Kids Patrol Oakey Academy in Oakey, Queensland | Childcare service
Kids Patrol Oakey Academy
Locality: Oakey, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4691 1437
Address: 58-60 York Street 4401 Oakey, QLD, Australia
Likes: 281
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24.01.2022 Kindy families friendly reminder of our excursion tomorrow to St Monica's Catholic Primary School, Oakey can we please make sure we have signed permission forms, wear our green kindy shirt and hat and pack our water bottles. Kind Regards, Miss Gabbie
23.01.2022 Vacation care program starts next week! We still have some spots vacant but these are filling fast. Please call the centre on (07) 4691 1437, email or return the booking forms as soon as possible. We look forward to a fun filled two weeks of adventurous activities and experiences.
23.01.2022 Book week 2020 Kids Patrol children are welcomed to come dressed on Wednesday 21st October 2020. Bring along your book as to what you are dressed up as, to share with your fellow friends. We look forward to seeing how creative our curious children will be.
22.01.2022 Bush Kindy Monday 08/03/2021 Today the Kindergarten engaged in a new experience for Kids Patrol Oakey Academy. We engaged in authentic way to engage with nature and for the Kindergarten children to challenge themselves. It allows for unequalled rich and varied exploration of self directed play experiences, and always impresses apon us the amazing skills that our children carry with in them. we embarked on a journey together, a bush walk along Oakey Creek to the Jarrowair Hos...t or Giver circle. The children showed their respect for the traditional land owners, with communicating their Acknowledgment of Country together as one. We then went on a nature walk to find natural pieces to add to our play dough. Why Bush Kinder? A bush kinder provides children with a welcome change from familiar surroundings, a freedom to use imaginations and bodies in new and challenging ways and an opportunity to connect in meaningful ways to local natural ecology, indigenous culture and seasonal changes. To interact with wild nature is a very different experience than playing within a constructed learning environment, even one that offers diverse play equipment and resources to challenge children’s thinking, creativity and development.
22.01.2022 Community shout out! Thanks to the wonderful staff at The Oakey Pharmacy for your kind donations for our role play of doctors surgery. The toddler children have been actively engaged in doctors developing their learning with curiosity, confidence, imagination and enthusiasm. Our service will continue to build local relationships and engage in our local community. Learning outcome 4 Children are confident and involved learners ... Quality Area 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities- community engagement our service builds relationships and engages with our community. See more
22.01.2022 Remembrance Day in Australia is dedicated to the Australians who died as a result of war, particularly from World War I onwards, today Kindy dedicated a minute silence at 11am to those who fought to protect our nation. Those who join in this act of remembrance includes but not limited to teachers, students, politicians and workers of public and private sector enterprises. They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.
22.01.2022 What a great start to our June/July vacation care program. We start our adventures off with Monday Marble Racing and Milkshake Making. The children used their own creativity and STEM skills with making a marble track outdoors, this challenged the children's thinking through experimentation and persistence. All children enjoyed themselves with small group interactions working together. Today for Tuesday is Treasure Hunt and Pirate Day, watch this space for more vacation care photos throughout our fun filled adventures.
22.01.2022 Todays the day!! Kindergarten Graduation for 2020. Can we please make sure we have our green kids patrol shirts today. Look forward to seeing you all graduate today. Thanks Miss Gabbie :)
21.01.2022 Merry Christmas Thank you to staff, families and children for a wonderful exciting year. Although this year has been tough, we would like to wish each and everyone of you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Bring on 2021. We hope Santa visits you all tonight! Love Miss Sandra and Staff
20.01.2022 Our first transition day for 2020 to Oakey State School the children all engaged in activities in the prep room such as playdough, top hat making, construction blocks And heaps more. We then joined Mrs W for some rotations of PE. Our next transition day is the 5th Novemeber 2020 can we please make sure our kindy children all enrolled for 2021 for prep! Thanks... Miss Gabbie :)
20.01.2022 Vacation care week 2 Monday 6th July 2020 Mexican Mayhem Monday We explored our artistic side with paper mache of making our own piñita... We then had some of our older boys who helped with the cooking of mince for our nachos and burriots. All children engaged in a Taco drawing contenst with drawing their very own version of a taco we had 4 Taco drawings winners. We then ventured outdoors for some Piñita, the children all showed care and respect towards each other with turn taking and sharing out the lollies that fell out. We also stayed on the theme of Mexican with watching a Mexican movie "Coco" together. Tuesday 7th July 2020 Tie dye Tuesday Today the children engaged in tie dye of pillow cases, socks, shirts, singlets and shoes exploring their creativity and patterns with tie dye. We can't wait to see the results of all the tie dye garments that the children did. Tomorrow is wood work Wednesday with making robots. We look forward to the rest of the school holidays with our vacation care children.
