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25.01.2022 Day 1 - The Day of Trumpets Hallelujah! Today is Yom Teruah - the Day of Trumpets, the first day of the seventh month on the Biblical Calendar and first day of the Jewish civil year (Rosh haShanah - Head of the year) . God says that it is a day of blowing trumpets. It is God’s fifthgreat appointment and speaks to us of the season of Messiah Jesus’ return. Plus - there is to be no work. .... . Today is the day to get your trumpet out of the cupboard and blow a worshipful sound to the Lord! Technically it is a straight trumpet like a cornet but ram’s horn (shofar) is fine today! . . (Read Leviticus 23:23-24; Numbers 29:1, Psalm 81:3) . . On this day 4350 years ago, Noah opened the ark and a whole new world and beginning appeared to him. See more
24.01.2022 Day 4 - Announcing the Coming of Messiah. The blowing of the Trumpets will announce the coming of Messiah. When Jesus ascended from the Mt of Olives, he left in a cloud. The angels said he would return in the same manner - on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet... When the seven trumpets begin to sound, this is the sign that Messiah is coming soon. Get ready. The clouds are the hosts of heaven - the ang...els and God’s people. Will you be amongst the ‘clouds’? (Reading Acts 1; Matthew 24, Daniel 7:13; Revelation 10:7)
23.01.2022 Day 5 - Judgement Just as the shofar called the Jewish nation to turn their attention to the Lord and ready themselves for the Day of Atonement, so will the trump of God call us to heaven and warn the world of coming judgment. Each of the judgments is signalled by a trumpet. The grapes are now finally harvested, and so now comes the judgement. Rev 14:18 Thrust in your... sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. Jesus is coming to judge the nations by His Word. He will divide the ‘Sheep’ and ‘Goat’ nations by how they treated Israel. Do you have a soft heart for Israel or has it been hardened by what you have learned? How could you help a Jewish brother or sister in need? We need to be waking (Read Isaiah 63:1-2; Revelation 8:3-6; 9; 14:7,18; Revelation 19:11-15; Matthew 25)
21.01.2022 Day 10 - Yom Kippur After the days of preparation, and sounding of trumpets, there came the most solemn and holy day of the year. Everyone had to afflict themselves - this was a fast (no food or water) from sunset to sunset. This day is called Yom Kippur - literally the Day of Atonement. The High Priest made sacrifices for himself, and the nation of Israel. He came to God face to face. Incense wafted over the mercy seat where God's presence was in a cloud of glory. He flicked... the blood of the sacrifice onto the mercy seat. And a scapegoat which had the sins of the nation on it was released into the wilderness. Jesus is our High Priest of the Heavenly Sanctuary. Thank the Lord for Jesus, for His shed blood, the innocent for the guilty, cleanses our consciouses from our disobedience that would have destroyed us. Now we can serve the Lord with peace of knowing we have eternal life. Why not join the fast for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people? (Reading Leviticus 23:26-32; Numbers 29:7-12; Hebrews 9:14,15)
20.01.2022 Day 2 - The Days of Awe and Repentance In this season the Jewish people will be preparing their hearts for Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on the tenth day of the seventh month. Tradition says that all names written in the book... of Life on that day will have a place in the World to Come. These preceding ten days are called the ‘Days of Awe’ or ‘Days of repentance’ - a time of reflection and repentance to ensure that their name is in that book by the day of Atonement. Is your name written in the Lamb’s book of Life. (Read Revelation 20:11-15) Spend some moments in reflection and repentance.
