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23.01.2022 Drum roll please..... exciting news ahead! A real positive of 2020 was having the headspace to deeply think about my business and what I want it to look like for the future. What I LOVE is working with business owners to grow the impact they have on their business via my leadership coaching. It's what lights me up, what delivers amazing results and TBH it's what I'm bloody good at! Whew the introvert in me feels a bit sick when I say things like that out loud, but ...there it is. So, very soon, you'll see a new look and feel for KTSB and in fact in won't be called KTSB out in the world...... Kerry Kingham Coaching will be how I'll be showing up for 2021. A new look, feel and focus, along with much more of the ME that my clients see and experience!! Of course, along with this change came a lot of soul searching, honesty and some uncomfortable moments - some from people I know and trust, and others from people who said when they met me I was different to how they see me on social.....that was pretty confronting and helped me understand what I needed to change. So, keep your eyes peeled, if you run a business and want to learn how to get time back, understand your leadership approach and get the best out of your team without stress, I'm your gal! Once I make the change, please don't be shy in letting me know what you think of the new approach!

22.01.2022 The ninth day in the lyrics of the longest-song-ever-except-Stairway-to-Heaven focuses on 9 ladies dancing I don’t know about your business experience, but in mine, both personally and in observing a stack of businesses and teams, most people aren’t dancing when they receive feedback In fact, dancing might be the least expected thing people might do after getting feedback at work.... But does it have to be that way? Today, on the ninth day of our 12-day journey of leadership gifts, I suggest you give the gift of feedback. Here are your questions to consider... How often do I give feedback that is truly welcomed when it is received? How much positive feedback (encouragement, reinforcement and support) do I give compared to negative or corrective feedback? What could I do today (and tomorrow) to give feedback that is more likely welcomed and used by others? Feedback is critical for learning and growth A perspective other than our own is needed by anyone wanting to advance and progress. And as a leader part of our job is to provide that insight and perspective. In order for the feedback to be effective, it must be willing received by the other person. Commit to giving positive feedback that will help your team be better than they were yesterday!

18.01.2022 You know, 2020 gave me a lot of time to think about my business and what I want it to look like. I'm making some changes, mostly to focus on the things that will have the most impact for my clients, and also so I enjoy what I do!! If you're a business owner who'd like to feel more confident about their team and how to work with them - have a listen and reach out for a chat!

15.01.2022 This is the 12th day (sorry, no drummer’s will be drumming) Your task today is to ask yourself these questions... What is the biggest change that my team will face next year?... How can I best support them in that change process? Perhaps you don’t know the answer yet, or you have many changes on the horizon. If that is the case, pick one. Think about how you, as the team’s leader, can support, encourage, and help make this change more successful And that is the end of the 12 Leadership Days of Christmas! Keep your focus on these gifts remember they are not just for your team, but also for you. If you focus on these parts of leadership, you will be more focused and your team more engaged. And, that means, more than likely, your business performance will be better than it was before!

04.01.2022 While I don’t know the value of 11 pipers piping, I believe the value of the gift you will be giving after you do today’s task will be greater than that! Let’s get to it... Find a quiet time and ask yourself these questions! How often do I really stop and listen to my team?... What might change in our communication, productivity, and relationships if I talked less and listened more? And then, after you have asked yourself these questions, pick one situation in your day today or tomorrow where you will consciously stop talking and start listening! Once you see the results, you will want to do it again, and again. The gift will come immediately and will grow in value as you continue to stop talking and start listening more

02.01.2022 In the song there are ten lords a leaping. As a leader you may have 2, 10 or 200 people that you lead, but if you want them to be a leaping at work doing their work with passion and engagement, you play a pivotal role Today’s task leads to the gift of greater engagement, productivity, passion and more. And it starts with these questions. How would I characterise my relationships with those on my team?... What efforts do I take regularly to intentionally build these relationships? What is the most important thing I could do to nurture or grow a relationship with someone on my team today? People want to be led by people they know, like, and trust All three of these factors relate to relationships. People don’t need to know everything about you and you don’t have to know every detail about their lives either and if you have many on your team you wouldn’t be able to do that even if you wanted to. Don’t make that an excuse. You will be a more influential and effective leader if you have better, deeper and more meaningful relationships with those you lead. Do something today and everyday, to build and nurture relationships. Make that your gift to yourself and your team today (Fun fact Did you know that the 10 Lords a Leaping, represent the 10 Commandments?)

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