20.01.2022 Today some of school children were engaged in fine motor skills with lego building. Their creations they made were Mario World.
19.01.2022 4th August 2020 Today at Kids Patrol Oakey Academy we celebrate National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day, kindergarten and pre-kindy began their day with a yarning circle, thanking our traditional land owners past, present and future for sharing their land with us, listening to traditional music and engaging in activities throughout the day to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day. Children’s Day is a time Aboriginal and Torres ...Strait Islander families and communities and all Australians, celebrate the strengths and culture of our children. It is an opportunity for us to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child. Children’s Day has been run annually since 1988 and is the initiative of SNAICC National Voice for our Children. Here we share some photos from our children and educators today in celebration of Children's Day. EYLF: Learning outcome 2: children are connected with and contribute to their world QKLG: Learning outcome 2: Connectedness researching and proactively building cultural understanding about Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Making connections with Elders and community members for advice about culturally appropriate resources and how to respectfully include these in kindergarten learning
19.01.2022 Vacation Care Kids Patrol Program starts tomorrow!What a better way to start it off then Super Colour Combat, children will be divided into squad teams for team physical challenges and then a colour run against all squad teams to make sure everyone comes out colourful! Wear a white shirt if possible that can get colour on! Please make sure you pack your hats, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and water bottles!
18.01.2022 Today is #earlychildhoodeducatorsday. I'd like to say a huge thank you to the Kids Patrol Staff that help guide our children of the future to become the greatest they can be. With my wonderful team of educators that pull through everyday this day is for you! We have come along this journey together and hope for many more years to come. P.s sorry Miss Dianne I didnt have a photo of you. Keep up the good work ladies, and thankyou for being by my side. ... Sandra
17.01.2022 Does any families have any spare of the discovery gardens, our kindergarten children are extending their gardens with doing this project.
17.01.2022 Remembrance Day Lest we forget
16.01.2022 Vacation Care Program for the 11th January till the 25th January. Including incursion from Wildcall Wild Life, see flyer attached with time and cost. Book in fast as spots are filling fast. phone 46911437.
16.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday to us! We have come along way in one year of being open. Here is a short clip of our journey in one year, with many more to come. Thank you families for your support over the last year, we have come along way from only having 5 children on our first day, to now having almost full capacity. ... Also thank you to our staff members for supporting our centre throughout this last year. We appreciate your support Happy 1 year Kids Patrol Oakey Academy
15.01.2022 Congratulations to Smooth & SmOakey Salad Dodgers you did well today, was an experience to judge today’s Australasian barbecue alliance at the Oakey Show. We are so full from judging all the yummy meats! We would also like to thank the Oakey Show Society for the wonderful event for 2021.
15.01.2022 Head over and donate! We are having our talk like a pirate day on the Wednesday 16th September 2020! Come dressed in your pirate gear for a fun filled day of pirate activities. Gold coin donation or donate to the link provided every little bit counts
15.01.2022 This week's weather is looking to be a hot one, can we please make sure children have water bottles, hats and spare clothes for water play!
12.01.2022 Head over and support our Kids Patrol page of us stepping up! The ladies at work are striving to walk 10,000 steps a day. For me (Gabbie) it was a bit difficult but I made it! A good game of follow the leader got my steps up. Every little donation will help. Keep up the good work ladies, get those steps up.
12.01.2022 Attention pre kindy and kindergarten families, we have decided to cancel the excursion to the movies this Thursday due to COVID outbreak. If you have prepaid, your money will be refunded. Kind regards, Miss Gabbie
10.01.2022 We Won! Oakey Show 2021 1st Place in Most Decorated Foyer! A big congratulations to all our children, staff and families dedication to this local project of Smoke and Mirrors theme for 2021. Come to the Oakey Show this Saturday and watch us receive our award at the Oakey Show at 10:30am and support our local community in this fun event for 2021.
