Kimberley Chiropractic in Broome, Western Australia | Medical centre
Kimberley Chiropractic
Locality: Broome, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9193 7632
Address: 29 Frederick St 6725 Broome, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Bonesy is doing his part to keep you all safe when you come to the clinic
25.01.2022 A easy tip to reduce the toxic load in your house is to Have a No shoes in the house policy. Shoes bring in the contaminants from outside and its best to keep them on the bottom of your shoes rather than trek them all over your floors at home.
25.01.2022 Celebrate Kimberley Chiropractics birthday by joining us for a family morning out as we host Broomes Health & Wellness Expo! Featuring a number of local Broome businesses that specialise in health and wellness products and services . There will be face painting and a bouncy castle for the kids along with some amazing lucky door prizes! More information to come!... If any other local businesses within the industry want to be involved, please email us: [email protected]
24.01.2022 To all our valued patients at Kimberley Chiropractic, We will still continue to look after the health of our community until advised otherwise by the health department. As of today the 23/3/2020 the Government has announced that all essential health care services, including Chiropractic, are to remain open. As the situation changes this will be up to the discretion of the Australian Federal and State Governments. We will keep you updated as new information is released. We be...lieve our hygiene standards within our practice have always been high but we have amplified them during this time to ensure we are doing our bit. We are asking if you have returned home from overseas in the past 14 days or have any flu like symptoms that you stay away from the clinic for that time and we can sort you an alternate booking, all clients will be kept separated where possible, all magazines and toys have been minimised and sanitised regularly, and our chiropractic tables are sanitised after use. We will continue to keep you safe and healthy! Take care and look after each other! The team at Kimberley Chiropractic.
24.01.2022 Today is R U OK? day. Pop into the clinic and have a cupcake, cuppa and chat with us. Lets work together to break the stigma that surrounds mental health. Lets ask the question not only today but everyday R U OK? Start the conversation and you could save a life you didnt even know needed saving. Remember Its ok to not be ok!
24.01.2022 Its Friday and before you log off to enjoy your weekends heres our Fridays food for thought... We hope you have a great weekend!
23.01.2022 Can you believe its the 1st of September already??? This month we have lots happening in the clinic! S is for SLEEP and what a perfect month to focus on sleep in the clinic. We will be sharing lots of tips and tricks on how you can get a better nights sleep and wake up feeling rested and ready for the day ahead. The 10th of September is R U OK DAY? We will be having a in clinic day to raise awareness for mental health and help break the stigma that surrounds it. Feel free to pop in and have a cuppa, cupcake and a chat on the 10th. Last but not least we will be promoting our health and wellness expo that will be held on the 17th of October. For anyone interested in holding a stall at the expo please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
23.01.2022 There has been a lot of hysteria surrounding the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 Corona virus, but if you support your nervous system and immune system its unl...ikely youll get sick. If you do have any concerns that you may have the virus it is sensible to stay away from at risk populations. Avoid being around the elderly, new born infants and immuno-compromised individuals. So what can you do to strengthen your nervous system and immune system? - Get adjusted - Eat well Lots of fresh, unprocessed foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, dark leafy greens) and raw garlic. - Support your gut A healthy gut means a healthy immune system. Take a good quality probiotic daily, eat fermented foods and a collagen rich bone broth. - Supplement If you are exposed to unwell people or individuals who travel to affected countries, take supplements of vitamin C and zinc, mushroom powders and vitamin D. - Dont get sucked into the hysteria Stress impacts the nervous and immune systems, so stay calm.
22.01.2022 Can you believe its July already?! And hasnt the start of 2020 been a crazy, unexpected turn of events. With flu season around the corner this month we are going to be focusing on the immune system and how you can give your immune system an extra boost. Seeing your chiropractor, getting regular adjustments and sticking to your chiropractors recommended schedule of care is one of the easiest ways to keep your immune system strong this flu season.... Keep following us on facebook and instagram for more immune system booster tips!
20.01.2022 Hip hip hooray! Our posture poles are back in stock! (Kimberley Chiropractics very own supermodel is shown here with them!)
20.01.2022 A great visual representation on how the brain can affect the gut and vice versa!
19.01.2022 Cloth nappy workshop in Broome on tomorrow Thursday the 30/7 at 1030am. This event is being held at Kimberley Physiotherapy.
