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25.01.2022 May you be encouraged that nothing can separate you from his love and presence. Even our ignorance, he doesn't get offended. Where can you include him today? What can you ask him? What is the worry or care that you haven't told him? Doesn't matter the need, big or small he cares all the time. I've found there is a wave of peace that will fill your heart and mind that he is indeed in control. Often your worry and care will not be so big when you unload it to God; he will give... you the strength to deal with each day and direction provided by the guidance of his peace. Psalm 139:5a NLT You go before me and follow me Psalm 139:7b NLT .....I can never get away from your presence! To read full reflection go to

24.01.2022 Would you like to bless people in your world this Christmas? In preparation for Christmas, We have the joy of being able to start preparing gifts of Thanks and encouragement in which we can also add words in cards or make items that give the meaning of faith. I have lovingly written all this below as a gift for you; I share my thoughts of simple gift ideas, bible verses and simplified words and photos as inspiration which you can use for your Christmas gift giving. I hope it ...Continue reading

22.01.2022 "Great opportunities may come once in a lifetime, but small opportunities surround us every day. Even through such simple acts of telling the truth, being kind, and encouraging others, we bring a smile to God's face. " Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren

17.01.2022 The after part of Trusting Trusting in God can be wonderful, yes I love it. I like that I always know what to do and have God I can turn to when I am a bit confused, worried, anxious or just unsure.. so I pray, pray, pray maybe cry a little have some chocolate then "I trusted yep feel good" I sense peace ... but then what happens in the lovely verse "he will direct you" you know, that still small voice in your heart or feelings you get a stir, is it me or was that God or ev...en the devil (or my toddler pulling at my jeans :-). The after part of trusting can be harder because it requires obedience to the promptings he gives you or most of the time just to be still and let him be God. "Dear Lord, Thank you that I am not alone. I can trust you through everything. Help me to discern my thoughts from yours and listen only to you when you provide clarity and direction. In Jesus name, Amen."

16.01.2022 We are a work in progress; an outworking his grace and mercy. God is perfecting each of us day by day, measure by measure. Teaching us obedience to him, not by compulsion but by his love. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 NLT

16.01.2022 Whether it's a scared child in the confinement of their bedroom; they are warm, secure, could be sweaty from all the tears but still, no harm is coming there way. We do our best to nurture them and affirm they can trust us that we are just outside their door and they are OK. What about us as adults in today's world. We too can feel scared maybe not that exact word, but we can feel unsure, uncertain about society and choices been made above us and around us, at work, school, t...he church even within our houses; there is good news but what about the bad news. The tragedies we see on the local, national and global news, we too like a child get scared. God to us is like a parent to a child telling us of our safety and security. What does God say about the good and bad news, that indeed our life is like child's bedroom and those who ask the Lord for protection we be secure in his love. Now I haven't said nothing wrong would happen as we can't control what happens but we don't have to be scared of this world crumbling, its moral fabric unwoven, as Christians we live under another set of rules that come from heaven, where our real home resides. Regardless of culture, we can pray in this atmosphere that indeed God rules and reigns and his goodness will continue to blaze through love and those who live for his name. Further Encouragement: Psalm 91, Psalm 23

15.01.2022 Today is a great reminder; there is nothing sweeter than Jesus. I’m not one to dress in Halloween clothing, but I suppose I love lollies and chocolate. I can do that :-) Ideas of his love and grace from my home to yours. #Jesus #Love #Sweeter #John316 #halloween #Light #Truth (printable credit

11.01.2022 The great mystery of life is revealed. Hidden in Jesus are treasures for your heart, soul and spirit. Wisdom and knowledge specific for your family, business, friendships, church, personal development. Trust, believe and wait for God, you'll hear him speak through all you do. His quiet voice or life itself will leap in bounds through messages which will unravel his purpose for you. ‘In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Colossians 2:3 NIV.’

10.01.2022 Christmas is only eight weeks away. :-) You may be feeling excited, or a bit overwhelmed with upcoming lists of to-dos, budgeting, searching for gifts, getting your house ready for hosting, finishing up work till that holiday break, but could I encourage you with something? Maybe this is most important value to cherish and give during this time, LOVE. If something is done and given in love, it's felt and in most cases well received. Great time to start thinking of people you... could encourage with words in your Christmas cards, little gifts to give work colleagues, people who don't have the family during this time to have lunch with them and share hope, because as it says below, "I’m bankrupt without love." " If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always me first, Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, Doesn’t revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end." 1 Corinthians 13:3-7 The Message (MSG)

