Kiddikutter UK and Europe | Brand
Kiddikutter UK and Europe
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24.01.2022 At Maison and Objet Paris now.
24.01.2022 Big things happening here at Kiddikutter HQ! Last week I was offered an amazing opportunity to exhibit @theabcshow in Las Vegas. I thought about it for around 10 mins and said hell yes!! We will be on show with some amazing Australian brands. If youre a retailer or distributor wed love you to come and say gday! Tag a store near you that you think Kiddikutter would be a great fit for
23.01.2022 Today is International Men's Day when we celebrate and appreciate the men in our lives, and to think about how we can support our boys through the challenges th...ey face. Thank you to our Kiddikutter boys and men. We see you. We appreicate you. We love you.
23.01.2022 Phew! We made it! #awardwinning #kiddikutter #cutsfoodnotfingers #buylocal #supportlocalbusiness #kidscookingtools #juniormasterchef #kidswhocook #masterchef #australianbusiness
23.01.2022 Easy rules to teach your kids before getting them in the kitchen!
22.01.2022 This month on Romans cooking corner Roman is making guacamole in his own funny way! He even eats something raw that some people wont eat cooked! Check him out, hes using his Kiddikutter knife too! *As our Facebook friend you are welcome to a 10% discount using coupon code FACE19 when buying from our website*
21.01.2022 Client testimonials, straight from our lovely KiddiKutter supporters!
21.01.2022 More French press for Kiddikutter! Thank you to Agence KomLM and French Flair Paris, you ladies are amazing!
21.01.2022 Gold and silver! I cant tell you how nervous I was doing my speech! I wanted to run away but I bloody nailed it! Such a crazy night here in New York with l...ots of Aussie women in business! Congratulations to everyone and thank you to the Stevies for holding the awards and supporting women in business from all over the world! Back yourself, you never know thank you to all of you who buy, sell and recommend kiddikutter, I wouldnt have made it this far without you! See more
20.01.2022 We want to say a huge THANK YOU to you, our lovely customers. THANK YOU for supporting us through this year. THANK YOU for buying local. THANK YOU for being the best customers anyone could ever wish for. We're so grateful for each and everyone one of you.
19.01.2022 Posted @withregram @lexinova_and_hermumma I could not be prouder of Lexi. She was 3 less than 2 months ago and is cooking dinner with only a little guidance. ...I’ve had her cooking with me since she was 11 months old and she’s really come so far. I could cry at the moment watching this back realising how hard she tries to keep on getting better. Proud mum moment. Also how yummy is spaghetti bolognese #sociallyemchallenge #proudofyou #kitchen #kidsaprons kidscooking #toddlercooking #spaghetti #spaghettibolognese #kidsknife #yummy #discoverunder10k #mytinymoments #kidsactivities #dailyparenting #itsthelochs #toddlermoments #toddlersofinstagram #toddlerlife #toddlerfashion #motherhoodthroughinstagram #mumsoninstagram #mumsofaustralia #ausmumsthatgram #aussiemums #tagyourausbabyrep #lifeasreps #ktwkindness #missloch #boostedusup #daysonthegramau
18.01.2022 Happy Monday! Ask we launch into another week, don't forget to stop and smell the flowers > #kiddikutter #kidsthatcook #toolsforkids #childsafeknife #learnthroughplay #happymonday #stopandsmelltheflowers #lifeisforliving
17.01.2022 Loook! How clever is this little one?!
17.01.2022 A silver in the best childrens product! Woohoo thank you @roarsuccess
16.01.2022 This is a wonderful story about Omari and his first vegan restaurant just opened in London. The remarkable thing about this is that Omari McQueen is only 11 ye...ars old! He learned to cook when he was small (er) using our kiddikutter knives! Now when he teaches other kids to cook they also use our knives. Have a read about this amazing kid and his very supportive family
16.01.2022 We are thrilled to announce that Kiddikutter has been awarded A silver rosette in the Kids Meal Time section Australian Non-Toxic Awards 2020. The #ANTAwards ce...lebrate products that are safe, ethical, sustainable, and responsible. For more information please check out @australian_non_toxic_awards We work hard to make sure our kids knife is is the highest standard, it’s so lovely to be recognised! Thanks @australian_non_toxic_awards for putting these awards together and showcasing so many great products. See more
15.01.2022 This year after taking some business courses and meeting lots of new people, something clicked! Ive had this invisible rope holding me back from taking Kiddiku...tter to the top its finally snapped! I entered the @thestevieawards in the US and I bloody made the finals in the two categories I entered! I am in the entrepreneur of the year and company of the year! Women in business enter this from all over the world! Omg I cant believe it! Im off to New York in November along with some amazing Aussie women, now to find a posh frock! thank you to everyone who supports Kiddikutter, I really appreciate each and every inquiry, sale, and love the feedback and photos that you send me! See more
15.01.2022 NO COOK PLAY DOUGH Are you stuck for ideas on what to do with the kids next? Get their creativity flowing in the kitchen and make this simple play dough from ...things you already have in the cupboard! Ingredients : 2 cups plain flour 1 cup salt 1 tbs oil 1/2 - 1 cup cold water 2 drops liquid food colouring Enjoy and show us your creations in the comments!