19.01.2022 To Our Valued Patients, With the ever-changing situation surrounding COVID-19, we at Kimberley Chiropractic understand the effects and concerns this is having on Australians, businesses and our health. As a precaution, we are doing all that we can to protect our patients and create an environment where you continue to feel safe and healthy. ... This includes: Frequent wiping down of high traffic areas (front desk, ipad, eftpos machine, pen, door handles, bathroom and kids area) Sanitizing hands and equipment between patient visits There are now only a few easily cleanable toys available. Toys are behind the desk and can be requested. They are cleaned after each use. For those concerned, we can schedule appointments during quieter periods in the clinic. You can call us once you arrive in the carpark and we can let you know when we are ready for you to come straight through. As we continue to monitor the situation and follow the advice given by the Government and Department of Health, we will update you should there be any changes in the future. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to continue supporting your health through this tough time. Yours In Great Health, The Staff at Kimberley Chiropractic
19.01.2022 It's easy to lose focus during the festive season and sometimes exercise can be forgotten and replaced with sneaky treats and less activity This festive season remember to keep active. This doesn't need to be an intensive weight lifting session or a 20km marathon run! Just a 30 minute brisk walk in the fresh air is all you need. Not only for your physical health, but your mental well being as well.
18.01.2022 Can you believe its the 1st of December already!? How quickly that year has flown by! Our last day of work will be the 18/12. We will be closed from Saturday the 19/12 and reopen Monday the 4/1. Please contact the clinic to book your pre holiday appointment with Dr Clay or Dr Erin on 9193 7632 or via our website
17.01.2022 ***DERBY*** Kimberley Chiropractic will not be operating from our DERBY clinic until further notice. We thank all out wonderful Chiropractic clients in Derby for all your continued support and we will be in contact with you as soon as we know when we will be returning. Our Broome office is business as usual.
17.01.2022 For many Christmas time and the festive season is a time for celebration and joy. However for some Christmas and the festive season can bring feeling of stress, anxiety and worry. Remember thats its okay to not be okay! If you aren't coping, you are feeling overwhelmed or need some help its okay to ask for help. Reach out to your friends or loved ones, or contact one of the many services available to support you. One of the many supports is LifeLine and they can be contacted on 13 11 14. Its okay to not be okay and you are not alone this festive season.
17.01.2022 #BackToSchool tip 3: We all know learning these days means more screen time, so try and reduce your childs recreational screen time to two hours a day.
16.01.2022 A easy way to help reduce the toxic load in your home is to get rid of artificial air fresheners. Essential oils diffused into the air are a great alternative that smell wonderful.
16.01.2022 Let's talk gut health and probiotics! Probiotics are, simply, beneficial bacteria. These microbes positively benefit your digestive system and help improve your gut health. Having a healthy gut is very important for optimal health. A well functioning digestive system is a major key to good health. Every meal you eat impacts the mix of microbes in your gut, and studies are increasingly showing that an imbalance of helpful and harmful bacteria is linked to disease. Too much bad... bacteria can lead to health problems like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, food allergies, and more. Studies have shown that the benefits go deeper than just your digestive system. Studies show increasing your level of probiotics may lower your cortisol level, which leads to more positive mental health and less risk of anxiety, depression, and stress.
16.01.2022 Heres a good list of some probiotic and prebiotic rich foods to help achieve optimal gut health. Add some of these to your daily diet each day!
14.01.2022 This Thursday is R U OK? DAY. Pop into the clinic to have a cuppa, cupcake and a chat with us. Kimberley Chiropractic is a safe space that all are welcome to come too if they need some support and someone to listen to them. Not just on Thursday September 10th but every day lets ask the question R U OK? and break the stigma that surrounds mental health.
14.01.2022 Can you believe its May already! This year is absolutely flying by. Have you heard of the saying "Sitting is the new smoking?" With everything that has been happening in the world we are spending more time at home and this can mean more time sitting around and its important to keep our bodies moving and active. ... Feel free to pop in and see us at the clinic if you need some guidance on ways to stay active and keep your body moving.
14.01.2022 A Immune Boosting soup recipe to get you through your weekend. Filled with simple and delicious wholesome ingredients to give your body the immune boost it needs.
14.01.2022 This month our focus in the clinic will be about detoxing your environment and reducing your toxic load. Feel free to share your tips and trick with us on how you reduce yours!
13.01.2022 Its Friday and its time for a Friday funny! Have a great weekend!
13.01.2022 We have great news to brighten this cold and rainy Wednesday morning... Dr Clay is coming back to Derby!!! As of WEDNESDAY the 27th of May the clinic will be reopened. ***Please note the change to the day and times.*** The clinics hours will now be EVERY 2ND WEDNESDAY from 130pm-5pm. ... Please contact the clinic to book your appointment.
13.01.2022 #BackToSchool tip 2: When sitting in school, its important to maintain good posture. Kids should sit with their shoulders back and relaxed with both feet firmly on the floor.
