kindesign | Designer
to load big map
07.01.2022 As the year draws to a close I have taken the the time to do a story dig of 2019 (thank you @onlyhuman.stories!) What a great way to remember the highlights and challenging times of the past year - but to also notice the themes and patterns and to identify the things that I want more of in 2020! #2020goals #bepositive #storiesmatter #hope
04.01.2022 "It is possible to be both mother and artist and it's time for a culture shift.... " Having found the challenge of mothering and being an arts worker in set office hours just not possible, I am so happy with my new normal of doing the work I love in the times that work for my family. (As my hubby says: "happy wife; happy life!")
02.01.2022 creative design solutions for community-minded organisations
01.01.2022 The face behind kin design...