19.01.2022 Counting the Omer - day 21! 3 weeks
17.01.2022 A HUGE happy birthday to these two champions!!! @cameronclancy is not only on the senior executive of the church but is constantly and tirelessly investing himself into our community and people. That’s hospitality and kindness right there!! Cam we bless the day that you were born! @thevanessaeve is an extremely dedicated member of the video and online team, is incredibly dedicated, funny, fun - we are so blessed to have you in our community!! ... Thankyou guys for all your hard work. You are an inspiration to us all! We love you - Kingdom
17.01.2022 The Torah Portion: Chayei Sarah - Sarah's Life - Genesis 23:1-25:18 This week is about the life and death of Sarah. Abraham’s servant Eliezer is sent, laden with gifts to find a wife for Isaac. We are looking at the amazing links between the search for Isaac's wife and the Bride of Messiah. Led by the Lord, Eliezer finds Rebecca, the daughter of Abraham’s nephew Bethuel who appears at the well and waters his camels. Isaac marries Rebecca who loves her, and is comforted over... the loss of his mother. Abraham takes a new wife, Keturah (Hagar), and fathers six additional sons, but Isaac is designated as his only heir. Abraham dies at age 175 and is buried beside Sarah by his two eldest sons, Isaac and Ishmael. The Torah Portion segment includes weekly readings from the Torah, Prophets, Writings, and Gospels with in-depth commentary and summary from Ps Greg and our team. For more detailed information on the upcoming Torah readings visit:
17.01.2022 Day 11 - The Jubilee Trumpet Every 50th year the Jubilee trumpet (yovel) would sound on Yom Kippur declaring the year of Jubilee - a year when everyone's debts were cancelled, land returned to the original owners and slaves set free. Do you remember life before Jesus? Sin has a terrible control over people’s lives. Were you sick in your body and mind? Were you tormented by demons? If you experienced true salvation, freedom and joy, or have been healed from mental or physical ...disease or had demons cast out - take a moment to shout praise unashamedly to God for sending Jesus - our Jubilee! (Read Leviticus 25:8-17)
16.01.2022 Day 12 - The Return of the Lord When Jesus returns, just as He ascended from the Mt of Olives in a cloud, so He will return to the Mt of Olives in His cloud (the hosts of heaven). As His feet touch the mountain it will split in two - half to the north, half to the south. Through this will flow rivers of living water which will cleanse the Dead Sea. He will then face Jerusalem and enter through the east gate and take up His throne for the Messianic era - the Kingdom of God - rule the world. You will be with Him. Why not start practising for your future role now by preaching the gospel to others, obeying and teaching His commands, praying for the sick and giving to the poor. (Reading Zechariah 14:4; Ezekiel 43:4,7; Ezekiel 47:9,10)
16.01.2022 What an exciting day!! . . 15 people commenced our foundations course tonight and 7 people are also about to graduate the very same course which has been running on Sundays. .... . In one month, our very first song written by our worship team will be released on Spotify, Apple Music and 20 other platforms. . . Yesterday, we received confirmation of some congregations in the Pacific Islands who are interested in receiving the Restoration, Hayesod series, the Torah Portion... and teams to bring discipleship in the scriptures. That sounds a lot like, worship, missions and discipleship doesn’t it?? What a great journey and adventure to be on together! Worship - Missions - Discipleship
16.01.2022 Day 9 - The Jewish people acknowledge Messiah. The Jewish people (House of David) will repent and come to recognise and know their Messiah - Jesus of Nazareth! And on that day there will be great mourning in Jerusalem. Develop a love and prayer for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, and that they would speedily recognise their Messiah, Jesus. If you love God, you’ll love Jesus, if you love Jesus, you’ll love Israel and the Jewish people.
15.01.2022 Tonight Dean counts the Omer! Day 18 (2 weeks and 4 days). The countdown to Pentecost is on - what are you believing God for this year?
15.01.2022 In this week’s Torah portion Yom Teruah/Rosh HaShanah we focus on the fifth of God's Calendar Appointments. What is the day/memorial of Trumpets all about? Let's look at the historical significance of this festival. We will look at the Jewish eschatological views and the apostolic eschatological views regarding the coming of Messiah. What kind of trumpets were used?... How does this event represent the coming of Messiah, the resurrection of the dead and the great ingathering of the exiles? The Torah Portion segment includes weekly readings from the Torah, Prophets, Writings, and Gospels with in-depth commentary and summary from Ps Greg and our team. For more detailed information on the upcoming Torah readings visit: See more
14.01.2022 Countdown to Pentecost! Day 19 - are you counting with us? Leviticus 23:15-16 - You shall count from the eve of the second day of Pesach, when an omer of grain is to be brought as an offering, seven complete weeks. The day after the seventh week of your counting will make fifty days.