13.01.2022 Its that time of the year where cold and flu viruses are rearing their ugly little heads! I know my go to when myself or my children have a cold is my Metagenics Meta Zinc with Vitamin C. It really helps reduce the severity and duration of mine and my childrens cold symptoms. Come and see us at Kimberley Chiropractic to learn more! Meta Zinc with Vitamin C Orange flavour 114 g oral powder ***practitioner only supplement*** High Strength, Bioavailable Zinc Powder With Vitamin... C And Activated B6. Immune Minerals Nutrition, Free from Nuts and Seeds,Lactose free, Gluten free, Dairy protein free Ingredients in Meta Zinc with Vitamin C have been shown to or may: Prevent zinc deficiency. Reduce severity and duration of colds. Exclusive Meta Zn- Zinc bisglycinate powder is easily absorbed with little side effects, such as nausea. Its high strength, great tasting, and suitable for use in children.
12.01.2022 We are here for you, however below are some contacts if you need!
12.01.2022 Our new flag is finally here in our new Kimberley Chiropractic colours!
11.01.2022 10 years ago was a great time to take care of your health... but today is the next best time. If youre watching anything in the media, the current narrative is so focused on the strength of the antagonist (the virus), but no one is talking about the protagonist (you, the host). Now is the time to take responsibility for your own health, get MOVING! While youre at it get your spine and nervous system checked by a chiropractor. Your (brain and) body will thank you for it
10.01.2022 How great does our new sign look! @kimberleysignsanddesigns
08.01.2022 Just a reminder that Kimberley Chiropractics last day for 2020 is this Friday the 18/12. Please contact us on 91937632 or at to book your pre Christmas holiday appointment today with Dr Clay or Dr Erin.
08.01.2022 Did you know both Dr Clay and Dr Erin are Metagenics practitioners and we have a selection of Metagenics supplements in our clinic that they can prescribe for you, including a variety of probiotics! Book an appointment with either Dr Clay or Dr Erin to discuss your supplement needs.
07.01.2022 Do you wake with neck pain, stiffness or headaches? Are you a restless sleeper? Is your pillow older than 3 years? If you answered YES to any of the above, it may be time for a new pillow! Come and see us at Kimberley Chiropractic today and have a chat to us about what pillow is right for you!
07.01.2022 Ever wondered how the gut and brain may affect one another? The following picture is a great example of the GUT/BRAIN axis. To learn more about how your gut and brain are linked and can affect your health book in the see Dr Clay or Dr Erin.
06.01.2022 #BackToSchool tip 4: To keep kids active in the playground and alert in the classroom its important that they eat a balanced and healthy diet and stay hydrated.
06.01.2022 The cooler weather and change in season seems to be a time where our immune systems can get challenged and we can be left feeling depleted. Some ways to boost your immune system are by taking natural supplements, making healthy wholesome food choices, getting adequate sleep and following your recommended chiropractic adjustment schedule can help you maintain your immune system to its full ability this flu season.
06.01.2022 Use a water filter to help reduce your toxic load. This reduces your exposure to compounds such as chlorine and fluoride often found in tap water, which can both negatively impact your thyroid gland, which is significant as it governs the metabolic rate of your entire body.
06.01.2022 Its Friday and its time for a Friday funny!
06.01.2022 Hmmm...... Who would have THUNK it?
05.01.2022 New car park is done! And its looking great! Even the little lizard approves!
04.01.2022 Anyone else feel like this when they have woken up some mornings?! Come and see us today to see how you can improve your sleep posture.
04.01.2022 A simple way to reduce your toxic load is to make the switch from plastic bottles and containers to stainless steel or glass. "Plastic containers are comprised of EDCs such as bisphenol-A (BPA). Additionally, BPA-free products are not immune to EDC status, as they still contain similar bisphenol compounds (such as BPE or BPS). These chemicals transfer into foods, especially when heated, making their avoidance a powerful step in reducing EDC intake. Whilst glass can be useful for pantry items and leftovers, lighter stainless steel can make a great low-tox solution for kids lunchboxes" (2018 Metagenics (Aust) Pty Ltd).
04.01.2022 Try this immune boosting smoothie in the morning for an instant pick me up and to give your immune system the kick start it needs each morning
04.01.2022 MONDAY MORNINGS DETOX TIP: Create an indoor nursery Not only do they consume carbon dioxide, indoor plants also absorb and reduce levels of air pollution, and volatile organic compounds that are emitted from indoor furniture, paints, aerosols and adhesives. (Plus how pretty do indoor plants look!)
02.01.2022 If you have ever had the feeling of "butterflies" or have been stressed to the point your stomach hurts, you’ve experienced the gut/brain connection! Did you know the brain and gut are in constant communication? Sending messages back and forth to each other? This means that any stress can make make your stomach hurt, but also your stomach hurting can actually cause you stress! Want to find out more about the gut/brain connection? Book an appointment to see Dr Clay or Dr Erin today and see how chiropractic can help you achieve your optimal health.
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