10.01.2022 The market prices for houses just kept soaring over eight months of looking and all the houses we thought could work ended on dead end roads. I wanted to give up, that hope and excitement that I had were going. As always I prayed and pretty much gave up on the idea of having anything like I thought we would have. During this time, I sensed to write in my blue journal, this journal I write if I have a clear direction regarding anything in my life, #Godsenses. I didn't want to it, but in obedience, I did and continued to write what I HOPED for. More than anything It was something I long awaited for and didn't think would happen for a very long time. This lesson taught me spiritual resilience and a lesson in hope, even when it feels like a big no to keep trusting, believing and praying. ................................................................................................... Where do you need to hope again? Is your heart sick with disappointment? If you've given up and stopped praying. If you've have stopped believing, and need some joy, you can always ask God to start helping you have hope again. Your faith requires hope, without it what can it achieve. His timing is perfect, and the peace you will experience giving all your hopes and dreams over to him, you will not be left disappointed. Read full reflection at

09.01.2022 He sure is #JesusIsTheReasonForTheSeason #Christmas

06.01.2022 The greatest privilege I have as a mother is teaching my children about life. How to handle pressure, anxiety, show kindness, be healthy, be wise with money, look after things I have, self-care and fun. But out of all these things, my most significant opportunities are teaching and showing them Jesus. I am not a perfect parent by any means, I've trialled and tested some things that have created tantrums, fights and confusion but after persistent, inner strength and hard work..., there is progress and fruit-bearing in their lives. Here are some things I do which you may already have in place, but you never know a spark may come from something that will encourage you. 1. Bible every day: I mostly do it before TV Ipads and outings (At first my kids would fight me so much about this, they used to have the TV turned on straight after breakfast. After four weeks of persisting and even now, they know we read the bible and learn about Jesus because I want to teach them he is more important than other things they could do first) 2. Teach the Bible: I created ABC emoji bible flips cards. It took me 12 hours to develop, there are many bible verses cards online which are quite good, but I wanted to teach them verses that were very easy for them to understand. I did it for all three and added lyrics of songs at the end. We read it on the way to school, at home at breakfast. I am memorising the bible with all three, and it has been incredibly fun and very helpful in affirming the values in them, as well as enabling them to feel confident in his word. 3. Communion as a family: Celebrate with pizza and mineral water, cracker and milk, bread and juice about what Jesus did for them, I love the Joseph prince communion book prayer at the end, I amend the words slightly, so they understand. 4. One of my favourites is when I have a prayer night with my eldest, at least once a month where we purposely spend time with God together, we journal and worship, we end up praying for each other and so many things in our hearts and end up having the most amazing conversations about God. Most importantly I encourage you, you are best Jesus ambassador for your family, yes church and others can be helpful, but there is no replicant for their mother and father to teach them about Jesus. Let it be natural and real from your own heart, not forced out of religion and duty but out of love for Jesus; I have never grown so much in God and in who I am since I have had three kids.

05.01.2022 To live based on feeling, your inner colours that stir you to respond or react, can be exhausting. If it's the fuel to your soul, you can end up burnt out, anxious, depressed, hurting someone physically, emotionally etc. on that note, it can also help you have a great workout, coffee session, do a spring clean. :-) but is it a reliable source for yourself and others?. I have learnt over the years that feelings have helped me but also not always been correct. I have made some... great choices because of who I am, but sometimes it has spun me on my head. I am thankful there is a way to access peace to make smart, thoughtful, useful choices especially when emotions are raging to do the opposite. The most reliable, never changing, always the same, SOURCE that can be accessed by all humanity, anytime, anyplace is faith, hope and love in God. God has gifted you with emotions, but he helps us by using principles and ways to litmus test our hearts and minds and then do and lean on some of the following to balance us to peace. Reading the Bible: The word of God (saying it, memorising it, journaling, being a student) Worshiping him: the awareness of his presence in you as you live and lift his ways up in all you do(singing, living, breathing, moving, being still etc.) Praying: speaking to God and being real (talking, thinking, shouting, writing etc.) Being with others: who encourage and uplift you doing something you enjoy; surfing, singing, painting, dancing, eating dinner wearing stretchy pants haha with someone who can handle your mood and give you some truth and love. So whatever you face in these next moments of today, know you can have control to think and act with wisdom at the right time and right way. You never have to listen to the emojis in you always; you can access peace and ask God to help you and show you the best way to live. ... doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy. That’s a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God. .... It wasn’t long ago that you were doing all that stuff and not knowing any better. But you know better now, so make sure it’s all gone for good: bad temper, irritability, meanness, profanity, dirty talk. Colossians 3:5-8 MSG

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