10.01.2022 What better way to start the school holidays then a excursion to the movies to see Tom and Jerry. The children shared humour, happiness and satisfaction in their social and emotional well-being. Learning outcome 3.1 Tomorrow’s excursion is to the Oakey Army Base. To learn about the history and meaning of our local Army base.
09.01.2022 Vacation Care Program Monday 29th June- Friday 10th July Book in fast limited spots available left. Phone (07) 4691 1437... Miss Gabbie, Miss Tiarna & Miss Abby have been busy planning our vacation care program. Your children will engage in new adventures everyday with fun new themes daily, incorporating our before and after school care childrens input for our fun filled vacation care program for June/July school holdays. Our education program follows the "My Time Our Place" National Framework with a focus of learning through play and social interactions, where children are challenged to be curious about their interest. Vacation Care children please make sure you bring your water bottle, shoes, hat and lunch boxes for some fun filled days.
08.01.2022 Vacation care 2020 Here is our schoolies vacation care for the 10th till the 24th of December. Book in fast as numbers are limited for out of centre excursions. Booking sheets will be available in the office from Monday. ... Bring on the Christmas school holidays!
06.01.2022 Friendly reminder: Friday 7th August 2020 Jeans for Genes Day All children too come dressed in there jeans for the day, gold coin donation.
06.01.2022 On National Police Remembrance Day, we honour the service and sacrifice of the men and women of our Police Service. We remember the fallen and thank our past and current officers. Our community is safe because of your sacrifice. #NPRD2020
05.01.2022 2020 what a year to say the least, our kindergarten children had the privilege to graduate on Wednesday the 10th of December 2020. Id just like to thank again the staff that helped make this happen, the parents and families for entrusting your children with me through out the year, and to the children for an awesome rewarding year of seeing you develop, learn and grow. Here are a few snaps from our graduation day. It was a wonderful day and hope you all enjoyed it. Good luck for prep next year cant wait to see you all on your first day of school. Miss Gabbie
05.01.2022 Head over and donate to one of our educators that is going to chop her pony tail off for cancer council! Every donation helps!
03.01.2022 Join us with raising funds for breast cancer research, every donation helps!
03.01.2022 Kids Patrol Vacation Care 2020 as the holidays are coming to an end here is a short clip of all the fun we got up to over the school holidays, from colour run, careers day, virtual field trip and heaps more. We finish our holidays off tomorrow with a excursion to Oakey pool for a swim. thankyou to the vacation care children and staff for a fun filled 2 weeks of vacation care. Enjoy your last term of school before the next holidays, Christmas!
03.01.2022 Vacation Care is approaching fast! Here is our fun filled vacation care program for September/October school holidays, spots are limited on the excursion to the pool for both Fridays! If you are wanting to book in for our vacation care program please see Miss Sandra, Miss Gabbie Miss Tiarna booking forms are available from the office.
02.01.2022 Oakey State School although families cannot spectate the running trials happening right now, some of the kindergarden children at kids patrol are cheering them on through the window.
02.01.2022 Our vacation care children have had a blast this week, from swimming, fishing, arcade, laser tag and bushwalk fun. The children have all thoroughly enjoyed our vacation care program for the first week of holidays! We finish the week off with pyjama and movie day after a fun filled week. We look forward to next weeks program of messy Monday, cultural day, Santa helpers and schoolies party.
01.01.2022 Wednesday 16th September We are participating in childhood cancer support for Talk like a pirate day come dressed in Your pirate outfit, for pirate costumes and gear head on down to Omgosh Oakey they have heaps available! donations welcome to raise money for childhood cancer. ... find attached a whats your pirate name my pirate name is Sharkbait storm Jones! whats yours?
01.01.2022 Lost Property Just a friendly reminder to all parents that there is Lost Property box on both sides, these are overflowing with your children's items. Please take the time to check for your children's belongings. Any unnamed or unwanted items will be donated to charity. Also on the subject of children's items, please name your children's belongings. ... Thanks Kids Patrol
01.01.2022 Last day of vacation care for June july holidays what better way to spend it then an early celebration for Miss Abbys 18th birthday. The schoolies children all were involved in a secret mission to sign a card and decorate the room for Miss Abby without her knowing (we succeeded this mission). The children are now enjoying a party together in celebration of Miss Abby. We thank you for all the work you do with us Miss Abby, Happy Birthday from the schoolies.
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