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Katelann Maree Health & Fitness

Phone: +61 431 334 029


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22.01.2022 Just some of the amazing faces I get to see at Group Class training every week! I’m so proud of each and everyone of you and the progress your making I can’t wait to see how you go over the next few months! Keep up the great work Xx #strong #womaninfitness #grouptraining #fitbox #strengthcircuit #katelannmareehealthandfitness

22.01.2022 Generally fasted cardio happens in the morning and morning cardio is my fav it gets me set for the day! Some of the benefits of a fasted morning cardio session are: *Potential to burn 20% more calories... * Use fat stores for energy...when we wake up after sleeping all night our fat reserves become our main source of energy before we eat. So it has the potential to burn more fat. *You feel more energised and it helps give you a good mindset for the rest of the day. * It helps you form healthy habits. Some people do disagree and It’s not for everyone, so if your of a specific population just check with your doctor to make sure it’s ok first. But for me personally it’s amazing my body responds really well to it. I try to incorporate it into my weekly routine a few times a week. #fastedcardio #morningsarebest #exercise #healthylifestyle #forminghabbits

22.01.2022 GROUP FITNESS SESSIONS ARE STARTING SOON! If you interested in the sessions I will be holding commencing in the next couple weeks register your interest @katelannmaree so we can get the ball rolling. Send me an inbox with your email address attached and I will forward all the extra info within the next week. There is a few different guidelines we must all follow and the registration process due to good old Covid but I’ve found a way to make it work so make sure you send in your email so you can be registered to train with me. I’ll be holding fit box mixed with HIIT training sessions that will incorporate cardiovascular endurance and strength training! Also once the hubby is home he will be running some professional boxing classes for kids and adults!

21.01.2022 At least we can work out in ISO & order @lornajaneactive online... I’d go mad other wise #lornajane #fitness #workout #isoworkout #pink #blonde #myfave #workoutmum #lornjaneactive #womanfitness #fitmum

19.01.2022 Green Smoothie Bowls are my go to when I need a pick me up. What’s your favourite flavour! I blend my green @thebeautychef cleanse powder with coconut milk, a couple of pieces of frozen banana, some spirulina and my fav protein powder then top with what lm feeling for the day #greensmoothiebowl #forestfruits #healthandfitness #healthyeating #getinmybelly #foodporn #food #greenpowder

19.01.2022 Being able to get through a work out without pain for the first time in ages feels so good! Even though tomorrow I know my back will most likely play up again it was worth the hour of sanity! Rehabilitation in progress slow and steady..

18.01.2022 So today the saddest thing happened! I had a client come to me and discuss their nutrition habits and this one topic within our conversation literally blew my mind. They were generally concerned about consuming an apple! In fact fruit in general because its classed as "High Carb", "Having to much Sugar" and doesn't have enough "Protein". I was seriously in shock, but then I was quick to realise within the social realm and all the misinformation thats out there about what to and what not to eat its a wonder so many people adopt these crazy belief systems when it comes to food. So lets just clear something up when it comes to fruit or better yet lets use the apple as an example. An average size apple has roughly around 100 Calories, so really not much energy when it comes to thinking your going to put on the pounds when it comes to the consumption of one. A few truths about this piece of fruit is they have amazing immune boosting and disease preventing properties. This fruit is highly alkaline and has the ability to quench both an immediate and cellular-level thirst. They detoxifier and contain both malic and tartaric acids that help remove impurities from the liver and gallbladder. Eating just 2 apples a day can aid in the prevention of colon, liver, breast, prostate, and lung cancer and can also dramatically decreases the risk of a stroke. They contain phytonutrients and antioxidants and have been shown to be beneficial for neuro-degenerative problems such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as for bronchial problems such as asthma. They also have unbelievable anti inflammatory properties... so please do yourself a favour and do your research before you get scared of a piece of fruit and try not to adopt the crazy scar tactics that are used by some industries that want us to believe this crap so we turn to them when we get sick etc. and have tablets or vitamins shoved down our throats. Fruit is an essential part of the human diet and has been for thousands and thousands of years. So next time you pick up that "Apple" remember not to feel guilt from being brainwashed but to enjoy it and know its good for you! Big thanks to my amazing client for allowing me to share this experience and post your amazing x

