support me to move in the direction that will bring me the most creative expression, freedom and joy... Regardless of how many labels you identify with it’s so important to make sure you feel fulfilled and that you are taking care of you and doing what makes you feel the best. If you don’t have any real sense of meaning and purpose in your life and are just going about the days by going through the motions but you feel as though there is more then there is!!! Take the time to investigate it and tune into the messages. Stop and ask yourself what it is YOU need, what it is that makes YOU feel the most fulfilled and happy whilst remembering that no one is responsible for your own level of happiness but you and it is always an inner path first. One of the things that I’ve really struggled with is making myself a priority in my own life now I’m a Mum, it’s SUPER easy to put the rest of the families needs ahead of myself but when I do this EVERYTHING crumbles. I will no longer put my lifeswork to the side. I will no longer sacrifice what I need to give myself and I will begin to hold my vision with unshakable faith. I am feeling the need to write something about what to do when you feel stuck, about how to connect in and start to build a greater sense of self when you feel somewhat lost in the day to day busyness without any real sense of who you are and what you have to offer! If this is something you would love to read then let me know below!!! Find ways to support and serve yourself each and every day. I have just begun a new nightly ritual of brewing a cup of caffeine free chai on the stovetop before bed and I am now in love with this part of the day Make the time you have with you special! xxx

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