15.01.2022 If youre in France, you can find Kiddikutter and other great products at this gorgeous store in La Raincy.
14.01.2022 The first day at @spielwarenmesse with @frenchflairparis and the best agent in Paris @jenny_agentco_paris such a huge fair, its the largest toy fair in the with over 1,000 000 products on show! Where to even begin?! Check the vegemite and caramelo koalas! The Europeans are not quite as keen to try Vegemite as the US buyers were See more
13.01.2022 I just found out Kiddikutter is a finalist in the Home and lifestyle category for the #ROARawards! Wish us luck for the finals!
13.01.2022 I think they like it! As our Facebook friend you are welcome to a 10% discount using coupon code FACE19 when buying from our website
13.01.2022 Meet Sky, the newest member of the Kiddikutter household. This little bundle of mischief is the reason we didn't put the Christmas tree up this year. Here she... is, distracting me from my work! #awardwinning #kiddikutter #cutsfoodnotfingers #buylocal #supportlocalbusiness #kidscookingtools #juniormasterchef #kidswhocook #masterchef #australianbusiness
12.01.2022 Client testimonials, straight from our lovely KiddiKutter supporters! >
11.01.2022 Only 24 hours until we leave Aus to exhibit @theabcshow in Las Vegas! Cant wait to show the US what weve got and have the chance to discover some wonderful new products to bring home! Is there anything youd like me to look for?
11.01.2022 This time last year I was in Nuremberg, Germany for the largest toy fair in the world. Spielwarenmesse. We can’t visit this year but you can still access the latest in toys and kids concept products. Our wonderful Distributor French Flair is exhibiting her fabulous brands, and you will get the very first look at our new Kiddikutter knives! Be one of the first stores in Europe to have them.
10.01.2022 Welcome to Spielwarenmesse ! Cette année, nous accueillons Maria @kiddikutter et Jenny @jenny_agentco_paris Lisa @agencekomlm qui nous à concocté de jolies cré...ations nest pas là physiquement, mais cest pour la bonne cause ... #Achille #spielwarenmesse #spielwarenmesse2020 #frenchflairparis #hall2e02 #innovativebrands #distribution #theshowisback
09.01.2022 Ok its time for this naughty lil guy to make his appearance! Heres some ideas for you so you dont have to resort to the hes broken his leg and cant move... trick again! Please share your elf photos and ideas with us! Happy December 1st! Heres a discount code to use if youd like to order a few Kiddikutters for presents FACE19 See more
09.01.2022 Reviews like this make my day!
08.01.2022 We are exhibiting at the Nuremberg toy fair this month, come and say hello!
08.01.2022 These Easter recipes look like fun!
08.01.2022 Get all of your pumpkin carving necessities @bapronbaby our fabulous stockist in the US! I love this combo for your little fiends!
08.01.2022 One certain way to encourage your kids to try new foods is for them to be involved in the cooking or prep. This is the very gorgeous Harvey and he’s just 2.5 ...years old. He’s my besties grandson, let me tell you he munched his way through everything we put in front of him while we were taking some photos of the new knives do you have a fussy eater? What are your tips for getting them to try different foods? See more
08.01.2022 Awww look at his gorgeous pink cherub cheeks
07.01.2022 Isnt this fabulous?
07.01.2022 In case you missed it () the NEW and IMPROVED Kiddikutter is now available in PINK and BLUE! We've had some fantastic feedback from those of you who've a chance to try the new Kiddikutter so far. Thank you Styled By Jemma #awardwinning #kiddikutter #cutsfoodnotfingers #buylocal #supportlocalbusiness #kidscookingtools #juniormasterchef #kidswhocook #masterchef #australianbusiness #toddlermusthaves #firstcutlery #earlylearning #kidsknife #kidsafeknife #wontcutfingers #childsafeknife #toddlerbirthdaygift #giftsfortoddlers
07.01.2022 First day of @spielwarenmesse in the beautiful city of Nuremberg. So happy to finally meet my amazing European distributor Nathalie from @frenchflairparis @ Spielwarenmesse
07.01.2022 Can you spot the Kiddikutter knives in this lovely shop in spain?
07.01.2022 Show us your canines! Today is international dog day! What better opportunity to show us your doggy friends! Heres the two Kiddikutter pooches, Maggie and Ted...dy. Theyre mother and daughter and theyre always by my side in the office. Such an adorable pair #internationaldogday
06.01.2022 Are you keeping your children home from school? Heres a great resource from Scholastic for primary aged kids to help you with you with their learning.