17.01.2022 So here it is!!! My everything lol every morning on an empty stomach before breakfast. I searched everywhere for answers and for help to a solution to the pain I was experiencing and I found the @medicalmedium Ive started to read his books and I have only implemented two strategies so far and it’s already proven miracle results.. I’m not one to brag and I was very sceptical at first to any of this but I was desperate and to the point I would give anything a go! I tried so many medications but since I started to read the Medical Medium books I realised there is a lot more to my issue then another pill to try and fix it. So I decided I’m trying the natural approach and I will never look back! I never thought I’d be jumping up reaching for freshly juiced celery every morning! At first it was hard but now i love it I actually crave for it. If I don’t have it the symptoms creep back! Not only has it minimised my pain so I can function daily it’s almost healed my cystic acne from the PCOS. I’ve only been having 16oz a day for about two months now so I’m looking forward to upping my daily intake and seeing what else happens! Has anyone else tried celery juice for pain or anything else? Would you try it? See more

17.01.2022 Prepping for a big leg and bootie day.. 90min prior. I used to have a shake after a workout but Im digging the extra energy I have consuming a Pre work out shake on weight lifting days. I don’t always had the high sugar fruits I usually use berries etc but today I needed that extra but of energy! Plus fruit is so good for you for those training tonight here is another one you can try! Protein powder 1/5 cup almond coconut Milk the rest water 1 quarter banana... 1cup mango 1 quarter teaspoon hemp seeds See more

16.01.2022 These little babies are the best things I have ever used to help get my skin, health and wellness back on track! I’m not one to recommend many thing but this stuff is amazing for so many reasons and has truly made such a difference.. if you head to @thebeautychef they explain all about it #lifesavers #thebeautychef #collagen #cleanse #glowpowder #wellnessspray #guthealth #hairskinandnails

15.01.2022 Whats your Favourite Vege mix to meal Prep? One of my go too's is Broccoli, Zucchini, Sweet potatoe, Asparagus, shallots and minced Garlic. Easy to make a big batch and keeps you on track

13.01.2022 It’s definitely been hard not being able to go to the gym the last few weeks but non the less I’m definitely very fortunate and grateful to have my home gym all to myself (although the kids and hubby try to take over sometimes @justin_daddycool_clements lol). With the social distancing taking away my face to face clients I had to think of other ways to still connect with my clients and continue to do what I do best and guide and train others so I trialed and moved to Skype! A...lthough My PT Skype sessions are definitely making up for lost time and some days I have been fortunate enough to be back to back with Clients! I also still get to see some of my regulars faces online PS I miss u all so much! Xx. I just wanted to say while your at home social isolating over the next little while to help you keep sane and focused on other things in the world apart from the old #covid19 saga choose a goal to work on.. even if it’s only to get out of bed earlier or eat one healthy meal a day!. It doesn’t have to be something even more stressful like learning another language lol start small and whatever it is you choose just believe in yourself to do it even if you don’t believe in yourself right now. Pretend that you do in your Mind! and at some point you will believe and you won’t even realise your doing it and then you can move onto the next goal and the next goal and before you know it you will have done a whole lot of little things that will turn out to be a big thing! #goals #fitness #health #katelannmaree #kickinggoals #fuckthevirus #2020 #chooselife #bekind #bekindtoyourself #loveoneanother #lornajane #underarmourshoes #skypesessions #traininghard #training #womanfitness #fitmums #weighttraining See more

13.01.2022 Home from holidays to find these in the crop #gottolovehomegrown #fresh #grownwithlove Has anyone else got home grown veggies going mad at the moment? I’d love to see some pics!

