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to load big map

Ken Mann

Phone: +61 401 048 627


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to load big map

24.01.2022 The new to be released website is subject to a few more tweaks tonight. Getting the store all sorted. After that, more importantly, I'll be tackling the next chapter. In other news, it's been decided that the original cover of The Black locust will be kept, ousting the redesigned 'Red Man' cover to the shelves. The series name will be the only change. More to come soon.

24.01.2022 I was at Fright Nights last night and the first thing I did when I got home? I wrote down a story idea that conjured itself while waiting in the queue for the Zombieland maze. I've done some research, and I'm confident that the concept has not been done before as a novel or cinematic creation. It will live in the Delta universe with some character crossover from The Delta Witch series however it will be a stand-alone horror novel at this stage. There may be scope for a sequel; I'll figure that out as I work through the conceptualisation before making any final judgements.

23.01.2022 Merry Meet Everyone. This month is nearly over and I feel like I've only blinked after the Christmas period. I've been very busy with a Cert 4 that I'm doing for work but I haven't forgotten the novel, it's progressing, just very slowly but I promise it is coming!

22.01.2022 Happy New Year to you all. I hope you all have a fantastic year. I too hope to have a good year although there are distractors already being thrown my way. That being said, I endeavour to have all my writing journeys back on track and out for you all to read very soon. Blessed be.

22.01.2022 Will be working on the ending tonight, keeps getting closer!

18.01.2022 The last unit in the course I've been doing has been submitted. Results at this stage are unknown however rather than sit around and wait, I thought its time to pick up where I left off with Muse. And there's no better place to start than the 2nd edit.

18.01.2022 It's humbling when you see posts like this one that Bek, an amazing author in her own right, posts. Genuine support and I'm definitely on a mission not to keep any of you waiting longer than you should. #hurryupalready #muse #thedeltawitchchronicles

16.01.2022 21 days to go for the Brisbane Bookfest! Anyone else going?21 days to go for the Brisbane Bookfest! Anyone else going?

15.01.2022 Nach vielen Anfragen und Überlegungen, in Zukunft in weitere Märkte zu expandieren. Ich habe das nach der Veröffentlichung von Buch zwei beschlossen. "The Delta Witch Chronicles" wird sowohl in deutscher als auch in niederländischer Sprache erscheinen..

15.01.2022 I know it's been a while, my apologies. Have been caught up with life. So anyway, Book 2 is getting closer but I thought I'd share a review left on Goodreads last month. I don't mind that it has 1 star, you have to accept the good with the bad in this industry and move on but I am vexed about the review itself. So tell me your opinion. Do you think this is a comment about the Book? Witchcraft in general? Perhaps it is a Christian message for me to repent? I'm a little bemused yet amused at the same time. In case if you are wondering, I haven't responded to the review on Goodreads. Always think of the term, bad press is good press, lol or something like that!

12.01.2022 I haven't forgotten. The excerpt will be posted shortly. I did say one more show right.

08.01.2022 So so happy with the climax to chapter 33. Things are really starting to take shape. Who wants to read a little excerpt?

08.01.2022 Getting prepped for NaNoWriMo 2020. I'm expecting big things this November. Will I hit 50K words for the month? Probably, not for Muse, however, I expect the final draft to be complete for editing. Perhaps the difference can go towards the next project???

07.01.2022 Okay, the second question was a little harder but I like these creative writing exercises. Keeps the skills sharp, no pun intended, and of course, there are no wrong answers :-) Q/. Can you tell us a two-sentence horror story? A/.A shiver, spawned by a swirling frigid wind, traversed my spine as I walked down deadman's lane, a dark and desolate shortcut through the industrial edge of town where only the homeless would dare to live. It was after midnight, I just passed a group of silhouetted figures huddling around a fire barrel when I hear footsteps behind me, my eyes widen, I pick up the pace swallowing hard to push my heart back into my chest when I feel a heated breath against the nape of my neck.

06.01.2022 Okay time to get this thing started!

06.01.2022 It's been a big weekend of study getting two units near completion bar practicals. Might find some time to finish my current chapter for Muse tonight as well. The end is nigh!

06.01.2022 Here's a bit of fun. I've had two questions posted to me on Goodreads. Here's the first one. Q/. If you could travel to any fictional book world, where would you go and what would you do there? A/. I would actually like to visit Emain Albach, the Gaelic mythology world that features in my works, The Delta Witch Chronicles. Visualising the landscapes, the peoples, and the complexity of layers that I've added via my own imagination would be exhilarating to see first-hand. It makes me wonder if the inhabitants would be friendly or hostile based upon the choices I've made that impact on their very existence.

05.01.2022 Okay, NaNo account is set up, targets are set. The profile is done and joined the Brisbane NaNo group (discord) Hopefully, this will get Muse across the finish line.

04.01.2022 One more show and then I'm back into it. Oh sweet 34, how 35 must be jealous! Actually, chapters 31 thru 34 is its own mini arc. Whereas the drums of war start to beat in 35, and in Emain Ablach, no one cares if its Winter or not.One more show and then I'm back into it. Oh sweet 34, how 35 must be jealous! Actually, chapters 31 thru 34 is its own mini arc. Whereas the drums of war start to beat in 35, and in Emain Ablach, no one cares if its Winter or not.

04.01.2022 Still battling with time and overcoming a stubborn 31st chapter. However, it together with chapters 32 and 33 have been slain. Chapter 34, I'm coming for you next!

01.01.2022 *Unedited excerpt* Gritting his teeth, Paul, minus any consideration for his own safety, launched himself onto The Esplanade running towards his friend. The trumpeting of a second horn blast rattled his ears as the red truck rounded the corner, closing the gap between itself and the ‘Sky High’ singer. The air brakes hissing as the tyres bit into the bitumen spewing a greyish-white plume of smoke from under the rig’s wheel bays. Swallowing hard, Paul calculated the distance to... the truck. Come on, you bastard, he scorned while gritting teeth, and he threw himself into the air like an outfielder at a ball game, sailing parallel to the ground, to grasp the impossible catch. The air-horn blasted a third time. Paul felt the soft crumple of stitched flannelette between his fingers as he closed his fist. His trajectory shunting Troys body off his feet as he sailed past. It was only a second, a second that seemed twice, three times as most when his eyes locked onto three silhouetted figures standing together on the sidewalk before him. His eye, drawn to the tiniest shape holding a teddy bear that dangled from the one hand that wasn’t encumbered by the grasp of a guardian. He felt at peace for the first time since he could not remember; a sneer edged across his face, and with it, the shadows of obscurity drained from the girl's features revealing her pale complexion, black hair tied into a double ponytail held by blue and white gingham ties that matched her dress. Her eyes widened like dinner plates as her proportions distorted with a caricature-like exaggeration. Thump!. Searing pain ripped through his side as his bones splintered and body crumpled. The teddy bear escaped the little girls grasp, falling towards the pavement. Its impact coinciding with an ear-splitting scream and with it, the hastening return of reality as her image was thrust from his sight and lost forever. *In context this will all make sense but I can't give too much away* :-)

01.01.2022 Some side news - moving into a new writing studio next week. Just in time for the completion of "Muse". :-)

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