13.01.2022 Day 13 - The Kingdom of God has come on the earth Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever! When Jesus comes next time it will be quite different from his first coming. The Father will give Him dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting domi...nion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed. We shall see Him emerge in His royal or kingdom role. He will assume rulership on this earth as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, ruling from the Throne of David as King of Kings in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel and the world. From Jerusalem, His word will go forth across the world and all attention will be upon Him. Get ready. Get excited. Jesus is coming back! (Read Matthew 24:31; Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 11:15-19; Isaiah 2; Micah 4)
13.01.2022 Day 7 - At An Hour We Don’t Expect We know the season but not the day or exact hour of Messiah Jesus’ return. Jesus said that life will be carrying on as usual when He comes and so take the whole world by surprise. Paul says that the world will be saying ‘Peace and Safety!’ But then sudden destruction will come as the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.... But he also says that believers will understand the signs and times so that they are not taken by surprise. Jesus told the parables of the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins who differed in their preparations for the coming of the bridegroom. This should cause us to be ones who are ever waiting and expecting Him to come ‘Today!’ But what is the secret of the parable of the 5 wise and 5 unwise virgins? The key is the oil in their lamp and their lamp being lit. What is the significance here? Leviticus 24 gives us a command of Torah, and that command is that there is oil in the lamp and that they would be lit continually. Jesus knew that in the future, many would fall away from following the Torah (their oil would run out), that many would disobey the commands of God and yet, some would still ensure that their lamps were full of oil and lit. (Obedience to the commands and instructions of God). How are we prepared? Faith in Jesus and faithfulness to His commands (Torah). Are you prepared? Should you give more time to prayer and the study of His Word? (Read Matthew 24:37-39 ; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4)
12.01.2022 Day 6 - The Last Trumpet "Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done! "Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!... Dig out or download a copy of the Hallelujah chorus by Handel. Sing it at the top of your voice and pray Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Read Revelation 16:17; Revelation 11:15
12.01.2022 Welcome to our Sunday 9:30am LIVE stream! We hope that you can join us today for a wonderful time of praise, worship and teaching of the scriptures!
11.01.2022 The Torah Double Portion: Shemini - Eighth Today is ‘Shemini’ - ‘Eighth’. We are looking at Leviticus 9:111:47 On the eighth day, following the seven days of their inauguration, Aaron and his sons begin to officiate as kohanim (priests); a fire issues forth from God to consume the offerings on the altar, and the divine presence comes to dwell in the Sanctuary. How does this relate to Messiah?... Aaron’s two elder sons, Nadav and Avihu, offer a strange fire before God, which He commanded them not and die before Gd. Aaron is silent in face of his tragedy. Moses and Aaron subsequently disagree as to a point of law regarding the offerings, but Moses concedes to Aaron that Aaron is in the right. God commands the kosher laws, identifying the animal species permissible and forbidden for consumption. Land animals may be eaten only if they have split hooves and also chew their cud; fish must have fins and scales; a list of non-kosher birds is given, and a list of kosher insects (four types of locusts). What would Jesus have eaten? Also in Shemini are some of the laws of ritual purity, including the purifying power of the mikvah (a pool of water meeting specified qualifications) and the wellspring. Thus the people of Israel are enjoined to differentiate between the impure and the pure.
10.01.2022 Day 12 - Join with me in counting the Omer. The countdown to Pentecost is on!!
09.01.2022 A big shout out to these guys leading us in praise and worship each week!! Last night (at Fast) they introduced a new song Blessed is He which relates to the exclamation that the Jewish people will say in recognition that Jesus is the Messiah, unlocking His return, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Thank you so much for your hard work, your dedication, and willingness to lead where we haven’t gone before. We are so proud of you!