11.01.2022 A big shout out to this amazing young lady! Billie has been a dedicated Client of mine for about the last 3months or more. Billie is beautiful inside and out, shes small like me but has big dreams which I hope she continues to chase for the rest of her life.. her enthusiasm reminds me a lot of my own... Today was my last day training Billie while she sets off on her journey to undergo more training to get into the Australian Defence Force. Although I’m definitely sad to see go and will miss her smile especially when she is in pain at training lol, which was enough to brighten anyone’s day. I’m also excited for her, very proud of her and privileged that I was able to be apart of this life changing journey of hers. I believe in you Billie and I’m excited to see where this new chapter in your life takes you, train hard, have fun, stay focused, live in the moment and don’t look back you got this

10.01.2022 One of my favourites. So easy so tasty the perfect side dish with any source of protein! What’s your go to salad? #avocado #boccocinicheese #cilantro #corriander #cherrytomatoes #lemonjuice or #limejuice #yum #salad #fresh #healthandfitnessjourney #loveit

09.01.2022 HEY! A little reminder for all of those wanting to join classes registration forms need to be back no later than Friday this week. Thanks to everyone who have returned them so quickly very much appreciated! Also for anyone else interested send me your email and ill send through an enrolment package :) CLASSES START OCTOBER 5th! MONDAYs & WEDNESDAYS 5.30pm-6.15pm @ the high school oval & local footy field!

09.01.2022 I’m almost fully booked with PTs at the moment which is amazing but I’ve personally been out of training now for over 6wks with a back/nerve injury. I never thought not being able to train everyday the way I used to would effect me so much something I truly took for granted.. Although it’s given me time to take a step back, regain a better mindset and heal my body from the inside out. It’s definitely been a fight and a half, battling not being able to even lift a 3kg weight w...ith out sever back spasms is something I definitely don’t wish upon anyone! on a positive it’s taught me the importance of taking extra care of myself, that it’s ok to have a break and start again as well as learning the power of body weight exercises and how they can be just as effective if done properly.. I have a long way to go to get my self rehabilitated but I know I will get there in time. I thought a blown out ankle was hard to over come but the baby takes the cake! See more

08.01.2022 Today’s Harvest #ilovegreens #homegrown WHY IS HOME GROWN BEST? 1. Shorter path to the table. With store bought food, days and even weeks might pass from when it is picked to the time it reaches your home, losing precious nutrients and freshness along the way!... 2. It Tastes so much better and has better freshness. The amazing taste of homegrown fruits and vegetables has to do with their freshness. Growing your own food also gives you total control over what pesticides (is any!) or what fertilizers are used. I just used water and good soil and manure nothing else! 3. Good for you and for our environment. Its not only a good outdoor physical activity it also has positive environmental impacts! And is fun for the kids

07.01.2022 Today I wanted to talk to you about a personal issue and battle of mine that I find also effects so many Woman including 5 of my closest friends. Its currently a silent agenda for most of the population so I’m hoping to raise awareness. It’s also quite eerie to think so many other people I know suffer from the same thing or at least one of the two diagnoses I’m about to explain. For the last 2 years I’ve been experiencing Chronic pain throughout my body, sometimes it’s that ...unbearable Id just lay down and cry because I couldn’t move my body or have the energy to get off the floor it was legitimately paralysing me. Being the type of person I am I’d put a smile on my face and push through the pain. I’d still train everyday and go to work hoping one day I’d wake up and it would be gone. The pain ended up turning into muscle spasms that severe no medication the doctors put me on would take them away. My mental health was also deteriorating I had doctors tell me the pain I was experiencing was all in my head and I had taught my body to respond to small amounts of pain extremely which was definitely not the case! Having two kids with no pain relief believe me I know what pain is.. I had CT Scans, MRIs, Ultrasounds you name it I had it and nothing was showing up. I was beginning to wonder if there was ever going to be an end to the problems I was experiencing. With no previous underlying injury things just weren’t adding up considering I live a pretty healthy lifestyle it didn’t make sense. I finally know what it is after so much suffering and self research I even researched into vaccines I have had that can cause problems. I listened to my body and how it was responding from everything to my food, digestion, emotions, sleep and ovulation, period pain, my skin even exercise. It had given me an idea of what it might be and what I thought it was for years. So I went to one more doctor and got a referral to someone who would know if it was what I thought it was going to be. It was exactly that... the silent woman’s disease that no one really knows to much about... Endometriosis. I also found out I had PCOS after my general GP said my scan showed nothing yet I had small follicles on my ovaries! talk about a journey and a half just to discover what was wrong with me and the $$$ i might add! Being so fit and healthy meant some of the normal symptoms someone would have didn’t show up and made it harder to diagnose!! But I’ve decided to go the holistic approach to help heal and cure everything instead of going onto the pill and putting more chemicals in my body. I’m going to share my journey and what I’ve discovered so far thats helping me cure what I have. Tomorrow I’ll share one simple thing that I drink I have every day that keep most of my pain in my body away and you wouldn’t believe what it is! #raisingawareness #endometriosisawareness #pcosawareness