06.01.2022 If youre in Spain, you can buy these award winning products from @petitbambu
06.01.2022 Hello all, I hope youre all doing well and satiating safe! We are not able to ship outside of Australia at the moment to due the covid situation, there are not enough airplanes to take our mail and there have been such huge delays If you did place an order last month please be assured it is still on the way to you. We have distributors in Europe For France Germany Austria Switzerland Luxembourg and Belgium please order from For Spain Italy and Portugal please order from See more
05.01.2022 Poor Izzy! Her mum made her cut up the onions for a chicken curry. what jobs do you delegate? Just kidding, Izzy loves cutting onions
05.01.2022 Thank you to all our lovely customers. We appreciate each and every one of you supporting our Australian business, especially through the last year. We're ver...y grateful. Thank you. #kiddikutter #thankyou #gratitude #cookwithkids #childsafeknife #survived2020 #supportlocal
05.01.2022 With everything thats going on in the world, our little people are showing more signs of anxiety:( This great article may help with some conversations you can have with your children. How are your kids coping with life at the moment?
05.01.2022 Did you know this about Halloween? I didn’t!
04.01.2022 ITS WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY World Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of June, this years theme is "TIME FOR NATURE", focusing on its role in providing the essential infrastructure that supports life on Earth and human development. Organised in 1974, it has been a major campaign for environmental issues and raising awareness about global warming, sustainable consumption and wildlife crime with over 143 countries participating annually. ... WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP?! -Use less water -Walk more -Carpool -Switch your light bulbs -Buy energy-efficient appliances How do you do your bit?
03.01.2022 Encore un peu de patience Les nouveaux couteaux KiddiKutter, safe children's knife arrivent prochainement Date approximative, le 27 mars. Les ventes sont... limitées à 10 par magasin et par couleur ! Uniquement le bleu et le rose dans un premier temps, puis au mois de mai, un réassort arrive sur toutes les couleurs ! Suivez nous sur Instagram, nous annoncerons l’arrivée ! Still waiting for the new improved knives for kids @kiddikutter , they are supposed to arrived around 18th of March. Limited quantity : Only 10 per color and per store, blue and pink first. All other colors will be arriving in May. For more info, follow us on Instagram. #knife #knifeforkids #baby #kid #frenchflairkitchen #kitchen #new
02.01.2022 Wishing all our Kiddikutter family a very Happy Easter! #happyeaster #childsafeknife #toddlerbirthdaygift #giftsfortoddlers #award...winning #kiddikutter #cutsfoodnotfingers #buylocal #supportlocalbusiness #kidscookingtools #juniormasterchef #kidswhocook #masterchef #australianbusiness #toddlermusthaves #firstcutlery #earlylearning #kidsknife #kidsafeknife #wontcutfingers See more
01.01.2022 There's some crazy days of the year and today is World Beard Day! I wonder if anyone's tried to tidy their beard with a Kiddikutter?!
01.01.2022 Have you heard about @omarimcqueen? This gorgeous young man is an amazing award winning vegan chef and hes only 10! He started cooking when he was about 3 using our kiddikutter knives he went on to be the youngest restaurant owner! He has created his own range of Caribbean inspired vegan dips called @dipaliciousltd and now teaches other kids to cook vegan food using our Kiddikutters! How flippin amazing is he?! thank you @omarimcqueen for being such an inspiration to adults and kids around the world, youve got the power (and an amazing Mum!)
01.01.2022 Kiddikutter comes in 8 cheerful and engaging colours! There's one for every day of the week and two for Sundays! #awardwinning #ki...ddikutter #cutsfoodnotfingers #buylocal #supportlocalbusiness #kidscookingtools #juniormasterchef #kidswhocook #masterchef #australianbusiness #toddlermusthaves #firstcutlery #earlylearning #kidsknife #kidsafeknife #wontcutfingers #childsafeknife #toddlerbirthdaygift #giftsfortoddlers See more
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