09.01.2022 Day 3 - The Day of the Lord This season is all about Messiah Jesus’ return also called ‘the Day of the Lord’. The prophet Joel proclaimed Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand. This season is all about Messiah Jesus’ return also called ‘the Day of the Lord’. The prophet Joel proclaimed Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live the land tremble, for the day of the LORD, is coming. It is close at hand. Give another burst on your trumpet. Don’t wake up your neighbours.
08.01.2022 Day 8 - The Coming of Jesus The Lord’s second coming will be accompanied by the sound of a trumpet. What will happen when that last trumpet sounds? At the sound of a great shout from heaven from the arch angel, and the seventh and last trumpet of God, the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven.... The believers who are dead shall be resurrected! Those believers who are still alive will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. We will all take up our bodies now incorruptible and immortal because Jesus has the keys of death and Hades. We will be with Him on (or as) the clouds of heaven. Get ready - around the corner Jesus is coming. Pray for other members of your family to believe on Jesus, and other Christians to get hot for the Lord. Trumpet blowing time again! Last chance. Prepare your hearts. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
07.01.2022 The Torah Portion: Tazria - She Will Conceive Today we are looking at Leviticus 12:1 13:59 The Portion of Tazria continues the discussion of the laws of ritual impurity and purity.... A woman giving birth should undergo a process of purification, which includes immersing in a mikvah (a naturally gathered pool of water) and bringing offerings to the Holy Temple. All male infants are to be circumcised on the eighth day of life. Tzaraat (often mistranslated as leprosy) is a supra-natural plague, which also can afflict garments and houses. We will be also looking at the links between Biblical leprosy as a foreshadow of 'sin' and 'death' and Messiah Jesus' power to deliver us. A person afflicted with tzaraat must dwell alone outside of the camp (or city) until he is healed. The afflicted area in a garment is removed; if the tzaraat spreads or recurs, the entire garment must be burned.
06.01.2022 The countdown to Pentecost! Day 17 - Are you counting with us?
05.01.2022 Countdown to Pentecost - Day 22 - Week 3 and 1 day with Reshma!
04.01.2022 Have you ever wondered when Jesus will return? Maybe you have wondered what events must transpire before He returns? What signs should we look for? Did you know that there are four things that MUST be restored before Yeshua returns? These four require not just our observation but our participation - Do you want to be involved in the narrative of the story that sees the Kingdom of Heaven reigning on earth? Tonight we explore how.
04.01.2022 Hi friends! Just a quick reminder that tonight we have our prayer meeting at 6:00pm at church! We will be praying for an hour tonight as we lead into The day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Tonight will have a focus on our community, city and nation! See you shortly - tea and coffee available before and after the time of prayer
02.01.2022 Countdown to Pentecost - Day 20!! Nearly halfway there? Are you expectant? What are you believing God for this Pentecost? Pentecost is an appointment with God and a celebration - we would love you to join us!
01.01.2022 In this week’s Torah portion Ha'azinu we are looking at Deuteronomy 32:1 32:52 This portion is also called The Song of Moses. What does the Torah mean when Moses calls Heaven and Earth as witnesses? What is the the heavenly Torah in earthly clothes?... How does the Torah bring growth? Learn the blessing prayed Blessed are You, O LORD, our God. See how God is the Glory of the Kingdom and Messiah is the the Glory of God. In this portion we see for the first time God referred to as Father and how He promises to redeem His people.Learn how God sees the Nations through the filter of Israel and the Jewish People. What is the Apple of God’s eye? What does it mean when Moses refers to the Shadow of your Wings? What is Yeshurun? Learn about God’s final vengeance on the nations and Messiah the Sword. Discover how the Song of Moses links with the Messianic Era. The Torah Portion segment includes weekly readings from the Torah, Prophets, Writings, and Gospels with in-depth commentary and summary from Ps Greg and our team. For more detailed information on the upcoming Torah readings visit:
01.01.2022 Join us this morning for a powerful time of worship and an in-depth exploration of the word of God. Our hope is that you are not only inspired today but also challenged to grow deeper in your walk with God and are empowered to live a Holy life.
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