07.01.2022 With Christmas and New Years out of the way and Holidays coming to an end our Group Fitness Classes will be kicking off again on 18th Jan! For Class info and times PM me your email and I’ll send you all the information you need to kick off your 2021 Fitness Goals. Classes cater to all fitness levels! For all the regulars there will be a couple more announcements to come in the next month with some more class time availabilities. PT sessions will continue to run as per usual with your bookings. Can’t wait to see you all soon!

05.01.2022 It’s so easy to always be chasing more in life and forgetting what we already have. It can actually lead to anxiety, depression and heightened stress levels which wreak havoc on our overall health and hormonal systems leaving our body out of balance. To help me through days like that I love practicing being thankful and grateful it’s a very important part of keeping our bodies mind and lives happy and healthy. These are some of the things I think about and try to remember eve...ry day. 1. We all should be thankful firstly to just be alive; every day you wake up it’s a blessing and it is a day that you can make great or you can suffer through. 2. I am grateful that since I have started living a healthy lifestyle that most of my days are great. Of course there are days that are not going to be 100%. These are the days that remembering the positive things you have in your life is especially important. 3. I am grateful that I can play my guitar and sing it keeps me happy. 4. I am grateful that I can provide a house, warm bed and food for my family. 5. I am also grateful that I can listen to people’s stories about their health journeys, the struggles that they have faced and the adversity they have overcome and help them through this and Most importantly, 6. I am grateful I’m healthy, my family is healthy and I can still tuck my children in each night, tell them I love them and also say goodnight to the person I love and wake up next to them each day because many don’t have that luxury.. what are three things that your grateful for i would love some more inspiration! Drop them in the comments below. #grateful #loveyourfamily #bethankful #lifeisprecious #donttakethingsforgranted #behappy #healthandfitnessjourney #mylife #personaltrainer #musclenation See more

04.01.2022 Seriously cannot get enough of Coriander! Some people think it’s poison I think it’s heaven on a plate #coriander nourishes your eyes, helps detox the body of heavy metals, protects your nervous system, promotes healthy bones! And has so many more benefits... what’s your favourite herb!

02.01.2022 *Flavoured Water Recipe Below* Why H20's so Important for our Bodies.... I know your probably thinking why is she posting about plain old water am I right! Well its required for every living cell in our body to function at its peak, it took me years of ignorance to admit and agree to this myself because I hated the taste of it. Our bodies use water in all its cells, organs and tissues to help regulate our temperatures and operate other bodily functions properly. When we are n...Continue reading

02.01.2022 I love Fridays! After a week of working flat out with my day to day job then running my business between my split shift doing Pts, group classes and the in between being a mum and it’s duties I have the weekend to relax on focus on my own training a bit more I’m definitely loving this hotter tempt today that’s for sure! #bringonsummer #summer #loveit #winterisalmostover #thankthelord #personaltraining #groupfitness #daytodaylife #weekendsarethebest #timetomyself #timewithfamily

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